Experiences of Learners with Visual Impairment in the Mainstream Secondary School Classrooms in Malawi: A Case Study of Mzimba District | Author : Enelesi Kapala Banda, Grames Wellington Chirwa, Precious Nyoni, Doreen N. Myrie | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Malawi has historically prioritized specialized education for visual and hearing impairments, neglecting minor learning difficulties. Aligning with international declarations, Malawi became a signatory in 1990 and 1994, committing to inclusive education. In 2007 and 2012, the government revised primary and secondary curricula to include learners with special needs in mainstream classrooms. Despite revisions, outcomes for visually impaired learners in mainstream secondary schools are unknown. This study in Malawi Mzimba district explores challenges faced by visually impaired students in implementing the revised curriculum. Guided by the Ecosystem framework, schools are viewed as dynamic ecosystems. Qualitative research method which employed a case study design was used. The participants were ten visually impaired students, two special needs teachers, and two mainstream teachers. Data were collected through indepth interviews, document review and classroom observation. The results of the study reveal challenges. Issues include insufficient materials, inadequate teacher support, an unfriendly environment, and a lack of teacher training. Thematic content analysis identifies these challenges, leading to recommendations for mitigation and broader implications. |
| Training Teachers Who Shape the Future: Teacher Education in Switzerland | Author : Asim Ari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In Switzerland, teachers across all educational levels are trained at universities, with the majority receiving their education at universities dedicated to teacher training. Established and integrated into the system of higher education institutions in the early 2000s, universities of teacher education (UTE) are designed to train prospective teachers for primary and lower secondary levels, as well as for special needs education. Some of these universities of teacher education (UTE) are integrated into universities of applied sciences. Due to their practice-oriented degree programs and research focused on occupational fields, universities of teacher education are classified typologically as universities of applied sciences. At the national level, their legal foundation is established by the recognition regulation issued by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). Teacher training for the eight-year primary level (including kindergarten or entry level) is typically conducted at universities of teacher education. The program spans three years and culminates in the awarding of a teaching diploma and a bachelor’s degree. The program equips them with the vocational skills essential for the education and holistic development of primary school pupils. The program comprises subject sciences, subject didactics, educational sciences, and practical vocational training. Teacher training for the lower secondary level is primarily conducted at universities of teacher education and, in some cantons, at universities. The program spans 4.5 to 5 years and culminates in the awarding of a teaching diploma and a master’s degree. The training equips students with the vocational skills essential for educating and supporting the development of lower secondary school pupils. Obtaining a teaching diploma for baccalaureate schools and upper secondary specialized schools requires both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in a specific subject area. Depending on the canton, vocational training is undertaken either at universities of teacher education or at universities. The training for the teaching diploma equips candidates with the professional skills essential for educating and guiding the development of pupils at baccalaureate schools. The University of Basel also offers Bachelor and Master degrees in various disciplines for teacher education. |
| Inquiry-Based Learning in Phonetics and Phonology: Promotion of Critical Thinking Skills in an EFL Higher Education Context | Author : Juan Manuel Castro Carracedo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study investigates the effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) strategies in enhancing Critical Thinking (CT) skills and academic performance in the study of English Phonetics and Phonology among students at a Spanish Higher Education Institution. A total of 54 students from a Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education were divided into control and experimental groups to compare traditional teaching methods with IBL methodologies. Results indicated that students in the IBL group showed significant improvements in academic performance, critical thinking skills, and long-term retention of complex subject matter compared to those in the control group. Furthermore, the study highlights that the IBL approach not only facilitates the immediate educational outcomes but also equips students with essential cognitive tools for real-world problem-solving. This research underscores the pedagogical value of learner-centered models in the study of English Phonetics and Phonology, promoting active engagement and systematic thinking. The findings contribute to the growing body of literature advocating for the integration of active learning strategies across various disciplines and educational contexts. |
| Validation of a Scale to Measure Digital Competence in the Elderly Population | Author : Joana Calero-Plaza, Rómulo J. González-García, Rocío Fernández-Piqueras | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this work arises, on the one hand, from the need to digitally include people over 65 so that they can participate fully in today s society, and, on the other hand, to involve university students in their own training process through a research and participatory action project with older people. A process of adaptation and validation of an instrument to measure the level of digital competence of older people was carried out by means of an expert judgement, a pilot test and a final application to a sample of 210 older people. The 16 items of the instrument show stable and consistent measurements, fulfilling the required demands, and could be very useful for researchers working with this group, as it will allow them to know the starting point of the elderly at a digital level and design strategies that favour their technological inclusion. |
| High School Student Creativity, Innovation, and Teamwork Skills from Teacher s Perspective: A Second-Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis | Author : Phanphim Siriphatcharachot, Aukkapong Sukkamart, Akkarin Thongkaw, Paitoon Pimdee, Sangutai Moto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This essay underscores the imperative of cultivating creativity, innovation, and teamwork (CIT) skills in high school students. Employing multi-stage random sampling from August to October 2023, 350 high school technology teachers were asked their opinions concerning what constituted CIT skills in their students. Expert questionnaire validation ensured reliable results. Utilizing descriptive statistics and second-order confirmatory factor (CFA) analysis, the research reveals endorsement of these skills by technology teachers. The model, aligning with the empirical data, highlights innovation s crucial importance, followed by creativity, and teamwork. The research contributes significantly to the literature by providing empirical evidence from technology teachers, offering insights into their perceptions. These results further highlight the educational strategies needed for nurturing a holistic innovative skill set among high school students. The findings, valuable for educators, policymakers, and researchers, fill a gap in enhancing educational practices and curricula to equip students for the 21st-century challenges. |
