Mobile Smart Parenting Teacher (MSPT) Application to Improve the Life Skills of Parents, Teachers, and Elementary School Students |
Author : Muhammad Rais, Farida Aryani, Hartoto |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :One of the technological advancements in the era of 4.0 is the android based mobile phone. Android-based mobile phone technology allows users to connect with the source of information available in android anytime, including for educational purposes. The study aims to: 1) produce an android application (Mobile Smart Parenting Teacher) as media to deliver information about life skill facing limited face-to-face learning in Covid-19 era; 2) asess the validation process of Mobile Smart Parenting Teacher as media in improving life skill education; 3) describe the effectiveness of Mobile Smart Parenting Teacher application in providing knowledge about lifeskills to students, teachers, and parents. The study employed the 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) developmental research method. The Mobile Smart Parenting application was assessed by experts of information and technology experts, teachers of Psychology and Guidance in Education, and teachers of elementary school. Before conducting a field trial, groups of 45 parents, 45 teachers, and 45 students were given a pretest. At the end of the field trial, the posttest was distributed. Findings show that using the Mobile Smart Parenting Teacher application significantly affects teachers, parents, and students` understanding of conceptual life skills to face the limited face-to-face learning in the Covid – 19 era. The gain score (N - gain) from the normalized test performed on pretest and post test scores were in the high category (0.85). |
A Corpus Based Study of Commas Use in EFL Written Performance |
Author : Eva Lelakova, Michal Toman |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The present paper deals with the Slovak secondary school students’ problem of using commas in the complex sentences containing adverbial and nominal subordinate clauses while writing essays in English. It also concentrates on the English teachers’ ability to see correct/incorrect usage of commas in their students’ works. The research sample is formed by school leaving exam essays written by the students whose English is at an B1 level. The digitalized texts of 115 essays are uploaded in The Main Corpus and divided into 8 different subcorpora referring to different essay’s topics. Detailed corpus linguistic and statistical analyses lead to the conclusions that the overall commas use success of the observed EFL students directly depends on how difficult the topic of an essay is, and that the students’ error rate in adverbial clauses is much higher than the rate in nominal clauses. The last finding referring to the fact that English language teachers overlook or incorrectly correct commas in a substantial number of sentences makes the authors think about all the possible roots and reasons of the students’ inaccuracy in commas usage in their written performance and several suggestions how to solve this problem. |
PLS-SEM Model: Explore Factors Affecting Teacher Performance |
Author : J Suhayat, S Suwatno, A D Buchdadi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :A strong performance is depicted by the way teachers perform their professional roles and functions. Hence, this research used a quantitative approach to examine various variables affecting teacher performance, including multicultural leadership and the role played by the school board, as dependent variables. At the same time, organizational climate acted as an intervening variable. The sample population involving 170 teachers and 30 school principals was drawn from State Senior High School in Tangerang District, Banten Province. Additionally, the research utilized two units of analysis; teachers and principals. Where the two units of analysis assess each research variable, namely multicultural leadership, the role of the school board, organizational climate and teacher performance. Quantitative data analysis was performed using variant-based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), with Partial Least Square (PLS) or PLS-SEM. The results indicated that direct and indirect variables impact the performance of teachers. Also, the results revealed that teachers and principals have two opposing perspectives. |
The Effect of WeChat-Based Instruction on Chinese EFL Undergraduates` Business English Writing Performance |
Author : Lixuan Sun, Adelina Asmawi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :With the vigorous development of the Internet, the continuous application of social media platforms has accelerated people`s channels to obtain information. WeChat Public Platform (WPP), as a mobile learning platform, is derived from the current popular social platform "WeChat", which can transfer text, pictures, video, audio and other multimodal information. Based on various functions of WPP, combining it with language teaching is one technique to realize blended learning so that learners can experience a novel learning mode. Some issues have surfaced in the present Business English Writing (BEW) class for Chinese EFL undergraduates, including a lack of teaching time, students` psychological anxiety about BEW, and a rigid evaluation process. This study mainly applies WPP in Chinese EFL undergraduates` BEW class and investigates whether WPP can help improve students` BEW performance and enhance students` interest in learning BEW. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were adopted, and 80 Chinese undergraduates were involved in this quasi-experiment. By analysing the experimental results and data of the students` pre and post-test and the interview results, this study found that the English performance of the experimental class students who implemented the WPP-based BEW teaching mode has been remarkably improved, and their enthusiasm for BEW was gradually increased. Implications point to integration of WeChat in teacher instruction, teacher practice, ESL curriculum and assessment. |
Controversial Religious Issues for Improving Students Critical Thinking Skill in Higher Education |
Author : Imam Muslimin, Munirul Abidin |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study investigates whether the application of controversial religious issues in learning impacts increasing students` critical thinking skills. The research conducted quasi-experimental research with a nonequivalent group design. The study applied to students in Malang Islamic University`s third-seventh semester. Instruments for collecting the data are in the form of tests, and questionnaires are arranged in multiple-choice and essays conducted before and after treatment. Hypotheses were tested using two-way ANOVA in SPSS 20 version. This study found that implementing controversial religious issues in learning positively improved student critical thinking skills. However, differences in gender and semester groups do not affect differences in student achievement. The study implies that lecturers may apply the controversial religious issues method to students in higher education in any group of gender and semester. Mentally, higher education students are ready to discuss controversial religious issues that will affect students` critical thinking skills and student achievement. |
The Effect of STAD-Type Cooperative Learning Based on a Learning Tool on Critical Thinking Ability in Writing Materials |
Author : Syamsul Ghufron, Nafiah, Syahruddin, Kaswadi, Mustofa |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of STAD-type cooperative learning based on a learning tool on critical thinking skills in the students` learning outcomes. This study is a 2x3 factor design quasi-experimental one. The data were collected through multiple-choice tests, descriptions, observations, and documents. Multiple-choice tests, explanations, observations, and documents were implemented to collect the data. Using the SPSS16 application, the hypothesis test by two-way ANOVA had a significance level of 5. In relation to the impact of STAD-type co-operatives learning based on learning tools for critical thinking skills in students` outcomes has shown significant values in the areas of cognition, psychomotor, and affective. The cognitive domain score was 0.314, the psychomotor domain score was 0.032, and the affective domain score was 0.038. The results of the test decide that the significance is less than 0.05, namely 0.00 < 0.05. The conclusions of this research are: 1) STAD-type cooperative learning based on a learning tool has a significant effect on critical thinking skills on student psychomotor and affective learning outcomes, 2) students` academic abilities do not affect student learning outcomes. |
Influence of Centrality in a Friendship Network on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour |
Author : Fan Zhongfeng, Arumugam Raman |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The relationship between the organizational citizenship behavior of academic staff and certain social network attribute variables, considered from the perspective of a social network needs to be better understood; however, the existing literature is scant and ambiguous. This study verifies the influence of an individual’s level of centrality in a friendship network centrality on the organizational citizenship behavior of academic staff, and it explores the mediating role of team cohesion as a potential mechanism in this relationship. This paper uses the structural equation model approach to analyze the sample data, which consists of 187 academic staff from twenty-three scientific research teams. The findings reveal that centrality in a friendship network has a significant effect on teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior. The results also demonstrate the mediating role of team cohesion in the relationship between friendship network centrality and organizational citizenship behavior. Specially, the results of the Smart Partial Least Squares (Smart PLS) indicate that this structural model has high predictive power. Theoretical and practical implications and limitations are discussed and suggestions regarding future work are given. |
The Effects of Digital Drama-Based Instruction on Developing Receptive and Expressive Language among Kindergarten Children |
Author : Afaf Mamdouh Mohamed Abdel Razek Barakat |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Young children need to mentally retrieve and express words aloud. They also need understood words when they are heard or read. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the potential effects of digital drama -based instruction on developing receptive and expressive language among kindergarten children. This study employed a quantitative approach using a quasi-experimental, pre-test and post-test and follow up design. Sixty students were randomly chosen from public kindergartens. The kindergartens were randomly selected from the total number of public kindergartens in the city. They were divided into two groups: experimental group, where they received drama -based instruction for 6 weeks. While children in the control group did not receive such an instruction. The researcher has chosen a number of study topics that are the main topics of the curriculum approved in Kindergarten stage (e.g. Read facial expressions, Natural phenomena, and the Four Seasons etc.). They were formulated in the form of dramatic representations in which movement and action are acted by children at this stage. Using a pre-test– intervention–post-test, and follow up design, it has been shown that digital drama - based instruction was effective in developing receptive and expressive language among kindergarten children. |
An Active Learning Study: Mastering Music Coordination Skills through Kompang and Dalcroze Eurhythmics among Primary Students |
