ISSN No. : | 2686-2425 |
Journal Title : | Notarius |
Journal URL : | |
Publisher Name : | Paramita Prananingtyas |
Country : | Indonesia |
Language : | Indonesia |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary |
Organization Name : | Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University |
Frequency : | Biannual |
Start Year : | 2009 |
Journal Description : | NOTARIUS Journal (ISSN: 2086-1702) is a peer-reviewed journal published since 2009 by the Notary Masters Program of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University (PMKn FH UNDIP) Semarang. NOTARIUS is published twice a year, namely in March and September in every year. NOTARIUS contains articles from research results of teaching staff and Notary Magister Students in the Faculty of Law of Diponegoro University. Articles published in Notarius focus on issues only related to notary studies and / or general law studies. Articles of research and connotation studies are intended for students and teaching staff of the Faculty of Law UNDIP who have conducted research, while general articles are only intended for issues of the special edition of the Notarius Journal. NOTARIUS journals have been indexed in the Indonesia Citation Index, Google Scholar, Garuda Portal, UNDIP Eprint, Openaccess Articles, and DOAJ. In the future, Notarius Journal will continue to index the existing e-sources.
Jurnal NOTARIUS (ISSN:2086-1702) adalah peer-reviewed jurnal yang diterbitkan sejak tahun 2009 oleh Program Magister Kenotariatan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro (PMKn FH UNDIP) Semarang. NOTARIUS terbit dua kali setahun yaitu pada bulan maret dan Bulan september di setiap tahun. NOTARIUS berisi artikel hasil penelitian staf pengajar dan Mahasiswa Magister Kenotariatan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro. Artikel yang dimuat dalam Notarius fokus pada isu isu hanya berkaitan dengan kajian Kenotariatan dan atau kajian hukum umum. Artikel hasil penelitian dan kajian konotaraiatan diperuntukan kepada mahasiswa dan staf pengajar PMKn FH UNDIP yang telah melakukan penelitian, Sedangkan artikel umum hanya diperuntukan pada isu-isu edisi khusus Jurnal Notarius. Jurnal NOTARIUS telah terindek pada Indonesia Citation Index, Google Scholar, Portal Garuda, Eprint UNDIP, Openaccessarticles, and DOAJ. Kedepan Jurnal Notarius akan tetap melakukan indeks pada e-source yanga ada. |
Licence Type : | CC BY |