| Engagement and Self-Regulation Scale for Higher Education Students (ESR): Development and Psychometric Properties | Author : Iliana María Ramírez-Velásquez, Juan Carlos Molina-García, Adriana Carmen Guerrero-Peña | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the current university education scenario, various aspects are evident that negatively affect students academic performance and increase dropout levels during the first year. In this context, one of the relevant factors is to analyze the engagement and self-regulation of learning as input for designing strategies with a clear intention of facilitating learning. Hence the importance to develop appropriate instruments to investigate how engaged the students are with their training process, a situation that affects self-regulation of learning, which is a crucial skill in a student s success. For this reason, this work aims to develop and analyze the scale s psychometric properties that allow knowing about the engagement and self-regulation of student learning in the face of schoolwork and their role in learning. The measures are based on a multidimensional perspective of the engagement-self-regulation construct through structural equations. The sample was recruited from a population of first-year college students. The results confirmed that students engagement and self-regulation comprise multiple related but distinct dimensions. This is evidenced by the standardized factor loadings, which presented values above 0.6, and the calculated Average Variance Extracted, which presented values equal to or greater than 0.5. There was also empirical evidence supporting measurement invariance and predictive validity. Specifically, the differences in CFI and RMSEA were determined to be equal to or below 0.01 and 0.015, respectively. These findings demonstrate the robustness of the scale s psychometric properties. |
| The Effects of Emergency Remote Teaching on Language Teachers Digital Tool Integration in Traditional Classrooms | Author : Gizella Baloghné Nagy, Bernadett Svraka | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article reports on the findings of a survey which investigated the experiences of primary language teachers during the recent period of emergency remote teaching (ERT) with a special focus on the effect of these experiences on their current use of digital tools in their in-person teaching practices. The research was based on a questionnaire completed by 706 language teachers from Hungarian primary schools in the spring of 2022. It is of central interest how the perceived obstacles and negative experience on the one hand and perceived positive outcomes on the other hand influenced teachers willingness to use digital media in the traditional classroom: the presented research identified positive experience as a decisive factor. Although many respondents reported a lack of preparedness and a certain level of concern about switching to online language teaching, the majority considered their online teaching successful and an opportunity for development. On assessing and comparing the results, suggestions are made about pre-service and in-service training of digital skills, as the feeling of preparedness and perceived success may lead to increasing language teachers willingness to integrate digital elements in traditional teaching. |
| ChatGPT-Based Simulation Helps to Develop the Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers Critical Thinking | Author : Marina Drushlyak, Tetiana Lukashova, Volodymyr Shamonia, Olena Semenikhina | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The development of IT affects society in general and the education sector in particular. The emergence of AI (in particular ChatGPT), which is constantly being improved, already causes specific problems in the organization and administration of the educational process. Still, the peculiarities of its functioning make it possible to perceive ChatGPT as learning means in the pre-service mathematics teachers training. The article presents the results of a study that answers the following questions: (1) "Can ChatGPT be a digital platform that generates pupils answers (secondary school)? - Yes"; (2) "Are students (preservice mathematics teachers) prepared to check answers that ChatGPT generates? - Yes"; (3) "Does checking answers that ChatGPT generates affect the development of students critical thinking? - Yes". The study involved a pedagogical experiment in which authors described how ChatGPT generates solutions to math problems and what mistakes it makes. We ensured that students sometimes find mathematical mistakes in the answers generated by ChatGPT, but repeated use of ChatGPT shows its positive impact on the development of preservice mathematics teachers critical thinking. |
| Teacher Satisfaction And Grade 4 Reading Literacy Achievement: An Austrian Perspective Using International Large-Scale Assessment Data | Author : Ann-Kathrin Dittrich, Surette Van Staden | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The complexity of the teaching environment requires now more than ever a satisfied and fulfilled teacher population. This study uses the Austrian Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2021 data to uncover those factors specifically associated with the school environment when controlling for school socio economic status as predictors of teacher dissatisfaction. Results show that the current model explains 22% of the variance, yet school emphasis on academic success, teaching being limited by a number of lacking elements and school safety were found to be of no statistical significance. The study provides two important points to consider, namely the role of short cycle teachers in producing reading literacy scores well above those of their degreed counterparts, and the significant role of socio-economic status and its effect on achievement. The study concludes that a systems perspective that considers the shared beliefs and values, relationships and social interactions, leadership, and physical environment may shed more light on the underlying dynamics that can be associated with those less than satisfied teachers. |
| Exploring Trainee Science Teachers Assessment as Learning (AaL) and Assessment for Learning (AfL) Practices in a Teacher Training Program | Author : Adewale Magaji | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This exploratory study provided insight into trainee science teachers (TST) assessment as learning and assessment for learning practices and their differences and similarities. The participants included secondary school trainee science teachers on an initial teacher training program in a university in England and school mentors supporting them. Data was collected through interviews, lesson observations and focus group. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis with recurrent themes identified and coded to create relationships and links on the differences and similarities in TSTs classroom assessment practices. The findings included dichotomization of AaL and AfL, assessment as a mastery teaching process, and coordinated collaborative professional development support for the TSTs by the university and the school experience mentors. The result highlighted the issue of assessment competence and literacy and the need to further support TSTs in developing their assessment practices. |
| Innovative Approach to Business Education in SMEs in the Knowledge Economy of the 21st Century | Author : Miroslava Kubicková, Mária Vrábliková, Iveta Ubrežiová | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :he contribution is interdisciplinary in nature. Aim of the contribution is to suggest some innovative concept for modern managers, which could prevent bankruptcy in the 21st century. Partial aims are following: identify 3 categories of financial risks, create schemes, according which could managers prevent these risks and finally create innovative method “Business Coin Concept” TM, which is suitable for business education during the business life cycle in the 21st century. To main financial risks belong: secondary inability to pay (insolvency) - SIP, fines and penalties by state authorities - FPSA and primary inability to pay – PIP. Then are identified tools to reduce these risks – e.g. SIP by financial analysis ex post and ex ante. In next step are identified information resources available to the manager to recognize financial risk and make an adequate decision – e.g. for SIP public and commercial database. The final output is the data evidence in the company information system. Data evidence is composed of 3 subsystems: financial, tax and managerial accounting. Authors also identify the main reasons for the manager to understand the content and connection of financial and managerial accounting when knowing the symptoms of the imminent bankruptcy of the company. The last step of the scheme is connection between 3 accounting subsystems. Main benefit of research is the creative educative method Business Coin Concept TM, which could we use not only by business education of entrepreneurs, but also by students of secondary schools. This suggestion will reduce the probability of financial loss of the company. Conclusion of article contains social and economic significance of suggested innovative approach, there are also some future extensions and limitations of research. |