Author : Md Jais Ismail, Loo Fung Chiat, Loo Fung Ying |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Music coordination skill is very important in music education and performance. A problem that has been identified is that children are unable to sing and play traditional percussion (kompang) simultaneously during school music performance. It appears that the necessary skill is barely coached with the current teaching methods used by primary school teachers. This not only affects performance quality but also necessitates more hours of training despite students being talented in singing or playing musical instruments. The purpose of this study is to apply the Dalcroze Eurhythmics approach to improve musical coordination skill among primary school students. Hence, a quasi-experimental design was used to collect data from two groups of 9-year-old students in a Malaysian primary school, 35 in the experiment group and 35 in the control group. The pre-test and post-test data consist of mean value, standard deviation, percentage, and T-test analysis. The instrument used for data collection is a Practical Music Test. The result of the research shows that: (1) there is a significant difference between pretest and post-test scores in the experiment group, (2) there is significant difference in achievement score post-test between the control and experiment group, and (3) there is a significant difference between the achievement scores of the control and experiment groups. The present study has proven music coordination skill has potential to be developed as a part of music education in primary school. The findings also reveal that the Dalcroze Eurhythmics approach is an appropriate intervention. |
Exploring Student’s Experiences on Epistemic Access for Effective Teaching and Learning in Higher Education |
Author : Solomon Arulraj David, Shireen Motala, Arul Lawrence A S, Pio Albina A |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Access to higher education has been relatively addressed well globally, while student success rate remains a serious concern, given several issues around quality. This study therefore aims to explore the role of epistemic access for effective teaching and learning in higher education and it is keen to account student’s experiences and views on regular and distance programmes. A questionnaire using google form was instrumented to gather both quantitative and qualitative data among students and graduates in the state of Tamil Nadu in India. Statistical analysis was used for quantitative data, while thematic analysis was used for qualitative data. The results confirm the theoretical claim that the pursuit of authentic knowledge is adequate when epistemic access is ensured. The study recommends that higher educational institutions offering both modes must fulfil their epistemic duties by ensuring epistemic access to students. In general, the participants in the study agreed that the regular university programmes are more conducive for epistemic access, while distance education has other advantages such as flexibility and affordability. The study contents that both modes have merits and demerits. It is, therefore, necessary that both are available at good qualities for students to benefit from them. |
Virtual Reality on Contextual Learning during Covid-19 to Improve Students` Learning Outcomes and Participation |
Author : Rini Riris Setyowati, Saefur Rochmat, Aman, Alifi Nur Prasetia Nugroho |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study aims to produce and assess the feasibility of historical virtual reality video products developed to create contextual learning and implement developmental instructional media in online learning to improve student outcomes and participation during the pandemic. This research is a research and development (R&D) with a non-equivalent control group quasi-experimental technique to obtain data. The respondents of this study were 88 students of grade X senior high school in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The results of product development were validated by historical material experts, teachers, and learning media experts to assess the quality and feasibility of the media. Analysis of quantitative data showed a significant effect on improving learning outcomes in the experimental class compared to the control group (sig < .05). Virtual reality instructional media users in the experimental class showed a good increase in participation. Based on the results of this study, VR has proven to be feasible and effective as a contextual learning instructional media because it can present conditions such as real situations and provide experiences for students to be able to improve learning outcomes and learn participation without having to come to a place. |
How Are Students` Prior Knowledge Differentiate Analytical Thinking Process in Identifying the Convergence of Real Number Sequences? |
Author : Agung Putra Wijaya, Toto Nusantara, Sudirman, Erry Hidayanto |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Analytical thinking is needed in solving complex problems, including mathematics. One of them is identifying the convergence of real number sequences. The analytical thinking process includes three cognitive processes, namely differentiating, organizing, and attributing. It will allow a student to build knowledge by connecting experience with prior knowledge. Until now there has been no study that examines the analytical thinking process in terms of students` prior knowledge. This present study aims to describe students` analytical thinking process in identifying the convergence of real number sequences in terms of students` prior knowledge. This descriptive study with a qualitative approach involved twenty-one students as subjects consisting of students with low, medium, and high prior knowledge. Data were collected using tests and interviews. The triangulation method was carried out as a data validation process. Data analysis used the constant comparative method. The results showed that the higher the students` prior knowledge, the more detailed the differentiating process was. The organizing and attributing processes are carried out depending on the results obtained in the differentiating process. This is important to understand to be able to facilitate the development of analytical thinking skills by paying attention to students` prior knowledge. |
Challenge-Based Learning Strategies Using Technological Innovations in Industrial, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Programs |
Author : Vianney Lara-Prieto, M. Ileana Ruiz-Cantisani, Eduardo J. Arrambide-Leal, Jacob de la Cruz-Hinojosa, Mauricio Mojica, J. Rogelio Rivas-Pimentel, Jorge Membrillo-Hernández |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Our university has implemented the Tec21 educational model, based on four fundamental pillars: Challenge-Based Learning (CBL), flexibility, inspiring trained faculty, and a memorable educational experience. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of CBL implementation experiences at the beginning of undergraduate engineering programs using technological innovations such as 3D printing, DC motors, and microcontrollers. Three challenges were designed: Rube Goldberg, Cable Car, and Mini Drag Race. The challenges were implemented during at least two years where over 1,000 engineering freshmen took part. The challenges were evaluated by quantitative and qualitative methods. Overall, students enjoyed the learning experiences, learnt new technologies, and developed disciplinary and transversal competencies. Students were also more engaged and motivated to pursue their engineering academic program. These strategies challenged the students with the basic characteristics of the new Tec21 educational model. Finally, faculty involved in the implementation of these challenges expressed they required to get out of their comfort zone, learn new technologies, and change their traditional role to become a coach. |
Considering the Mathematical Resilience in Analyzing Students` ProblemSolving Ability through Learning Model Experimentation |
Author : Fitriani, Tatang Herman, Siti Fatimah |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The ability to solve mathematical problems is desired in the 21st century due to its function in improving students` mathematical skills. However, it is observed to be very low among students and this implies there is a need for an appropriate learning model such as blended learning which can be taught online and offline to conduct problem-based learning activities. This research aims to determine (1) the difference in mathematical problem-solving abilities between students taught using a blended learning model and those with problem-based learning by considering their mathematical resilience and (2) the influence between mathematical resilience and students` problem-solving abilities. This is quantitative research conducted using a pretest-posttest randomized experimental design on 233 students at the 7thgrade. The data were collected using tests and questionnaires. The research data analysis technique used was covariance analysis (ANCOVA). The quadrant analysis of the covariance test showed the value of F(1.231) was 12.260 at 0.001 < 0.005, which indicates an influence between mathematical resilience and student problem-solving abilities at 79.8%. The results showed that these two skills influence each other and can improve students` ability to solve mathematical problems. Therefore, in addition to selecting an active learning model for students, educators also need to instill positive mathematical resilience during the learning process due to its effectiveness in increasing the confidence and persistence of students in solving problems. |
Chinese Immigrant Teachers’ Motivation for Teaching Heritage Language in Australia: A Qualitative Study |
Author : Ching Ting Tany Kwee |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Current studies of Chinese heritage language education mainly focussed on learners’ motivations, behaviours and the appropriate pedagogies. Very few studies focussed on heritage language teachers’ motivations. To close such research gap, this study aimed to examine Chinese immigrant teachers’ motivations in heritage language teaching in Australia with the guidance of Social Cognitive Career Theory. With the aim stated above, the research was guided by two research questions: first, how do Chinese immigrant teachers describe their experiences of teaching heritage language in Australia; second, why do Chinese immigrant teachers decide to continue their heritage language teaching. This study adopted a qualitative approach to scaffold their mental representation of their teaching experiences and decision-making process by conducting 120 one-on-one semistructured interviews and 24 focus group meetings with 60 Chinese immigrant teachers who are currently teaching Chinese heritage language in Australian schools. Three themes and six subthemes were categorised. The findings reflected that traditional Confucian beliefs, a favourable learning environment and the attainment of teaching goals are the factors motivating the teachers to continue teaching heritage language. The information can be useful to utilise the talents of immigrant teachers to alleviate the teacher shortage problem and provide better support for heritage language teachers. |
Design and Validation of a Questionnaire to Assess Digital Communicative Competence in Higher Education |
