ISSN No. : | 1857-8152 |
Journal URL : | |
Publisher Name : | None |
Country : | MACEDONIA |
Language : | English |
Organization Name : | Ss. Cyril Methodius University, Skopje, Faculty of Physical Culture, Skopje, Macedonia |
Frequency : | Other Periodicals |
Start Year : | 2002 |
Journal Description : | The Faculty of physical education, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje 2012 is issuing the journal ,,Research in physical education, sport and health" – a scientific publication which covers the subjects in the field of general and applied kinesiology. The journal has two annual issues (June and December), with its own issue number and supplements if necessary for each issue. The publications have issues in English with abstracts in English and Macedonian. We publish original scientific publications, comprehensible publications, previous announcements and publications from Macedonian and foreign authors which have been approved for printing based on the positive reviews from eminent domestic and foreign critics, in the field of kinesiology but also from the related or the scientific disciplines have relation points to Kinesiology. The topics of the publications can be on the subject of fundamental and applied scientific and professional work in the field of kinesiology and other social and natural sciences (anthropology, psychology, pedagogy, biology, medicine, history, law, economics, civil engineering, urban planning, ecology, computer science, management and related sciences) who are in correlation with kinesiology. Based on the international character of the Journal, the publications can be published by authors from all the countries. The journal is under the indexing phase in several international bases. The journal publishes scientific publications according to the criteria listed in the Guidelines for the Authors. The Guideline is printed at the end of the journal. Everyone who has met the requirements of the journal and who takes full responsibility for all that is written in the publication has the right to apply. The review and the corrections made by the editorial board and its associates do not dismiss the author (the co-authors) from the responsibility for his publication, and they also do not change its originality. Applications of the publications are open throughout the year. |
Licence Type : | License Unknown |