Exploring Learners’ Backchannel Production in Complaint Sequences Across Proficiency Levels | Author : Vicent Beltrán-Palanques | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :To participate effectively in interaction, interlocutors should make use of various resources such as backchannels. Through backchannels, listeners can, for example, show attention and provide support and feedback. The study aims to explore the effect of proficiency level on backchannel production. 64 English learners at two different proficiency levels participated in a role-play task consisting of a complaint situation. The learners’ production of backchannels was analysed in terms of frequency and typology. Results suggest that the proficiency level and the role adopted in the simulated task appeared to affect the overall frequency and typology of backchannels. Learners with a higher level of language proficiency seem to use backchannels more frequently, probably due to their greater linguistic repertoire and pragmatic awareness regarding the construction of interaction. Results also show that the backchannel categories of continuer and agreement stand out above the rest. Finally, the study offers some pedagogical implications concerning the treatment of backchannels in the language classroom. |
| Predictors of Chemistry Learning Among First Year University Students | Author : Florieza M. Mangubat, Marchee T. Picardal | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Early diagnosis of prevailing factors that either promote or impede learning is necessary in order to minimize problems in chemistry instruction and overall student performance. Extracted from reports on various factors affecting the teaching and learning of Chemistry, this study draws out determinants that affect first year university students` achievement in chemistry courses. Using descriptivecorrelational research, university students (n= 253) were surveyed using a checklist instrument (CKI = 0.70) to determine the factors that influenced their Chemistry learning. Multiple regression analysis revealed five determinants that significantly correlated with their achievement in this course namely, high school chemistry grade, parents` educational attainment, books, type of school enrolled, and fire extinguishers. A supportive learning environment along with other motivational factors can help underprepared students to be academically successful even in the most challenging course like Chemistry. |
| Exploring Higher Education Students’ Perspectives on Factors Affecting Use, Attitudes and Confidence with Learning Technologies | Author : Rachel V. Staddon | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The use of technology in higher education has become unavoidable. Between the “pivot” to online teaching during the covid-19 pandemic and pressure from universities to integrate technology innovatively within courses, educators are increasingly turning to technology. In turn, all students are expected to engage successfully and rapidly with technology, irrespective of their level or background. It is therefore important to understand students’ attitudes and confidence towards technology, and how this drives their use, in order to keep students engaged. This study explores the factors that affect students’ use, attitudes and confidence with learning technologies. 11 volunteers from a UK university were interviewed about their experiences with technology. A thematic analysis was carried on the interviews, which found that there are a number of key factors underlying the participants’ attitude and confidence with technology. Students strongly considered the purpose and convenience of a technology before choosing whether to accept or reject it. Other factors included familiarity with particular technologies, and the use of an emerging universal iconic language, a new finding from this study. In addition, this study contributes five key recommendations surrounding competence, design and ownership which should be considered when educators are contemplating the use of technology in their higher education classrooms, whether online or face-to-face. It is important to think about these implications and how we as educators use these technologies going forward in a post-pandemic and technology-rich world. |
| Rewards for Rehabilitation and Special Education Staff and Their Importance in Employee Motivation | Author : Noula Alvanoudi, Miltiadis Staboulis, Konstantinos Papadopoulos | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study examined the rewards for 21 (3 males and 18 females) Greek employees, from different specialties who work with people with special needs either in two rehabilitation centers, a public (n= 9) and a private (n= 5), and or in different public school structures (n=7). For the purpose of this study, three focus groups were set up to determine employees’ perceptions and feelings about rewards and their importance in motivating staff. The conceptual research framework was based on the Total Rewards Model of Towers Perrin. From the focus groups we drew conclusions regarding the rewards that were applied and identified those that were important for motivation. Without exception, all the participants were primarily intrinsically motivated. The findings support the notion that the rewards connected to work environment and learning and development were the most important for their motivation, while the rewards connected to pay and benefits did not seem of great importance for their motivation. The Total Rewards Framework proved to be appropriate and useful in understanding the perspectives of rehabilitation and special education staff on rewards. The usefulness of the results lies in the holistic study of the rewards, which can provide feedback for employers, trade unions, and lifelong learning. The study can, also, provide a perspective for future research into the long-term exploitation of the total rewards model. |
| A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Group Contrasts: Learning Model Based on Local Cultural Wisdom and Student Learning Outcomes | Author : Joko Pamungkas, Harun, Abdul Manaf | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The integration of local cultural wisdom in the learning model is very important. Learning through culture will make students quickly understand the material presented. There have been many studies that have integrated local wisdom into learning models. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect size of the results of a systematic review and meta-analysis group`s contrast from several research results on improving student learning outcomes that are taught with the integrated learning model of local cultural wisdom (MBTKBL) as an experimental group and not taught with a learning model integrated with local cultural wisdom (T-MBTKB) as a control group. The source of the data was obtained from searching in the online database of Google Scholar that met the specified criteria. Data analysis uses the systematic review and meta-analysis group contrasts approach. Random effects are used to determine summary effects and check publication bias. The analysis results obtained that the group of students taught using MBTKBL had high learning outcomes compared to the group of students who were taught T-MBTKB. The resulting summary effect of 1.37 (strong) is at intervals of 1.04 to 1.70. There is no indication of publication bias. Thus, local wisdom in Indonesia is very effectively integrated into each learning model because it can improve student learning outcomes. |
| Are Saudi Graduate Students Tolerant of Non-Muslims? | Author : Essa A. Alibraheim, Kamel D. Al-hussary | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The current study sought to reveal the level of tolerance towards non-Muslims among graduate students in Saudi Arabia. To achieve this goal, the dimensions of tolerance were determined; which are cultural tolerance, religious tolerance, and political tolerance; and a scale was built to measure them. The study used a descriptive analytical method obtaining data from (40) male and female students who were randomly selected from among the students at the College of Education at Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University. The results showed that the level of tolerance is average. This may well reflect the dilemma of not spreading and deepening the idea of tolerance among university students. Also, the findings demonstrated that there are no differences between the students due to the variables (gender - academic major) in the level of tolerance. The study recommends the need to enhance the dimensions of tolerance among students and to include them in the preparation programs, to pay attention to activities that help to enhance the dimensions of tolerance, and to spread a culture of tolerance. |
| Parental Involvement and Student Achievement: A Meta-analysis of Publications in the Scopus Database | Author : Sujarwo Sujarwo, Herwin Herwin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Family is one of the external motivational factors in the student education process. This study aims to analyze the effect size correlation between parental involvement and student achievement. This research uses quantitative method with metaanalysis approach. The study subjects were 27 publications of relevant research results that discussed the variables of parental involvement and student achievement. Research data collection is carried out through documentation techniques by collecting research publications with criteria including publications that must come from Scopus indexed journals. In addition, the sample of publications must come from publications of at least the last five years. The data analysis technique used is a meta-analysis that focuses on information on effect size, standard error and sample size in each of the selected research results as samples. Through a meta-analysis with a random effects approach, this study concludes that there is a significant positive correlation between parental involvement and student achievement. In addition, this study shows that there is no potential for publication bias in the relevant studies, so it can be explained that the potential for bias is relatively small. |
| Maker Activities and Academic Writing in a Middle School Science Classroom | Author : Ashley Stewart, Jiangmei Yuan, Ugur Kale, Keri Valentine, Monica McCartney | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Makerspaces have become prevalent in education. Academic writing is important for middle school students, and maker activities have the potential to enhance students’ academic vocabulary. However, few studies have been conducted in a makerspace and writing context. The three primary components of a makerspace include community, space, and tools, but little is known about how they affect motivation and writing in a makerspace. This mixed-methods study examined the impacts of space and collaboration on students’ motivation to complete a maker project and the quality of their academic writing. For this study, collaboration consisted of group work under role assignments. Students were in one of the three groups: (1) Assigned Roles Makerspace, (2) Assigned Roles Classroom, and (3) No Roles Makerspace. Students’ motivation was measured, and their pre- and postwritings were collected. Students were also interviewed. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the survey data and planned comparisons showed that collaboration had a significant effect on students’ pressure. A one-way ANCOVA analysis showed that there was no statistically significant difference among the three groups in post-writing. The analysis of interview data suggested that students enjoyed working in makerspaces and that collaboration reduced their sense of pressure. |
