Love and family communication |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this paper we pay attention to communication within the family, the ability to communicate as the responsibility for family life, the development of family members in communication. We define the means of communication that harms family life. We highlight the importance of communication human contact with someone in the family. The phenomenon of love ilustrate the free and spontaneus femal university students answers to the question: What is love? |
Publication Ethics in Final Thesis - some Advice for College Students |
Author : PhDr. Helena Kalábová, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Approaching the new academic year will college students throughout Slovakia submitt final - bachelors and master - thesis. The author of these methodical contribution as a university teacher, which among other teaches methodology of pedagogy and andragogy, created on the basis of selected specialised literature and own teaching experience some advice for college students about creating their final thesis. This contribution focuses on the ethical aspects of research at the last stage, when it is published. |
Spiritual crisis in the emotional recipe of family and crisis intervention. |
Author : PhDr. Helena Kalábová, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :presented by the text contains an outline of a spiritual crisis, based on the context of the emotional recipe of the family and the subsequent possibility of crisis intervention. Case reports demonstrate the typical features of the described symptoms of spiritual crisis and offers a description of the course of crisis intervention. |
Support groups for relatives of people with dementia syndromes in an international context |
Author : PhDr. Miroslava Tokovská, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Support groups provide people facing similar problems with a space for discussions, talks, education and for sharing their experiences. This paper studies support groups for relatives of people with various forms of dementia from an international perspective. For several reasons, Alzheimer’s disease – one possible form of dementia – is becoming a threat in the individual countries. The decrease of cognitive skills in one family member greatly affects the social functioning of the whole family. The burden is often on the family members who assume the role of caregivers. The focus of this paper is on support groups as a supplement to the help and care services and on the importance of these groups in prevention of burn-out syndrome in family caregivers. |
International Standards or How You Can´t Do It Wrong When You Writing |
Author : PhDr. Dominika Kadlubeková, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This overview contribution serving as a methodical regulation ate the creating process of various specialised texts if the author does not have requirements for a formal editing from the university, organizer or publisher for their final thesis, scientific study or conference contribution. The contribution focuses attention on characterization techniques of citation as well as methods of creating bibliographic references and their examples, based on international standards for citations and bibliographic references ISO. The last part of the contribution focuses on the characteristics of one of the international standard for the structure of scientific articles IMRAD . |
Gender Differences of Lower Secondary School Students‘ Behaviours |
Author : Mgr. Eva Lörinczová, Mgr. Robert Tomšik |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Students school behaviors demonstrations are significantly influenced by the how students perceive other students in a class; or how students experience the participating in activities in the school environment. The present study describes the behavior demonstrations of girls and boys at school. The data were collected through adapted scale questionnaire (Mezera, 1999, 2000). The research sample consisted of 105 students in 9th grade of Slovak mainstream primary schools. The analysis of results is based on following three variables: Sociability, Negativism, Emotional lability. There were found differences between girls and boys in the variable Emotional lability and Negativism; girls scored higher within the variable Emotional lability, while boys reached higher score in the variable Negativism. |
Psychology and andragogy to help an adult man |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The issue of paper is psychological and andragogical knowledges and the aproach in framework of the help for adult people. We pay attention also to psychological apects in the education process and counselling in the practice of andragogy. |
Activity and participation in people with disabilities from the persective of students of helping professions and general population |
Author : doc. PhDr. Marian Groma, PhD., PhDr. Katarína Jariabková, PhD., Mgr. Zuzana Brunclíková, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Currently, the assessment of a person with disability increasingly take into account environmental factors and the context in which individuals with disabilities live. The evaluation of individual´s activities and participation are included in the health assessment. The aim of the research study was to find out how participation of people with disabilities is perceived by students of helping professions in comparison to the general population. The results showed that there is not significant difference between helping professions students´perception and the perception of the representatives of general population. Both groups consider the participation of people with disabilities as significantly limited. |
Narcissistic self-regulation in goal directed behavior |
Author : PhDr. Radka Copková, Bc. Noémi Matyiová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The fundamental pillar of this paper is sub-clinical form of narcissism. The paper presents a brief history information about narcissism, describes differences between clinical and non-clinical form of narcissism and narcissistic self-regulation in particular. Given the objective of the research study we have been focused on the issue of goal attainment with emphasis on the specificity of this process within narcissistic individuals as well as on its normative side. The empirical section is devoted to testing of significance of differences between sub-clinical narcissists and non-narcissists in the extent of likelihood of norm-violating behavior performed in order to attain certain goal and in normative beliefs binding to a given situation. |
Problem of value orientation of children |
Author : Mgr. Dominika Hošová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Which values are important for us? What is their significance? A man´s life is guided by intuition, by values, as well as by other people´s opinion. Children often do not understand the concept of value and up to a certain age they are not interested in it. They obey their parents and they believe that what their parents do and say is correct. The problem may occur during puberty, when they are mostly influenced by their peers. They want to fit in and they are guided by the values, which they may not be internally identified with. In our life we are accopmanied by values which we have obtained in our family. Later we transfer these values to our own family. |
