
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2582-516X
Journal Title :Artificial & Computational Intelligence
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Dr. Sanjeev Sharma
Country :India
Language :English
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :Artificial Computational Research Society
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :2019
Journal Description :Artificial & Computational Intelligence is high quality peer-reviewed journal, where every article will be peer-reviewed by several experts in the field. Upon acceptance, articles will be published in the latest open volume. The journal aims to be a global forum of, for, and by the community and offers: *Rapid peer review under the expert guidance of a global Editorial Board. *No color or page charges, free submission, and is free to access for the first one year of publication *High visibility *Opportunities to Societies/Conferences/Institutes/Laboratories/Corporate to ‘partner’ with the Journal and enjoy the benefit of planning and publishing issues in hot areas of research, without being under the pressure of publishing a full-fledge journal. Artificial & Computational Intelligence welcomes research and review papers related to Artifial and Computational Intelligence, but not limited to the areas of: Artificial Intelligence Computational Intelligence Machine Learning Deep Learning Data Science Fuzzy logic Neural Network Expert System Natural Language Processing Pattern Recognition Intrusion Detection
Licence Type :No License
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