
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2032-927X
Journal Title :EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Silvia Gabrielli and Tiziana Catarci
Country :Belgium
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :European Alliance for Innovation
Frequency :Annual
Start Year : 
Journal Description :The design of Ambient Systems is a cross disciplinary endeavour aimed at supporting and augmenting people’s activities in everyday life, by embedding computational intelligence in the distributed network of devices available in their living environment. While technology needs to become more and more invisible to provide smart support, novel forms of user experience and multimodal interaction need to be devised to enable fluid, intuitive and appealing transitions between the physical and digital world. This journal seeks contributions from leading experts and visionary thinkers in industry and research, about the principles, interaction paradigms, methods and applications that best can drive the future design of Ambient Systems and their human-centred, situated interfaces. Relevant topics covered by this journal concern: * Methods and tools for the development of Pervasive Environmental infrastructure * Design of highly immersive contents for Ambient Media * Trustful mechanisms for context awareness, social sensing and inference * AIterative design and evaluation studies of multimodal interfaces * Adaptive and personalized solutions for ambient intelligence * Embodied agents and affective interfaces * Personal, social, safety and ethical issues raised by Ambient system applications, such as Domotics, Ambient Assisted Living, Pervasive Edutainment Environments.
Licence Type :No License
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