| Implementation of Open Science Principles in Educational Research: Seen through the Prism of Teachers` Engagement in Data Exchange | Author : Olena Zhornova, Olha Zhornova, Kateryna Lut, Anastasiia Romanenko | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article continues the discussion of pilot study results concerning the specifics of university teachers` support for the idea of Open Science and is devoted to the main types of their engagement in data exchange. For this purpose, we described characteristics, subcharacteristics of engagement, and their indicators; classified the findings, conducted the step-by-step selection of engagement profiles with their further ranking according to the level of engagement, and grouped the types of engagement into common and distinctive ones. The determined types (intense, moderate, selective, and quasi) embrace all the identified relationships between various levels of engagement in empirical data exchange, namely: the shaped intention to share empirical data, the consistent application of its methods, and conscious assistance to it. The main types of engagement characterize teachers` intentions to disseminate empirical data and the possibility of such data reuse by other researchers. The findings can be valuable for the management of higher educational establishments, as it allows to evaluate teachers` readiness to disseminate the collected ED and to give permission for their reuse by other researchers. In general, the conducted research adds an important nuance to the implementation of institutional policies of research management with the purpose of promoting Open Science. |
| Total Quality Management (TQM) and Quality of Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis Study | Author : Furtasan Ali Yusuf | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :TQM is a program that provides a structure (framework) and tools for quality management which is very important for the progress of higher education. This study aims to prove and determine the effect of TQM on improving higher education quality in several countries. This study used a quantitative meta-analysis method. The aspect of TQM is the independent variable, and higher education quality is the dependent variable. The data sources were obtained based on the eligibility criteria: (1) from online database searches from 2012-2021; (2) indexed by Scopus, WoS or Google Scholar; (3) had a value of (r), (t), or (F); and (4) N = 30. This research uses the software JASP 0.8 4.0 version. The results of the analysis of 26 studies show that there was a significant effect of TQM on the quality of higher education in several countries (z = 7.900; p < 0.001; 95% CI [0.640; 1.069]). The effect of TQM on the quality of higher education was in the very strong effect category (rRE = 0.856) based on Cohen`s criteria effect size. This meta-analysis study`s results are reliable since there was no publication bias. So, it can be concluded that TQM has such a powerful influence and is believable. This study can strengthen the theory regarding the application of TQM in higher education because it is proven to affect the quality of higher education. |
| Effectiveness of a Collaborative Intervention in Self-Regulation and SelfEfficacy of Higher Education Students | Author : Aline Guilherme Maciel Santos, Paula Mariza Zedu Alliprandini | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Contemporary research indicates that the effective regulation of learning is beneficial to performance, but that its use by college students has been shown to be limited. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a collaborative intervention with a female professor on self-regulatory processes and self-efficacy beliefs of her higher education students. The sample consisted of 20 students from a Pedagogy class at a public Brazilian university and applied an almost experimental design containing pre-test, intervention and post-test. The collaborative intervention took place during a school semester, with individual sessions between professor and researcher, in addition to participating in classroom. In the pre-test and post-test, all students answered the learning and study strategies inventory and the self-efficacy belief scale for academic training. Overall, the results showed an improvement in the perception of academic selfefficacy, decreased anxiety, greater attitude towards studies, use of strategies to perform tests and selection of the main ideas, which showed a positive effect through the collaborative intervention. Therefore, there is evidence regarding the need of teacher training and curriculum revisions with a view to promoting the self-regulation of student learning. |
| The Use of Online Flipped Classrooms during Covid-19 by Gifted Students: A Path Analysis Using UTAUT Model | Author : Manar Mohammed Haneefa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study used the UTAUT model as the theoretical basis to assess and evaluate the use of online flipped classrooms during covid-19 by gifted students. The Online Flipped Classrooms model is supposed to be an active educational approach due to the interest shown by researchers and teachers in it. It allows learning to take place everywhere. Convenience sampling was employed to collect the required data. This involved gifted primary and middle and secondary school students at Makka schools for gifted students distributing the research instrument to their students. The model of this study is designed based on the UTAUT model. This study investigates the effects of four variables: Performance expectancy, Effort expectancy, social influence, and Facilitating conditions on students’ intentions to use Online Flipped Classrooms. BI correlates positively with performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI) and facilitating conditions (FC). PE, EE, SI and FC together yielded a coefficient of multiple regression (R) of 0. 763 and a multiple correlation square of 0. 760. This shows that 76.0% of the total variance in behavioural intention to use (BI) of those who participated in the study is accounted for by the combination of PE, EE and SI. BI was positively impacted by PE, EE, SI and FC. Further studies with are recommended to examine the effect of OFC using UTAUT Model. |
| Enhancing Argumentative Writing Via Online Peer Feedback-Based Essay: A Quasi-Experiment Study | Author : Yeti Mulyati, Daris Hadianto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study investigates the impact of unwritten, written, and managed online feedback on students` argumentative essay writing skills, feedback quality, and domain-specific knowledge acquisition. This study uses an experimental study with experimental and control groups to see the effect of online peer feedback on students` argumentative essay writing skills. The research participants were 270 students from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia who were randomly divided into 135 pairs and randomly assigned to 3 conditions (unwritten, written and managed peer feedback). The online peer feedback platform is the college`s own Integrated Online Learning System. The instruction guide is designed within this platform. Through this research, students are asked to write argumentative essays (individual), interact in peer argumentative feedback, and finally improve based on feedback from colleagues. The results showed that the intervention in the form of an essay writing learning process guide design through online peer feedback had a positive impact on students` ability to write argumentative essays, the quality of the feedback, and the level of students` domain-specific knowledge. In general, from the three conditions, students who were in the written condition were superior to all aspects of the ability being tested. This happens because written feedback makes students more organized in expressing their input, has time to review the feedback so that it is of high quality, and is better able to understand deeply in exploring topics, so that the level of student domain knowledge increases. The implication of this research is that it provides an alternative that online peer feedback learning can be used for students` argumentation skills. The ability of scientific argumentation is needed by students in producing scientific writings in universities. |
| Effects of Worked Example on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Complex Algebraic Problems | Author : Saidat Morenike Adeniji, Penelope Baker | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :High school students have been reported to have difficulties solving complex algebraic problems. This study therefore investigated the effects of worked example instruction on students’ learning outcomes in solving complex algebraic problems. The study was a quasi-experiment that involved a pre-test, an intervention, a post-test, and a delay test. The responses of 72 students (aged 14 to 15 years) were scored following the structure of the observed learning outcomes (SOLO) model and analysed using the Rasch model and regression analysis. The results indicated a significant effect of worked examples from the pre-test to the post-test; however, this effect was not completely retained at the delay test. Also, worked examples had a larger effect on the low-ability students than the highability students, but student gender neither influenced nor interacted with learning outcomes at the post-test and delay test. Lastly, the results revealed an interaction between the worked example effects and students’ expertise level, with the highability students experiencing a full reversal of the worked example effect. These results are explained with respect to element interactivity and expertise reversal effects, and inform mathematics educators and teachers of the conditions of the worked example effect and the implications for classroom practices. |
| The Impact of Inquiry Collaboration Project Based Learning Model of Indonesian Language Course Achievement | Author : Agus Darmuki, Farida Nugrahani, Irfai Fathurohman, Mohammad Kanzunnudin, Nur Alfin Hidayati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The issue of International Learning is currently leading to Inquiry Collaborative Project-Based Learning. This learning is oriented to investigate and self-discover through projects carried out by students in collecting data on daily lives and being able to develop their learning abilities. This study aims to examine the impact of Inquiry Collaboration Project Based Learning on students’ learning achievement in Indonesian language course. The object of study consists of 36 students in class 1A (N = 36). Data was collected using test and questionnaires. In the learning process, the lecturer of Indonesian language course taught the experimental group using Inquiry Collaboration Project Based Learning. The control group was taught using traditional instruction. The data was analysed using independent, t-test dependent group, test of Mann-Whitney U, content analysis, and descriptive analysis. The comparison findings of post-test mean in experimental and control groups showed that the students in experimental group scores were higher than those in control group (p<0,05) . The conclusion of this research is that the Inquiry Collaboration Project Based Learning model take effect on students’ learning achievement in Indonesian language course. |
| Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Pedagogy in Programming Education: A Meta-Analysis | Author : Mirvat AH Almassri, Rozniza Zaharudin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The flipped classroom has generated considerable interest in programming education in recent years. This meta-analysis aimed to assess the effectiveness of a flipped classroom and traditional methods in teaching programming courses and the impact on students’ performance, problem-solving abilities, and behavioural outcomes, and to analyse the specific discipline, students’ type, students’ level, and publication sources in the relevant studies. Articles published between 2010 and 2021 were searched carefully in six academic databases, comprising Web of Science, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ScienceDirect, NCBI Databases, and Springer Link. Peer-reviewed articles written in English were selected and screened according to the inclusion criteria. All the vital data were extracted and stored in Microsoft Excel and meta-analysis was performed using the Comprehensive Meta-analysis (CMA) software. A total of 101 articles were retrieved while 27 of them met the inclusion criteria and were subjected to the meta-analysis. Flipped classroom improved students’ achievement in programming courses with statistically significant effect size (g = 0.56; p < 0.001, 95% confidence interval; 0.33-0.79) compared to traditional teaching method. The flipped classroom also favoured behavioural outcome (satisfaction) in programming education. Programming subject areas had a significant moderating impact on the effect sizes. Overall, evidence of publication bias was lacking in this study. The findings and implications of implementing flipped classrooms in programming education were highlighted. More studies are needed to elucidate the effect of flipped classroom model on various dimensions of programming students’ learning outcomes to support comparative research in future. |
