
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2754-9291
Journal Title :British Journal of Global Ecology and Sustainable Development
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Dr. Catalino N. Mendoza
Country :United Kingdom
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Journalzone Publishing
Frequency :Monthly
Start Year :2022
Journal Description :British Journal of Global Ecology and Sustainable Development provides the opportunity to the authors to publish their original research articles in Multidisciplinary field. British Journal of Global Ecology and Sustainable Development is an open access peer reviewed bi-monthly journal. The journal is refereed and follows the ethics and practices of ethical open access publishing. All the manuscripts received for publication passes through extensive double blind peer review process. The journal covers the multidisciplinary areas of Agriculture and sustainability, Climate change/ecosystems, Poverty/international development, Energy and sustainable development, Ecological economics, Educational Advancements, Sciences, Humanities, Species, population, community, ecosystem, and biome. Authors can submit their original manuscripts for peer review.
Licence Type :CC BY-NC
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