dave@the1shoutout.co Reply to Contact
Reply to Contacted Person ::
On Dated : 12/19/2018 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Dave
Email ID : dave@the1shoutout.co
Subject : I Wanted to Ask You Something About ashok
Message : Hello Dave here from The Shoutout, I was wondering, seeing that you use ashok for your business, if you knew about that excellent lead generation tool that you have at your disposal? And I am talking of course about the Facebook messenger and all the fantastic options it has if you know how to implement them. I have set up a sample fitness site to show you how a Chatbot (as that is what it is called) can help your business, check it out here: https://fitness.theshoutout.co and click "tell me more" button on the slide in Here is a small list * Build a list of leads with a push of a button. * Take Appointments. * Market Your Products & Services. * Hold Surveys. And much more, o have a look, and I''ll promise you, you''ll be happy that you did check it out. See you on the other side.. Dave The Shout Out +3112134395 dave@theshoutout.co Junostraat 6 2516BR, Den Haag Netherlands Skype: The Shout Out Instagram @thesocialshoutout_ Facebook therealshoutout
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