| Covid-19 Literacy as a Modulator of Emotions Linked to the Pandemic | Author : Raquel Romero Fernández, Yolanda González Castanedo, Mª Ángeles De las Heras Pérez, Rute Rocha | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :An inquiry-based teacher training proposal concerning covid-19 was implemented during lockdown with Pre-Primary Education Degree students. The objective was to analyse how the workshop changed the students` emotions and their knowledge linked to the pandemic. To this end, the participants responded to an open-ended questionnaire passed out before and after the workshop, and to a Likert-type questionnaire on emotions when they handed in their responses. The results show that, in the case of learning, the students modified their covid-19 literacy to a greater or lesser extent and, in the case of emotions, they felt less fear, anger, concern, and insecurity, and greater tranquillity and optimism. In conclusion, an emotional modulation is perceived in which scientific literacy participates. |
| The Impact of Metacognitive Instruction on EFL Low-level Learners’ Listening Performance and Metacognitive Awareness | Author : Cristian Alexander Chiroque Chero | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The teaching of listening skills in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms has been dominated by a product-based approach, in which the focus is on obtaining correct responses. However, there is a need to engage learners in the process of listening with a metacognitive approach, so they become effective listeners. Therefore, this study attempts to investigate the impact of metacognitive instruction on the listening performance and metacognitive awareness of two groups of EFL low-level learners: skilled listeners and less-skilled listeners. The participants were twenty male and female learners enrolled in an A1 general English course. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative data. After a listening pre-test to measure learners’ listening performance before the intervention, learners were divided into skilled listeners and less skilled listeners and were asked to complete both the Metacognitive Awareness of Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) and an open-ended questionnaire to explore their metacognitive awareness prior to the instruction. Learners completed both two standardized listening tests as pre-test and delayed test to determine the effect of the instruction on their listening performance, as well as the MALQ and the openended questionnaire to find out their metacognitive awareness after the intervention. The results of the two listening tests revealed that less-skilled listeners’ scores were significantly higher after the intervention. Furthermore, the results of the MALQ and the open-ended questionnaire showed that both types of learners made a significant improvement in two (person knowledge and strategy use) MALQ factors, suggesting that the intervention was effective in improving the listening performance and metacognitive awareness of the participants. |
| Collaboration-Based Development Model E-Learning on Course Learning Achievements Working Skills | Author : R. Mursid, Muslim, Farihah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The collaborative development model based on e-learning on specific skills learning outcomes is principally very helpful in increasing student competence in creative skills courses, exploring learning resources, and instilling a critical attitude in students. The research aims to develop a collaboration model based on ELearning on the learning outcomes of work skills courses and determine the feasibility of the developed learning model. The research method uses the Borg and Gall (1983) development model combined with the Dick and Carey (2005) learning development model. The results showed that the collaboration model based on e-learning on the learning outcomes of decent work skills courses and its conceptual implementation based on the overall learning approach could be applied to facilitate, grow, and develop problem-solving. Providing appropriate and suitable benefits, to increase student understanding through the use of various ICT-based learning resources, and their application directly through e-learningbased UNIMED SIBDA. Activating the learning process and engaging and meaningful in the implementation of learning, carried out actively and enthusiastically trying to achieve the desired learning goals, delivered for various learning modalities (multisensory), higher-order thinking skills, and improving ICT & media literacy skills. |
| The Effectiveness of a Textbook Based on Multicultural and Contextual Understanding as a Learning Material for Scientific Writing | Author : Sujiono, Andayani, Budhi Setiawan, Nugraheni Eko Wardani | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :A multicultural and contextual-based textbook is scientific writing learning material that presents multicultural and contextual-based language materials for Buddhist college students. This study aimed to describe the effectiveness of a multicultural and contextual understanding-based textbook in improving the scientific writing skills of Buddhist college students. The data collection was carried out by employing mixed methods of statistical analysis, interviews, observations, and document analysis. The research data were obtained by using test results or the products of students` writing skills. The research samples were 101 students of a Buddhist college in the Central Java Province, Indonesia. The study results revealed that a textbook based on multicultural and contextual understanding as learning material for scientific writing could effectively improve the scientific writing skills of Buddhist college students. The results of statistical analysis using the One-way ANOVA test showed Fcal > Ftable (47.74 > 3.09). Thus, there were significant differences in the ability to write scientific papers in the experimental group of students. These results indicated that a multicultural and contextual-based textbook as teaching material for scientific writing for students of Buddhist college was more effective than books that lecturers have used. It was later reinforced by the results of interviews with students and lecturers. |
| The Effect of Technological Skills on Developing Problem Solving Skills: The Moderating Role of Academic Achievement | Author : Raghad Shaher Alsarayreh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study examined the effect of technological skills and academic achievement on developing problem-solving skills and investigated the moderating effect of academic achievement on the effect of technological skills on developing problemsolving skills. This study`s population consists of all secondary school students in the Directorate of Education in the Southern Mazar region in Jordan. 302 students` secondary school students were selected as random sampling techniques were used to conduct this study. A quantitative approach in the form of an online questionnaire-based survey was performed to achieve the objectives of the study. The software utilized for analysis was SPSS 23 and SmartPLS-3. The results indicated that technological skills have a positive and significant impact on developing problem-solving skills with scores of R2 is 0.664. In contrast, academic achievement has an insignificant effect on developing problem-solving skills with scores of R2 is 0.035. However, the academic achievement was able to strengthen the positive relationship between technological skills and developing problemsolving skills that the improved level of R2 from 0.664 to 0.677. |
| Approaches to Learning in Elementary Classrooms: Contribution of Mastery Motivation and Executive Functions on Academic Achievement | Author : Stephen Amukune, Krisztián Józsa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study examines the possible roles of mastery motivation and executive functions on academic achievement. Grade one children were selected using stratified random sampling. Teachers completed school versions of the Dimensions of Mastery Questionnaire (DMQ 18) and the Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory (CHEXI) to assess mastery motivation and executive functions, respectively. Standardized tests were used to assess academic achievement in Math, English and Kiswahili. The results indicated that mastery motivation, specifically cognitive persistence and mastery pleasure sub-scales, influence academic achievement directly and indirectly through executive functions. Furthermore, significant differences were found ranging from moderate to large effect sizes between those learners with high mastery motivation and low executive function difficulties and those with low mastery motivation and high executive function difficulties in academic achievement. Focusing on subject-specific curricular intervention alone is insufficient to enhance academic achievement and school success. Since mastery motivation and executive functions are malleable throughout life, intervention strategies to enhance them can improve approaches to learning, academic achievement and life success. |
| Development of Evaluation Instruments to Measure the Quality of Spatial Problem Based Learning (SPBL): CIPP Framework | Author : Waode Yunia Silviariza, Sumarmi, Sugeng Utaya, Syamsul Bachri, Budi Handoyo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Valid and reliable instruments are an important part of the process of evaluating and correcting the quality of a `model of teaching`. Therefore, this study aims to develop an `evaluation instrument` constructed from the CIPP model to measure the quality of the Spatial Problem Based Learning. This study uses research and development methods; 4D Models. Data collection through interviews and questionnaires. Product validity analysis was obtained from a questionnaire using V`Aikens. While the reliability analysis uses Inter Class Correlation (ICC). Interview data became supporting qualitative data. This research was then reviewed by an expert jury and four practitioners (geography teachers) as evaluators, and twenty-two high school students in geography class as users. Analysis of the validity and reliability of the questionnaire data was carried out with the help of SPSS. The product `evaluation instrument` has a V`Aikens value of 0.63 from evaluators and 0.78 from users stating that the product `evaluation instrument` is categorized as “medium”. The ICC value of 0.781 means that the product `evaluation instrument` is in the “good” category. In addition, the expert states and supports that the product `evaluation instrument` can measure the quality of the `model of teaching`. The results show that the product `evaluation instrument` constructed by CIPP has a category that is not only valid but also reliable. The `evaluation instrument` is then used to evaluate the quality of the spatial problem-based learning. |
| The Motivations, Career Decisions, and Decision-Making Processes of Female PhD Students in Engineering: Experiences and Challenges | Author : Luis Miguel Dos Santos | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study investigates the motivations, career decisions, and decision-making processes of a group of female engineers who decided to pursue their PhD degree in engineering and the understand women’s experience challenges and difficulties during their career voyage in South Korea. Engineering is considered as a maleoriented profession. Although women may join the profession, no more than 16% of registered engineers are women in South Korea. Employing the phenomenological approach with semi-structured interview and focus group activity, 12 participants joined the study. Based on the social cognitive career and motivation theory, this study is guided by two research questions: 1) Why do female engineers decide to pursue their PhD degree in engineering in South Korea? What are the motivations and reasons? 2) How do female engineers describe their experiences and challenges in the engineering profession, particularly as female engineers in South Korea? The findings indicated that the relationship between gender and the engineering profession, we need to educate the new generation and conduct and exercise our academic goals and dreams were the main themes. The results of this study provided references to university leaders, department heads, government agencies, and policymakers to reform and upgrade the current regulations and policies to close the social stigma and bias gaps for women and minorities in engineering education and profession. |
