
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2251-2632
Journal Title :Preventive Medicine Research
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Dr. Baburao Nanasaheb Chandakavathe
Country :Singapore
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :PiscoMed Publishing Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :2012
Journal Description :Preventive Medicine Research focuses on prevention, depends on advances in science and technology, adheres to the combination of popularization and improvement, pays attention to the achievements of public health development, tracks the forefront of academic development of preventive medicine, and serves professionals in the field of preventive medicine. The magazine mainly disseminates new theories, new technologies, new methods and new achievements in preventive medicine research. Covers epidemiology, epidemiology, parasitology, environmental health, labor and occupational health, nutrition and food hygiene, child and adolescent health, radiation health, maternal and child health, community health, health toxicology, health inspection technology, health education and Experiences in research and prevention of disciplines such as health promotion and public health management; literature review and topical discussion with practical reference value; contributions from marginal disciplines, soft sciences, and basic theoretical studies related to preventive medicine. The main columns include articles, review, disease control, health supervision, maternity and child health, health education, health management, experimental technology, etc.
Licence Type :CC BY-NC
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