
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2215-3896
Journal Title :Revista de Ciencias Ambientales (Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences)
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Publisher Name :Sergio A. Molina-Murillo
Country :Costa Rica
Language :Spanish, English
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :National Univesity of Costa Rica (UNA)
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :1980
Journal Description :The Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences (Revista de Ciencias Ambientales), an international, interdisciplinary publication established in 1980 published semiannually from the Department of Environmental Sciences of the National University of Costa Rica. Our objective is to stimulate and disseminate new, relevant and rigorous research in the environmental field. It is primarily aimed to scholars, graduate students, officials and members of governmental and nongovernmental organizations with expertise in environmental matters. The scope of the journal includes the following themes: management and conservation of natural resources, forestry, ecosystem services, climate change, environmental management, environmental education, socioeconomics and the environment, sustainable development and others related themes that attain to the better understanding, management and protection of the environment. Since 2015 it’s freely available in an electronic open access manner. The Journal has an Editorial Board and an International Scientific Committee with scientists from different world regions invited to participate and collaborate voluntarily with the journal given their highly regarded contributions and expertise in the environmental sciences. Currently the journal is part of Latindex; however, we are currently working hard to include it in other options such as Periodica, Dial net, Redalyc, E-revistas, SCielo. The Journal publishes research articles (from original research), methodological articles (present new or significantly improved methods), theoretical reviews (analyzing theory in an organized manner to explain the state of the art in a particular subject; includes meta-analysis), case studies (reporting information collected and analyzed in a work done with groups or individuals), and technical notes (short current research descriptions with urgency to be published). All submitted original manuscripts are subject to a double-blind peer review process. During this process reviewers use a guide to provide their verdict and have the duty of confidentiality or obligation of secrecy to not disclose the manuscript that has been entrusted for review. The articles published in the journal must be strictly original, that is, they cannot have been published in any other media or be under review in any other media. Along with the manuscript, the corresponding author should send to the journal office the letter on originality and transfer of rights. The authors are not charged for processing, editing, sending and publishing articles. The content of the work to be published or posted is the sole responsibility of the author and ideas, opinions and statements raised in the article are not necessarily shared by the Journal. The published articles are governed by CreativeCommons license version 3.0. Costa Rica, which implies the possibility that readers can freely download, store, copy and distribute the final version approved and published (post print) of the article, under the following conditions: it is done without commercial purposes, not derivative works are generated, and the source and authorship of the work are mentioned.
Licence Type :CC BY-NC-ND
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