| Exploring the Interconnectedness between English-Medium Instruction and Intercultural Competence: A Systematic Literature Review | Author : Marcelo Kremer, Susana Pinto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In today s globalised educational landscape, the relationship between EnglishMedium Instruction (EMI) and intercultural competence (IC) in higher education is paramount. As institutions increasingly adopt EMI, understanding its interconnectedness with IC becomes essential. This systematic literature review explores how EMI influences IC development in higher education. Through thematic analysis, it provides a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness and sheds light on mutual influence. Three key themes emerge: (1) EMI as an opportunity or objective for developing intercultural competence, (2) EMI highlighting the need for IC development, and (3) Challenges related to both IC and EMI. These findings offer insights into the dynamics between EMI and IC in higher education contexts and underscore the importance of comprehensive teacher training programmes and policy interventions to address challenges and embed IC within EMI practices. Advocating for a holistic approach to EMI, this review calls for continued research on their relationship, emphasising ongoing efforts to promote intercultural competence in higher education. |
| Direct and Indirect Acts of Labeling Gifted Pupils in the Pro-labeling Pedagogical Situations | Author : Eva Klimecká | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The labeling gifted pupils is related to the unsparing treatment of the label “gifted” which creates inappropriate teachers’ emotions and attitudes towards giftedness. Labeling should be given through “direct acts”, which include specific pro-labelled actions and speech toward gifted and can be easily identified and eliminated. However, also the “indirect acts” exist, which are hidden in educational procedures. The study aimed to identify the pro-labeling pedagogical situations and describe the direct and indirect acts of labeling. The qualitative research was conducted in elementary schools in the Czech Republic, with class observations and teacher interviews as data sources. Nine pro-labeling pedagogical situations were identified which were typical with signs such as overemphasizing the differences between gifted pupils, unavailability of activities for other pupils, accentuated selection, and rigidity. The direct acts of labelling included naming gifted pupils by specific names, explicitly expressed instructions for gifted pupils, and presenting increased expectations for their performance. Acts of indirect labeling occurred in situations where the primary purpose was to engage gifted pupil, assemble a group of pupils with a strong performer, quickly activate pupils in competitions, develop the pro-social skills of the gifted, help weaker pupils, assign extra tasks according to recommendations and assess specific tasks for the gifted. The study highlights the existence of indirect acts of labelling next to the direct acts. Limiting the theory of labeling only to direct acts can lead to legitimization and frequent use of inappropriate pro-labeling pedagogical situations against gifted pupils. |
| Literacy for Specific Purposes (LSP): A Literacy Curriculum Framework for Learners in Vocational Education | Author : Diola Bijlhout, Gordon Ade-Ojo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This qualitative study reports the first validation of the Literacy for Specific Purposes (LSP) theory and framework for literacy curriculum development in Further Education (FE). The paper combines the validation which is viewed as an iterative process with an empirical research that collected data through face-to-face interviews with learners. The findings confirm that the underpinning concepts of the LSP theory i.e., curricularization, cross-disciplinarity interactions and learnercentredness are interrelated and promote literacy development in struggling literacy learners. The second component, the theory validation, confirms the reliability of LSP as a viable theory in education. |
| Exploring Factors Affecting High-School Student Entrepreneurship Competency | Author : Nirinpat Angmani, Aukkapong Sukkamart, Paitoon Pimdee, Akan Narabin, Akkarin Thongkaw | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Entrepreneurial competencies are increasingly recognized as essential skills for students in today s dynamic and competitive world. This study aims to identify and validate the crucial entrepreneurial competencies of Thai high school students using a 2nd-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). A questionnaire was developed to assess these competencies, administered to a sample of high school technology teachers selected using multi-stage random sampling. The results indicated that technology teachers perceive the development of entrepreneurial competencies as crucial for their students. Specifically, the analysis revealed that entrepreneurial skills, leadership skills, and innovative adaptability were most important. These findings suggest that enhancing these competencies can significantly contribute to students overall entrepreneurial potential. The research contributes to the understanding of entrepreneurial competencies among high school students and provides a validated framework for assessing these competencies. The study s novelty lies in its validation of essential entrepreneurial competencies specifically tailored for Thai high school students, offering a framework for assessing and nurturing these competencies in an educational context. |
| Relationship of Preschool Teachers Food Skills addressing Food Neophobia and Training Moderation: Structural Equation Model | Author : Nurul Ain Saipudin, Nornazira Suhairom | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Food neophobia can significantly impact children s learning outcomes and overall well-being. However, the specific food skills competencies required to address food neophobia (FSFN) are often complex, and overlooked, particularly in the context of preschool education. This study aims to develop a framework of FSFN tailored for government preschool teachers in Malaysia, who are trained to work with children from aged 4 to 6 years. By employing the Iceberg Model domains, the framework investigates the relationships between technical skills (TC), nontechnical skills (NT), personality traits (PT), self-concept (SC), and motives (MV) pertaining to FSFN. Additionally, the study explores the moderating effect of food skills training on these interrelationships. A sample of 351 government preschool teachers in Malaysia participated in the study, utilizing a predictive-causal research design. findings demonstrate that both PT and SC significantly and positively influence teachers TC and NT related to FSFN competencies. However, the study found no evidence to suggest that the presence of food skills training moderates these relationships. FSFN framework was proved reliable, valid, and possessed sufficient predictive relevance for measuring both TC and NT. It holds potential for replication and offers valuable insights for informing future research endeavors in this area. |
