
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. : 2381-5965
Journal Title :American Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Frank Johnson
Country :United States
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Open Science
Frequency :Bi-monthly
Start Year :2013
Journal Description :American Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences is to publish original articles and review papers without delay in all fields of psychology. The mission of this journal is to publish original contributions in its field, and then propagate knowledge amongst its readers, and to serve as a valuable reference. The audience includes researchers, professors and teachers for Frontiers in Psychological and Behavioral Science. All submitted papers should report original and unpublished experimental or theoretical research results, and they will be peer-reviewed. Papers submitted to the journal should meet those criteria and must not be under consideration for publishing elsewhere.
Licence Type :CC BY
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