
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2383-0905
Journal Title :journal of Water & Wastewater
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :A.Abrishamchi
Country :Iran
Language :persian with english abstracts
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :Water and wastewater consulting engineers
Frequency :Bi-monthly
Start Year :1989
Journal Description :Journal of Water and Wastewater (Ab va Fazilab in persian)is a bimonthly journal that publishes peer-reviewed research focusing mainly on integrated municipal water management and water supply with special concern to water resources management at catchment areas. While covering a wide variety of general topics and challenges involving usual municipal water and wastewater management which in itself are reflected from physical, natural and human activities in the urban residential area, the Journal has special emphasizes over issues that are reflected from suburban, river basin and catchment areas. Bimonthly Journal of Water and Wastewater (Ab va Fazilab in persian) has been published onward in Persian with English abstract since 1989. It is an open access, peer-reviewed bimonthly of Water and Wastewater sciences, published on behalf of the Water and Wastewater Consulting Engineers. Journal of Water and Wastewater (Ab va Fazilab in persian) publishes refereed, original research papers and high quality review papers on all aspects of water and wastewater sciences. All articles published by journal of Water and Wastewater (Ab va Fazilab in persian) are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication.
Licence Type :CC BY
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