The World`s Scholarly Publications at Your Fingertips with Scilit from Basel, Switzerland | Author : Asim Ari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Today, access to publications is available in digital environments rather than printed materials. Therefore, databases become very important in accessing scientific publications. With databases, instant and easy access to current publications from all over the world is possible. Scilit ( is one of these important databases. Scilit is a free database developed by MDPI AG. Scilit includes journal articles, book chapters, monographs, and preprints. It provides services to scientists, academics and everyone who is interested. |
| Availability of STEAM Approach Requirements among IntermediateStage Mathematics Teachers and Their Attitudes towards It | Author : Mona Qutaifan Ershed Alfayez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present research aimed at investigating the availability of the requirements of the STEAM approach among intermediate-stage teachers and their attitudes towards the STEAM approach in public schools of Amman city, Jordan. This was a cross-sectional study that recruited a sample of 294 intermediate-stage mathematics teachers. A researcher-developed questionnaire was used in this study. It comprised 46 items (30 items for the availability of the STEAM approach requirements and 16 items for teachers` attitudes towards the STEAM approach). The data gathered in this study was analyzed using the SPSS. The results showed that the requirements of the STEAM education approach were high. Exploring the domains of STEAM requirements revealed that the implementation domain was the highest available requirement (3.90±0.54), followed by the planning domain (3.81±0.68) was available at a high degree, and lastly the assessment domain (3.11±0.76) at a moderate degree. In addition, the results showed that the enrolled mathematics teachers had positive attitudes toward using the STEAM education approach in teaching mathematics. It was found the most positive attitudes were within the desire to apply the strategy domain (4.18±0.60), followed by the motivation and self-learning domain (4.06±0.83), thinking and problem-solving domain (3.66±1.08) and the last one was collaboration and communication domain (3.21±0.59). The study concluded that STEAM approach requirements are available to a high degree as perceived by intermediate-stage mathematics teachers and they had positive attitudes towards using the STEAM approach in teaching mathematics in the public schools in Amman city, Jordan. |
| Automation Model Development for School Reaccreditation of Early Childhood Education | Author : Suhadi, Ade Cahyana, Jaka Aulia Pratama, M. Arna Ramadhan, Salman Alfarisy Totalia, Sigit Wahyudi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :As stated in the Research and Development Objectives 2020-2024 by BSKAP, it was agreed on the need to implement a correct and credible quality monitoring and evaluation system. For Primary and Secondary Education, it is determined that 100% of education units will carry out Competency Assessment (AK) and Character Surveys (SK) starting in 2021 by first developing and preparing relevant measuring tools along with indicators of AK-SK readiness in the future, its implementation in 2021 while trying implement the overall accreditation process automation policy. Therefore, performance assessment in these units requires other proxies of learning indicators which are considered to have functions equivalent to competency assessments and character surveys. Instead of direct field visits, if correct, mathematical modeling can be performed to derive measurement proxies derived from the PPA or IPV variables or a combination of both. Automation modeling has been applied to approximately 5,000 school samples by applying three alternative methods, namely Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Partial Least Square (PLS) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). PCA modeling was successfully used on 49 predictors without a response variable (Y); ii) PLS modeling was successfully applied to 49 predictors involving response variables; iii) CFA modeling has been successfully carried out on PPA and IPV one by one, because the combined modeling has not succeeded in producing an adequate model in the form of goodness of fit. |
| Effectiveness of Interreligious Literacy in Preventing Radical Views in Higher Education: Narrative Inquiry Research | Author : M. Tahir, Ida Suryani Wijaya | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The notion of radicalism or extremism is currently a problem faced in the world. Many organizations or institutions adhere to this ideology with the aim of their own interests on behalf of the Islamic religion. In dealing with these problems, various efforts have been made by the government, one of which is implementing interfaith literacy at the tertiary level to suppress radical views. Universities are the target of this organization because students are considered to have souls that are still unstable and volatile. This research aims to study the effectiveness of this interreligious literacy in suppressing radicalism in several universities. This study used a qualitative approach with a narrative inquiry design as its research methodology. This study involves students and stakeholders who play an important role in this interfaith literacy. The research findings show that this interreligious literacy program can prevent and suppress radical understanding among students by changing the pattern of religious education from a closed doctrinal pattern to shifting to using a functional humanistic approach. The increase in students` interfaith literacy skills can be seen from the change in their perspective or mindset towards the teachings of Christianity and other religions. It can be concluded that interreligious literacy is effective in counteracting and preventing the spread of radicalism in the campus environment. The implication of this research is that this inter-religious literacy program provides an alternative to revitalizing religious education and its models in increasing students` religious knowledge and socializing religious values in an inclusive and humanistic manner. |
| Effects of a Project-Based Learning Methodology on Environmental Awareness of Secondary School Students | Author : Joaquín Ayerbe López, Francisco Javier Perales Palacios | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Well into the 21st century, the environmental crisis is more relevant than ever. To face this challenge, citizens with pro-environmental attitudes and adequate levels of environmental awareness are needed. As future adult citizens, adolescents should be a priority for environmental educators. The objective of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology in the improvement of the level of environmental awareness of secondary school students. To this end, a project related to the surrounding environment was designed and applied in the Spanish educational context. The nature of the research methodology was mixed (quantitative-qualitative), with the application of a pretest-posttest single group design. The instrument used was an environmental awareness test with a Likert-type scale and a set of open questions. The results obtained indicate a statistically significant rise in the level of environmental awareness in the participant group-class, leaving the effectiveness of the PBL in the referred level and educative context patent. There were some limitations in the research, including small sample size and the particular conditions of the exposed context, which should be resolved for future research in other educational contexts in order to generalise the findings of this study. |
