lemen9509@gmail.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 8/20/2022 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Greg
Email ID : lemen9509@gmail.com
Subject : I thought this could help
Message : Hi There I was just going through different sites in the area and found you on the 15th page of google search. Just a friendly suggestion, getting other websites to refer to you, increases your trust factor in the eyes of google.This is also called citations where other websites can link back to your website and give you a boost in ranking. You can do it yourself by searching for lists of citation websites on google and then individually approaching them. This can be done but it''s time consuming. Or you can have a professional do the grind work for you for dirt cheap price of $10-15. You can find them here https://bit.ly/3w9Z2ab I hope it helps you, Have a good day, Greg
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