| Effectiveness of Role-play Method: A Meta-analysis | Author : Xinjian Fu, Qinbing Li | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :To investigate the effectiveness of role-play methods in education. Meta-analysis was conducted, and publication bias test and heterogeneity test were performed. Robustness was also tested by the removal-by-removal method. Finally, subgroup analyses were conducted to explore the effects on teaching effectiveness under different moderating variables. Twelve articles with 22 effect size samples involving 907 participants, including 821 university students and 86 secondary school students, were finally included. Meta-analysis demonstrated that teaching with the role-play method had a more significant positive effect on students than the control group (ES=0.818, 95% confidence interval 0.600-1.035). We also found that the role-play method had the most significant impact on students Skills. This study demonstrates that role-play can enhance learning in all dimensions by allowing students to take on different roles and situations. |
| Psychological Barriers Contributing to Students’ Poor English Language Speaking Skills | Author : Gemechu Abera Gobena | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study aimed to investigate psychological barriers contributing to students’ poor English language speaking skills at the College of Education and Behavioural Sciences, Haramaya University, Eastern Etiopia. A descriptive survey research design was employed through a stratified random sampling technique to collect primary data from participants (n = 210) by using a questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the collected data. The finding indicated that 75% of the participants agreed upon psychological barriers contributing to students’ poor English language speaking skills in Ethiopian Higher Learning Institutions in general and Haramaya University in particular. Students’ lack of confidence in English language speaking skills, lack of motivation to speak the English language, fear of mistakes while speaking in English in front of many eyes, shyness, and stage anxiety (psychological barriers) contributed about 88% to students’ poor English language speaking skills. There was a statistically significant mean difference between female and male respondents in English language speaking during their senior essay presentation, open defense, and advisory activities. To conclude, fear of mistakes, stage anxiety, shyness, lack of self-confidence, and lack of motivation were the five psychological barriers contributing to students’ poor English language speaking skills. |
| Examining Procedural Proficiency in Fraction Addition: Comparative Insights from England and Taiwan | Author : Hui-Chuan Li | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In recent decades, the teaching and learning of fractions have remained challenging for both teachers and students. This study reviewed fraction curricula in England and Taiwan, revealing a significant disparity that drives an investigation into how these different curricula impact students’ procedural proficiency in fraction addition in these two regions. A comparative analysis of 561 British and 648 Taiwanese students, aged 12 and 13, was conducted using a written test to assess variations in procedural proficiency in fraction addition and explore the extent of these differences. Through thorough coding of students’ strategies employed during the test, the study identifies the persistent impact of whole number bias on procedural proficiency in fraction addition, especially in England. Results show significant differences in proficiency between regions, with Taiwanese students demonstrating greater success in algorithmic application. No significant age-related differences were found within the same educational system, suggesting that mastery of fraction addition does not necessarily improve with age or increased exposure. These findings not only emphasise the need for targeted improvements within educational systems but also underline the importance of further international research to uncover and identify the diverse factors influencing mathematical achievement across different regions. |
| Teachers Attitudes toward the National Assessment of Knowledge in Third-Grade Mathematics in Slovenia | Author : Sanela Hudovernik, Marina Volk | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :National assessment of knowledge (NAK) was introduced into the Slovenian elementary schooling programme with the initiation of the nine-year elementary school in 2001. Based on feedback on student performance, teachers can evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching and, based on these findings, adapt their teaching methods to the needs of students. NAK is obligatory for all students from the sixth and ninth grade and voluntary for third-grade students, where the school decides about participating. Data from the National Examination Centre show that only a third of Slovenian elementary schools register for NAK in the third grade, hence we wanted to identify the reasons for the low participation. The survey included 114 randomly selected classroom teachers (i.e. teachers from 1st to 5th grade of primary school), who participated by completing an online questionnaire specifically designed for the purpose of this study.. The questionnaire aimed to investigate teachers attitudes towards the NAK in the 3rd grade, to elucidate the reasons behind the low participation rate of schools in the NAK and the reasons for their non-participation in these assessments. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis revealed that teachers recognize the importance of the feedback provided by the NAK; however, they oppose the mandatory inclusion of NAK in the 3rd grade and the influence of NAK results on students final grades in the subject (mathematics). The responses also indicate that many teachers had not participated in NAK due to a lack of opportunity rather than opposition to the assessment itself. Among the teachers whose schools opted out of NAK, reasons included perceptions of NAK as useless and unimportant, and concerns about student stress. Additionally, some teachers considered NAK not to be a measure of quality or believed it was implemented too early in the academic year. |
| Multilingual Education in Ethiopia: Use of the Mother Tongue and Lingua Franca | Author : Yoshiko Tonegawa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Ethiopia is a multilingual and multiethnic country with more than 80 ethnic groups and languages. While the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front promoted mother-tongue education, it urged the use of Amharic as lingua franca. Despite more than 30 years having passed since the enactment of these policies, their impact has not been adequately discussed. This study examines language policy under Ethiopia’s ethnic federalism from the perspective of the mother tongue as the medium of instruction in schools and lingua franca. To achieve this objective, a literature analysis was conducted by examining official documents and existing studies. The results revealed that while the Constitution promoted the mother tongue as the medium of instruction, Amharic, as the lingua franca, was not functioning as well as expected. As a result, multilingual and multiethnic groups were unable to communicate efficiently, increasing the potential for division and increased distrust among ethnic groups. Amharic’s failure to function as a lingua franca, combined with the strengthening of ethnic identity through mother-tongue education, may have influenced the heightened sense of ethnocentrism witnessed in Ethiopia today. |
| Relationship among EFL Learners’ Self-Regulated Learning Strategy Use, Speaking Anxiety and Speaking Strategy Use | Author : Mohammad Alvandi, Laleh Fakhraee Faruji, Masoomeh Salehi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between EFL learners’ use of self-regulated learning strategies (SRLS) with their speaking anxiety and speaking strategy use. To do so, the 70 Iranian male and female EFL learners were selected based on convenience sampling procedure from National Language Institute in Tehran. Three measurement instruments including self-regulated strategy use, Self-Regulated Foreign Language Learning Strategy Questionnaire (SRFLLSQ) questionnaire; Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS), and Questionnaire of Speaking Strategy Use by EFL Learners were utilized to collect the data. To analyze the gathered data, Pearson Moment Correlation analyses were conducted. The results revealed a significantly negative and strong correlation between use of self-regulated learning strategy and level of speaking anxiety among EFL learners. Furthermore, the results showed a significantly positive and strong correlation between SRSU and speaking strategy use. Finally, it was shown that there is significantly negative correlation between speaking anxiety with all the subcategories of Questionnaire of Speaking Strategy Use by EFL Learners. Based on the findings of this study, pedagogical implications will be suggested. |
