
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2717-6649
Journal Title :Data Science and Applications
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Emre Dandil
Country :Turkey
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Data Science and Applications
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2018
Journal Description :Data Science and Applications is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that addresses the development that data has become a crucial factor for a variety of scientific fields. This journal covers aspects around scientific data over the whole range from data creation, mining, discovery, curation, modeling, processing, and management to analysis, prediction, visualization, user interaction, communication, sharing, and re-use. We are interested in general methods and concepts, as well as specific tools, infrastructures, and applications. The ultimate goal is to unleash the power of scientific data to deepen our understanding of physical, biological, and digital systems, gain insight into human social and economic behavior, and design new solutions for daily life and the future. The importance of scientific data, from text, audio, visual content such as sensor and weblog data is rising. New methods to extract, transport, pool, refine, store, analyze, and visualize data are needed to unleash their power while simultaneously making tools and workflows easier to use by the public at large. The journal invites contributions ranging from theoretical and foundational research, platforms, methods, applications, and tools in all areas. We welcome papers which add a social, geographical, and temporal dimension to Data Science research, as well as application-oriented papers that prepare and use data in discovery research.
Licence Type :CC BY
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