
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2774-6267
Journal Title :EduBiologia: Biological Science and Education Journal
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Fitri Damayanti
Country :Indonesia
Language :Indonesia
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :LPPM Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2021
Journal Description :EduBiologia: Biological Science and Education Journal accepts manuscripts of research results, research notes and literature reviews that have not been published in any form in any journal. Areas of study include pure biology and biology education: 1. Pure biology which includes biotechnology, ecology, microbiology, genetics, botany, zoology, cell biology, applied biology, biochemistry, and other biological studies that are relevant to biology in a broad sense; 2. Biology education, including curriculum, instruction, and assessment of Biology, research method in education and biology, conceptual construction, thinking skills, and scientific literacy on Biology, learning media, tools, and modules development, pedagogical content knowledge for Biology. EduBiologia is published twice a year, January and July. This journal managed by the Biology Education Study Program, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI and publish by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Licence Type :CC BY-NC
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