| Experiences and Sense-Making Processes of Online Teaching Internship: A Master of Teaching Programme | Author : Luis Miguel Dos Santos | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Teaching requires a student-teaching internship for the license and registration, usually completed from the face-to-face and on-campus components. However, due to the covid-19 pandemic, many classrooms have switched to online platforms, regardless of the levels. This study aims to understand student-teachers’ experiences of an online-based student-teaching internship and how such internships influence the sense-making processes of student-teachers in online school environments. In line with the self-efficacy theory and social cognitive career and motivation theory, the case study method was used to invite a group of Master of Arts in Teaching students (a total of 18) to share their experiences and sense-making processes of their online student-teaching internship. Semi-structured interviews, focus group activities, and member-checking interviews were used to collect data from the participants. Based on the qualitative data, three themes were categorised: 1) positive experiences, 2) technology education is the trend, and 3) preparation for online classroom environments. The study may provide support or ideas to university leaders, supervisors, department heads, student-teachers, and policymakers to reform and polish their teaching qualification programmes with different types of delivery modes in order to meet the needs and educational trends of the coming decades. |
| Cultural Context as the Basis for Developing Reading Game Applications | Author : Edhy Rustan, Syela Rachmat | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aimed to determine the outcomes of concept analysis and to create and assess the viability of game applications for enhancing reading skills. This is R&D (Research and Development) utilizing the MLDC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) model. This study was conducted in several elementary schools in Palopo City. The data for the needs analysis was collected from 10 students and two teachers in fourth grade. The number of participants in the effectiveness test phase was 268 students. Observation sheets, documentation, interview guidelines, product validation questionnaires, practicality, and product efficacy were among the data collection instruments. The method of analysis employed is the mixed sequential exploratory technique. The results of the concept analysis determine the type of game application to be developed using contextual media based on local culture and android-based interactivity that promotes independent reading achievement indicator learning. The development of a video game included character introduction features, learning features based on curriculum-based reading, and playing features based on adopting ethnic characters, skin color, clothing, and local genre instrumental music. Through Blackbox testing, the product`s feasibility is determined. Practicality test results obtained on average are convenient. The effectiveness test results showed an increase in reading ability by using the developed game product. |
| Comparison of Complex Thinking Skills between Students from Public and Private Institutions in Mexico | Author : Edgar Omar López-Caudana, José Carlos Vázquez-Parra, Marco Cruz-Sandoval, Jose Jaime Baena-Rojas | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study conducted on a population of students from two technological universities in Mexico. The intention was to contrast the perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies among students in the last levels of their training. Then, to identify areas of opportunity for developing professional competencies it was applied a sample of 551 Engineering and Business school students from two higher education institutions in this Latin American country. In this manner, 60,61% corresponded to public universities while 39,39% remaining corresponded to private universities. Methodologically, a statistical descriptive analysis was carried out. The study was conducted with a convenience sample answered by students from technological universities located in western Mexico through Google Forms. After analyzing the results, it was possible to identify a gap in the students` perceived achievement in both institutions, with the private institution having a significantly higher mean. This study raises the importance of guaranteeing the development of professional competencies equitably among all students, intending to avoid differences that impact their perceptions of their abilities. All of this considering that complex thinking as a set of disciplinary and meta-competences should be similarly taught indifferent the type of university or higher education institution. |
| Economic Education, Digital Literacy and Intention to Invest Among Students: The Mediating Role of Financial Attitudes | Author : Suparno Suparno, Disman Disman, Ari Saptono, Ratieh Widhiastuti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The pandemic has raised the students’ activities in finding income, ranging from entrepreneurship to investing intention. This study aims to determine the role of economic education and digital literacy on student investment interest in universities during the Covid-19 period. In the analytical model proposed, it is assumed that the financial attitude variable is a mediating variable in education and financial knowledge in investment intentions. Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior and Bandura’s Social Learning Theory was developed for the research model. The research adopted quantitative methods using survey research data from saturated sampling techniques. The participants in this study were students of Universitas Negeri Jakarta who are members of the Indonesian stock exchange investment gallery organization. From the 234 proposed questionnaires, 203 questionnaires were returned and filled out completely for data analysis. The study results confirmed the three hypotheses and rejected the four proposed hypotheses. Economic education affects student investment intentions and significantly affects financial attitudes. However, digital literacy affects students’ investment intentions but fails to shape investment intentions through financial attitudes. Another finding is that economic education and digital literacy have no effect on shaping financial attitudes, but financial attitudes influence students’ investment intentions during the pandemic. |
| Impact of a Student-Designed Videogame on Students’ Perceptions of Sexual Genre-Based Violence Risks | Author : Bexi Perdomo, Dora Viviana Vega Swayne, Marianella Cecilia Hernández Ordinola, Claudia Sofia Olivares Novoa, María del Carmen Galarreta Ugarte | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study aimed to assess the impact of a student-created videogame on university students’ perceptions of the risk of sexual gender-based violence (SGBV) against women. It was based on two research questions: (1) to what extent the game ‘Un día a la vez’ (UDALV) impacts students’ perceptions of SGBV? (2) How do students perceive the game’s efficiency to change their perception of SGBV? This mixed study included the qualitative analysis of the game and, quantitative and qualitative techniques to assess and understand its impact on students’ perception. The sample consisted of 51 students aged between 17 and 24. The game showed easygoing narrative and mechanics with varied dynamics. Quantitative results indicated a positive effect of UDALV on all students’ perceptions of the risks of SGBV with a statistically significant difference between the pretest and posttest for the overall sample: t (50) = 9.050 (p = .000; d = .497). However, no differences were observed for the impact between males and females: t (47) = .581 (p = .564; d = .167). The interviews indicated that students find the game effective. In the context of this research, the results seem to be beneficial for gender-equity education programs addressed to young people. |
