Author : Todor T. Uzunov, Dimitar Kosturkov, Tsonko Uzunov, Dimitar Filchev, Boiko Bonev, Andon Filchev |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : Purpose: Dental photography plays important role in the transfer of information between dentists as well as in communication between them and the dental technicians. It is very important to take precise photos of external and internal morphological characteristics of the teeth. There are different methods for that. The aim is to establish a protocol for registration of internal morphological characteristics of teeth by digital dental photography. Material and methods: For the accomplishment of the aim60intact frontal teeth of 30 patients aged between 18 and 20 years were photographed. The following basic and additional devices for dental photography were used: 1. Digital SLR (DSLR): • Body - Nikon D90 • Lens - Nikon AF-S Micro Nikkor 105 f / 2.8G VR • Flash - Nikon SB-R-200 Speedlight remote kit R1 2. Lingual contraster 3. Reflective disk with silver surface Lingual contraster was placed behind the respective tooth when taking photos. Light reflector was placed sideways near patient’s head. The head of the flash that is near to the reflector was oriented towards it. The other flash on the opposite side, activated at a minimum power, was directed to the tooth row. Results: Internal characteristics of the tooth - enamel cracks, translucency, transparency, opacity and opalescence were easily and predictably recorded by the described methodology. Conclusions: The method suggested by us can be successfully used for recording the internal morphological characteristics of the tooth. |
Author : Todor T. Uzunov, Dimitar Kosturkov, Tsonko Uzunov, Dimitar Filchev, Boiko Bonev, Andon Filchev |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : Purpose: The aim of the study is to determine the extent of the use of photography by dentists for the needs of everyday practice. Material and methods: The survey was conducted among 254 dentists practicing in Sofia, 64 (25.2%) - men and 190 (74.8%) - women. The average age of respondents is 43.21 years. Questionnaire was developed, consisting of 9 questions, divided into two parts. The first part covers questions about the nature of the dental practice of respondent doctor. The second part includes questions about the use of photography for the purpose of daily practice. Results: A statistical data processing is made. The average values of the responses received by groups of questions are analyzed. The factors that affect the use of dental photography were defined. The results show that from all of the surveyed persons, 82 (32.28%) people use photography for dental practice and 172 (67.72%) dentists do not to apply this method in their daily work. It was found that the reasons for not using the photography by dentists are: fear of cross-infection - 4 persons (1.57%); lack of need to use photography - 14 persons (5.51%); lack of interest - 18 persons (7.09%); cost of clinical time - 24 persons (9.45%); additional training - 58 (22.83%); expensive investment - 98 persons (38.58%). Conclusion: The extent and reasons for use of photography for the dental practice were found. The factors that are relevant to the use of dental photography by dentists were investigated. |
Author : Kamen Kotsilkov, Radoi Dimitrov |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : INTRODUCTION: Periodontitis is characterized by progressive destruction of periodontium, caused by relatively small group of microorganisms. The treatment aims to create proper environment which hampers the colonization of pathogens. The mechanical cleaning of the root surfaces combined with meticulous oral hygiene is the consensus treatment. In advanced cases the progression of the disease could lead to different problems - gingival recessions, insufficiency of attached gingiva, mobility and tooth loss which require complex treatment. OBJECTIVE: This presentation demonstrates the multidisciplinary treatment approach in a patient with a severe chronic periodontitis. METHODS: S.S. (42) with severe chronic periodontitis, insufficient mandibular vestibule depth, lack of keratinized gingiva, class III recessions and central incisors with grade III mobility. The #12 is missing and a crossbite is present on #32. The anti-infective therapy led to stable periodontal status. The corrective phase included the creation of vestibule depth with an autogenous gingival graft, dental implant placement with immediate provisional loading for #12, extraction of #31 and #41 due to attachment loss to the apex and immediate placement of provisionals with crossbite correction. RESULT: The reevaluation demonstrated good control of the gingival inflammation and stable periodontal status. The subsequent implant and prosthetic treatment led to the restoration of a functional dentition. CONCLUSION: The long term success of the treatment of the complex cases with severe chronic periodontitis depends significantly upon the proper control of the periodontal infection and the achievement of a stable periodontal status. These are the major prerequisites for successful further implant and prosthetic rehabilitation. |
Author : Kamen Kotsilkov, Djein Djasim |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : INTRODUCTION: The most severe complication of advanced periodontal lesions is the loss of teeth due to terminal attachment loss and high grade mobility. The goals of the treatment are the improving the plaque control stabilizing of the mobile teeth and arresting of the progression of gingival recession achieving gingival augmentation with adequate vestibulum depth. The autogenous graft is considered to be the most efficient approach where a significant increase of the attached gingiva is needed. OBJECTIVE: This presentation demonstrates the capacity of the autogenous gingival graft approach to reduce the high grade tooth mobility and to augment keratinized gingiva. METHODS: V.T. (46) with moderate generalized periodontitis. The examination reveals thin periodontal biotype, Class IV recessions on 31,41 with III grade mobility and terminal attachment loss, narrow vestibulum and lack of attached gingiva. An autogenous graft technique was selected to achieve simultaneous gingival augmentation and correction of vestibulum depth. RESULTS: A significant and stable increase of the attached gingiva is observed which led to better access for oral hygiene thus creating better conditions for successful long-term outcome. The root coverage was more that 40% and the tooth mobility was decreased to grade I. CONCLUSION: In the limitations of the presented case the free autogenous graft technique seems an appropriate approach in cases with deep Class IV recessions and high grade toot mobility in mandibular frontal area creating proper conditions for effective oral hygiene and decreasing tooth mobility by creating a sufficient amount of attached gingiva needed for the long term maintenance. |