
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2736-187X
Journal Title :Journal of Science and Geosciences
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Prof. Dr. Francisco Torrens
Country :Nigeria
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Prime Scholars Library
Frequency :Monthly
Start Year :2013
Journal Description :Journal of Science and Geosciences ISSN: 2736-187X is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly). The objective of this journal is to provide a veritable platform for scientists and researchers all over the world to promote, share, and discuss a variety of innovative ideas and developments in all aspects of Sciencse, Geosciences, Applied Sciences, Optics, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV), Lithography, Metrology, Instrumentation, Detectors, Synchrotron techniques, Biological Sciences, General biology and structural biology, Chemical Sciences, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Energy Sciences, Land and Quantity Survey, Materials Sciences, Physical Sciences, Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Biomechanics, Combustion and Energy Systems, Design and Manufacturing, Dynamics and Control, Materials and Structures, Vibrations, Acoustics and Fluid-Structure Interaction, Biosystems & Computational Biology, Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics, Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation, Geometry, Energy, Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences, Integrated Circuits, Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems, Physical Electronics, Signal Processing, CO2 Sequestration, Geological Hydrogen Storage, Improved and Enhanced Oil Recovery, Upscaling of Porous Media Flow, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Geothermal Energy Recovery, Sucker Rod Pump Systems, Ultrasound in Oil and Gas Industry, Cost Effective Drilling Systems, Real-time Monitoring and Analysis, Well Life Cycle Management, Catalysis and Reactions, Biomolecular Engineering. Cellular Engineering, Computing and Simulation, Nanotechnology, Materials, Polymers & Complex Fluids, Sustainable Energy, Microfabricated Systems, Performance-Based Engineering, Computational Mechanics, Design-Construction Integration, Earthquake Engineering, Sensing, Monitoring, Control and Intelligent Systems, Risk and Reliability Analysis for Hazard Mitigation, Engineering Informatics and Simulation, Innovative Materials, Engineering and Design of Sustainable Built Systems, Environmental and Low Temperature Geochemistry, Isotope Geochemistry, Geomorphology and Surficial Processes, Hydrology and Watershed Processes, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, Paleoenvironments and the Sedimentary Record, Biogeochemistry of Soil Systems, Geophysics and Structural Geology, Oceanography, Glaciology, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics Experiment, Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Nonlinear Optics and Photonics Experiment, Plasma Physics Experiment, Soft Condensed Matter Physics and Complex Fluids, Statistical & Thermal Physics, Physics Education, Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Chemical Theory & Computation, Energy & Catalysis, Environmental & Green Chemistry, Experimental Physical Chemistry, Inorganic & Organometallic Chemistry, Nanoscience & Materials Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Algebra, Combinatorics, and Geometry, Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Applied Analysis, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Finance, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Topology and Differential Geometry, Algebraic geometry, Algebraic and quantum coding theory, Homological algebra, Representation theory, K-theory, Applied Mathematics and Differential Equations, Functional Integration, Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Applied Analysis. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance. All articles published in Journal of Science and Geosciences are peer-reviewed.
Licence Type :CC BY
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