| Hybrid Learning (HL) in Higher Education: The Design and Challenges | Author : Nuruddin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The covid-19 outbreak is spreading in the world fast, forcing states worldwide to transform into digital services, including education services. This study aims to investigate the design and challenges of Islamic universities in implementing HL. Hybrid Learning (HL) denotes a mixture of face-to-face (FTF) learning in the classroom with online learning through application assistance. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive method using open questions, documentation, and observation. In collecting data, researchers used critical reflection and triangulation. The study`s results delineate that the HL design in Islamic universities in West Nusa Tenggara is imposed with FTF and online learning. Online learning design is prescribed using various features such as maximizing various applications, including zoom applications, LMS, Google Classroom, Whatsapp Group, etc. Students who savor online learning are students in the fifth semester and up, while students who undergo the FTF learning system are freshman and second-year students. This arrangement is because students in that semester have never felt the stall and orientation of lectures. Meanwhile, students who can make online appointments and FTF are those who are undergoing the final project. The challenges in HL include lecturers having difficulty constructing learning tools, students` low motivation and willingness to learn, unstable and unevenly distributed internet access, and students` economic conditions who experience difficulties. In FTF, lecturers and students have difficulty interacting because government policies prohibit crowds, social distancing, and must wear facemasks. Therefore, students, parents, and colleges must synergize to make the HL process successful. |
| Exploring Effective Methods for Identifying Gifted and Talented Students | Author : Samer Ayasrah, Mo’en Alnasraween, Anas Hanandeh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Identifying gifted and talented students is one of the biggest challenges that face those working with them. As a result, the purpose of this research was to investigate the most effective methods of identifying gifted and talented students. Furthermore, the study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods. The study’s sample size was 465 teachers and administrators, and the results revealed that the level of effective identification methods for gifted and talented students from the teachers’ and administrators’ point of view who work with them was moderate. As well, the findings showed statistically significant differences due to the gender variable in favor of males and due to the experience variable in favor of those with more than 10 years of experience. Furthermore, the study recommended using new technologies to identify gifted and talented students, as well as rehabilitating and training teachers and administrators on methods of identifying gifted and talented students, whether before or during their service, and providing them with all the necessary knowledge and practical experiences. |
| Academic Self-Efficacy and Its Effect on Academic Engagement: MetaAnalysis | Author : Siti Fatimah, Fulgentius Danardana Murwani, Ika Andrini Farida, Imanuel Hitipeuw | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Previous scholars have explored the effect of self-efficacy on academic engagement. Self-efficacy positively affects academic engagement. However, it is not known whether the impact of self-efficacy on academic engagement differs significantly depending on potential moderator variables. The study aimed to metaanalyse correlational studies on self-efficacy and academic engagement between 2015 and 2022. Meta-analysis was used to examine correlation studies on the effect of self-efficacy on academic engagement. The meta-analysis calculated 68 effect sizes for the 24 studies. In accordance with the PRISMA guidelines, this investigation was conducted in various phases, including problem identification, data collection, screening, evaluation, and extraction. The information was obtained from peer-reviewed journals indexed in databases such as Scopus, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, and Eric searching for articles published in the field. Data analysis was performed using JASP. The study found that the random effects model and the effect size were significant, with a moderate average effect size (d=0.54). The results also indicate that the effects of self-efficacy on academic engagement vary significantly depending on geographical regions. The results have pedagogical implications since they suggest that increasing the academic engagement of learners requires increasing academic self-efficacy and noticing the geographical regions of learners. |
| Utilizing Flipped Classroom and the First Principles of Effective Instruction in Teaching Finite Geometry | Author : Eduard M. Albay, Ronald L. Aquino | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The flipped classroom approach has been used as a variation of digital learning even before the covid-19 pandemic. Using this approach and the First Principles of Effective Instruction, this study determined and compared the proving skills of higher education students in finite geometries using true experimental research involving two equivalent classes in Modern Geometry. Data on proving competencies were gathered from the 27 pairs of randomly selected respondents and were subjected to data exploratory analysis to ensure the appropriateness of statistical tools for data analysis. Results reveal that both classes performed equivalently in the pretest. However, the flipped class exhibited a statistically significant improvement in the posttest and in-class activities than the non-flipped class. Additionally, the flipped class was found to have equivalent performances in both individual and group in-class activities. The results showed that necessary competencies in proving theorems can be attained using the flipped classroom approach following the activation, demonstration, application, and integration phases of instruction. The study recommended using the approach to support students learning achievement, performance enhancement, and active learning environment. It can also be incorporated into crafting an adaptive learning continuity plan for the post-pandemic recovery period and beyond. |
| The Influence of Teacher Professional Attitude, Welfare, Continuous SelfDevelopment, and Job Satisfaction on High School Teachers Performance | Author : Tri Murwaningsih | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to determine the influence of teacher professional attitude, teacher welfare, teacher continuous self-development, and teacher job satisfaction on the performance of vocational high school teachers. This quantitative research used a correlational type. The sample of this research encompassed 155 vocational high school teachers, especially business and management teachers in Surakarta Residency, Central Java, Indonesia. The data were collected using a questionnaire which was tested for validity and reliability before being used. This research employed the Structural Equation Modelling analysis technique operated by Linear Structural Relationship. This study found that the teacher`s professional attitude affected teacher welfare (t-count 5.27), but did not affect teacher continuous selfdevelopment (t-count 1.14), teacher job satisfaction (t-count -0.29), and teacher performance (t-count 0.55). Teacher welfare was confirmed to affect teacher continuous self-development (t-count of 2.94) and job satisfaction (t-count of 2.38), but not influence teacher performance (t-count -0.59). However, teacher continuous self-development was proven not to impact teacher job satisfaction (tcount value of 0.21) but impacted teacher performance (t-count value of 2.40). Meanwhile, job satisfaction had no impact on teacher performance (the t-count value of 1.53). The findings of this study can be used by policymakers to pay attention to improving teacher performance to the maximum and further researchers can examine other factors affecting teacher performance. |