| Integrating Unplugged Computational Thinking Across Curricula: A Qualitative Study of Students and Teachers Perspectives | Author : Enrique Vazquez-Uscanga, Miguel Nussbaum, Isidora Naranjo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Integrating computational thinking into the K-12 curriculum presents challenges due to the lack of a standardized approach. This study examines the use of "unplugged" computational thinking—activities that do not require digital devices—in teaching mathematics and language arts to tenth-grade students. The instructional method followed phases such as abstraction, decomposition, algorithms, evaluation, and generalization. Data were collected through focus groups with teachers and a sample of students from both subjects and analyzed qualitatively to capture their perspectives. The findings suggest that unplugged computational thinking increased student engagement and helped achieve learning objectives. Both teachers and students reported that this approach fostered deeper conceptual understanding and enhanced the educational experience by developing skills in problem-solving, collaboration, and perseverance (grit). Teachers observed that students could explore and articulate their thoughts more expansively compared to traditional methods, leading to a richer understanding of the material. Students emphasized that integrating computational thinking, fostering grit, and encouraging collaboration are crucial for enriching their educational experiences and creating a supportive, effective learning environment. |
| Constructivist Feedback Practices: A Comparative Study of Chemistry Teaching in Cambodian General Public and New Generation Schools | Author : Sreypouv Ouch, Kinya Shimizu | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Considering chemistry teaching from a constructivist perspective, students learn abstract and complex concepts through the mutual construction between teacher and student dialogue, including teacher feedback. The teachers feedback to students during the question-answer exchange greatly influences students knowledge construction. New Generation Schools (NGS) was initiated in Cambodia in 2016 by mandating constructivist learning in education reform. In that process, this comparative study measured the different changes in the performance of Chemistry teachers feedback between General Public Schools (GPS) and NGS. Six chemistry teachers from GPS and three from NGS volunteered to audio-tap and videotape their lessons. Verbal transcriptions of teachers questions and statements were analyzed interpretively using the framework by Chin (2006) as an analytical lens. The commonality was that both groups provided neutral feedback on students correct answers. Thus, NGS teachers challenged students to provide the reason for those correct answers. The difference was that GPS teachers typically used directed feedback, whereas NGS teachers facilitated feedback by responding to students insufficient answers. Various forms of feedback in this study could serve as a practical framework, supplementing Chin s model and being utilized in professional development courses in Cambodia or elsewhere. The implication was that teachers armed with this practical feedback framework could confidently enhance their feedback strategies within the constructivist learning approach. |
| Factors Influencing Tandem Learning in Mathematics | Author : Bor Bregant, Daniel Doz, Sanela Hudovernik | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The main objective of secondary education institutions is to provide quality education to its students. One way to achieve this is by introducing various teaching methods, one of which is tandem learning, which is a small-group cooperative learning method. Not everyone responds well to a one-size-fits-all method, and therefore, uncovering insights for predictive model selection tailored to individual students or classrooms becomes imperative for teaching institutions. The knowledge is embedded in the educational data set and is extractable through data mining techniques. The primary objective of the study was to identify the key factors that significantly influence student outcomes (including both emotional well-being and knowledge improvement) in tandem learning using machine learning algorithms. The study was conducted in a mathematics class during the course of one week of tandem learning implementation in the school year 2023/24 with a sample of 89 high school students from a selected Slovene high school and 13 predictor variables (gender, class, teacher, recent mathematics grade, MBTI variables, mathematical anxiety, motivation, qualitative interaction, quantitative interaction, and whether the student outperformed their partner). The outcome of interest was a three-state dependent variable indicating whether the student responded well to the implementation of tandem learning into the education environment. The present study tested which predictor variables were most important using mutual information and recursive feature elimination for all variables. The most important factors according to mutual information for predicting student response were outperforming the partner, class, and qualitative interaction within the tandem and according to recursive feature analysis qualitative interaction, outperforming partner and gender. |
| Biology Teaching Strategies for Greek Primary School Students with Learning Disabilities | Author : Sofia Poulopoulou | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present research examines the impact of teaching strategies, such as structured instruction and ICTs, on the comprehension of biological concepts among Greek primary school students, including those with typical development and learning disabilities (LDs). A preliminary study was conducted with a sample of 20 teachers through semi-structured interviews. The research identified the classes and course units that posed comprehension challenges for primary school students. Interventions were carried out with a sample of 55 6th-grade students, including 13 with LDs. The interventions focused on units related to renewable and non-renewable energy sources, photosynthesis, and the structure of food webs. The first intervention utilized structured instruction with the use of lesson plans and ICTs, such as interactive whiteboards. The second intervention solely relied on ICTs. These groups were compared to students attending traditional lecturebased instruction classes. The results indicated that students with LDs performed less effectively compared to typical development students. Structured instruction proved to be the most effective teaching method for both groups, except for the unit on photosynthesis, where both groups showed decreased performance postintervention. Students with LDs showed significant improvement in the food webs unit, suggesting that collaborative work enhanced their understanding. |
