
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2583-2069
Journal Title :Indian Journal of Health Care, Medical & Pharmacy Practice
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Dr Kamal Saini
Country :India
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Ijhmp journal
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2020
Journal Description :The journal is an open platform for the authors to publish their quality research in the field of health care, medical sciences and pharmacy practice. The journal maintains the limited number high quality papers which reflect the impact of the journal. AIM : The journal is an open platform for the authors to publish their quality research in the field of health care, medical sciences and pharmacy practice. The journal maintains the limited number high quality papers which reflect the impact of the journal. Scope: Authors can publish their original research, review articles, case studies and letter to the editor. It covers the following area-Health Care, Medical Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Licence Type :No License
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