| Reading and Scholarly Creativity: A Study with Spanish and Chilean Preservice Teachers | Author : Antonio Martín-Ezpeleta, Mario Díaz-Díaz, Yolanda Echegoyen-Sanz | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The main aim of this study is to analyse whether scholarly creativity can be linked to the reading process (reading preferences and reading metacognition) of preservice teachers. The research was carried out using a quantitative, descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 254 Spanish and Chilean preservice teachers, who were administered online three previously validated questionnaires on creative self-perception, reading preferences and reading strategies. Both descriptive and inferential statistical analysis have been used. The results show a medium-high level of reading metacognition, with a preference for the use of problem-solving strategies while reading and for reading in digital format for academic purposes. There were statistically significant differences both in reading preferences, strategies and creative self-perception according to country (with Chilean students scoring higher in all of them), but no differences were found according to gender. There were positive correlations between creative self-perception in the scholarly domain and reading preferences (?=.275 for academic digital and ?=.433 for academic print) and metacognition (?=.445). Academic reading in printed format and global reading metacognition were also found to be significant predictors of self-perception in scholarly creativity, which support the theories of the need of skills in a specific domain to be able to develop creativity in such domain. The study concludes by assessing the implications of this relationship between reading and creativity, proposing the suitability of promoting both metacognitive reflections on the way to consolidating a learning focusing on the process, especially important in the case of future teachers. |
| Effectiveness of Brain-Based Learning Toward Improving Students` Conceptual Understanding: A Meta-Analysis | Author : Aaron A. Funa, Jhonner D. Ricafort, Frances Grace J. Jetomo, Nestor L. Lasala, Jr. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study explores the effectiveness of brain-based learning (BBL) as a pedagogical approach to address the challenges of poor conceptual understanding, which may have worsened due to the COVID-19 pandemic aftermath. In this metaanalysis, 14 studies qualified using the Publish or Perish software and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses. Statistical analysis conducted using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) Version 4 software by Biostat, Inc. Based on the results, the overall effect size (ES = 3.135) indicates that the use and integration of BBL principles and strategies have a significantly large and positive effect on student conceptual understanding. The moderator analysis revealed a significant difference between individual studies (p < .001); however, the overall results for academic level (p > .05) and discipline (p > .05) revealed no significant differences. Hence, each study included in this analysis may differ from one another due to the differences in various BBL strategies implemented; however, when grouped, they shared common effect sizes. With these findings, the researchers advocate the use of BBL principles and strategies to improve students` conceptual understanding at various levels in basic education, be it in English and STEM. Moreover, empirical studies focusing on a particular BBL variable, such as health and nutrition, are recommended for in-depth analysis and discussion. |
| Assessing Online Teaching Motivation, Satisfaction, and Intention among Teachers: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach | Author : Senthilkumaran Piramanayagam, Arul Alanvijay, Partho Pratim Seal | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Covid-19 pandemic prompted drastic changes in education, including the closure of institutions and transition in the mode of teaching and learning. However, the effect of disruption is not equal across the spectrum of education. The transition to online mode of teaching created challenges to teachers of vocational education including hospitality. In the current study, we aimed to identify the factors of motivation, online teaching satisfaction and intention to adopt online teaching in the future by the teachers of hospitality education using Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among hospitality teachers in India, and the data was collected using Google Forms. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is employed to test the hypothesis proposed in the study. The IBM AMOS 25 software was used for data analysis and testing of hypothesis. The results of the study indicate that motivational factors are the significant predictors of online teaching satisfaction and teachers’ intention to adopt online teaching in the future. The finding signifies that institutional administrators and policymakers of hospitality education in the study context needs to focus on improving both motivational and hygiene element to enhance teachers’ satisfaction and behavioural intention in online teaching. |
| Preschool Teacher Competence from the Perspective of Early Childhood Education and Care Student Teacher | Author : Monika Pažur, Vlatka Domovic, Maja Drvodelic | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The goal of this paper is to determine how senior students at the end of the ECEC university graduate study program assess the level of development of preschool teachers’ competence and to explore dimensions of preschool teachers’ competence from the students’ perspective. The research was conducted in Croatia, where, in line with other European countries, the initial education of ECEC teachers has been radically reformed by upgrading all initial ECEC teacher education programs from professional studies to university programs at the undergraduate and graduate level. The research comprised 191 participants, student teachers that were at the moment of the research at the end of their master’s ECEC program. Answers were collected via online questionnaire. The collected results suggest a conclusion that preschool teachers at the end of their ECEC study program are centred towards their performance, or the aspect of “what we do” in everyday work. They focus on the child and the child’s environment (both physical and social). On the other hand, they are less involved and prepared for acting at the level of the education system and contribution to the improvement of educational theory and policy. They perceive four dimensions of preschool teachers’ competence: theory, practices, beliefs and learning environment and relationships. |
| In the Crucible of a Professional Learning Community: Becoming a Highly Effective Teacher in Challenging Contexts | Author : Muhammad Athar Shah, Sofia Malik | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Despite evidence for the established role of a professional learning community in supporting teacher professional learning and development, it is still among the most under-utilized resources available to teachers. The current study in a major educational institution in the Gulf sets an example for establishing professional learning communities (PLCs) in unusually challenging academic contexts. These contexts often lack support from the administration for teacher professional learning and development, and there is minimal collaboration among colleagues. While synthesizing ideas from mainstream literature and social psychology, the study expands the conceptual base for establishing PLCs and offers a strategic vision for developing highly effective teachers through participation in a synergistic PLC. Following Interpretive Research Paradigm, the study employed ethnographic research methodology to understand how the participants in the study describe themselves and their actions as well as their interactions with others. Based on a thematic analysis conducted using NVivo software, the findings suggest that goal-oriented collaboration of teachers in a PLC, where empathy, maturity, and abundance mentality are practised, can prepare teachers for professional excellence, leading to significant improvements in student learning and achievement. |