Author : Elba Gutiérrez-Santiuste, Keidy García-Lira, Rosana Montes |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper shows the design and validation of a questionnaire aimed at college students to assess digital communicative competence. Starting from the theoretical framework presented, we conceptualized digital communicative competence as the intersection between communicative and digital competences. To that effect, we hereby explain the analysis and validation procedure of the psychometric properties of the assessment instrument. The survey respondents consisted of 260 students were in the first semester of their degree program in Computer Engineering who were taken through for convenience technique. These responses were randomly divided into two samples (for exploratory factor analysis and for confirmatory factor analysis) to prevent unrealistic fit values. The exploratory factor analysis result shows that the model forms six factors, which are factor 1 (publication of information), factor 2 (creation and editing of digital contents), factor 3 (digital content production preferences), factor 4 (operation and search for information), factor 5 (collective intelligence through technology) and factor 6 (digital content consumption preferences). The result of the goodness of fit model shows that the instrument has met all the criteria with a value of ?2/df = 1.64, RMSEA = .078, TLI = .897, and CFI = .907. The results revealed the existence of significant psychometric features of the constructed questionnaire. |
Psychoeducation Group and Its Effect on Students` Academic Integrity |
Author : Anwar Sutoyo, Imam Setyo Nugroho, Sunawan |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Academic integrity covers five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility, and is essential for students during the educational process. Students with low academic integrity are more likely to commit academic fraud, decreasing the opportunity to gain competence. This research examined the effectiveness of a psychoeducation group using modeling to teach Islamic values on increasing academic integrity. The program`s effectiveness was compared to a group psychoeducation program that used modeling without Islamic values teaching. The experiment implemented a 2 x 2 factorial design involving 40 students (20 girls and 20 boys) divided into four groups based on modeling intervention and gender. The data of students` academic integrity were assessed using Academic Integrity Scale before and after intervention for all group. The results of t-tests and ANCOVAs showed that the psychoeducation group using modeling with Islamic values teaching was more effective in improving academic integrity than the modeling without Islamic values teaching, and female students had a higher increase in academic integrity than males. The findings confirmed that religious values, such as Islamic values, could be integrated into modeling techniques to improve students` character, particularly academic integrity. |
Student’s Cynicism toward College Experience: Validation of the Italian Cynical Attitudes toward College Scale |
Author : Elisa Maiolo, Tiziana Ramaci, Giuseppe Santisi, Alice Garofalo, Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, Massimiliano Barattucci |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Referring to the institutional and research indications, those involved in higher education policies and management are formulating new plans to face, on the one hand, the decline in academic enrolments, on the other, the growing increase of early university-leavers. Academic drop-out and negative experiences and affect, in addition to being indicators of academic ineffectiveness, should be profitably analysed as well as their possible determinants to plan preventive policy measures and strategies. Despite the number of studies that have investigated variables related to learning and study experience, tools have yet to be defined to predict drop-out and delay in academic courses. Starting from the aforementioned assumptions and gaps, and with the aim of predicting academic drop-out and student’s negative experiences, an adaptation to the Italian context of the Cynical Attitude Toward College Scale (CATCS) was proposed and its psychometric characteristic analysed through SEM. Moreover, the research investigated the possible role of Student Cynicism in predicting Achievement, and of Student’s environmental perceptions in predicting Cynicism. Results showed that the CATCS can be profitably used in the Italian academic context: the CFA of the 11- item CATCS version showed that it is a reliable and valid measure. |
Lampung Language Online Learning during the Covid-19 Outbreak: How are the Teacher’s TPACK Skills? |
Author : Farida Ariyani, Muhammad Fuad, Edi Suyanto, Ulul Azmi Muhammad |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The implementation of online learning at the beginning of the covid-19 outbreak brought up some interference for most teachers and students. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is thought to be the answer for teachers in dealing with current online learning problems. This study aims to explore the TPACK skills of Lampung language teachers and the advantages and problems of online Lampung language classes. A survey method was employed to conduct this study in which a questionnaire consisting of 33 statements and 5 open-ended questions was administrated to 138 Lampung language teachers in Lampung, Indonesia. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively by using factor analysis and the descriptions of teacher explanations. The results showed that Lampung language teachers, in general, have mastered TPACK in their online classes such as the use of various learning media and educational platforms. Giving assignments in creative forms such as making videos of folk songs during the learning process amid the pandemic using local languages can be used by Lampung language teachers to create non-boring learning. This study provides an overview of Lampung language teachers’ TPACK skills and some information related to the problems and advantages faced in online Lampung language learning during the covid-19 pandemic. As a consequence, it can be the reference for policymakers to make the best Lampung language learning system. |
Developing Children`s Islamic Spiritual Intelligence in the Digital Age: Indonesian Family Education Methods |
Author : M. Sugeng Sholehuddin, Miftah Mucharomah, Wirani Atqia, Rofiqotul Aini |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study was to (1) shed light on how Indonesian family education is used to develop children`s Islamic spiritual intelligence in the digital age; and (2) shed light on how the Indonesian family environment motivates children to utilize technology while also developing their Islamic spiritual intelligence. This study used a qualitative case study research design in conjunction with a cross-sectional survey method. A total of 160 Indonesian parents having children aged 7 to 12 years old participated in this study by responding to a survey distributed to all participants. However, only ten parent couples (20 persons) were chosen to engage in an indepth interview. This study gathered data using a survey and in-depth interviews. The quantitative data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively, and qualitative data were analyzed using Creswell`s (2012) theory. The findings show that the parents involved in this study implement family education to develop their children`s Islamic spiritual intelligence. The approach of family education is implemented in two ways, i.e., verbal discourse and behavioral examples. The use of technology is another way and medium for developing children`s spiritual intelligence in this digital age. This study concludes that parents are aware that the most critical foundation for children`s spiritual intelligence development is family education. |
Online Learning Using STEM-Based Media: To Improve Mathematics Abilities of Vocational High School Students |
Author : Dedi Rohendi, Didin Wahyudin, Inu Hardi Kusumah |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Online learning recently is alternative learning at all levels of education. Online learning in mathematics can be done synchronously or asynchronously, such as using zoom or e-learning. However, online learning is still ineffective in improving students` abilities because of its limitations, especially in high-level skills such as mathematical abilities. This study aims to use online learning with STEM-based media to reveal the mathematical skills of vocational high school students. This research method is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental design, with two sample groups, namely the experimental group and the control group. The subjects of this study were 120 students of vocational high school. The results showed that STEM-based media could improve the mathematics abilities of vocational high school students seen from the whole student or based on the level of group students. Likewise, positive student responses to online learning using STEMbased media. This response means that students feel the benefits of learning online using STEM-based media. |
Demystifying the Impact of Teachers’ Qualification and Experience on Implementation of Differentiated Instruction |
Author : Mariyam Shareefa |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :According to many educators, teachers’ knowledge and experience are identified as key factors that facilitate effective classroom instruction. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of teachers’ experience and qualifications in the implementation of differentiated instruction (DI). The study employed convergent mixed method design with 400 teachers surveyed, out of which 16 were interviewed, and 8 teachers’ classroom teaching sessions were observed. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used to analyze data collected from instruments that were adapted from previous studies. The survey data were analyzed using inferential statistics of ANOVA, while interview transcripts were analyzed using content analysis method, and observation checklists were analyzed using a mixed approach. Findings of these analyses showed that there is no significant difference in teachers’ implementation of DI based on their experience, while teachers’ qualifications showed otherwise. These findings indicate the importance of teachers’ pre-service and in-service professional development in the area of differentiated instruction. Further research is required to confirm and crossvalidate these findings in other educational contexts. |
Teachers `Attitudes towards Constructivist Approach to Improving learning outcomes: The Case of Kosovo |
Author : Vjollca Ahmedi, Anemone Kurshumlija, Hatixhe Ismajli |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The constructivist approach aims at change, departing from the traditional teaching and improvement of learning outcomes in primary schools of Kosovo. Teachers` attitudes towards the constructivist approach play a crucial role in actively constructing knowledge through experience and reflection and are critical for improving learning outcomes. This study aimed to examine the teachers` attitudes to using the constructivist approach to improving learning outcomes. This research used a mixed research methodology. The research sample consisted of 40 teachers and 113 students in primary schools in Kosovo. The data were collected through a survey using questionnaires (for teachers and students) and semistructured interviews. The study illustrated that most teachers` attitudes towards using the constructivist approach and its impact on learning outcomes are significant (p<0,05) and determined how learning outcomes would be achieved. |
Exploring the Need for Using Science Learning Multimedia to Improve Critical Thinking Elementary School Students: Teacher Perception |
