
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2455-2127
Journal Title :Indian Journal of Society and Politics ( An International, Peer Reviewed, Multidisciplinary, Biannual, Bilingual Journal of Social Science and Humanities)
Journal URL
Publisher Name :Dr Dharmendra Pratap Srivastava
Country :India
Language :English Hindi
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Winsome India Educational Trust
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2014
Journal Description :Indian Journal of Society and Politics is an international, peer reviewed, bi annual, bilingual, multidisciplinary research journal covering all areas of Social Science and Humanities. This journal aims to promote all areas of the Social Science and Humanities particularly in developing countries. The scope of this journal is therefore necessarily broad to cover the recent innovations in Social Science and Humanistic field. It offers valuable opportunity of rapid publication of research papers, and article related to any aspect of Hindi, English, Sanskrit, History, Sociology, Psychology, Criminology, Geography, Political Science, Military Science, Commerce and Management etc, Original Research Papers, Short Communications, Review Articles, Articles of current issues, and book reviews are invited for publication. The Journal will be regularly published and issued biannually.
Licence Type :No License
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