
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2215-3470
Journal Title :Uniciencia
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Yuri Morales L.
Country :Costa Rica
Language :es
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Universidad Nacional
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :1984
Journal Description : UNICIENCIA Journal is a biannual publication of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, National University in Costa Rica (Editorial EUNA ), whose main objective is to share research results, providing high quality inputs to the national and international community to enable the scientific and cultural development of our society, nonprofit . The areas of interest are primarily those related to the work of the Faculty are: Biology, Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, Surveying and Geodesy . All papers are original scientific and are aimed at specialists in different areas of interest. We welcome research of an experimental, descriptive, or inferential analysis , correlational, observational, action research and case study analyzed by quantitative techniques, qualitative or a combination of both. Paper will also be evaluated based on experiences formally systematized in participant action research and library research to enable a breakthrough in the study of the subject. All original proposal will be dictated by academic peers, specialists in each area, under the double-blind method. This process will be completely anonymous to the adjudicators. The arbitration process and opinion is described in the document ( description of the process of receiving, assessing, editing and publishing) in relevant downloads in the right bar of this site.
Licence Type :CC BY-NC-ND
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