
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2682-4469
Journal Title :???? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ????? (Journal of Research in Education and Psychology)
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Prof. Dr. Eid Abdel Wahid Ali Darwish
Country :Egypt
Language :Arabic, Engish, Frensh
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Minia University, Faculty of Education
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :1987
Journal Description :The Journal of Research in Education and Psychology is a scientific, refereed, quarterly journal published by the Faculty of Education, Minia University, since July 1987, and supervised by an elite group of professors of education. The journal accepts papers that have not previously been published in Arabic, English and French, according to specific criteria. The Journal specializes in publishing research in the field of education in all its branches and educational psychology. The Journal is concerned with publishing research and studies in which the foundations of scientific research are available, from the originality of the idea, the methodology of scientific research, and the characteristics and style of scientific writing in terms of accuracy, clarity, and lack of detail. The Journal also adopts the principles of the American Psychological Association (APA) in the style of writing and documenting references. All research published in the Journal is subject to arbitration by specialized professors with high research experience in the precise specialization, and the arbitration process proceeds with transparency and accuracy until the research comes to light and has met the criteria of scientific publishing applicable in the committees of promotions of professors and assistant professors. The Journal of Research in Education and Psychology is distinguished as one of the Journal s that has a long history in the field of scientific publishing and is issued regularly from July 1987. It also has the feature of electronic arbitration and is indexed on the website of the Egyptian University Library Association and the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.
Licence Type :CC BY
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