| Analysis of Stylistic and Grammatical Errors in PhD Students´ Research Paper Manuscripts | Author : Anežka Lengálová | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The ability to publish research papers is a must for scientists nowadays. Ideally, at the very beginning of their career, young researchers, PhD students, should be instructed in writing research papers and should get feedback on their texts. In this study, the first manuscripts from 22 doctoral students, non-native English speakers, 223 pages were analysed for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style. For each type of error and each student, the average per page was calculated. The most frequent errors were identified in using articles, formal features, missing information, and the use of inappropriate words. Individual students showed significantly different levels, which reflected their previous language training and the approach (responsibility) to completing the task. The results will be used to modify the course in Academic Writing (more attention paid to the most frequent errors) and individual work with students. |
| College Students Discuss an Important Location to Them During the Pandemic Through Building Websites | Author : Tara Hembrough | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :During the COVID-19 pandemic, many college students, including low-income and racial minorities, experienced stressors related to their physical and psychological health, relationships, finances, and academic status. Moreover, most students had possessed difficulty previously in writing about their personal and communal identities and needs; exploring place-related rhetorics; and engaging in digital composition practices, including creating a website. This article presents an exploratory case study, which applies a mixed-methods approach employing a convergent-parallel strategy, involving an assignment where students used digital composition practices to build a website about a place, such as their hometown or a local park, that was important to them during the pandemic. The study involved 65 low socioeconomic status (SES) students from a rural university with a Native American subpopulation. For the assignment, students explored their identity and background, as well as how they and their location of choice were impacted by the pandemic. As outcomes of formulating a website about two difficult topics for the students to raise, their identity and the pandemic’s impact upon themselves as part of the greater, epic crisis, students learned to think critically; examine their personal and cultural pandemic-related concerns; research information about their place of choice; make creative decisions about their website; draft, compose, and revise digital work; and reflect upon their project. In completing a website about an important location as the study’s aim, students became more willing to consider their background and the pandemic’s impact on them and to gauge the 24 potentially related stressors they experienced tied to their physical and mental health, familial and social relationships, financial outlook, and academic goals. The author delineates the website assignment’s objectives, and both students and faculty raters measured students’ writing outcomes upon completing their site. |
| K-12 Teacher’s Appropriation of Digital Technologies and Innovative Instruction Across EU: A Scoping Review | Author : Leonidas Chalkiadakis, Ingrid Noguera | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The K-12 education has lived an upsetting period where teachers have been forced to incorporate technologies intensively, bringing to light numerous issues and opportunities, whose assessment can result in educational renewal. This scoping review’s objective is to examine the positive impact of the pandemic on digital technologies appropriation and innovative instruction across EU from K-12 teachers’ point of view. Within a total of 77 articles, published between 2020 and 2022, research showed that K-12 teachers perceived the lockdown as an opportunity to increase their competences to teach through digital tools and apply novel instructional strategies. Additionally, they have progressed on digital appropriation for assessing and interacting with students and colleagues. K-12 teachers consider the pandemic as an opportunity for professional development in terms of establishment of new digital skills, despite the lack of necessary equipment and the psychological well-being creating challenges in distance education. In conclusion the Covid-19 pandemic enabled K-12 teachers to expand their professional skills to respond to the needs of future schooling. |
| Does Socioeconomic Status Moderate the Relationship between Parental Involvement and Young Children`s Literacy Development? | Author : Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Dandan Tang, Fong Peng Chew | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The difference in family socioeconomic status (SES) is a common fact in modern society. The differentiation of family SES will affect the development of children, this phenomenon has attracted the attention of domestic and foreign researchers. The discussion on the relationship between family socioeconomic status and children`s academic achievement has attracted much attention in the academic community, but existing research results are inconsistent. Little research is related to whether family socioeconomic status influences the relationship between parental involvement and children`s literacy development. The purpose of the quantitative study is to investigate whether family SES including family income and parents` education level moderates the relationship between parental involvement and children literacy development. Participants comprised 388 children aged 3 to 6 years in Chinese and their parents. The results show family income directly moderated the relationship between parent-child literacy activities and children`s literacy achievement. Mother education moderated the relationship between parent-child literacy activities and literacy achievement directly. The relationship between home literacy materials and literacy achievement was moderated by mother education either. However, there is no significant moderating effect of a father`s education on the relationship between parental involvement and children`s independent literacy practice as well as literacy achievement in this study. |
| The Effects of Using Video-Based Instruction in Solving Fraction Computations of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder | Author : Mansour Alabdulaziz | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this research was to assess whether using video modeling (VM), concrete manipulatives, a self-monitoring checklist, and practice for comprehension check impacted the extent to which five primary school students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) could accurately solve problems involving fractions. The sample of the study was purely comprised of five students owing to the challenges associated with eliciting approval to extend the study to a larger sample. A single-case multiple probe between participants experimental approach in its quasi-experimental design was employed to evaluate whether a significant association could be identified between these variables. The results revealed that from baseline to intervention, all five students solved simple proper fraction problems with greater accuracy and four were able to apply this ability to solve problems involving whole proper fractions. Given these results, the researchers recommend that to cater for the disparate learning needs of students with ASD across a range of settings, teachers should consider implementing interventions comprising VM and concrete manipulatives in conjunction with certain behavioural techniques. Owing to the challenges associated with eliciting approval to extend the study to a larger sample. |
