Clinical and imaging aspects of the patients diagnosed with extrapulmonary tuberculosis, Havana 2016-2019 | Author : Donel González-Díaz, Yailier Álvarez-Yanes, Sergio Fernández-García, Manuel Díaz-Toledo, Drialis Díaz-Garrido | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Extrapulmonary tuberculosis shows a complexity that can influence in its morbidity and mortality rates.
Objective: To characterize the patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis from a clinical-imaging perspective in the Hospital Neumológico Benéfico Jurídico in Havana in the period 2016-2019.
Method: A descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study was carried out in 34 patients with the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The variables taken into account were: age, gender, risk factors for the disease, symptoms and clinical signs, radiological findings, diagnosis methods used, and location.
Results: Male patients with ages ranging between 26 to 35 years predominated in the study (29.4%). 73.5% of the patients presented risk factors of the disease, being most common: contact of previous tuberculosis patients (29.4%), ex-inmates (17.6%) and alcoholics (14.7%). 58.8% of the patients presented fever and general symptoms like anorexia (44.1%), weight loss (41.2%) and asthenia (38.2%). The most common radiological finding was pleural effusion (47%), and the most frequent extrapulomary form of the disease was tuberculous pleurisy (15 cases representing a 44.1%). The clinical-radiological method made diagnose possible in 50% of the patients.
Conclusions: The most common clinical manifestations were fever, weight loss and asthenia. The clinical-radiological method is the most frequently used, and the most frequent radiological finding was the pleural effusion. Pleural location was the most common extrapulmonary form of tuberculosis.
| Analysis of the articles about COVID-19 published on online magazines issued by Cuban medical schools | Author : Yusnier Lázaro Díaz-Rodríguez, Elia de la Caridad Rodríguez-Venegas, Adrián Alejandro Vitón-Castillo, Omar Luis Hernández-García, Lee Yang Díaz-Chieng | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: The COVID-19-related infodemic makes necessary to evaluate all the indicators published and generated by science.
Objective: To describe scientific articles about COVID-19 published on Cuban online medical school magazines.
Method: An observational, descriptive and bibliometric study was carried through, checking on articles about COVID-19 on Cuban medical online magazines in the period January-June 2020. Every article about COVID-19 published in the 15 magazines currently online was downloaded in the same language and format they were available, taking into account the number of the volume, issue and section where they were published; the authors and the institutions they were affiliated to; place of origin and how many bibliographical references they had. Price´s transience index and variation rates were calculated. Results: 80 articles about COVID-19 were identified, 33.75% of them published in the magazine Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médica. Original articles prevailed (38.75%); 28.75% of them were written in Spanish and English as well, and 72.50% had multiple authors (244 of them, from 99 institutions). 1425 references were made, with a Price´s transience index of 0.86. 75 articles presented at least one quotation, and 75 citations were received. The number of publications peaked in May, with a variation rate of 80.95% compared to April.
Conclusions: There is a low number of articles about COVID-19 in the online medical magazines issued by Cuban medicine schools, most of them in the on the magazines Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas and Medisur. The provinces and institutions with a higher number of articles coincide with the ones with the top publishing magazines.