
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2959-4359
Journal Title :Inverge Journal of Social Sciences
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Dr. Muhammad Asif
Country :Pakistan
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Inverge Consultancy (pvt) Ltd
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :2022
Journal Description :The Inverge Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS) is an online, open-access journal with double-blind peer review. Academic essays, successfully defended unpublished theses and dissertations, book reviews, and research articles/papers are all published in the IJSS. Scholars of any age or from any profession are welcome to submit their scholarly research to the IJSS. In its publications, the IJSS covers all social science disciplines, including but not limited to the following fields: Anthropology Development Studies Economics Education Gender Studies International Relations Management Sciences (Marketing, Finance, HRM, and Project Management) Political Science Psychology Religious Studies Sociology IJSS is an online, open-access journal that offers publishing and research services to the academic and business sectors. Double-blind peer review is used to manage articles and papers by the IJSS. Frequency: Quarterly Dr. Muhammad Asif Editor-in-Chief Inverge Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS) ISSN: 2959-4359
Licence Type :CC BY
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