| Impact of Time in College on Learner Autonomy: A Comparative Study on English-Major Students with Different Academic Years | Author : Phuong Hoang Yen, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Nhung, Thanh Thao Le | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Learner autonomy (LA) is proven to have a significant impact on English learning and teaching. However, almost no research has examined the impact of students’ time at university on their LA. Therefore, this study focuses on clarifying the impact of students’ time at university on their LA by comparing students’ awareness of LA in different academic years. This research stems from the hypothesis that the more students are at university, the more their LA will increase. Designed as a comparative study, the study used a questionnaire and semistructured interviews to collect data from three groups of English majors studying in different academic years, then compared the hypothesis to check whether or not the students’ awareness of LA is affected by their time in college. The results show that the hypothesis was partly correct because the juniors and seniors had higher LA than the sophomores. However, the juniors even had higher LA than the seniors. In other words, students’ time at university changes their perception of LA. The cause of the difference in LA, besides time at university, was also the difference between high school and higher education, individual differences, or subject matters. Some suggestions profoundly given to help increase LA as well as the quality of teaching are mentioned. The big difference between teaching and learning in high school and university needs to be shortened so that students’ transition from high school to university could be smoother. Also, due to the difference between the two levels of study, first-year students need much more attention to avoid being shocked when they change their learning environment. |
| The Effects of Inquiry-based Learning Activities to Understand the Nature of Science of Science Student Teachers | Author : Roswanna Safkolam, Sofilan Madahae, Phurkhonni Saleah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Understanding the nature of science (NOS) is one of the main components for science students to be science literate people. It is also important for science teacher students to develop their NOS understanding to be relevant to an informed view. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of Inquiry process learning activities through a reflective explicit approach and the history of scientists on science student teachers, understanding NOS through mixed-method research. The samples were 35 science student teachers in the general science program at Yala Rajabhat University, Thailand. The research instruments included (1) inquiry-based learning through the reflective explicit approach and the history of scientists lesson plans, (2) the NOS understanding questionnaire, and (3) a semi-structured interview about the NOS understanding. The data were statistically analyzed in terms of percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test dependent samples, and content analysis. The results revealed that the mean scores of the NOS understanding of the science teacher students taking part in the inquiry-based learning activities through the reflective explicit approach and the history of scientists after learning were higher than those before learning, with the statistical significance at .05. After the learning, most of the students had informed view (IV) of all NOS aspect. The research suggests that Inquiry-based learning activities through the reflective explicit approach and the history of scientists can promote an understanding of the nature of science. It should be used in science learning management to develop students` understanding of the nature of science. |
| An Exploratory Corpus-Based Linguistic Analysis of ‘Bitcoin’ in Online Articles | Author : Zsuzsanna Zsubrinszky | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study explores the unique linguistic characteristics of bitcoin, which has significantly changed the financial world over the past few years. As the concept of bitcoin, cryptocurrency and the digital network behind them are not dealt with in LSP (Language for Specific Purposes) coursebooks yet, this small-scale research is intended to fill this niche. In order to see what terminology has to be acquired to be able to understand the basic issues about bitcoin, online sources dealing with this innovative technology and its regulatory systems have been used. The selected online texts are analysed by TextStat software, which is capable of making word counts and collocation frequency. The results show us the most common collocations with bitcoin, and blockchain processing within context, as well as the most frequently used words (e.g., cryptocurrency or exchange), which definitely need to be learned by students majoring in Business English. My aim with this research is that LSP teachers get a comprehensive picture of what terminology to teach to their student when dealing with the topic of cryptocurrencies. In addition, bitcoin-related vocabulary can be integrated into other subjects, such as economics, finance or technology, allowing students to explore the connections between different fields of knowledge. |
| Engagement and Factors Associated with Academic Performance in Spanish Students Undertaking Teacher Training Degrees | Author : Mercè Navarro Calafell, Caterina Calderon, Josep Gustems | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This goal of this research was to find out the extent and type of engagement, motivation, stress, coping strategies and academic performance in students undertaking teacher training degrees (early childhood education, primary education and double degrees) with a view to establishing relationships between these variables and designing proposals to improve and complement tutorial plans for these programmes. This was a cross-cutting, prospective, exploratory study that combined descriptive and correlational methodologies by means of questionnaires. The sample consisted of 610 students undertaking the early childhood education degree, primary education degree or double degree at the UB. The results indicate a moderate degree of academic engagement. Among the variables involved, the highest scores were obtained for academic engagement, achievement goals and, as a hindering variable, psychological distress. Academic performance (average grade) and the subscales of vigour, dedication and absorption (as facilitating variables) were identified as being involved in the development and maintenance of academic engagement. It is hoped that this research will serve to disseminate data relevant to tutorial action plans for teacher training degrees among the scientific community and, consequently, to improve the academic engagement of these students. |
| Professional Development and Coaching in the Science of Reading: Impacts on Oral Reading Fluency in Comparison to National Norms | Author : Michelle A. Duffy, Doreen L. Mazzye, Michelle Storie, Richard L. Lamb | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this 5-year longitudinal study was to examine the rate of growth of oral reading fluency (ORF) scores in response to professional development and coaching related to the Science of Reading (SoR) in one urban public school district in the northeast United States. A non-random sample of all grade 1-5 students (n=434) enrolled in the school over a five-year period was used. Analysis of the growth in ORF scores was conducted using a latent growth curve analysis within a structural equation model framework. This model allowed comparison of growth between the sample and established national norms. Results indicate that across the grades over time, the sample demonstrated significantly greater growth (9%) when compared to the national norms (6%), despite interrupted instruction due to the covid-19 pandemic. These results suggest that repeated Professional Development (PD) and ongoing coaching to implement the SoR can lead to longterm growth in student ORF. The implications support SoR as an effective instructional framework which may mitigate against loss of instructional time in the classroom and serve as a protective factor against school interruptions, especially for at-risk learners. |
