
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2602-5221
Journal Title :EL MAWROUTH ???????
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Publisher Name :BENNACEUR Hanifi
Country :Algeria
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :University Abdelhamid Ibn Badis - Mostaganem - ALGERIA
Frequency :Annual
Start Year :2012
Journal Description :Description "El Mawrouth" is an annual, non-profit international scientific journal that gives publishers unrestricted opportunities to publish original research that has never been published and which is processed in a documented and scientific method. The "El Mawrouth Journal" is published by the laboratory of literature and language Studies at the Mostaganem University "Abdelhamid Ibn Badis" in Algeria, Faculty of Arabic literature and Arts. the journal covers the Turkish era until the end of the twentieth century. "El Mawrouth" Is interested in the field of linguistic and literary studies, and provides an academic platform for researchers to contribute in innovative and authentic research presented accurately and objectively, in a scientific manner which matches the specifications of the articles' arbitrators. El Mawrouth articles are published in both print and electronic editions. It is available for reading and direct download. It opens a space for all those who have scientific abilities in the field of literature and languages from inside and outside the country, by sharing science and knowledge in new topics related to its field . As a result, the journal aims to be a space for serious and scientific dialogue, starting from the tributaries of identity, and inspired by an open world view and open minded with all human streams of thought.
Licence Type :No License
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