Author : Uswatun Hasanah, I Made Astra, Mohamad Syarif Sumantri |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Distance learning during this pandemic really needs teaching media, especially on abstract science material. This study aims to investigate the teacher`s needs for Science Learning Multimedia (SLM) to Improve Critical Thinking Elementary School Students. First, a survey was adopted to 156 teachers from several elementary schools in Jakarta to explore the extent to which the need for SLM was selected by purposive sampling. Second, semi-structured interviews with 10 teachers to obtain direct and valid information. This research focuses on certain aspects, namely 1) Types of media commonly used. 2) Classification of material that is difficult for students to understand, 3) teachers` perceptions about the need for using science learning multimedia to support science learning and 4) teachers` perceptions about the need for using science learning multimedia to support students` critical thinking. Data were examined using quantitative and qualitative methods. In addition, interview analysis resulted in emerging themes related to several conditions raised by teachers to use SLM effectively. These conditions include 1) SLM material, 2) SLM interactivity, 3) ease of use, 4) and the approach used. Findings show that most teachers agree to develop effective and flexible media in exploring abstract science concepts so that students` critical thinking skills increase. This SLM also needs to pay attention to the above conditions. In conclusion, interactive multimedia based on scientific inquiry in science learning is feasible to be developed and applied in the teaching and learning process. This research can also be a reference and input for educators, especially elementary school teachers in creating models and learning media that are active and fun. |
Metacognitive Contribution to Biology Pre-service Teacher’s Digital Literacy and Self-Regulated Learning during Online Learning |
Author : Ida Bagus Ari Arjaya, I Made Surya Hermawan, Ni Wayan Ekayanti, Anak Agung Inten Paraniti |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Digital literacy development at the university level is necessary for facing Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research is ex post facto research that examines the phenomena that occur in the learning process. The study was conducted from April to August 2021, with 64 respondents from all universities with Biology Education Study Programs in Bali involved in filling out Metacognitive Ability, Selfregulated Learning, and Digital Literacy questionnaires distributed through Google Forms. The tabulated data were then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) SMART PLS 3.0. The results showed that the contributions of metacognitive abilities to the digital literacy skills of biology education students in Bali were 23.1%. In the other hand, contributions of metacognitive abilities to self-regulated abilities were 41.8%. Furthermore, in biology courses, metacognitive abilities have a significant contribution to digital literacy compared to self-regulated learning. |
Exploring the Contribution of the Five-Factor Mentoring Model in Advancing the Pre-Service Teachers’ Personal and Professional Growth |
Author : Elmedina Nikoçeviq Kurti |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The five-factor mentoring model is shown as a valid framework for measuring the impact of the mentoring received by pre-service teachers in the teaching practicum, but also for the mentor training. This mentoring model involves mentors’ personal attributes, system requirements, pedagogical knowledge, modelling and feedback. This study examined the perceived mentoring experiences of fourth- year preservice teachers (n=100) during their 8-week school-based teaching practicum. This mixed-method study combined quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. The METP (Mentoring for Effective Teaching Practice) instrument developed by Hudson et al. (2005) was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests were used in the data analysis. The semistructured interviews were conducted with 5 fourth-year pre-service teachers. The thematic analysis method was used for analyzing the interview data. Findings indicated that pre-service teachers were adequately mentored on personal attributes, while less reported was the provision of feedback by the mentors. Results indicate that pre-service teachers who taught more teaching lessons had a more positive experience with pedagogical knowledge provided by the mentors, but also received more feedback. Qualitative outcomes indicate that pre-service teachers believe they advanced their personal and professional growth when mentors shared their responsibilities with university supervisors to offer mentoring practices focused on belongingness, reflection, teacher attributes, and professionalism in teaching. This study has implications for pre-service teacher professional development during initial teacher preparation and mentor training. |
Alignment between Teachers` Assessment Practices and Principles of Outcomes-Based Education in the Context of Philippine Education Reform |
Author : Dennis Alonzo, Jean Bejano, Velma Labad |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Teacher assessment practices are critically important to improving student learning. This study aimed to explore the alignment of Philippine Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) teachers` assessment practices to outcomes-based education, one of the philosophical frameworks underpinning the educational reforms in the Philippines. Data were gathered by analysing 12 units of work using Berlach and McNaught`s (2007) elements of outcomes-based assessment as the analytical framework. Additional data were gathered through interviews with teachers and assessment experts. Based on data analysis, there are key issues identified including unclear learning outcomes, limited use of assessment strategies and misalignment to skills being assessed, incoherent assessment tasks, low focus on the use of criteria and standards, dominant use of paper-pencil test, isolated assessment practices from learning and teaching activities and teacher-driven assessment practices as opposed to student-centred assessment approaches. Findings reveal that TLE teachers have requisite assessment knowledge for using outcomes-based education but is not fully translated into their actual assessment practices. The school context shapes the alignment of teacher assessment practices to outcomes-based education reform. These findings imply that a more systemic approach is needed to align teacher assessment practices to outcomes-based education. |
Effectiveness of Utilizing Graphic Organizers in Improving Conceptual Understanding towards Operations of Fractions among Teachers |
Author : Bench G. Fabros, Edwin D. Ibañez |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Fraction is the most abundant and most complicated topics in mathematics and also prerequisite to successful operations in major mathematical processes. The goal of the study is to look into the effectiveness of utilizing graphic organizers in improving the conceptual understanding towards operations of fractions and its relationship with attitude towards graphic organizers. The study implemented quasi-experimental design particularly Solomon Four-Group design. A total of one hundred sixteen subjects (N = 116) from the College of Teacher Education, Tarlac State University, Philippines used in the study. The study sought to find out whether there was a difference in post instructional conceptual understanding when learners undergone to graphic organizers. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The findings revealed that when learners are exposed to graphic organizers, their scores and level of conceptual understanding are improved (F = 13.477, p < 0.01). Graphic organizers is more effective in solving problems towards operations of fractions than using the traditional method. The study established that graphic organizers is an effective approach in improving the conceptual understanding and thus mathematics teachers ought to integrate in their teaching. A Pearson r correlation showed that the relationship between attitude and conceptual understanding is not significant for the first treatment, and significant for the second treatment. |
Special Recommendations for Home-Based Physical Training: Impact of Sedentary Due to Stay at Home Covid-19 Pandemic on Physical Fitness |
Author : Donie, Jaffry Zakaria, Roma Irawan, Ronni Yenes, Yendrizal |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of sedentary stay at home due to the covid-19 pandemic on physical fitness and to examine the effects of home-based physical activity on physical fitness levels during the covid-19 crisis in Indonesia. This study used a mixed method sequential exploration design consisting of a quantitative stage and a qualitative stage. The sample used was 228 children and adolescents aged 5-17 years, n = 143 adults and elderly > 17, n = 85 people, participated in this study voluntarily. Sampling was carried out for the experimental group at random (n: 143) and the control group (n: 85). The experimental group engaged in 8 weeks of home-based physical activity delivered in person and via WhatsApp groups. Data were collected through the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test and semi-structured interview questions. Data analysis using a two-way mixed ANOVA was used to determine the effect of home-based physical activity carried out for 8 weeks with a duration of 3 times/week on the participants` physical health. Results: preliminary data descriptively show the level of physical health during the stay at home Covid-19 pandemic is in the poor category. After being given a form of home-based physical activity either directly or through a WhatsApp group, a significant increase was observed in the level of physical activity of children and adolescents 5-17 years, adults and elderly > 17 years in the experimental group compared to the control group. Conclusion: The results provide evidence that home-based physical activity with a duration of 15 – 30 minutes, has a positive effect on physical fitness levels during the covid-19. |
Eleventh-grade Students’ Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies in Arabic (L1) and English (L3) |
Author : Hassane Razkane, Adil Youssef Sayeh, Samir Diouny, Mohamed Yeou |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The current study investigated eleventh-grade students’ metacognitive awareness of reading strategy use in Arabic (L1) and English (L3). In particular, (i) it examined whether there is any association between the use of MCRS in a reading comprehension task in English and Arabic among trilingual learners, and (ii) whether the application of MCRS when doing reading comprehension tasks in these languages predicted the reading comprehension scores in both languages. This study included 42 eleventh-grade students from a public high school in Morocco. The Metacognitive Reading Strategies Questionnaire (MRSQ), (AbuRabia, 2018), was utilized along with two reading comprehension tests, one in Arabic and one in English. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to see whether there is any connection between the use of MCRS in English and those used in Arabic. Multiple linear regression analyses were employed to predict the reading comprehension scores in Arabic and English based on MCRS use. Results revealed a significant correlation between the use of MCRS in both languages. MCRS were found to be underused among lower-achievers. Furthermore, the application of MCRS predicted higher reading comprehension scores in both study languages. Based on the findings, the study discusses some practical implications of MCRS use. |
The Effect of Digital Teaching on Learning Gains: Evidence from a Quasi-Experimental Study at a private School in Abu Dhabi, UAE |
