ju6sazw3we4bga7ko9n@gmail.com Reply to Contact
Reply to Contacted Person ::
On Dated : 7/16/2022 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : EugeneVap
Email ID : ju6sazw3we4bga7ko9n@gmail.com
Subject : Let''s help Ukraine!
Message : Let''s help Ukraine! You can: One of the methods: 1. Join the Ukrainian IT-Army and carry out cyber attacks on Russian websites (instructions inside). Telegram channel: https://t.me/itarmyofukraine2022 , website: https://itarmy.com.ua 2. Join a group to block Russian propaganda on social media. Telegram channel: StopRussiaChannel https://t.me/stoprussiachannel 3. Make a donation for Ukrainian volunteers and the army: International bank transfer, IBAN: UA443052990000026201892876705 PayPal: sl_kr@ukr.net WebMoney: Z234666128033 Bitcoin (BTC): 1HZYfd4bNzvtSnU8wqtAFvRrZ2rynFjY5Q Ethereum (ERC20): 0x4b1caeba49ae3e5789a483ae2739c87da1a9bdfa USDT, Tron (TRC20): TCAYhcdbFThA6kMFns36AYKKid6iJPDaM3 Metamask: 0x7cF795bc7E891996692e4d4BAc473c8d5fdC4243 Coinbase Wallet (ETH): 0x75fa8Dfb36a355F79DF2845d051276824d11CAcC
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