| Creativity Development of Secondary School Students Using Four Thinking Activities Blended Inquiry-Based Learning | Author : Patson Yonwong, Tawan Thongsuk, Chulida Hemtasin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Creative thinking is more than just thinking; it is a practical ability based on knowledge and experience that allows a person to accomplish things better. The objectives of this research were to design science learning activities and promote the creativity of eighth-grade students who received four thinking activities with inquiry-based learning to pass the 70% requirement and to examine the satisfaction of grade 8 students toward blended learning management of four thinking activities with inquiry-based learning. A total of 31 eighth-grade secondary school students at a public school in Northeast Thailand were selected using purposive sampling in the first semester of 2022. The research tools were seven learning management plans using four thinking activities combined with inquiry-based learning on the topic of the human body, a creativity test, and a satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used were mean, standard deviation, and percentage. The findings revealed that combining learning management with inquiry-based learning resulted in the development of learning activities. The average score for creativity was 16 (80%), from a total of 20 points. The standard deviation was 1.54, which passed the requirement of 70%. Students were satisfied with the four thinking activities and inquiry-based learning, with a mean value of 4.39, representing a high level of satisfaction. |
| Fostering Intercultural Competence: A Case of an Asynchronous Online Japanese Language and Culture Course | Author : Noriko Fujioka-Ito | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Analyzing cultural characteristics is a cognitively challenging task that allows learners to increase their open-mindedness and deepen their understanding of both local and global communities by utilizing online resources, especially when inperson interaction in classroom settings was impeded, resulting in an asynchronous online course. The purpose of this paper is to examine how intercultural competence, which can foster learners’ attitudes, could be encouraged in an asynchronous online environment for a Japanese foreign language course from empirical perspectives. The population was learners who possessed Intermediate and Advanced-level proficiency of Japanese. Learners’ outcomes were compared between an online asynchronous course using Deardorff’s (2006) Process Model of Intercultural Competence in the curriculum and a face-to-face class without using Deardorff’s model. The result of using Deardorff’s process model of Intercultural Competence in the curriculum, constructed based on “Understanding by Design,” which is comprised of 3 stages: (1) identifying desired results, (2) determining acceptable evidence, and (3) planning learning experiences and instruction (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005), suggested that learners could deepen their insights toward a target culture and society through multiple opportunities for learners to investigate the relationships among perspectives, practices and products. |
| The “Comfort Zoom”: Preservice Teachers’ (PTs’) Perceptions on Distance Learning During the Pandemic | Author : Yonit Nissim, Eitan Simon | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study aims to evaluate in real time the level of PTs’ satisfaction with distance learning in three main aspects: lecturers, college’s functioning and self-appraisal of learning practices with distance learning in a teacher training campus. It can be defined as an action research, to understand and improve the quality of the educative process in an agile way during the crisis. Through the lens of performance improvement theory, we sought to determine if Preservice Teachers satisfaction with learning remotely would change over time because of institutional preparedness and faculty support. The sample group consisted of n=183 PTs ’in the first semester (31% Return percentage), N=193 in the second semester (32% Return percentage) and N=284 (47% Return percentage in the third semester (out of 600 Preservice Teachers’). The findings indicate both challenges and successes. In the second and third semesters, PTs’ reported higher levels of motivation, desire to learn, concentration taking an active part in class, and interest in the studied material, focusing on the lesson and ignoring distracting factors compared to the first semester. Preservice Teachers’’ coping with distance learning during the third semester were significantly better than the previous two semesters. Their evaluation of the lecturers’ at third semester was significantly higher. Preservice Teachers has perceived the lecturers’ role as an anchor of stability in the sea of change. The findings indicate the speed at which PTs’s adopted the innovative changes during the crisis. However, their evaluation of the college at the second semester was better than at the first and third semesters. These findings are important, as they shine a spotlight on associations between PTs’ satisfactions during times of change. |
| What Competences Are Promoting in University Teacher Training Programs? A Study of Spanish Public Universities | Author : Begoña Rumbo Arcas, Tania F. Gómez Sánchez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of the study is to assess the extent to which university teacher training in Spain matches with the literature framework about teaching competencies in higher education. The absence of a generic definition of what it means to be a competent teacher and the need for a competency profile on which to base the study, leads to undertake an initial bibliometric review of the main educational research databases ERIC, PsycINFO and Psychology Database. The studies were selected to extract a categorical classification that allowed to code the content analysis of the training programs offered in 41 Spanish public universities in seven competencies: contentrelated competency (research), personal, pedagogical, social, communicative, digital and technological and ecological. 2425 training courses were coded and analyzed with Maxqda version 20.4.2 and Excel database. The findings show that university teachers receive more training in competencies related to technology, pedagogy, and disciplinary content-research, and less training in personal and ecological competencies. The conclusion of the study highlights the lack of consensus between literature review and programs on what constitutes good teaching among teachers and students and the fact that continuing professional development remains dependent on teacher initiative. |
| Is It Necessary to Use Digital Tools in the Flipped Classroom to Improve the Memorization Process? | Author : Hamzi Amine, Echantoufi Noureddine, Khouna Jalal, Ajana Lotfi, Elkhattabi Khalid | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Memorization is a crucial factor in effective learning and achieving educational goals. Recent research has suggested that short video sequences viewed by students before class can aid in acquiring and retaining basic concepts, thereby improving memorization and positively impacting the learning process in the flipped classroom approach. However, frequent use of digital tools among adolescents has been found to negatively impact cognitive functions such as memorization. It is worth noting that the traditional use of paper-based materials has been found to have a positive impact on memorization, particularly among learners who are easily distracted by digital devices or experience eye strain from prolonged screen use. Printed materials can offer a more tactile experience, allowing learners to physically highlight and annotate text, which can aid in the encoding and retrieval of information. This study aimed to assess the role of digital tools in the flipped classroom approach and determine if they could be substituted by paper-based materials. To achieve this, a comparative study was conducted between 35 students using digital tools in their flipped classroom (FCDS) and 31 students using paperbased materials (FCPS). The study involved administering pre-tests and post-tests to both groups to evaluate their ability to retrieve basic concepts and assess the effectiveness of their learning in life and earth sciences. The results indicate that learners were able to retrieve knowledge effectively regardless of the medium used and that the positive effect of the FCDS on recall during learning is comparable to that of the FCPS. |
