
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2531-0046
Journal Title :Small Business International Review
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Ph.D. Antonio Aragón Sánchez & Ph.D. Gregorio Sánchez Marín
Country :Spain
Language :English, Spanish
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :Spanish Accounting and Business Administration Association (AECA)
Frequency :Annual
Start Year :2017
Journal Description :Attention: the frequency is semiannual. The main aim of the Small Business International Review journal is to publish research papers that offer innovative perspectives in the area of micro, small and medium-sized firms (MSMEs) and contain scientifically rigorous methodological and conceptual developments in order to contribute to: 1. The consolidation of MSMEs as an engine of economic development, highlighting its role as a generator of employment and wealth. 2. The dissemination and transfer of knowledge between the academic and private sector. 3. The implementation of regional studies focusing on the development and consolidation of MSMEs all over the world. 4. The development of empirical, theoretical and/or conceptual studies that support the understanding of the challenges facing the MSMEs today. 5. The development of studies on MSMEs operating foundations that underscore their problems in strategy and decision-making from the perspectives of (1) internal company policy for management and (2) national and international policies to help determine and set suitable action programs. 6. The development of research that contributes to the understanding and possible solution to the issues that hinder and limit the development of MSMEs in the areas of survival and competitiveness. The journal Small Business International Review provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. You will not be charged any fee, for submission or/and for publishing articles
Licence Type :CC BY-NC-ND
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