Author : Zuhrieh Shana, Enas Abulibdeh |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study investigated the effect of using iPad on ICT learning gains and explored students’ perception of iPad usage in the ICT teaching-learning process. The study employed a quasi-experimental method using pre-test and post-test design. The study sample (N= 84) were 10th grade students in a private school in Abu Dhabi. They were divided into a control group (n=42) who was taught traditionally via the didactic approach, and an experimental group (n=42) who was taught via iPad classroom model. SPSS was used to analyse the data collected from the ICT achievement-tests. The results showed that participants in both groups obtained similar mean scores in the pre-test at the beginning of the experiment. Meanwhile the results showed significant difference in the ICT achievement posttest between the experimental group and the control group with mean scores of 61.67 and 57.86 respectively. The attained “t” value of both groups’ post-test score comparison was found to be significant at p=0.011 (< 0.05). Moreover, the effect size of the intervention was practically important, at Cohen’s d = 0.56. Likert Scale Questionnaire was also conducted to see if participants had enjoyed the intervention experience. The findings of the study proved that using iPad in learning ICT has a definite positive effect on the learning gains of 10th grade students compared to the conventional method. The findings revealed that students have positive perceptions of using iPad in the classroom. |
Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom on Students’ Learning Outcome in Vocational High School: A Meta-Analysis |
Author : Christina Ismaniati, Ali Muhtadi, Desy Yanty Cobena, Pranata Lulus Soeparno |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Vocational High School (VHS) has an essential role in preparing graduates for work and reducing unemployment. Therefore, designing suitable instruction is needed to prepare students to master competencies. Determining the learning model is a strategy in instructional design to improve learning outcomes. Through several empirical studies, Flipped Classroom is one of the effective models in vocational high school today. However, no meta-analysis has been published that specifically examines the effect of flipped classroom on VHS students’ learning outcomes. This study aimed to summarize the overall effects of Flipped Classroom model at VHS in various majors with a meta-analysis approach. Nineteen studies from seventeen articles were selected based on established criteria. The results show that Flipped Classroom had a significant effect with ES = 1.678 and SE = 0.282. In addition, this study proved to be varied by using heterogeneity test (Q = 289.669, df = 18, p < .001) and free from publication bias by using fail-safe N approaches (fail-safe N value= 2476, p < 0.001). |
Improving Students’ Speaking Performance and Communication Engagement through Technology-Mediated Pedagogical Approach |
Author : Roderick Julian Robillos |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Online teaching tools are effective means to engage students in online learning and thus, have been becoming increasingly popular in different educational settings. However, there is yet an increasing attention to implement these online teaching tools within a pedagogical method for a more engaging and effective learning. This paper is set out to explore the impact of FlipGrid application (henceforth, FlipGrid app) within metacognitive approach on students’ speaking achievement and communication engagement. An exploratory case study using mixed-method research involving a one-group pre- and post-test design was employed in the study. A group of 29 Thai EFL first year college students was purposively selected as samples. A FlipGrid scaffold support table was also used to aid students on their speaking performance. Furthermore, a questionnaire on students’ communication engagement was administered to assess the students’ levels of communication engagement towards their peers and their teacher using the application. Quantitative findings reveal that students’ speaking presentation performance in terms of the four speaking components such as clarity, content, delivery, and fluency and coherence, was improved. Moreover, majority of the participants agreed to the helpful affordances of FlipGrid app as their communicative engagement with their peers was enhanced. Qualitative results also revealed that the participants have positively welcomed the use of FlipGrid app in improving their speaking skill and communication engagement. Finally, the study findings offer considerable insights into utilizing FlipGrid app within a metacognitive approach to improve students’ speaking performance, enhance their communication engagement, and transform language learning classroom in a modern technology-based environment especially in this time of pandemic. |
Critical Review of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: Where are the non-Cognitive Skills? |
Author : Steven Teng, Dennis Alonzo |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Teaching professional standards are considered an essential tool for teacher preparation, recruitment, development, and promotion. In Australia, this is known as the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST), a public statement of what constitutes teacher quality. The high-stakes nature of these standards shapes teacher practices and policies, influencing teacher preparation, selection and accreditation. However, these standards have strong criticisms due to their reductive function and lack of holistic representation of effective teachers. We used Bacchi’s (2009) “What’s the problem represented to be?” (WPR) approach to analyse the APST to contribute to understanding how teaching standards should be framed as they significantly influence selection, preparation, retention and accreditation for both pre-and in-service teachers. We outlined some policy recommendations based on the results of our analysis. |
The Relationship between Environmental, Outdoor and Field Education: A Study in Rural Communities |
Author : Luis Miguel Dos Santos |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Based on sociocultural constructivist theory, the purpose of this study is to understand the experiences, cognitive learning, and personal developments of a group of postgraduate students in environmental science and engineering who completed a six-week-long summer field research and outdoor education program. With a qualitative design, interviews, focus groups, remarkable item sharing, and diaries from 20 participants. The results indicate that learning from and observing nature, the balance between humans, animals, and nature, and transferring environmental protection knowledge and practice were the three key themes. Also, two subthemes observation to practice and cognitive knowledge, and sustainability arose from the participants’ outdoor education program experiences. The outcomes of this study provide recommendations to university administrators, secondary school teachers, government departments, policymakers, and researchers aiming to establish and host field research and outdoor education programs to teenage and university students in order to build up a sense of environment and environmental protection. |
Self-Regulated Learning in Covid 19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Malaysia |
Author : Nur Eva, Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung, Chew Fong Peng, Sumaia Mohammed Zaid |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Students all over the world have experienced significant changes in their learning due to the covid-19 pandemic as schools and institutions were forced to switch to distant online education, which requires high self-regulated learning skills. A total of 338 were males and 886 were female respondents from public high school and university students in Indonesia and Malaysia (542 Malaysian and 682 Indonesian). Data were collected using the online self-regulated learning questionnaire (OSRL), which assesses self-regulated learning in the online and blended learning environment. Results revealed that there was statistically significant interaction between the effect of nationality and level of education on SRL among Indonesian and Malaysian students. Postgraduates showed higher levels of SRL in comparison to students from other levels. This study highlighted the SRL strategies that Indonesian and Malaysian students use to overcome the online learning challenges in covid-19, which might help educational institutions understand what support is needed to help students develop self-regulated learning skills in an online learning environment. |
Transformational Leadership and Collective Teacher Self-Efficacy: The Mediating Role of Satisfaction with Job Resources |
Author : Javier Sánchez-Rosas, Malena Dyzenchauz, Agustín Freiberg-Hoffmann, Mónica García-Rubiano, Mirai Okinishi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study analyzes the relationships between transformational leadership and job resources` satisfaction with collective teacher self-efficacy. It also explores the mediating role of satisfaction with job resources between transformational leadership and collective teacher self-efficacy. Primary level teachers (N = 260) from different schools in Argentina participated in this study, ranging from 21 to 60 years old. Participants responded to scales that assessed transformational leadership, satisfaction with job resources (leader, task, team, organization), and collective teacher self-efficacy. SEM models were computed using Unweighted Least Squares estimation. First, we tested if participants distinguished between the thirteen primary constructs previously measured using confirmatory factor analysis. Then, a predictive model with the three main latent variables was specified, and each dimension`s average scores were used as indicators. After minor changes, the measurement and predictive models fit the data satisfactorily. Specifically, transformational leadership was a direct predictor of satisfaction with job resources and an indirect and large predictor of collective teacher self-efficacy. In turn, satisfaction with job resources is the only direct and significant predictor of collective teacher self-efficacy. Altogether, the model explained 57% of the variance of collective teacher self-efficacy. This study demonstrates the capacity of transformational leadership behaviors of school principals to influence teacher outcomes variables. |
The Integration of Inquiry and Problem-Based Learning and Its Impact on Increasing the Vocational Student Involvement |
Author : Arif Ainur Rafiq, Mochamad Bruri Triyono, Istanto Wahyu Djatmiko |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Vocational education is a learning process to enhance and explore potential so that graduates are prepared to work with competencies specific to their fields. Learning strategies that align with the desired results are required to achieve these abilities. It is vital to modify learning so that students are at the center of its activities because now, lecturers still have a dominant position in vocational education. In student-centered learning (SCL), a type of instruction, students are viewed as independent, active learners. Following these ideas, students are expected to learn complementing technical capabilities and soft skills. Instead of being the primary knowledge source, lecturers will serve as facilitators and learning partners. Problem-based learning (PBL) and inquiry-based learning (IBL) are two teaching strategies that use SCL. While the PBL approach teaches students how to adapt and solve issues in learning, the IBL approach aims to help students build the capacity for systematic and logical thought. A quantitative methodology and a 2x3 factorial quasi-experimental research design were used in this study. The findings revealed that (1) there was a substantial difference in learning outcomes between students who were taught using IBL, PBL, and traditional methods, and (2) there was a significant difference in learning outcomes between students who were high and low in involvement in learning, (3) there was no significant difference in learning outcomes between students taught using the IBL method and the traditional method, (4) there was no significant difference in learning outcomes between students taught using the IBL method and the conversion method, and (6) there was no significant difference in learning outcomes between students who are taught using the IBL method. |