| Sex and Grade Issues in Influencing Misconceptions about Force and Laws of Motion: An Application of Cognitively Diagnostic Assessment | Author : Kittitas Wancham, Kamonwan Tangdhanakanond, Sirichai Kanjanawasee | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The force and laws of motion concept is a key concept for learning mechanics and comprehending other complex concepts in physics. If students possess misconceptions about this concept, learning mechanics will be meaningless, which could lead to failure in physics learning. Sexes and grades may influence students’ misconceptions. However, there are contradictory findings regarding their effects on students’ misconceptions. In this study, we diagnosed misconceptions about force and laws of motion in 522 Thai high schoolers using the cognitively diagnostic assessment. Misconceptions about force and laws of motion comprise six attributes, i.e., (1) resultant force, (2) Newton’s first law of motion, (3) Newton’s second law of motion, (4) Newton’s third law of motion, (5) frictional force, and (6) gravitational force. In addition, we compared the proportional differences among students of different sexes and grades who possessed misconceptions about each attribute of force and laws of motion. The results showed that the percentage of high schoolers who possessed misconceptions was high for all six attributes. There was a significant difference in the proportion of male and female students who possessed misconceptions about resultant force. Moreover, there were significant differences in the proportions of students of different grades who possessed misconceptions about resultant force and Newton’s second law of motion. The research findings suggested teachers should develop remedial programs to correct their high schoolers’ misconceptions about force and laws of motion for all six attributes. |
| Children`s Future Adversity: Learning Loss Risk during Online Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic | Author : Suyadi, Issaura Dwi Selvi, Sibawaihi, Umy Zahroh, Muassomah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :School closure policies during the covid-19 pandemic have changed from face-toface to online learning. This change inevitably impacts the unpreparedness of schools, parents, and students in managing learning, which may cause learning loss in children. On its official page, the Indonesian Ministry of Education stated that due to the covid-19 pandemic, the implementation of online learning had caused a significant learning loss. This study analyses the risk of learning loss due to online learning in Indonesia in terms of children`s future adversity. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with survey techniques using Google Form and data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model through three stages: reduction, display, and data verification. This study involved 1229 elementary school students spread over 82 cities from 34 provinces in Indonesia. The results showed that there has been learning loss in children in the form of low academic and life skills achievement indicated by difficulty in understanding subject matters (cognitive domain), lack of confidence in expressing opinions (affective domain), and difficulty in accomplishing projects or learning tasks (psychomotor domain). The implication of learning loss is the decline in the quality of abilities, academic achievement, competitiveness, and welfare of children in the future. The results of this research could be recommended as a reference for educational practitioners and insights for future research. |
| A Netnographic Approach to Investigating Problematic Teenagers` Language Use on Social Media | Author : Aliff Nawi, Zalmizy Hussin, Masturah Sabri | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Social media has become an essential platform for teenagers these days. Social media grew in popularity as a means of communication, entertainment, information, and even education, beginning with simple social activities. Today, social media is also a factor in the development of adolescent behaviour. As a result, the purpose of this research is to explore into the language use by teenagers in social media. Over the course of three months, a netnographic approach was employed to study the language use of nine teenagers. All of the participants` postings, whether text, images, or videos, were evaluated. Instagram stories posted, shared, and reposted on the participant`s account are also recorded in Nvivo for thematic analysis and coding. The outcomes of the survey highlighted five important themes of the teens` language use and behaviour: entertainment, popularity, morality and ethics, relationships, and new contacts. This study is concluded with some implications and a detailed discussion of adolescent social media language use and behaviour. The outcome of this study is hoped to help to identify problems faced by problematic students, where early prevention or solution can be proposed. Several other recommendations were also proposed at the end of this paper. |
| Effectiveness of Virtual Simulations in Improving Secondary Students` Achievement in Physics: A Meta-Analysis | Author : Ronilo P. Antonio, Richelle R. Castro | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Physics instruction necessitates innovative strategies that can support students` achievement. Virtual simulations are digital tools that can offer students with meaningful learning experiences, albeit in an online distance learning setup. This meta-analysis examined the effectiveness of virtual simulations in improving students` Physics achievement at the secondary level. A meta-analysis guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol was used. Fifteen (15) studies that met the inclusion criteria were included and analyzed. Effect size (Hedges g) was mainly used to determine the magnitude of the effectiveness of virtual simulations. The overall weighted effect size of g = 0.941 suggests that virtual simulations have a significantly large and positive effect on students` achievement in Physics. Moderator analyses revealed that the effectiveness of virtual simulations did not significantly differ based on the region, students` grade level, and duration of the implementation. However, a significant difference was found among the effect sizes of the individual studies when grouped according to the specific field of Physics. The majority of the virtual simulation tools used were PhET simulations and Crocodile Physics, which were found to be integrated with constructivist instructional strategies that facilitated substantial improvements in students` achievement. Hence, professional development programs are recommended to further strengthen Physics teachers` technological and pedagogical knowledge on the effective utilization of virtual simulations to enhance students`Physics learning. |
| Effectiveness of Epistemic Beliefs and Scientific Argument to Improve Learning Process Quality | Author : Rohayati, Syihabuddin, Dadang Anshori, Andoyo Sastromiharjo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The formation of scientific arguments by involving constructivist epistemic beliefs will produce deeper knowledge. This study uses a quasi-experimental research method involving 200 students from the science study program, namely biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics at a public university in Bandung. In the experimental group, students were divided into several groups based on the results of demographic analysis, including absolutists, relativists, and evaluativist. Furthermore, intervention was given to explain the criteria for scientific argumentation and instructions for scientific argumentation. The control group did not experience the division of roles and was not given intervention. The results showed that students in the experimental group produced scientific arguments and carried out the learning process better than the control class. The increase in the quality of the argumentation is marked by the number of alternative ideas and thought experiments used in the argument. In detail, of the three groups of students, the evaluative group was more critical and could generate more new ideas when discussing learning topics. In addition, evaluative groups are also more reliable in solving problems correctly. The relativist group shows a less critical and less confident attitude when interacting with others. The implication of this research is that scientific argumentation instruction can be used as an alternative in understanding conceptual and increasing students` epistemic beliefs. |
| Assessing the Effectiveness of Board Game-based Learning for Enhancing Problem-Solving Competency of Lower Secondary Students | Author : Surawit Assapun, Phonraphee Thummaphan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The use of game-based learning in education is prevalent. However, the effectiveness of it as a tool for promoting real world problem-solving competency in STEM education is yet unclear. The main research question was how well the board game-based learning improves students’ problem-solving competency in lower secondary schools. Mixed-method research was used with embedded design comprising of one group pretest-posttest quasi-experiment, and case study. The research developed a GBL model based on three specifically designed board games and experimented with three classes of 30 students each by two participating teachers in two schools using one of the games for one lesson. Students’ problem-solving competency was assessed quantitatively before and after each class and analyzed by descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were collected through observation, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews and analyzed by content analysis. The results found that GBL model consists of problem-solving concept. learning process, learning content, and game mechanics. Teachers used the model following learning process for different learning objectives. Students’ problem-solving behavior and skill scores increased after participating GBL, while changes in self-efficacy were mixed. Students’ learning experiences were positive with high engagement. This study shows how GBL can be practically used with various serious games and applied in different classes, and it suggests teachers to apply this model to promote student problem-solving proficiency. |
| The Influence of Indonesian Instructional Books with a Scientific Approach on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Scientific Writing | Author : Dewi Suprihatin, Retno Winarni, Kundharu Saddhono, Nugraheni Eko Wardani | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to investigate the influence of Indonesian instructional books with a scientific approach on students’ learning outcomes in scientific writing viewed from their academic ability. This is quasi-experimental research design. Techniques used to collect data were tests in form of multiple choice and essay, observations, and documentations. Before conducting t-test, the researchers conducted a prerequisite test. Its results for the influence of Indonesian instructional books with a scientific approach on students’ learning outcomes showed significance values of 0.314 in cognitive domain, 0.032 in psychomotor domain, and 0.038 in affective domain. The results for the influence of academic ability on learning outcomes showed significance values of 0.065 in cognitive domain, 0.969 in psychomotor domain, and 0.528 in affective domain. The results for the interactions between of Indonesian instructional books with a scientific approach on students’ and academic ability on cognitive, psychomotor. The conclusions of this study are: 1) Indonesian instructional books with a scientific approach influences students’ learning outcomes in form of psychomotor and affective domains; 2) the academic skill does not influence students’ learning outcomes in scientific writing, and 3) the interactions between Indonesian instructional books with scientific approach and academic ability have no effect on students’ learning outcomes in scientific writing. It is recommended that Indonesian instructional books with a scientific approach can be developed to measure higher order thinking skills. |
