
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2344-3944
Journal Title :Revista de Fizica Medicala (Romanian Journal of Medical Physics)
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Publisher Name :Dorina-Emilia CREANGA & Loredana-Gabriela MARCU
Country :Romania
Language :Romanian
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :Colegiul Fizicienilor Medicali din România (Romanian College of Medical Physicists)
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :2013
Journal Description :Revista de Fizica Medicala (Romanian Journal of Medical Physics), is a national journal of medical physics published under the auspices of the Romanian College of Medical Physicists (CFMR) and published quarterly (a volume of one year), with a total average number of 200 pages per year, has the ISSN identification codes (print: ISSN 2344-3944 and electronic ISSN-L 2344-3944) and is available in electronic and printed format, in accordance with the recommendations of the National Library of Romania. The inaugural issue, consisting of 76 pages, appeared on November 7, 2013. The journal addresses first the medical physicists and the other specialists speaking in the Romanian language interested in the medical physics of research, education and clinical practice, coming as an alternative to the lack of medical literature in the Romanian language, offering them the possibility to share experience, new ideas and information, generated by their activity of a scientific, educational and professional nature.
Licence Type :CC BY
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