Exploring the ELT Observer’s Subject Positions: Tensions, Negotiations, and Contradictions |
Author : Miguel Martínez-Luengas, Pilar Méndez |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Observation in the English Language Teaching (ELT) field is an educational practice historically located in the construction of what is known as a good English class and effective teaching. Most research studies on the topic have revolved around the role of observations in teacher education and professional development, guidelines for classroom observation, and observers’ effective feedback; however, little attention has been given to the observer as a subject. This research paper shares results of the analysis of three ELT observers’ narratives to cast light upon the ways observers problematize their subject position as observers of in-service English language teachers. Within a decolonial approach to relate to others, autobiographical narratives mobilized a series of reflexive and critical components that revealed that the enactment of the ELT observer subject position invisibilizes observer positions (others) that shadow feelings of discomfort at being in a position as mere tick markers without subjectivities and knowledge. The findings allowed us to conclude that observers’ subject positions are pivotal to exploring their struggles and self-visions of a better practice of observation in which a more horizontal, relational, and humanistic consideration of the observer subject position prevailed. This study contributes to the ELT field by highlighting a more humanistic view of the subject who observes classes. |
Game Design to Improve Thai Speaking Skills for Chinese Students |
Author : Lin Li, Mayuree Suacamram, Napaporn Tanya |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Games make learners fun and eager to participate in the learning process. This research study was to improve the Thai speaking skills of Chinese students. The objectives were to design a game-based learning activity (GBL) and to study the developmental effects of Thai speaking skills after the activity experiment. Repeated-measures experimental design was used in this research by using gamebased learning and collected scores on the Thai speaking in test 3 times and homework assignment 6 times. The researcher studied 80 Chinese students in the first year of a bachelor`s degree in the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Baise University. The research tool consisted of 1) the GBL activity plan and 2) the rubric assessment criteria. The assessment of Thai speaking skills was divided into 2 areas: a) scores of test and b) scores of homework assignment. Content analysis, mean, standard deviation, and repeated measurement were used to analyse the data. The result of the research showed that the GBL activity design included both practical homework and sticker-based classroom games. The learning goals were to pronounce Thai consonants and words correctly and to construct sentences correctly. After the experimental activity, it was found that Chinese students had a statistically significant increase in their Thai speaking skills. |
Attention and Academic Performance: The Moderator Role of Weight Status and Diet Quality |
Author : Pedro José Carrillo-López |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The scientific literature suggests that following a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight status are associated with multiple health benefits. However, the cognitive and academic implications of these behaviours in schoolchildren require further study. The aim of this study is to determine the predictive value of attention on academic performance in primary school children observing the moderating role of weight status and diet quality in this relationship. In this quantitative study of 118 schoolchildren from Spain (M ± SD: 10.84 ± 1.20 years), the Perception of Similarities and Differences test (attention) and the KIDMED questionnaire (diet quality) were used. For its part, academic performance was calculated through the grade obtained in the subjects of the primary curriculum and nutritional status was assessed through the Body Mass Index (kg/m2) adjusted for sex and age. The linear regression test showed that higher values in attention correlated with higher values in academic performance in core subjects (p < .05) and specific subjects (p < .05) with the exception of Physical Education (p = .112). This relationship became stronger after the model was adjusted for Normal Weight/Optimal DQ and Overweight/Optimal DQ (p < .05). However, after the model was adjusted to Normal Weight/improvable DQ and overweight/improvable DQ, this relationship between attention and academic performance disappeared (p > .05). Based on these results, it is concluded that there is a positive relationship between attention and academic performance, with the exception of physical education, which is enhanced when diet quality is optimal, regardless of weight status. The present study contributes to the scientific literature investigating the moderating role of healthy lifestyle habits, such as diet quality or weight status, between cognitive processes (attention) and learning outcomes (academic performance). |
Innovation of Analytical Thinking Skills Instrument for Throwing and Catching Game Activities for Elementary School Students |
Author : Jusuf Blegur, Christin Prima Mery Rajagukguk, Alya Elita Sjioen, Mieke Souisa |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Analytical thinking skills are one aspect of the high order thinking skills (HOTS) group, so teachers must internalize and engineer student learning activities to foster and improve students` HOTS through various throw–and–catch games. At the same time, physical education teachers are still limited in developing their measurement instruments. This study aims to develop the instrument for students` analytical thinking skills in throwing and catching game activities. This study used a research and development approach with 72 (M = 11.60, SD = 0.744) elementary school students as the subject to trial. Nine experts were involved in this research, six from the theoretical element and three from the practitioner/construct element. The instrument was developed using three main indicators, namely differentiating (3 questions), organizing indicators (3 questions), and attributing indicators (3 questions). The analysis used was descriptive and Aiken–V to test content validity and factor analysis and Pearson correlation to test the construct validity. Meanwhile, to test the reliability using the formula from Cronbach`s alpha, the analysis of the difficulty of the questions and the differentiating power of the questions used the formula developed by Sharma. The findings of content validity, construct validity, reliability, difficulty, and discriminating power of the questions as a whole indicate that nine questions can be used to measure analytical thinking skills in the throwing and catching game for elementary school students. |
Short Story Writing Learning Based on Local Wisdom with Digital Book Media for University Students |
Author : Sri Hastuti, Slamet, Sumarwati, Ani Rakhmawati |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Short story writing is one of the skills that must be mastered by students of the Indonesian Language Education Study Program. One of the determining success factors is the presence of a comprehensive reference source. This research aimed to facilitate the short story writing learning, lecturer, and students by using the digital book as a reference. This study discussed the improvement of short story writing skills using a digital book based on local wisdom for the Indonesian Language Education Study Program students. With the help of digital book media, various types of local wisdom could be incorporated into the short story writing. A quantitative method was employed to describe the findings regarding the use of digital books in short story writing. The technique used in the effectiveness test was the paired samples t-test. The findings focused on the effectiveness of short story writing learning using a digital book compared to a printed book in terms of increasing student creativity. Both significance test results obtained values below 0.05, indicating a significant difference between the results of short story writing in the pre-test (control group) and post-test (experimental group) data. |
Exploring the Impact of Online Classes on Students’ Performance during Covid-19: Voices from Pakistan |
Author : Shayan Aqdas, Ayyaz Ahmed, Muhammad Arif Soomro |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Technology has emerged as an accelerative tool for online teaching and learning during covid-19 pandemic. This growing rate of covid-19 cases resulted in a swift change in countries to adopt escalated preventive measures for working and studying through online platforms. In this study, the authors aim to investigate the impact of online classes on students’ learning performance and to explore what problems prevent effective education in Pakistan. An exploratory research design was employed and data was collected through questionnaire—administered online, the purposive sampling has been used among 60 participants studying in the third year of bachelor studies. The participants were selected seemingly due to their broader knowledge in the discipline as compare to beginners i.e. first year students, who may lack possible computer skills. Moreover, literature review presented in this research studies is relevant to online learning during covid-19. The theoretical framework for this research was based on facilitative learning proposed from Carl Roger’s person-centered approach. The findings revealed that sudden shift to new format affected students’ performance negatively. This study outcome benefits the online learners and higher education institutes to be prepared and to become more aware of the prospective challenges. |
Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Model on Mathematics Achievement at the University Level: A Meta-Analysis Study |
Author : Patma Sopamena, Kapraja Sangadji, Dinar Riaddin, Syafruddin Kaliky, Gamar Assagaf |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Many studies have been conducted on the differences in the effectiveness of the flipped classroom model compared to traditional learning models on mathematics learning achievement. However, the results of previous studies have inconsistent results. Therefore, this study aims to test the effectiveness of the flipped classroom model on mathematics learning achievement when compared to traditional learning models. For this purpose, the study design used was a contrast group metaanalysis. The studies analyzed were 20 independent studies from 13 main studies published in Scopus-indexed journals. Data analysis using JASP software version 0.16.4. The results of the analysis showed that the combined effect size using random effect estimation was (Cohen`d = 0.494; p < 0.001). This effect size belongs to the medium effect category. These results prove that students` mathematics learning achievement using the flipped classroom model is more effective than the traditional learning model. The results of this study suggest that the difference in size from the previous study became clear after the meta-analysis, namely the moderate effect category. These results are also expected to be the basis for policymaking in improving the quality of mathematics learning. |