| Effect of PBL Supported by QR Code on Developing Intellectual over Excitability, and Creative Thinking | Author : Eman Salah Daha | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Contemporary education systems emphasize the need to develop CTS, especially in the early stages of education, Given that children s creativity is linked to their level of intellectual over excitability, the current study aims to explore the impact of PBL supported by QR codes on activating their level of intellectual over excitability and developing their CTS. CTS test and intellectual over excitability test were applied on students, and observation card was applied by the classroom teacher, on a sample of 40 sixth-grade students. They were then divided into two equivalent groups. PBL supported by QR codes was applied on the experimental group in ten sessions, included real problems; this group was internally subdivided into cooperative groups. The control group studied in a traditional manner. Finally, both groups were evaluated by using the same tools, and they were assigned an individual task assessed by experts to measure their creative performance. The results revealed that PBL supported by QR codes served as a supportive context for students intellectual over excitability, it also had a positive impact on students creative performance. Moreover, it positively affected specific sub skills of CT—flexibility and originality—but did not significantly impact fluency, details, or overall CT level. |
| Preservice Teachers Intentions to Use Social Network Sites: Adoption of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model II | Author : Afaf Mamdouh Mohamed Barakat, Basant Abdelmonem Alham Mahmoud, Shouk Abada Ahmed Elneklawi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to verify the application of the UTAUT2 theoretical model in explaining the behavior of early childhood preservice teachers using social networking sites. Participants were first selected first-to-fourth-year, department of education, Northern Border university and college of education, Beni Suef through random sampling. 800 questionnaires were collected, with an effective response rate of 93%. After data recovery, Warp PLS 5.0 statistical software was used for statistical analysis. The results showed that variables such as performance expectations, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price measurement, and usage habits in the UTAUT2 theoretical model have a significant positive impact on the intention of university students to use social networking sites. The explanatory power of website behavior is 13.4%. Gender, age, and experience variables have moderating effects on some influence paths in the model. The above results can be used by future university teachers to understand students behavior in using social networking sites. They can use the behavioral characteristics of students who like to use social networking sites to change relevant courses or communication and interaction methods with students to social networking sites. This can improve student learning, effectiveness and management efficiency. |
| Enhancing Emotional and Social Engagement of Women with Disabilities in the Labor Market through Collaborative Learning in MOOCs | Author : Aljawharah M. Aldosari, Refah Mobarak Ali Alshahrani, Hala F. Eid | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In recent years, the rise of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has revolutionized the field of education, providing accessible and flexible learning opportunities to individuals worldwide. MOOCs have the potential to empower traditionally marginalized groups, including women with disabilities, by offering them a platform to enhance their skills and knowledge. However, the successful integration of women with disabilities into the labor market requires more than just technical expertise; it necessitates the development of emotional and social engagement skills. This study aims to investigate the implementation of collaborative learning projects in MOOCs, including the creation and allocation of group learning environments, the identification and provision of recommendations for successful group learning, the evaluation of learning outcomes, and the generation of adaptive feedback. Implementing learning groups in MOOCs necessitates comprehensive and integrated solutions. The study s key finding highlights that MOOCs can effectively cultivate collaborative learning by establishing clear learning objectives, forming diverse and inclusive groups, providing explicit guidelines, closely monitoring progress, delivering timely feedback, acknowledging, and rewarding individual contributions, and ensuring adequate technological support. By implementing these strategies, MOOCs have the potential to foster collaborative learning, enhance women with disabilities engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes, and ultimately empower them to thrive in the labor market. |
| The Impact of M-learning and Problem-Based Learning Teaching Method on Students Motivation and Academic Performance | Author : Mohamad Ikram Zakaria, Abdul Halim Abdullah, Najua Syuhada Ahmad Alhassora, Sharifah Osman, Norulhuda Ismail | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The rapid advancement of information technology has significantly improved various facets of modern human existence. Despite the rapid progress in digital technology, there has been limited headway in utilizing technology to bolster mathematics education, particularly concerning problem-solving. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of M-learning and Problem-Based Learning (M-PBL) method in enhancing the motivation and academic performance of primary school students in mathematics. Employing an unequal-group quasi-experimental design, M-PBL method were developed based on M-learning Model, Problem-Based Learning Model, and Social Constructivism theories, resulting in 17 relevant activities for mathematics teachers. The effectiveness of these method was assessed through pre- and post-testing of an uneven control group, involving 64 Year 6 students from Johor Bharu district, Johor. Quantitative data, collected via questionnaires on student motivation and a mathematics academic performance test, were analyzed using SPSS. The results revealed significant differences in students motivation and problem-solving skills after the implementation of MPBL method compared to conventional approaches. This research highlights the positive impact of M-PBL methods on schools, curriculum developers, parents, and the overall mathematics teaching and learning process. |
| Digital Platforms and Big-Tech in Public Schools: Why Are Families and Students Concerned? | Author : Diego Calderón-Garrido, Pablo Rivera-Vargas, Judith Jacovkis, Lluís Parcerisa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The current process of digitisation of education is marked by the presence of digital platforms of large technology corporations or Big Tech in a growing number of schools. This process of platformisation is generating multiple challenges for the Public Administration and for global education systems. In this process of platformisation, this research explored and analysed the perceptions of parents and students regarding the use of digital platforms in public schools. A mixed methodological design was used for this purpose. In the quantitative part, data was collected from 2,330 Catalan families (Spain) with children studying in public primary or secondary schools. In the qualitative part, eight focus groups were carried out with students from six schools. The results showed that the main concerns of students and families revolve around three main issues: 1) the management of the data that companies can collect from the use of their digital platforms, 2) the educational aspects related to the use of digital platforms at school and, 3) the potential costs associated with the use of these platforms. The paper concludes that there is a need for greater involvement of the Public Administration in ensuring safer use of these digital resources in schools. |
