
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2527-158X
Journal Title :Ensaios Pedagógicos (Sorocaba/SP)
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Publisher Name :Prof. Dr. Paulo Gomes Lima
Country :Afghanistan
Language :Portuguese-English-Spanish
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Campus Sorocaba/SP
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :1800
Journal Description :Pedagogical essays have as centrality the effort to expand and disseminate the production of scientific knowledge as an educational principle. Two central criteria are indissociable in the productions to be evaluated and validated by the journal: a) quality, b) relevance. Of the quality of the articles, since they come from institutions, students and teachers, it is understood that there will be a significant effort of the projection of scientific knowledge and actions articulated to the world panorama. The relevance, by the prioritization of the themes that mainstream Brazilian and world education, substantiated by the views of the evaluators designated to follow up and select the submitted materials.
Licence Type :CC BY-NC
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