
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2709-2488
Journal Title :Journal of Pre-School and Primary Education
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Yahya Kerimov
Country :Azerbaijan
Language :azerbaijani english turkey russian
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :1970
Journal Description :ISSN: 2709-247X; E-ISSN: 2709-2488. It is a scientific, methodical, and double-blind peer-reviewed open-access journal. The journal is devoted to the publication of scientific and theoretical articles in the field of preschool and primary education. The promotion of modern language technologies, pedagogical innovations and articles that reflect pedagogical and psychological aspects of family-school, teacher-student relationships are always in the focus of the journal. The journal is published quarterly in Russian, English, Azerbaijani, and Turkish languages.
Licence Type :No License
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