
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :1980-5160
Journal Title :Revista Sistemas & Gestão
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Dr. Julio Vieira Neto
Country :Brazil
Language :English; Portuguese
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Universidade Federal Fluminense
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :2006
Journal Description :Sistemas & Gestão journal is a quarterly publication journal linked to LATEC (UFF) - Laboratório de Tecnologia, Gestão de Negócios e Meio Ambiente - that is a nucleus of advanced research in Systems of Sustainable Management, of multidisciplinary and suprainstitutional character, linked to the School of Engineering, Fluminense Federal University. Although Sistemas & Gestão is opened to related areas, the following themes, which are prioritized in the periodical publishing policy, constitute the principal core of its approach: Entrepreneurship; Economic and Financial Management;People Management; Product Engineering; Total Quality Management; Organizational Culture; Ergonomics and Safety; Organization and Strategy; Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility; Operational Research; Production Management; Planning and Production Control; Project Management; Technology and Information System; Environmental Management; Information Technology; Supply Chain Management and Logistics; Technology and Innovation; Qualitative and quantitative models for decision support;
Licence Type :CC BY
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