
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2581-9526
Journal Title :THE TEXT
Journal URL
Publisher Name :Dr. P. KARKUZHALI
Country :India
Language :ENGLISH
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2019
Journal Description :The Text is an International peer reviewed open access bi-annual (January and July) online journal. The journal offers a platform for scholarly writings on language, literature, theory/criticism, cultural/queer/disability/ translation/media/performance/eco/animal studies. Envisaging purposeful research between literature and other disciplines (literature and philosophy, literature and religion, literature and education, literature and sociology, literature and anthropology, literature and science, literature and medicine, literature and economics, literature and politics, literature and law, literature and music, literature and archeology, literature and psychology). The Text encourages papers that engage creative, critical, and alternative perspectives on inter/transdisciplinary issues. The papers should evince serious theoretical and interpretive engagement with the selected topic. The Text also provides a section on creative writing (essay, poetry, novella, and short story), translation, interviews and book reviews. We also welcome short critical/research notes on compelling themes. The Text is a non- profit open access initiative making its publications freely available online to cite, read, download, copy, print and distribute legally.
Licence Type :No License
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