| Designing Online Learning: Comparative Study between Indonesian Open University and Korea National Open University | Author : Benny Agus Pribadi, Kwan Sik Chung | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Many people especially educators are developing instructional materials for online learning during the pandemic era referring to the guiding principles of online instructional units or course materials in order to produce instruction for online learning. In fact, it is difficult for educators to start designing the appropriate instructional by the context of online learning for considerations used as guidelines of larger instructional system. The aim of this study is to analyse the best practice of implementing the instructional system design models to create effective and efficient online learning programs. Instructional system design models consist of systematic steps that are commonly used in designing and developing high-quality learning materials. This study used the descriptive qualitative research approach that consists of detailed analysis of one or more cases or phenomena. The use of the instructional system design model and procedures both in UT and KNOU were explored to find a comprehensive insight that can be applied in designing and developing the optimum quality of the online learning program. The implementation of the instructional system design model provides common important components that can be shared to create a high quality of online learning programs by involving several common components namely: analysis, design, development, implementation, and assessment as the generic components of instructional system design. The instructional system design models` methodical and holistic phases aid instructional designers in designing and developing successful and efficient online learning programs. |
| The Implementation of RBL-STEM Learning Materials to Improve Students Historical Literacy in Designing the Indonesian Batik Motifs | Author : Sumardi, Rully Putri Nirmala Puji, Dafik, Zainur Rasyid Ridlo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to identify students` historical literacy in preserving Indonesian batik designs as traditional cultural heritage and sustainable rural economic development. The method used in this research is a mixed method that combines quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative research methods are used to analyze students` historical literacy, while qualitative research methods are used to analyze learning activities and a portrait phase of the students` historical literacy under the RBL-STEM implementation in the learning process. The research respondents consisted of two classes: the control class with 40 students and the experimental class with 41 students. The research instruments used were interviews, questionnaires, observations, and historical literacy tests. The results showed that based on the independent sample t-test analysis on the post-test, there was a significant difference between the control class and the experimental class. It is due to the sig (2-tailed) score is 0.000 (p = <0,05). Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of RBL-STEM learning materials can improve students` historical literacy in preserving Indonesian batik designs as traditional cultural heritage and sustainable rural economic development. The students`historical literacy in the experiment class dominantly lies on well-developed and very welldeveloped category. Furthermore, the student learning activities under the implementation of the RBL-STEM approach on three stages (initial, main and last stages) lies on active and very active category. |
| Stimulus Appraisal-Based L2 Attitude and Motivation among Indian ESL Learners | Author : Sarat K Doley | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article presents the findings of a stimulus appraisal-based study using the criteria of goal significance, self/social image, coping potential, pleasantness, and novelty on the differences and similarities in the second language (L2) attitude and motivation of Indian English as a second language (ESL) learners (N>500) pursuing their undergraduate programs in three academic disciplines: engineering, humanities, and medical science. A modified version of Garnder’s attitude and motivation test battery (AMTB) was used as the questionnaire to collect data and the various L2 attitudinal and motivational dimensions in AMTB were interpreted as the criteria identified by Schumann in stimulus appraisal theory. The major finding of this study was that the mean scores of the need/goal significance dimension of ESL attitude and motivation significantly differed among the three ESL learner groups. The ESL learners across the three academic disciplines, however, exhibited mean scores within a similar range in the pleasantness and novelty dimensions of the stimulus assessment criteria. As studies on the differences in L2 attitude and motivation among adult L2 learners pursuing different institutional academic programs have been extremely limited, the findings reported in this article should have significant pedagogical implications for the understanding of L2 learning behavior in the context of such L2 classrooms. |
| Implementing Translanguaging with Pedagogical Approach in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Listening Classroom | Author : Roderick Julian Robillos | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Burgeoning studies have demonstrated the effective use of translanguaging (henceforth, TLAN) pedagogy; however, these studies often concentrated on speaking, reading, and writing skills. There have been no studies, to date, that focused on the use of TLAN with regard to the listening skill. Furthermore, there has been a heightened concern to implement TLAN with a pedagogical approach to facilitate better listening comprehension tasks. Thus, this study examined the impact of translanguaging with pedagogical cycle on students’ listening comprehension performance and L2 learning. A sequential mixed-method type of research was employed using a pre- and post-test design. Furthermore, an intact group of 15 First Year college students was purposively selected as samples and underwent 10 sessions of applying TLAN with a pedagogical cycle used as the intervention. Results reveal a significant difference in participants’ listening comprehension performance as manifested by a higher mean score after the intervention. A positive improvement was also revealed regarding their L2 learning as manifested on their four listening comprehension quizzes in terms of structure, grammar, supporting details, lexical resource, and content organization. Furthermore, the participants perceived that using TLAN is normal and not a disrespectful practice for them as EFL learners. Qualitative findings disclose that the participants have welcomed the use of the intervention to aid their listening comprehension processes. The paper addresses the agentive potential of TLAN with pedagogical approach, thus, it could be included as a beneficial pedagogical method to leverage students’ dynamic language practices, promote listening comprehension, and foster language learning. |
| Relationship between Social Networking Addiction and Academic Performance in Students of University | Author : Rakan Alhrahsheh, Salwa Al Majali | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :There is no doubt whatsoever that social networks affects our lives both positively and negatively. Social media addiction is one of the negative impacts of social networking and affects students on a global scale. The research seeks to find out whether there is a statistically significant relationship between the patterns of social addiction and the academic performance by gender of students at the university. The study used the descriptive approach, through a random sample of 383 students from Al Ain University, United Arab Emirates. The results of the study showed a strong negative relationship between social media addiction and academic performance. 68.93% (264 participants), were within the moderate level of addiction, and the Mann-Whitney U test for nominal qualitative variables revealed that social networking addiction was higher. In male participants compared to social networking addiction in female participants. The results of the research are important at the local level due to the social and economic well-being of the Emirati society, and consequently the spread of the Internet in a wide field and the ease of children`s possession of information technology tools. The researchers recommend conducting more studies at the local and global levels to spread awareness of the effects of this phenomenon. We suggested to university leaders, lecturers, and parents to adopt effective educational and training measures in guiding children to exploit social networks in effective education and to advise them about the dangers of Internet addiction and unhelpful networks. |
| The Comparison Analysis of Teacher`s Learning Effectiveness in Realizing Entrepreneurship Skills of Students | Author : Sumarno, Gimin, Eddy Noviana | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Learning effectiveness is one of the critical issues in the success of an educational process. Effective means that learning objectives and targets can be achieved so that it has an impact on improving students` learning outcomes. One learning outcome that is very important for students to have as a provision to live in society is the realization of entrepreneurial skills. This study aims to analyze the differences in the effectiveness of teacher learning in realizing entrepreneurial skills of Senior High School (SMA), Vocational High Schools (SMK), and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) students of the academic year 2021/2022, both public and private in Pekanbaru City. Data were collected by using one observation sheet and questionnaires of 25 questions. The number of schools covered was 18 (eighteen) schools, and each school took a maximum of 3 parallel classes, of which each consisted of up to 30 students. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and comparative analysis techniques. The results showed that entrepreneurship learning scores ranging from planning, implementation, and assessment of the learning process and including student entrepreneurship skills showed significant differences between public and private schools. The average planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning entrepreneurship subjects in public or private schools are classified as good since the average scores are 3.29, 3.02, and 2.89. At the same time, the average value of entrepreneurship skills is 81 for public schools and 69 for private schools. |
| The Effect of Blended Learning on the Primary Stage EFL Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement in Libya | Author : Ameen Omran Saleh AlManafi, Siti Zuraidah Md Osman, Ibrahim Suleiman Ibrahim Magableh, Rabha Hassan Hamed Alghatani | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this study was to look at the impact of blended learning methodologies on the reading comprehension achievement of Libyan EFL primary school pupils. To achieve this purpose, a quasi-experimental two-way betweengroup factorial design was used. A total of 120 Libyan EFL respondents from four different schools were randomly assigned to one of the two groups. The experimental group (N=60) consisted of 30 males and 30 females who were given reading comprehension education in general English understanding as well as blended learning materials created by the researchers. However, 30 males and 30 females in the control group (N=60) acknowledged typical classroom training grade 9 textbooks. Both groups were assessed in their reading comprehension EFL achievement before and after the intervention using an achievement English test, and their scores were compared using inferential statistics of the independent sample t-test, paired sample t-test, and the factorial between two groups ANCOVA, all of which were performed in SPSS V.27. According to the finding, blended learning has a statistically significant positive effect on improving reading comprehension in EFL students, with a considerable effect size between groups. Furthermore, in the case of blended learning, no statistically significant interaction impact between teaching modality and gender was discovered. In Libyan EFL schools, blended learning can be used to improve reading comprehension. |