| Predicting Resilience in Nursing Auxiliary Care Technicians Students: The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Self Compassion | Author : Margarita Gutierrez Moret, Teresa Mayordomo Rodriguez, Maria Catret Mascarell | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :To meet the high demand for quality healthcare, it is crucial to have professionals capable of responding to the complexity of their daily tasks. In this regard, resilience, understood as the human capacity to adapt to difficult situations, has emerged as a key factor for nursing personnel. However, research on how to teach resilience to this professional group is still limited. Exploring the relationship between resilience and other socio-emotional variables, for which there is more evidence of their effectiveness in training, may be interesting for developing educational proposals that enhance resilience. This study aims to explore the predictive value of Emotional Intelligence and Self-compassion regarding resilience in a sample of Nursing Auxiliary Care Technicians students. To achieve this, data were collected from 196 participants enrolled in vocational training programs through self-administered questionnaires using validated scales such as the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS; Salovey et al., 1995), the Brief Resilience Coping Scale (BRCS, Sinclair & Wallston, 2004; adapted for the Spanish population by Tomás et al., 2012), and the Self-Compassion Scale Short Form (SCS-SF, García-Campayo et al., 2014; Raes et al., 2011). A structural equation model (SEM) was applied using the EQS 6.2 software to analyze the relationships between these variables. The results show that Emotional Intelligence predicts Resilience through Self-compassion. These findings suggest that incorporating Emotional Intelligence and Self-compassion training into nursing education could strengthen students resilience and better prepare them for the challenges of the profession. The practical implications of these findings highlight the potential for educational programs to include targeted socio-emotional training, offering Nursing Auxiliary Care Technicians students tools that not only enhance their professional performance but also contribute to their well-being. |
| Reassessing Employment Trends and Outcomes for Teacher Education Graduates in a Changing Educational Landscape | Author : Rosalie W. Agbayani-Pineda | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study delves into the employment outcomes of the 2021-2022 College of Education (COED) Alumni from Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) Gabaldon Campus, employing a quantitative approach, specifically, the descriptive-correlational design. A cross-sectional survey utilizing a web-based questionnaire was employed to collect quantifiable data from COED graduates regarding their general information, post-college training and advanced studies, current employment, encountered challenges, and coping strategies. The study assesses the graduates employment readiness, the challenges they faced, their coping mechanisms, and their current job status. Results reveal that the majority of these graduates are aged 23 or younger, predominantly female, and single, with a focus on pursuing the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). Many quickly secured jobs, primarily in temporary roles and local companies. Interestingly, graduates tended to disagree with the challenges they encountered and displayed adaptable and effective coping strategies. The study highlights significant relationships between training and performance in professional examinations, as well as the notable influence of gender on job application challenges, through the use of Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. This investigation sheds light on the career trajectories of COED graduates from NEUST Gabaldon Campus and offers valuable insights for future graduates and institutions alike. |
| Psychological Strain and Challenges Encountered by Tertiary Teachers in the New Normal | Author : Miranella D. Tiangco | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study explores how teaching challenges impact the psychological strain of tertiary teachers. The challenges faced by tertiary teachers in the new normal are described, including technological insufficiency, digital literacy issues, lack of student motivation, reduced in-person interactions, learning environment distractions, and course structure and quality. The study investigates the teachers experiences of psychological strain, leading to anxiety, stress, and depression. It explores the relationship between the teachers profiles, encountered challenges, and manifestations of psychological strain. Additionally, it examines the connection between challenges and psychological strain in teachers. The respondents of the study were tertiary teachers from all campuses of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST), selected through purposive sampling. Older, married teachers in higher positions experience psychological strain such as anxiety, depression, and stress. While psychological strain affects their well-being, it does not significantly impact their teaching performance. Younger, single teachers, who are new to the profession, are more likely to face challenges in teaching performance due to their limited experience in coping with teaching changes. Teachers with higher educational attainment and in higher positions experience challenges related to the demands of teaching, particularly the difficulty of monitoring learning at home. |
| Moral Intelligence and its Relationship with Professional Performance among Intellectual Education Teachers in Primary School | Author : Ahmed Ragab Elsayed, Abdullah Muzil Alharbi, Fatemah Abdullah Almulhem | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The research objectives of this work are: (1) to investigate the relationship between moral intelligence and professional performance among intellectual education teachers at primary schools in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia, and (2) to draw comparisons between male and female teachers in terms of moral intelligence and professional performance. The data was collected from a sample of 191 male and female teachers at primary schools in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia, in 2022. The moral intelligence scale and professional performance scale were applied to participants and data were analyzed using professional performance; Pearson correlation coefficient; and T-test. The results revealed several findings: (1) there is a significant positive relationship between the scores of the study sample according to the moral intelligence scale and their scores according to the professional performance scale, and (2) there are significant differences between male and female teachers in terms of both moral intelligence and professional performance, particularly among female teachers. |
| Evaluation of Dialogical Learning in Higher Education: Psychometric Validation of a Questionnaire | Author : Mª del Carmen Pegalajar Palomino, Diana Amber Montes, Estefanía Martínez Valdivia | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Higher Education must assume the commitment to provide quality education, as proposed by the UN in the 2030 Agenda. In this sense, dialogic learning stands out as a methodological strategy that promotes participation, communication and autonomous learning. This work aims to describe the design and validation process of an instrument that analyzes the university student s assessment of educational experiences based on dialogic learning. Taking the principles of dialogic learning as a reference for the design of the instrument, its content validity has been ensured by a panel of experts (n=9) through the Delphi method and the application of a pilot test to students of the Degree in Primary Education at the University of Jaén (n=132). For construct validity, the univariate normality of each of the items has been verified, as well as the application of the exploratory factor analysis model based on principal components and Varimax rotation and Pearson correlation analysis. Reliability analysis uses Cronbach s alpha coefficient and the two-half method. Results show an instrument with high reliability rates and positive internal consistency; it is made up of four factors, which are: contributions to learning, dialogue and communication skills, diversity and social inclusion, and dialogic reflection. It is a psychometrically robust tool, being an appropriate and necessary instrument to evaluate the impact of dialogic learning on university students, responding to some of the recommendations proposed by the United Nations to advance towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. |