Using a Needs-Based Professional Development Program to Enhance PreService Teacher Assessment for Learning Literacy |
Author : Cherry Zin Oo, Dennis Alonzo, Chris Davison |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Across the globe, pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) assessment for learning literacy remains relatively low despite the critical role it plays in increasing student outcomes. Research highlight that this is due to insufficient initial teacher preparation with most teacher education curricula are using a less effective approach. To address this gap, this study explores the utilisation of a needs-based professional development (PD) program to build PSTs’ assessment for learning (AfL) literacy. Using design-based research methodology, a needs-based AfL literacy program was developed at one of the teacher training institutes in Myanmar. A total of 335 PSTs involving 30 PSTs in the intervention group and 305 PSTs in the cohort group were asked to self-assess their AfL literacy before and after the program by using survey instrument. Findings revealed that there was an effect of the PD program on PSTs’ AfL literacy that PSTs increased their AfL literacy after the PD program. Implications of the results for the development and implementation of the needs-based PD program are discussed. |
Developing Thai Speaking Skills of Chinese Students Using Vocabulary Learning Strategies |
Author : Lipeng He, Qiuxue Luo |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The purpose of this research was to develop teaching and learning management using vocabulary learning strategies. This study mainly uses the vocabulary expansion method to improve 37 freshmen in the course of Thai Language speaking in majoring in Chinese Language International Education. The researcher created a vocabulary table and lessons related to the students` daily lives to help them practice speaking Thai. A rubric scoring was used as a research tool to measure their Thai speaking skills, and it was divided into 2 parts: 1) vocabulary knowledge and 2) the ability to apply vocabulary. A total of five assessments were conducted over 12 weeks. The statistical method used to analyze the data was repeated measurement ANOVA with a covariate, using the scores of speaking skills in the previous semester as the covariate variable. The results showed that the Thai speaking skills of these Chinese students had effectively been improved according to their vocabulary knowledge development after the experiment using the vocabulary expansion strategies. |
The positive meaning of the use of Interactive Simulation eduMedia in the subject of Light Waves in Secondary School in Morocco |
Author : Adil Hamamous, Nadia Benjelloun |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This work aims to study the impact of the use of the interactive simulation eduMedia, on the understanding and learning of Moroccan students in the qualifying secondary of the second year of the scientific baccalaureate option physical sciences at the high school Abdellah Laroui of the city of Fez. Using the pre-test and post-test methodology with a simulation group (24 students) and an experiment group (24 students) during the school year 2021-2022, the data were then analyzed using the IBM SPSS 21 statistical analysis program, for the analysis of quantitative data, Mann-Whitney U tests of independent samples were used. The results of the descriptive statistics show that the use of interactive simulation and laboratory experiments achieve similar objectives in the study of light waves. At the end of the session, we invited the students of the simulation group to answer the survey questions, moreover, the qualitative data were processed by the SPHINX v5 software. In addition, through interviews, we asked the six teachers to give their opinions on the use of simulation in learning, the results obtained showed a considerable improvement in some other indicators such as motivation and interaction between students compared to the classical method. The results of this research aim to better understand the opinion of teachers and students on the integration of interactive simulations in the school curriculum and may encourage the authorities of the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training to adopt the interactive simulation program. |
The Effects of Schema-Based Instruction on Word-Problems in a ThirdGrade Mathematics Classroom |
Author : Mallory G. Skinner, Joshua A. Cuevas |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this study we tested the effects of schema-based instruction (SBI) strategies on 3 rd grade students’ mathematics skills. We compared SBI to general strategy instruction (GSI) when teaching multi-step word problems to students in mixedabilities general education classrooms. SBI strategies were used to instruct students in an attempt to increase understanding of mathematical word problems, assist with planning a strategy, solving, and checking problems. We assessed the overall effectiveness of SBI on students’ procedural accuracy and computational accuracy with mixed computation word problems. Students’ attitudes toward problem solving were compared before and after the use of SBI. ANCOVA was used to analyse pre/post-test data on overall problem-solving, procedural and computational fluency, and attitudes toward mathematics. The results indicated that the treatment group consistently outperformed the comparison group on all three achievement assessments by a statistically significant margin, on measures of overall problem-solving ability, procedural fluency, and computational fluency, but not on attitudes towards mathematics. The intervention was shown to be beneficial for enhancing student learning of math across a number of academic constructs. |
The Effects of Online Peer Feedback on Students` Writing Skills during Corona Virus Pandemic |
Author : Oanh Thi Thuy Tran, Vu Phi Ho Pham |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The purpose of this study is to compare the impacts of two different modes of epeer feedback on the students` writing skills to see which mode should be better used to train the students` writing skills. The current study included 66 first-year students from the University of Foreign Language Studies in Danang City, Vietnam. The quasi-experimental research design was employed in the study. The two groups were taught how to compose a paragraph writing with peer comments in two rounds (1st & 2nd drafts). One group used Moodle (LMS), while the other used Facebook for e-peer feedback. Data collection was from pre-and post-tests for quantitative analysis. The research indicated that both types of e-peer feedback had a significant influence on students` writing abilities. However, the Moodle peer comments had little effect on students` writing length, but the e-peer remark on Facebook had a considerable impact. Post-test comparisons show that students who conducted peer comments on Facebook were considerably more diverse than their peers who conducted them in Moodle. |
Quality Instruction through four Components of the Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) and Teaching Experience in Fiji |
Author : Taraivini Raiula, Victor Alasa, Sereima Takiveikata, Ilisapeci Qabale |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The rationale of this study is to find out what could be some contributing factors to low achievement in Mathematics for primary school students. For this study, the focus is to ascertain the current state of MKT for Primary School Mathematics Teachers in Fiji schools in terms of its four components: Knowledge of Content and Students (KCS); Knowledge of Content and Teaching (KCT); Common Content Knowledge (CCK); and Specialized Content Knowledge (SCK) Hill et al. (2008), with respect to teachers` Teaching Experience (TE). The study was conducted using descriptive survey with stratified random sampling using Krejie & Morgan`s sample size Table in which of 363 primary school teachers participated. Sampling included a stratum from each of the four major education divisions: Northern, Central, Western, and Eastern. An MKT test was used as a tool to compare teachers`MKT levels with respect to teacher`s TE, and one-way ANOVA was used to quantitatively analyze the data. Findings from this study revealed that all the four components of MKT have a significant difference with respect to teachers` TE. |
Utilization of Literacy Workshop to Improve Reading Ability of Elementary School Students |
Author : Halimatussakdiah, Sarwiji Suwandi, Sumarwati, Nugraheni Eko Wardhani |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Elementary school students in the Siosar shelter area experienced trauma and lagging behind learning, especially reading as effect of the Mount Sinabung disaster which often erupts. This action research is to improve the quality of reading learning for elementary school students affected by the Mount Sinabung disaster in the Siosar shelter area, Indonesia. Reading problems experienced by students include difficulty recognizing letters, spelling stammering, difficulty reading words, not paying attention to punctuation, not understanding the content of reading, and low motivation to learn. The action taken to solve the problem is to utilize a literacy workshop assisted by audio-visual media. This research method is an action study that refers to Mcniff`s theory, which is carried out two cycles with two meetings each. Data collection techniques are carried out by tests, observations, analysis of documents and interviews. Data analysis techniques are carried out quantitatively & qualitatively. The results of this study showed that the quality and process of reading results improved before and after the action (the average initial condition of 52.23 increased to 81.06). The findings were reinforced by t-test results that showed there were significant differences in reading competence in pre-action and in the results of second cycle actions. It is recommended that special actions be taken in learning for students in disaster areas by utilizing various media, both through group and individual activities to be motivated in learning and traumatic reduction. |
Pre-service Science Teachers’ Emphases and Views about Science Education Curriculum |
Author : Michael Allan A. Bahtaji |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Understanding the conformity between curricular beliefs and implemented curricular goals are considered one alternative way to assess pre-service teachers’ preparedness for in-service teaching. In this research, the curriculum emphases of the pre-service science teachers and views about science education curriculum were evaluated. 213 pre-service science teachers from seven Teachers Education Institutions (TEI) have participated in the study. The research design “Concurrent Triangulation Research Design” was utilized. Knowledge development in science was given the most emphasis by the pre-service science teachers, while fundamental of science was given the least emphasis. Among the inter-rater responses to the open-ended question, the results also revealed that knowledge development in science was emphasized by the highest number of pre-service teachers, while fundamental of science was emphasized by the least number of preservice teachers. The high emphasis given by the pre-service teachers on the importance of knowledge development in science as compared to fundamental science shows that the curricular beliefs of the pre-service teachers conformed to one of the curricular goals of science education, which is to develop students’ scientific knowledge. One challenge emerged during the analysis is how the curricular beliefs, which are known to be progressive in learning, transpire to actual teaching practices. |
