
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2583-3065
Journal Title :Applied Research Frontiers
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Prof. Dr. Rachid SALGHI
Country :India
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Ariviyal Publishing
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :2022
Journal Description :Applied Research Frontiers is an internationally peer-reviewed journal invites new experimental and theoretical results accompanied with computational modeling of all classes of applied materials. ARF is currently a triannual and open access journal synchronized by smart editorial board members for high quality rapid publication. The original articles on novel synthetic methods, structural analysis, physicochemical properties and characterizations of all classes of materials, and their related potential applications in various fields can be considered for publication. The Journal emphasis an interdisciplinary conjunction of physics, chemistry, and life science which eventually act a perfect platform for materials scientists, physicists, engineers, chemists, bio-technologists and various multidisciplinary specialists. The blending of these multidisciplinary fields directs to the new prospects of materials and its applications. The journal assists and seeks to publish full length research articles, communications, and critical reviews. Discipline areas within the journal scope Metals and alloys Quantum structures (well, wire, dot) Computational materials modeling Composite and oxide materials Optical and optoelectronic materials Photonic and metamaterials Thin films, coating and fibers Electronic, magnetic and semiconductor materials Solid-state physics and chemistry Spectroscopy Energy storage and smart materials Sensors Engineering ceramics and glasses Biomedical Polymers Biophysical chemistry Biomaterials Physical organic and inorganic chemistry Multiferroics materials Rare earth and complex oxide materials Phosphers and thermoelectic materials The Journal follows a simple and easy electronic submission system to benefit authors for the rapid publication of their research outcome. The authors can submit their manuscripts via our secure website. The submissions are initially checked by the Technical Team and moves around a vigorous peer-review process by our prominent high-profile editor-in-chief and associate editors for international quality and accuracy of the results.
Licence Type :CC BY
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