| The Impact Continuous Adaptation of Augmented Reality After Covid-19 in United Arab Emirates | Author : Hani Yousef Jarrah, Tareq Alkhasawneh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Augmented reality is gaining popularity in a variety of disciplines, particularly in educational environments. Distance learning has become a reality in the aftermath of the Covid-19 epidemic. It is already in use worldwide, and education using augmented reality technology will assist learners in absorbing learning information in a more creative state of mind than ever before. There has been little study into the adoption of augmented reality in developing countries. As a result, understanding the characteristics of augmented reality adoption is critical for encouraging and motivating students to use this incredibly creative and effective form of technology in the continuous adaptation of the distance educational process after the covid 19 epidemic. In light of this, the authors combined UTUAT2 and Task-Technology Fit theories. The study has targeted undergraduate students at Al-Ain University in the United Arab Emirates to gather the data. Purposive sampling procedures were employed to gather a valid sample of 534 questionnaires for this investigation. Finally, the acquired data were analyzed using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The results revealed that technology characteristics, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, and task technology fit have a significant and positive effect on behavioral intention. In addition, the findings indicated that task technology fit partially mediated the effect of technology characteristics, performance expectancy on behavioral intention. The findings of this study will contribute more useful knowledge to the literature, resulting in a greater understanding of the characteristics and behaviors of Augmented reality after covid 19 pandemic implementation in developing countries. |
| A Meta-Analysis of the Utilization of Computer Technology in Enhancing Computational Thinking Skills: Direction for Mathematics Learning | Author : Yullys Helsa, Suparman, Dadang Juandi, Turmudi, Munirah Binti Ghazali | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this research is to summarize and observe how interventions affect students’ computational thinking (CT) skills through computer technology. Some common factors predicted to cause students’ heterogeneous CT skills would also be examined. A meta-analysis was chosen to conduct this study. Finding and selecting the relevant literature resulted in 43 documents published in the period of 2011 – 2021 which involved 5.088 samples. The formula of Hedges’ g was used to measure the effect size. The Z test and the Q Cochrane test were also used to analyze the data. The results of this study revealed that the interventions involving computer technology on students’ CT skills had modest positive effect in which computer technology interventions significantly enhanced students’ CT skills. It indicates that the learning process utilizing computer technology is effective to enhance students’ CT skills. Furthermore, educational level, geographical location, group size of intervention, learning tool, and subject did not moderate students’ heterogeneous CT skills. It means that the level of students’ CT skills intervened by using computer technology is not affected by the factors. To improve students’ CT skills, this study suggests teachers to utilize computer technology into their mathematics teaching-learning process. Specifically, this study suggests teachers to utilize computer technology in implementing mathematics learning process. |
| Integrating a Game-Based App to Enhance Translation Learners’ Engagement, Motivation, and Performance | Author : Yulin Chen | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study investigated whether learning translation skills with a game-based learning app called CHEN-slate improves university learners’ motivation, course engagement, and overall course performance. In all, 75 undergraduate Taiwanese EFL students participated in this study. A survey and individual semistructured interviews were employed to collect data. Regression analysis and content analysis semistrutctured interview were used to analyze the data. According to the Regression results, student attitude towards using the app was a strong predictor of course engagement and translation learning motivation. Moreover, the overall course grade of the learners was enhanced through higher course engagement, which was increased by their learning motivation, especially extrinsic motivation based on the regression results. The findings have provided pedagogical implications for English–Chinese translation instructors seeking to enhance learner motivation, engagement, and performance by adopting digital game–based learning. Suggestions for future studies to promote the adoption of using gamebased app in translation courses for university EFL students are provided. |
| Academic Performance in Stem Subjects Among Secondary Boarding and Day Students in Lhuentse | Author : Damcho Gyeltshen, Reeta Rai | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Stem achievement is a predictor of national development since it empowers students with skills and capacities to confront challenges such as climate change, global warming, and unemployment. However, despite its significance and international priority, students` STEM performance has deteriorated in Bhutan. This study aimed to investigate stem subjects` performance and impeding factors by comparing the academic performance of boarding and day students in stem subjects. A convergent parallel mixed-method study was conducted with 301 participants comprising 281 students, 12 parents, and eight teachers in four secondary schools at Lhuentse. The research indicated a statistically significant difference in academic performance between boarding and day students in stem subjects, with day students outperforming boarding students. In addition, day students` self-efficacy was significantly higher than boarding students. Moreover, students` self-efficacy correlated significantly with academic performance in STEM subjects. Some of the recommendations are: to notify the need to upgrade physical structures such as hostels and bathrooms; to inform a proper use of available resources to enable students to use them for studying stem subjects; and to encourage guardians to support students in terms of resources and guidance to perform better academically in stem subjects. |
| Impact of Science Process Skills on Thinking Skills in Rural and Urban Schools | Author : Astalini, Darmaji, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Ricky Purnama Wirayuda, Wita Ardina Putri, Endah Febri Setiya Rini, Agnes Aktapianti Br. Ginting, Tri Ratnawati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The novelty in this research is to test the students` science process skills on critical thinking skills in terms of students`gender. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of science process skills on critical thinking skills based on the gender of students in rural and urban schools. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The sample in this study was (534) grade VII students consisting of (281) female students and (253) male students. The instruments used were observation sheets and essay tests. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistical tests and inferential statistics. The result of this research is that the students` science process skills and critical thinking skills are categorized as good and critical and there is a significant influence and difference between the two variables in rural or urban schools. The recommendation of this research for further research is that it is expected to be able to examine indicators that have not been included in this study. |
| Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Mathematics Problem-Solving | Author : Sandra Mršnik, Mara Cotic, Darjo Felda, Daniel Doz | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Despite the importance of teaching students how to solve math problems and how to transfer problem-solving skills to solve problems in new and unknown situations, research on teachers’ attitudes towards solving math problems is still scarce. The aim of the present research was to investigate teachers’ attitudes towards solving math problems in a convenience sample of 312 Slovenian primary school teachers. Participants solved a written questionnaire with 17 questions, which aimed to measure their attitude towards different aspects related to problemsolving, such as (1) the feasibility of the objectives related to problem-solving in the Slovenian mathematics program, (2) the use of mathematical problems in different phases of the lessons, (3) the effects of the use of problem-solving on students, and (4) the conditions necessary for solving problems in mathematics. Through the Principal Component Analysis, we validated the questionnaire and the reliability of the instrument was very good. The results show that teachers have a positive attitude towards solving math problems. In particular, teachers recognize the importance of including problem-solving in their regular math lessons. Teachers believe that problem-solving is important for improving students’ mathematical knowledge and allows the transfer of knowledge to solve new and unfamiliar problems. Furthermore, the participants believe that the objectives related to problem-solving in Slovenian national curricula are important and should be considered in normal mathematics lessons. Hence, having a more positive attitude towards mathematics problem-solving might encourage teachers to use problem-solving in their regular classes. |
| EFL Learners’ Preference of Grammar Learning Model Amid Covid-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Study | Author : Suswati Hendriani, Na’imah, Wisma Yunita, Yulnetri, Hendra Eka Putra | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Covid-19 Pandemic has greatly affected EFL learners in English grammar. Learning English grammar in its nature is difficult for EFL learners. Covid-19 has made grammar lessons more difficult for them and has caused them to be differentiated sharply in their preference of learning model. Thus, this study is aimed at investigating the underlying factors causing the learners’ differentiation of learning model in learning English grammar. Through a mixed-methods, using google-form that consists of closed and open-ended questions, the data of the research were collected. The quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The qualitative data were analysed using the model of analysis proposed by Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014). The research results showed that teacher’s presence and students’ extrinsic motivation were identified as the crucial factors in determining the learners’ preferences of learning model of English grammar. |