| Synthesis of Guidelines for Strengthening Good Teacher Characteristics of Teachers in Schools | Author : Suphen Trivaudom, Ampapan Tuntinakorngul, Pariyaporn Tungkunanan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The objective of this research is to synthesize guidelines for enhancing good teacher characteristics of teachers in schools affiliated with the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres of Thailand, by collecting and analyzing relevant concepts, principles, and theories from experts with knowledge and expertise in developing and training personnel in the teaching profession and used semi-structured interviews to collect data. The interview form had an index of consistency between 0.80 - 1.00. The data was content analyzed according to Miles and Huberman s guidelines. The results of the lessons learned from the guidelines for creating a manual to enhance the good characteristics of teachers at St. Paul de Chartres School in Thailand. It can be summarized, as consisting of 4 main processes: 1) Enhancing competencies Process from actual practice, consist of 2 main indicators. 2) Enhancing skills Process for peaceful coexistence, consists of 3 main indicators. 3) Strengthening teachers identity Process and professionalism consists of 6 main indicators, 6 indicators, and 4) Evaluation Process and results monitoring. Developing a manual to enhance the good teachers characteristics can happen when each process is carried out in detail and systematically. |
| The Impact of Innovative Reading Comprehension Strategies on Reading Literacy of Slovak EFL Learners | Author : Rastislav Metruk, Paula Kovácová | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The importance of reading skills is undeniable since this skill is regarded as one of the vital ones in both academic sphere and personal lives of learners. However, relevant research and practice reveals that learners’ reading comprehension is often at a low level, exhibiting a declining tendency as regards reading literary. This article, therefore, attempts to contribute towards what is already known in this area by exploring the effects of the selected innovative reading strategies and techniques on the development of reading literacy of Slovak EFL learners. A quasi-experiment was conducted, testing being the primary research method. The research sample was formed by altogether 24 ninth grade learners who were divided into the control and experimental groups. Although the calculated p-value (0.14), which compared the pre-test and post-test reading scores of learners in the experimental group that was taught by means of the selected reading strategies and techniques does not demonstrate a statistically significant difference, the achieved scores after the intervention can be regarded as promising and encouraging. This may be because only after one month intervention, participants’ literacy level increased by 9%, indicating that regularity of improving reading comprehension can possibly result in achieving higher level of reading literacy. Finally, it is also suggested that Teachers can better plan lessons which involve active reading, discussions, and critical thinking, thus developing overall reading skills of EFL learners. |
| Malaysian Primary School Teachers Self-Assessment of TPACK and their Blended Learning Practice | Author : Andy Lim Teik Hong, Mahani Stapa, Kiang Xin Tian | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :With the advent of salient technologies, the education field cannot remain idle as technological development, and the value of knowledge need to go hand in hand. Therefore, teachers, being at the forefront of the education field, need to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge to ensure a successful teaching and learning process. Despite numerous studies examining teachers level of Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK), there is limited research that investigates how teachers translate their TPACK in a blended learning classroom. Hence, this study investigates teachers self-assessment of their TPACK towards blended learning implementation in the primary English as Second Language (ESL) classroom and how their TPACK is congruent with their blended learning practice. The sample consisted of 144 Malaysian primary school teachers in the state of Negeri Sembilan. The instruments used were questionnaires and classroom observations. The findings indicated that teachers overall assessed themselves to have a high level of TPACK towards blended learning implementation. Concurrently, teachers high TPACK were congruent with their blended learning practice, suggesting that all participants exhibited various facets of TPACK in their blended learning classrooms. As a consequence, the findings highlight the importance of having adequate TPACK to achieve optimal use of blended learning in line with the current 21st-century learning. |
| The Impact of Game-Based Learning (GBL) on EFL Learners Buoyancy, Directed Motivational Currents (DMCS), and Language Learning | Author : Mohadeseh Arzhangi, Afsaneh Ghanizadeh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The teaching approach of game-based learning emphasizes the creation, improvement, and use of games for educational purposes and training to achieve specific learning goals. A quasi-experimental research study using quantitative methods was conducted to investigate the impact of Game-Based Learning on the academic resilience, Directed Motivational Currents, and language learning of English as Foreign Language (EFL) Learners. The study involved 30 preintermediate students from two classes at the Iran-Europe Language Institute in Tehran, with one class assigned to the experimental group and the other to the control group. To provide a baseline for comparison, the experimental group participated in game-based learning, while the control group received traditional education devoid of any game-based activities. In effect, the experimental group engaged in digital and non-digital games related to vocabulary, grammar, and other language components alongside with some real-time quizzes, whereas the control group adhered to traditional teaching procedure in instruction, revision, and mainstream quizzes, in a non-gamified context. Data were collected using the L2 Buoyancy Questionnaire and the Persian version of the Dynamic online DMC Disposition Questionnaire. Results indicated statistically significant improvements in the experimental group`s academic buoyancy, DMC, and language proficiency with effect sizes of 1.96, 0.71.272, and 0.585 respectively, compared to the control group. Derived from these findings, teachers are recommended to integrate gamebased learning by incorporating interactive language tasks such as digital simulation or vocabulary games into their lesson plans, helping the students engage more with the material effectively. Furthermore, educational institutions and administrators can elevate students knowledge quality by incorporating gamebased instruction into curricula, by providing structured gamified tasks aligned with curriculum objectives to make learning more effective and engaging. |
| The Effectiveness of Teaching Algebraic Principles through Sensory Activities in Kindergarten | Author : Magda Mahmoud Saleh, Hayat Abdulrasoul Almejadi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Since algebraic thinking is one of the foundational ideas for the development of algebraic thinking in young children, algebra has a crucial place in the area of mathematics and is one of the essential disciplines whose skills are necessary to be gained by all students from kindergarten to secondary school. This study was designed to prepare sensory exercises that align with algebra requirements, in order to stay up with the scientific advancements of youngsters in Egypt and Kuwait. In order to teach kindergarten students the fundamentals of algebra, the researchers developed a series of sensory activities that were based on both the standards for kindergarten mathematics instruction and the standards for learning the algebraic principles necessary for the stage of the study that was discussed. A test was also devised as part of the study to confirm the efficacy of those interventions. The findings statistically demonstrated the effectiveness of the suggested activities in helping the study sample s kids acquire the standards necessary for understanding algebraic principles—that is, what they need to know to move on from foundational problems and continue learning mathematics with confidence. |