
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2528-9632
Journal Title :Ihlara Egitim Arastirmalari Dergisi
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Hasan Özcan
Country :Turkey
Language :Turkish, English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Aksaray Üniversitesi
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2016
Journal Description :Ihlara Journal Educational Research, which operates in the Faculty of Education of Aksaray University, is an internationally renowned magazine published twice a year. Ihlara Journal Educational Research will feature original research articles on the field of education and compilation studies that comprehensively evaluate the literature. The aim of our magazine is to provide international students with the opportunity to meet with scholars, teachers and other graduate students in related fields of education and field education to discuss the innovations that need to be done in order to ensure better education for future generations by bringing together students, policy makers and other stakeholders. To create a platform. Although there are many magazines in the field of education, we hope that our magazine will bring a new breath to the field and contribute to the field. Ihlara Journal Educational Research attaches special importance to the up-to-date work. For this purpose, the articles ending the referee process are published by using the volume and number numbers of the following number as the electronic first appearance of the electronic number without anticipation of the subsequent issue, in order to ensure that the writer or the readers are able to obtain early retrieval from their work output. When the time of publication of the said number comes, the works are removed from the early view and the number of occurrences is removed.
Licence Type :No License
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