| Computer-Based Formative Assessment Practices of Core Academics Within a One-To-One Computing Environment | Author : Juliann Sergi McBrayer, Summer Pannell, Brian Uriegas, Katherine Fallon, Patrick Sullivan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This correlational study examined the different types of computer-based formative assessments (CBFA) being utilized, frequency of CBFA use, and differences in CBFA usage rates across specified constructs in middle and high schools located in Georgia. 261 middle school and high school academic teachers were provided a Qualtrics survey and descriptive statistics, an ANOVA, and correlations were utilized to analyse the data. Findings noted a positive correlation between CBFA usage rates and teacher comfort with technology and perceived benefit of using technology, and a negative relationship between teacher autonomy to select teaching methods and CBFA usage rates. Additionally, teacher beliefs about the needs of their students are impacting their decisions to use CBFA. Through building awareness of differences in CBFA usage, researchers recommend for school leaders to encourage professional learning that is purposeful, collaborative, and sustainable, which can address the different perceptions educators have about the implementation of instructional technology. Additionally, it is encouraged for teachers to have a voice in the selection of CBFA applications used with their students and incorporating administrative directive to use CBFA applications. |
| Teacher Perceptions of the Use of a Computer-Adaptive Test for Formative Purposes: Typologies of Practices | Author : Oluwaseun Ijiwade, Dennis Alonzo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The use of assessment for formative purposes has become a major component of assessment reforms in many educational systems due to its potential to provide important data for teacher-decision making to improve learning. However, there is yet a study with a robust objective measurement model to set up a continuum of teacher perceptions of the uses of a computer adaptive test (CAT) for enhancing formative practices. This study explores teachers’ perceptions of the potential use of an externally developed CAT, an assessment aimed to support the learning and teaching of English as an additional language (EAL). A Teacher Perception of the Use of CAT Scale (TPUCAT) was developed using both theoretical and empirical approaches to determine the indicators of the construct. A questionnaire, with sixpoint Likert type scale and 36 items were administered to EAL teachers in one state educational system in Australia. Using the Rasch item analysis, four statistically different possibilities of use for the CAT emerged from the data. These groupings of teachers were used to develop a typology of teachers’ perceptions of potential CAT use to support individual students in their learning. We establish that teachers’ perception about the use of CAT is varied, and hence present a professional development opportunity. Our study is the first to establish this typology of teacher perception, which is a critical contribution to the theorisation of assessment. This typology from basic to expert provides a better description of potential teacher uses of a CAT for formative purposes and allows for targeted professional development for teachers to ensure that CAT is optimised to support teacher practices and student learning. |
| Tenses Choice and Rhetorical Pattern of Unpublished Scientific Articles written by Non-Native English Speaker Student Teachers | Author : Katharina Rustipa, Yulistiyanti, Sri Mulatsih, Elisabeth Oseanita Pukan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :By employing the appropriate tenses, we communicate our feeling/intention appropriately. However, English tense is problematic for most EFL learners, even for upper-level students and for English teachers whose native language is tenseless. Non-native English speaker teachers (NNETs) as role models for English learners have an important role to succeed in the teaching and learning of English tenses. One way to know their English tense competence is by examining their unpublished scientific writing because academic writing demands a good feel of tense. This study aims at finding out the rhetorical patterns and tense shifts across rhetorical functions employed in the research article introductions (RAI) by NNESTs. This research is a qualitative study that embraces the characteristics of a case study, text/genre analysis. The data of this research are tenses and rhetorical functions collected from 8 unpublished research article introductions by NNESTs who were studying at the English Language Education Graduate Program, aiming at developing their quality. The data were analysed using Genre-Based Approach theory to reveal the rhetorical functions, rhetorical pattern, and tense shift. The research results revealed that most participants do not produce complete rhetorical stages. The most problematic rhetorical stage is the move `indicating a gap`. The tense choice and tense shift in clause complexes are also problematic for them. |
| The Assessment of Fit Data Model Feasibility of the Teachers’ Pedagogic Competency Variables | Author : Lian Gafar Otaya, Herson Anwar, Kasim Yahiji, Rahmawati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study examines the relationship among the variables that affect the pedagogic competence of Islamic education teachers in Gorontalo. These consist of effective classroom management, effective teaching practices, technology skills, and effective assessment variables. Furthermore, the respondents in this study are 320 Islamic religious education teachers selected by a cluster sampling technique. Here in after, the data were analyzed using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach due to the implementation of multivariate analysis of the relationship among variables with the help of LISREL in order to describe the structural model. The results indicated that not all relationships among variables possessed a positive and significant influence on Islamic religious teachers’ pedagogic competence. In addition, this study showed only three relationships among the latent variables that have a positive and significant effect on teachers pedagogical competence, namely effective classroom management (A) to effective teaching practice (B) with a Tvalue of 5.37, effective classroom management (A) to technological skills (C) with a T-value of 4.10, and effective teaching practice (B) to technology skill (C) with a T-value of 2.55. Thus, teachers’ pedagogical competence plays a significant role in achieving successful learning by considering to link one variable to another. |
| The Correlation of EFL Graduate Students’ Strategies and Attitude Toward Reading English E-Journal Articles | Author : Kate Tzu-Ching Chen | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aimed at determining English as a foreign language (EFL) graduate students’ searching and reading strategies they actually use when reading English electronic journal articles (EEJAs) and their attitude toward reading EEJAs. A questionnaire survey was designed and administered to 342 Taiwanese graduate students from various majors across 15 universities. The results indicated that students have a medium usage of EEJA searching strategies (ESS), high usage of EEJA reading strategies (ERS), and a moderate to high level of EEJA reading attitude (ERA). MANOVA results showed significant interaction of reading ability and time spent online for academic purposes on both ESS and ERS. In addition, students’ belief was mostly correlated positively with their use of ESS and ERS, but students’ feeling was mostly negative correlated. Finally, the results of the structural equation modelling (SEM) validated that the structure of the three major variables and the connections with them were reasonable. |
| The Impact of Guessing on the Accuracy of Estimating Simple Linear Regression Equation Parameters and the Ability to Predict | Author : Habis Saad Al-zboon, Ma’moun I. Y. Alharayzeh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The current study aimed at identifying the impact of guessing on the accuracy of estimating simple linear regression equation parameters and the ability to predict. To achieve the objectives of the study, an achievement test was built in its final form of (40) multiple-choice items in a measurement and evaluation course. After verifying the psychometric properties of the test, it was applied to a sample of (134) male and female general diploma students registered at AL-Hussein Bin Talal University in the second semester of the year 2020/2021. The test was divided into two sections: the first section was tested based on the traditional correction method, while the second section was tested based on the correction formula for the impact of guessing. The results of the study concluded that there are statistically significant differences among the predicted values in the scores of the examinees when using the traditional method and the correction formula for the impact of guessing in favor of the traditional method, and that there are statistically significant differences among the means of residual squares for estimating the scores of the study sample attributed to the correction method and in favor of the traditional method. The results of the study also found that the value of the explained variance (R2) increases when using the correction equation for the guessing effect, and that the values of the parameters of the simple linear regression equation increase when using the correction equation for the impact of guessing, and that the values of the standard error in estimating the parameters of the simple linear regression equation decrease when using the correction equation for the impact of guessing. |
| Teacher Creativity Counteracts Radicalism in The World of Education Based on Local Cultural Values | Author : Remiswal, Aprizal Ahmad, Arham Junaidi Firman, Nova Asvio, Muhammad Kristiawan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Religious studies have lately been considered a source of the spread of radicalism that is growing massively and targeting all ages, especially students. This study aims to identify and investigate religious teachers’ creativity in countering radicalism based on local cultural values. This study hypothesizes that there is a relationship between the creativity of religious teachers and efforts to counteract radicalism based on local cultural values. This study uses a mixed method convergent design in Lombok and Makassar which were determined intentionally through purposive sampling technique. The research was carried out from August to October 2021. The population in this study were all religious teachers (23 people) with a saturated sample at the research locus. The measurement variables in this study include aspects of the perspectives, policies, and practices of religious teachers in counteracting radicalism based on local cultural values. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis is carried out descriptively. The results show that the creativity of religious teachers has a relationship and occupies a central position to counteract radicalism based on local cultural values. Meanwhile, overall, there is a close relationship between the creativity of religious teachers in aspects of perspective, policy, and practice with efforts to counteract radicalism based on local cultural values. |
| Relevance of Communicative, Team Effectiveness, and Long-Range Planning Skills in Vessel Crewmembers | Author : Rebeca Bouzón, Álvaro Antón-Sancho, Yolanda Amado-Sánchez, Diego Vergara | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In recent years, soft skills have become increasingly important in many areas of the labor market and in the training of higher education students. This paper explores the perception that different crewmembers of Spanish flag vessels have about the influence of different soft skills in their work environment. A quantitative study is developed based on the answers to a survey to assess the different soft skills. The study involved 120 crewmembers of Spanish vessels, representing all possible positions and all types of coastal or ocean-going vessels. Student`s t-test and ANOVA test were used to compare mean perceptions by gender, age range, navigation experience, position held, position experience, navigation class and vessel type. Three families of soft skills are distinguished: (i) communicative skills, (ii) team effectiveness, and (iii) long-range planning skills. In all of them, participants gave very high ratings, especially in team effectiveness. Significant differences were also identified in the perception of communicative skills and long-range planning skills when differentiated by position held and in the perception of communicative and teamwork skills when differentiated by type of vessel. |