The Role of Saudi Universities in Supporting and Communicating with Graduates in Accordance with International Requirements |
Author : Hessa Bint Hammoud Al-Bazaei |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study aimed to identify role of Saudi universities in supporting graduates and communicating with them in light of contemporary international changes from their view point. A questionnaire was addressed to graduates; 724 graduates responded to the questionnaire, ranging from recent graduates to graduates who graduated five years ago. The graduates reported that Saudi universities play their role in supporting graduates before graduation with a score above average, with regard to the development of self-learning competencies, self and professional management and, in addition to the competencies of teamwork, communication and relationship building; finally, the competencies of commercial awareness and self-employment. The graduates assessed the universities’ communication with them after graduation, with a score below average regarding strengthening relations with graduates, contributing to their qualification for jobs, and cooperation with private sector institutions, making their websites available to them or inviting them to participate in events and attend forums held by the university. The study recommended strengthening universities’ communication with their graduates, activating roles of graduate follow-up units in universities, cooperating with private sector to train and employ graduates, and make their websites available to establishing communication networks and information bases for graduates, providing them with necessary support and exchanging information. |
The Effect of Technology-Oriented Differentiated Instruction on Motivation to learn Science |
Author : Iman Qasim Krishan, Mohammed S. Al-rsa`i |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Integrating technology into teaching approaches has become one of the most effective strategies in teaching development. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the impact of technology-oriented Differentiated Instruction on thirdgrade students` motivation to learn science. In order to achieve the goal of the study, the quasi-experimental approach was used, the motivation scale for science learning was prepared, consisting of (29) items, distributed on four dimensions, which are: the academic dimension, the social dimension, self-organized learning, the challenge and curiosity preference, and an instructional plan was prepared according to the Technology-oriented Differentiated Instruction strategy. The study sample was chosen by the intentional method, as the number of the sample reached (58) students of the third grade at the Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Applied School in Ma`an Governorate, in the first semester of the academic year 2020/2021. Male and female students, who studied using the technology-oriented Differentiated Instruction approach, and the other was a control, consisting of (28) male and female students, who also studied using the regular method. The results of the study showed the effectiveness of technology-oriented differentiated instruction in motivating students to learn science with a significant difference compared to traditional instruction. |
Factors Influencing the Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students: A Structural Equation Model |
Author : Shakeel Mohammad Cassam Atchia, Vinayagum Chinapah |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :One of the major reasons expounding the persisting decline in students’ academic achievement and high drop-out rate at the secondary education level in Mauritius, despite the implementation of several educational reforms including the current ‘Nine Years Continuous Basic Education’ (NYCBE), is that reforms are often developed using a top-down approach with limited grounding into the voices of stakeholders. It is in this perspective that this study, underpinned by the ‘general system’ theory, uses a two-phases ‘sequential exploratory mixed methodology’ to capture the voices of different stakeholders to develop a Structural Equation Model (SEM) that showcases the correlations between key contextualised factors and students’ academic achievements. The first phase, with a qualitative approach, identified the contextualised factors affecting students’ academic achievement in Mauritius, by analysing data derived from ‘Focus Group Discussions involving 16 participants, representatives of different educational stakeholders. The second phase, with a quantitative approach, developed a SEM using data collected from 600 students, captured through a survey questionnaire. The generated SEM, with a good fit indices, did not only depict greater impacts of school leadership, followed by student factor, tuition teacher factor, school teacher factor and socio-economic factor respectively on the academic achievements of secondary students, but also showcased the mediated effects between the factors, advocating for a holistic approach to improve school effectiveness in Mauritius. This study provides key information informing policy makers, educational specialists, and school administrative on the way forward towards improved school effectiveness. |
Motivations Behind the Master’s Degree Choices of Colombian Undergraduate Students |
Author : Alejandro Valencia-Arias, Salim Chalela Naffah, Diana Arango-Botero |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Financial, personal, and labor variables are well-known for understanding career choices’ decision-making process. This research examines the relationship between these different motivating factors and how they influence choosing a master’s degree. The research applied quantitative, exploratory methods using a two-part questionnaire: one for the characterization of the sample population and the other with questions with Likert-type scale answers around the constructs determined. Structural equation modeling is used to statistically analyze the responses to 728 self-administered questionnaires completed by undergraduate administrative sciences and management students from two universities in Medellín (Colombia). The factors that most affect the motivation to study a master’s degree are labor market competition (ß ^=1.664, p-value = 0.021) and job promotion (ß ^=0.922, pvalue: < 0.001). Understanding the motivations of potential students is important to higher education institutions with graduate degrees because it allows them to adjust their academic opportunities and outreach strategies to meet students’ expectations and needs. This study also proposes a model that adapts to developing countries’ social, economic, and educational characteristics. |
The Influence of `Push-in Pull-out` Learning Model on Students` Learning Outcomes viewed from Academic Capability |
Author : A. M. Wibowo, Fakhruddin, Joko Sutarto, Titi Prihatin, Dwi Istiyani |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The purpose of this study was to see the effect of the push-in pull-out learning model on student learning outcomes in science subjects in terms of academic competence at madrasah ibtidaiyah an inclusive school in Central Java Indonesia including; 1) the effect of critical thinking skills on student learning outcomes, 2) the influence of academic ability on learning outcomes students and 3) whether there is an interaction between the learning model and students` critical thinking skills. Academic competence includes the cognitive domain, psychomotor domain, and affective domain. The object of the research was the student of MI Ma`arif Keji and MI Muhammadiyah Kartasura in grade fifth in the academic year 2020/2021. The research method used was quasi-experimental research with an ttest analysis. By using a significance level of 5% for hypothesis testing, this study found three findings; 1) the push-in pull-out learning model had a significant influence on student`s learning outcomes in psychomotor and affective domains, 2) student`s academic capability did not influence their learning outcomes, and 3) there is no interaction between push-in pull-out learning model and academic capability. |
Conceptualizing Case-based Simulation Framework: Evidence from Electrical Technology in TVET Case Study |
Author : Nurulwahida Azid, Abdul Hamid Busthami Nur, Ruzlan Md-Ali, Zaharah Che Isa |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study was conducted to generate the Electrical Case-based Simulation (CBS) framework that contributes to the transformation of TVET learning pedagogical practices. CBS is believed to be able to enhance the ability of TVET students in soft skills required by the industry, such as thinking skills and problem solving skills. This study used case study design through a mixed-method approach. A total of four electrical technology curriculum implementers from a vocational college had participated in this study. Evaluation of the case-based simulations were made by experts using questionnaires whereby the absolute agreement among them was then determined using Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). A high value of agreement was obtained for both the CBS process and structure categories. The qualitative data was thematically analyzed. Three themes (achieve electrical course learning outcomes, opportunity to learn and related to electrical technology of content) had emerged for the process category and five themes (enhance electrical technology students’ thinking skills, workplace situation, students’ engagement, enhance electrical students’ problem solving skills and trigger learning activities) for the structure category. From the ICC results and the curriculum implementers views, it can be construed the case-based simulations reflected the workplace situations. In conclusion, this study contributes to the creation of electrical CBS framework that can be used as a guide for curriculum implementers and industry to support the transformation of TVET education in Malaysia. |
Using Embedded Quality Managers in Peer Teaching Groups in a Construction Management Classroom |
Author : Anthony Torres, Vedaraman Sriraman, Araceli Ortiz |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this study, a Quality Manager (QM) was embedded within a peer-teaching group. A QM is a student who is enrolled in a course and serves as an instructional and supportive extensions of their professor. The individual QM then worked with three other students to act as a peer-teaching group, with the objective of teaching one lesson at the end of the semester. The lesson topic was on using scheduling software. The QM had previous knowledge of the software and the goal was to have the remaining three students learn and prepare their lesson plan, strictly learning from the embedded QM. Then at the end of the semester, the group of four, taught the lesson to the remaining students. This methodology allowed for two layers of peer-teaching; one within the peer-teaching group, and the other from the peer-teaching group to the remaining students. The embedded peer-teaching implementation was validated through in-course surveys, and grade comparison from the student-led lecture versus an instructor-led lecture teaching a similar scheduling program. This methodology was implemented six times, using two different scheduling programs. The surveys indicated a preference to student-led learning, over instructor-led learning. The grade comparison demonstrated an average 12 percentage point improvement. |