| The Effect of Mobile-based Interactive Multimedia on Thinking Engagement and Cooperation | Author : Maroua Rogti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Recent studies show limited research in the Algerian context on the development of learning multimedia that effectively addresses 21st century skills such as critical thinking, communication, cooperation, and creativity. However, with the continuous growth of digital multimedia and information technologies, there is an urge for utilizing 21st century skills and interacting with others through interactive multimedia tools. This study aims to investigate the effect of mobile-based interactive multimedia on developing students of English as a foreign language thinking engagement, cooperation, in higher education. A convenient sampling method was used to select one sample of students (n= 60) who received a posttreatment test. Data were analyzed through performing descriptive statistics and one sample t-test. Findings assured that mobile-based interactive multimedia has persistently shaped the education setting, and it can afford the potential to positively promote students’ thinking engagement and cooperation. |
| Implicit Theories on Teaching, Learning, and Evaluating Flamenco Dance in the Classroom: Demographic Comparison of Spain and Japan | Author : Rosa de las Heras-Fernández, Carolina Bonastre Vallés, Diego Calderón-Garrido, Juana María Anguita Acero | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Flamenco dance is present not just in many regions of Spain but also throughout the world, including places as far as Japan. These diverse teaching contexts have led to disparate studies on flamenco teaching and learning processes. However, most of these studies differ from general theories of education; for example, there is no record of studies of flamenco applying implicit learning theories. Much like music and physical education, flamenco dance entails a type of procedural learning that can be based on different theories depending on whether the focus is on learning, teaching or educational evaluation. This study aims to disclose the presence of implicit theories (direct, interpretive and constructive) in these processes, and determine Spanish and Japanese dancers’ educational preferences in the classroom in connection with these theories, while exploring geographical and demographic characteristics. The results show that the situations extracted from the theories are present in the classroom, and that there is a clear connection between the country where dancers train professionally, and their age and gender. There are statistically significant differences that reveal the importance of the country with respect to the latter two characteristics. Overall, participants preferred constructivist situations. Given these results, more research should be carried out in this field. |
| Slovak EFL Teachers` Perceptions of Using L1 at English Lessons | Author : Rastislav Metruk, Patrícia Rafajdusová | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Using L1 (mother tongue) for the purposes of the target language teaching and learning has been the subject of ample debate throughout the years, generating considerable controversy among instructors and researchers. Although the principles of CLT (communicative language teaching) somehow “delimit” to a certain extent its use at EFL (English as a foreign language) classes, attitudes towards the implementation of L1 into foreign language classes may vary considerably. Thus, this article endeavours to plug this gap by examining the Slovak in-service EFL teachers` (n = 140) perceptions of using L1 at English classes by acquiring and interpreting the data derived from the research method of a questionnaire, employing a 5-point likers scale items. The research outcomes indicate that although it is the tactful, sound, and judicious use of L1 that is favoured by the teachers, the mother tongue appears to take on a relatively high importance in the realms of EFL teaching and learning. Finally, pedagogical implications are discussed, and suggestions are provided regarding the use of L1 at L2 classes. It is vital that further exploration in this area takes place by performing future studies in this regard. |
| Developing a Five-Dimensional Construct of Pre-Service Teachers’ Conceptions of Assessment | Author : Adi Levy-Vered | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Research on teachers’ and pre-service teachers’ conceptions of assessment (CoA) has so far focused on assessment purposes and uses. However, recent decades have seen significant changes in assessment approaches that require a deeper examination of the nature and aspects of assessment concepts. The current study is a continuation of a previous qualitative study that analyzed the COA of 94 Israeli pre-service teachers before and after an assessment course. In this study, we examined these data extensively to identify and formulate key dimensions of assessment conception. Qualitative analysis of the rich datasets, including metaphors, indicates the diversity and complexity of the assessment concept. Five dimensions of conceptions were identified: (1) complexity of the assessment process, (2) emotional attitude toward assessment, (3) assessment uses and purposes, (4) teacher-student relationship in the assessment context, and (5) criticism of the educational system. The findings expand previous conceptualizations of assessment concepts and may develop a broad model and instruments for measuring CoA. This implication is significant in this era of paradigmatic shifting in the assessment field. |
| Learners’ Expectations towards Virtual Learning and its Effect on Mathematics Performance | Author : Dirgha Raj Joshi, Jiban Khadka, Bishnu Khanal, Krishna Prasad Adhikari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The demands for virtual learning have exponentially increased because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the research was to explore learners’ expectations towards virtual learning and its effect on mathematics achievement. A total of 2,350 students from basic to university levels in Nepal participated in the cross-sectional survey. T-test, ANOVA, and SEM were employed for data analysis. The findings indicate that the expectation of learners towards virtual learning from the government, educational institutions, teachers, and parents found to be significantly high. Parents’ level of education, gender, and the types of educational institutions are key predictors of the expectation of learners. Expectations of learners towards virtual learning from government, institutions, and parents have negative and expectations from teachers have a positive effect on mathematics performance. |
| The Effects of Technical Science on Learner Performance and possible Technical Vocational Career Choices | Author : Magdeline M. Stephen | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Technical vocational education and training (TVET) colleges offer technical vocational professions through a more vocational than academic curriculum. The addition of mathematics and physical science to the technical school curriculum led to a high failure rate and an increase in dropout rates because many students failed these two subjects. The department of basic education (DBE) established technical mathematics and technical science as alternatives to mathematics and physical science in these schools in an effort to address these issues. This study explored the effect of technical science on the technical high school pass rates following its implementation. Qualitative data methods was used to analyse physical science and technical content documents as well as pass rates descriptively. Findings for this study showed that technical science had less weight in the exam and less challenging content than physical science. After the advent of technical science, the pass rates for physical science rose considerably, though they were also inconsistent. Additionally, several schools stopped teaching technical science even after their students excelled in it. The study recommends that more investigation be done into the effects of technical science on learners` readiness for technical vocational careers and reasons for some schools to drop technical science. |