
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2412-5105
Journal Title :A3manos- Journal of the Cuban University of Design
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Juan Emilio Martínez Martínez
Country :Cuba
Language :English, Spanish
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Havana University
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2014
Journal Description :A3manos is a specialized scientific journal, published in electronic format by the Higher Institute of Design (ISDi) of the University of Havana, dedicated to scientific production in the branches of Industrial Design, Visual Communication Design and other related areas of design and art. Publications are in Industrial Design, Design of visual communication, Design in its relationship with other disciplines, Theory and pedagogy of design, Sustainable design, Design and society, New technologies for design and History of design. The magazine is aimed primarily at researchers, professors and university design students, as well as professionals in design, architecture, photography and the arts. It is a journal in the Open Journal Systems (OJS) has established a review policy by academic peers (peer review), under the double-blind modality for each article submitted for publication that they rule on it, and does not apply charges for publication in any stage of the editorial process. The journal is in favor of Open Science and therefore receives manuscripts from repositories, preprints or that promote the placement of research data on dataservers, among other manifestations.
Licence Type :CC BY-NC-SA
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