
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2717-0136
Journal Title :Urban Sustainable Development Journal
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Dr. Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj
Country :Iran
Language :Persian
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :Daneshpajoohan Pishro Higher Education Institute
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :2020
Journal Description :Urban Sustainable Development Journal, the scientific and Persian journal (with English Abstract) for Architecture, and Urban Development, was launched in 2020 by Daneshpajoohan Higher Education Institute (DHEI). This journal is published quarterly and its articles would be electronically published after going through evaluation and confirmation processes. The Journal in the last ranking by the Scientific Journals Commission of the Department of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, “Urban Sustainable Development Journal” Quarterly achieved grade B since 2023 (Vol. 3, Issue 6). Urban Sustainable Development Journal aims to introduce new achievements in the field of Architecture (Landscape Architecture, Reconstruction, Technology and Energy), Urbanism (Urban Design and Planning) and issues related to sustainable development to publish the latest research findings in this field, to improve the quality of architecture and Urbanism research in Iran. This journal is indexed in, noormags, Magiran and Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and also it follows the rules of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). The journal was granted license from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance in October 2nd, 2017. In order to protect the intellectual and proprietary rights of researchers and the writers, and for the prevention of repeated researches, the "Urban Sustainable Development Journal" uses Samim Noor text similarity checker. The assessment and evaluation is a "Double Blind" assessment, and at least two experts in the respective field of the subject of the article The "Urban Sustainable Development Journal" is open access. The articles are posted on the journal website in PDF format and the users would have easy access to it free of charge.
Licence Type :CC BY
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