| Acceptability of the Proposed Competency-Based Curriculum and Instruction Model to Further Improve the Quality of Nursing Education | Author : Antonieto G. Alaban, Anabelle P. Buran-Omar, Sakura T. Abduraji | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Nursing education in the 21st century faces several challenges, including a changing healthcare environment and rapid advances in medical knowledge and technology. To keep pace with these challenges, the researchers offer the Competency-Based Model Nursing Curriculum and Instruction Model to enhance the teaching and learning of nursing education. This study aims to determine the acceptability of this Model among nursing educators after identifying the issues and concerns they encountered in implementing the current nursing education curriculum. The study is a combination of a descriptive and normative study since it used the curriculum content and instructional approach analysis in nursing education as the focal point of the academic investigation where the sixteen (16) college administrators and sixty-three (63) clinical instructors were made participants in the study. Both groups of respondents perceived a high level of acceptability of the proposed competency-based nursing curriculum and instruction, as evidenced by the obtained composite means of X = 4.44 (college administrators) and X = 4.21 (clinical instructors) or an overall composite value of X = 4.32, indicating a high level of acceptance. Predominantly, both expressed significant differences in assessing the acceptability of the proposed Model. However, they strongly agreed that the work-setting scenario (z = -0.144), identification of student competencies (z = 1.480), and designing evaluation tools (z = -1.034) were addressed and given much focus in the proposed Model. |
| Exploring the Effectiveness of the Implemented Sufficient Economy Education Curriculum during Covid-19 Pandemic | Author : Hareesol Khun-inkeeree, Thachamon Kamlangkuea, Sarinda Puti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study explores the effectiveness of the integrated self-sufficient education curriculum developed in Dek Thai Kaem Sai for primary and secondary schools. A qualitative research methodology where a total number of nine (9) participants were selected using a nonprobability approach. Questions concern the awareness and effectiveness of implementing and integrating sufficient economy curriculum to the regular education curriculum. Response were analysed using thematic and discourse analysis. The findings reveal that the curriculum was adequate for the target audience, but the teachers implementing the curriculum also gained knowledge in their various homes. Also, there is an attitudinal and behavioural change from students by choosing organic foods over inorganic and junk foods. The findings further reveal that the implementation of this curriculum limit the negative economic effect of covid-19 movement restriction because several family households near the school environment have farms where plant and animals are raised. Thus, when covid-19 struck, the community had alternatives. Despite the significant effect of the curriculum, it is not clear if wider schools could be able to adopt this practice. This study assessed the effectiveness of the integrated selfsufficient education curriculum developed in Dek Thai Kaem Sai for primary and secondary schools. A qualitative research methodology where selective participants were selected using a nonprobability approach. The findings further reveal that implementing this curriculum limits the negative economic effect of covid-19 movement restriction because several family households near the school environment have farms where plants and animals are raised. Thus, when covid-19 struck, the community had alternatives. |
| Factors Influencing Teachers` Intention to Use Technology: Role of TPACK and Facilitating Conditions | Author : Thinley Wangdi, Sonam Dhendup, Ten Gyelmo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The behavioral intention (BI) of teachers to use technology is an important factor in the success of technology use in classrooms. Many models have been developed and extended in different contexts by adding various independent variables to the two initial variables of the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis,1989): Perceived usefulness (PU) and Perceived ease of use (PEOU) to determine teachers` BI to use technology. However, not many have attempted to investigate the role of Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and Facilitating Conditions (FC) in determining teachers` BI to use technology. Further, mediation through PU and PEOU from TPACK and FC to determine BI remains untested. To address these gaps, this study used an extended TAM (eTAM) model to investigate factors influencing teachers` BI to use technology. Employing convenience sampling technique, an electronic survey questionnaire consisting of 22 items was distributed across the schools in two western districts of Bhutan. A total of 207 in-service school teachers voluntarily responded to the survey. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to analyse the data; first, to examine whether there is any direct influence of TPACK and FC on BI or not, and then the mediating effects of PU and PEOU from TPACK and FC to BI. The findings revealed that there was no evidence of a direct influence from TPACK and FC on BI, though there was a significant effect of TPACK and FC on teachers` BI when mediated through PU and PEOU. |
| Character Education Model for High School Students during the Pandemic in terms of Pedagogic Competence and Teacher Personality | Author : Hasbiyallah, Muhammad Munadi, Dadan Nurulhaq | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :There was a significant change in the educational process during the covid 19 pandemic. These changes had an impact on all aspects of education, including the operation of teaching student character. This study aims to reveal teacher readiness in terms of pedagogic and personality competencies, learning strategies, and challenges faced in the implementation of character education during the pandemic. This research is included in the category of qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The main subjects of the study were fifteen people who were religious teachers in public and private high schools in Indonesia. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with interview guide instruments that had been prepared and designed based on theoretical analysis. The data analysis technique uses the stages of data classification, data presentation, and data interpretation. The results of the study indicate that in terms of pedagogical competence and personality, teachers already have clear standards. Based on sufficient work experience, development in the form of continuous training, as well as an educator certificate held in the pedagogical aspect. In addition, the environment can provide an influence as well as a learning context. Meanwhile, from personal competence, most teachers have a vital role in society as religious and community leaders. Another finding is that the character education model carried out by the teacher is divided into three, namely experiential learning, inquiry, and collaboration. The challenges that arise in the implementation of character education are the limitations in facilities, support, and motivation of parents at home and the ability of students to participate in learning. |
| Assessing the Rigour of the Mathematics Courses Being Used to Prepare Primary School Teachers | Author : Avalloy McCarthy-Curvin, Camille Berry | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :It was perceived that a good place to start in understanding why teacher graduates were not demonstrating expected levels of conceptual knowledge (CK) and skills, and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is to examine the written curriculum used in teacher preparation institutions. This study utilised a mixed methods approach to evaluate the courses that are used in five teachers’ colleges in Jamaica. Four content courses and one methodology course were collected from the Joint Board of Teacher Education (The accrediting body for Teacher Education in Jamaica). Four raters independently ranked each course objective on Webb’s Depth of Knowledge model in order to determine the number of the objectives that are focused on the development of CK and skills. They also matched the course objectives of the methodology course against Shulman’s description of PCK in order to determine the number of course objectives that focussed on PCK. Also, N=6 teacher educators were interviewed to gain a deeper understanding of the findings that emerged from the curriculum evaluation. The findings show that 0% of the methodology course addressed PCK, making it likely for teachers to exit preparation programmes without being provided with adequate opportunities to develop PCK. |
| The Effects of Teaching Presence on Students’ Motivation and Performance in A Long-term Online Gamified EFL Listening Course | Author : Suharno, Didi Suherdi, Wawan Gunawan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Studies have proven that gamification in learning can increase motivation and engagement, however, since the pandemic broke out and instruction was held fully online for a long time, its effectiveness has been under question. The motivation was also reportedly decreased in long-term gamified classes. Nonetheless, in gamification research, teaching presence (TP) as the predictor of success in distance instruction has not adequately been included. The study investigated the effects of TP on students’ motivation and performance in a long-term online gamified EFL listening class. Teaching Presence and eMUSIC motivation framework were used to guide the research. A mixed-method with quasiexperimental design and thematic analysis was employed to mine quantitative and qualitative data respectively. Two groups of treatment and control of 42 freshmen, 28 females and 14 males aged 17-19 taking Listening for General Communication 2 were involved in the study. Independent samples t-test and one-way repeated measures ANOVA by SPSS 27 were used for the analysis of quantitative data; meanwhile, thematic analysis with NVivo 12 was used for the analysis and interpretation of qualitative data. The study revealed that TP was relatively able to maintain students’ motivation and enhance performance in a long-term gamified EFL listening class. The findings recommend similar research focusing on three other language skills and Caring subscale of eMUSIC motivation. |
| Pedagogical Practice as a Foundation Course for the Development of Professional Skills | Author : Jehona Rrustemi, Voglushe Kurteshi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study aims to identify the factors that have contributed in the student teacher`s professional preparation through the students` attitudes towards pedagogical practice. The study is quantitative based on the descriptive-correlative design. The instrument used for data collection is the questionnaire. The respondents that participated in the research are students from two study programmes (Primary and Preschool) in the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina" and also students of two programmes (Preschool and Primary) in the University of Gjilan "Kadri Zeka". The total of the respondents in the research is N=280 students. The results from Pearson`s correlation show very strong positive correlations between students` opportunities to practice their knowledge with preschool and primary students, favourable school environment and their support from mentor teachers. The results also reflect other factors that contribute to the professional preparation of student teachers such as: the sufficiency of the days/hours of pedagogical practices, the subjects that have contributed to their professional knowledge, the challenges they have encountered during the pedagogical practices, as well as the satisfaction they have experienced during their studies. The research is important as it identifies and describes the factors that contribute to the professional preparation of student teachers. |