
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :0974-8369
Journal Title :Biology and Medicine
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Kaiser Jamil
Country :Spain
Language :English
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :Longdom
Frequency :Bi-monthly
Start Year :2009
Journal Description :Journal of Biology and Medicine provides extensive coverage to various topics in this field by including cellular biology, developmental biology, medical sciences, physiology, pathology, marine biology, immunology, evolutionary biology, cell biology, cancer biology, nuclear medicine, alternative medicine, and herbal medicine for publication. Journal of Biology and Medicine follow double blind peer-review system. Reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers. The journal welcomes all types of research communications in the form of original research articles, reviews and short communications.
Licence Type :CC BY
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