Psychology in education of adults in the context of andragogy and educational social work |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Currently and social situation devoted to adult participants of education events in Slovakia increased attention. The center focus of educational activities is the development of adult personality and competence to live. Requirements for professional performance of adult educators (trainers, educators, counselors) is their high practical expertises, the educational and professional level, particularly andragogical and psychological knowledges (as well as knowledges of others areas). The paper outlined the author´s approach to the issue of the psychology in adult education. |
Education of the person in 3. millennium |
Author : PhDr. Helena Kalábová, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The contribution is aimed at the problems of education and training of a human being in postmodern society. Education is presented as inherently educational activity, is calling in person to liability and thus constitutes a unique destiny of man as individuals. Education opens up optionsto life journey. |
Possibilities and limits of a family to provide an informal care for the terminally ill patient in the Czech Republic |
Author : Mgr. Jana Foralová, doc. PhDr. Darja Jarošová, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The present text seeks to bring the issue to provide general nursing care for terminally ill at home, introduce possible solutions or identify the limits for the decision to provide this care. The basic prerequisite and decisive factor for the provision of such care is the fact that the family is not willing to provide such care. This decision can then be supported by all of that care will be staffed and substantively equipped and ultimately will be able to provide that care. Informal care in home environment stands on three pillars which are linked to verbs "want", "can" and " know-how ". Each of these pillars can have a support as well as a resistance in a family, a state, medicare, social and employment policy . The present article tries to briefly introduce these factors and describe the possible interconnections and interactions. |
Educational social work - New concept of the theory, university study programme and practice in social work |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :We present the author´s innovative concept The educational social work, characterizes the social reality of people in the postmodern age which creates a new identity of social work and a new identity of social client. We based on the assumption that the most effective ways and means of social help is lifelong learning and social education of adults. Justifies the inclusion of the educational social work in the system of social work as the science and emphasize the practical necesity of educational social help to adults. |
Psychological impacts of the birth of the affected child on parents |
Author : Mgr. Lucia Ludvigh Cintulová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper presents a summary of psychological impacts on family functioning and shows the emotional feeling of parents due to the child disability. Taking care for a child with a disability is a stressful experience for parents. Author defines the stages of acceptance birth of a disabled child based on personal experience and expertise and offers a comparison of cognitive and motoric skills development and navigational skills of a child with and without disability at the same age. |
Matureness of human from the perspective of the humanist psychologist Abraham Maslow |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In the context of living conditions currently we present scientific link the founder of humanistic psychology Abraham Maslow, contained in his theory of personality. We express the author´s own view and interpret the theme of mental maturity of the people, who consider it necessary basis for good and creative life of people. We link the level of psychological maturity and preference basic needs or self realization needs. |
Preventing recurrence of crime through post-penitentiary care |
Author : PhDr. Peter Papšo, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper deals with post-penitentiary care as a form of prevention of recurrence of crime. It points some of the causes of behavior recidivist offenders that are to some extent influenced by the absence of the right quality and properly implemented post-penitentiary care. |
Biodromal concept of human development |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article is copyrighted text portrays the biodromal concept of human development. The starting point is for us the original concept of biodromal approach to counselling, which has been formulated by Professor Jozef Košco in the 70th years of the 20th century. From that time to this day, the concept of biodromal approach to human personality was authored elaborated in Slovakia by another of psychologists (including the author of this article) and further former university students of Professor Jozef Košco at the Psychological Institute of Comenius University in Bratislava.
In our conribution we present biodromal concept of human development based on our own copyright books (M.Machalová, 2004,2010,2011,2014) which are dedicated to the concept of biodromal approach in psychology. |
Theoretical basis of clinical social work in health care facilities with persons with Alzheimer´s disease |
Author : Mgr. Zuzana Šoltésová, doc. JUDr. Mgr. Dušan Šlosár |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The authors in this paper are oriented to important health-social phenomenon of Alzheimer´s disease in the context of clinical social work in health care facilities. The paper links the theoretical background of the individual authors to the issue of Alzheimer´s disease and preview options for clinical social work. In the first part theoretically define dementia, Alzheimer´s disease and its clinical picture. The next focus on the definition of social work, clinical social work, social work in health facilities and at the same time point to the need to care for people with Alzheimer´s disease. |
Pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and other alernative interventions to help children with ADHD |
Author : Mgr. Zuzana Gášparová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Children with ADHD are often dealing with other comorbid disorders. In this article, we focus on the treatment options for pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy and other alternative interventions that may help children suffering from ADHD. We offer practical advice and suggestions for parents and teachers how to raise and educate a child with ADHD. |
Man´s search for maning in critical life situations – the results of an experiment |
Author : Mgr. Pavol Štubna, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article deals with the crises multiple aspects – both positive and negative ones – in general, it also analyses the concept of meaning in relation to human needs, motivation and individual value hierarchy.
The research part concentrates on finding out individual sources of power, motivation and the will to go on, in other words, the awareness of inherent meaning which helps to endure critical life circumstances. It also aims to inquire the partecipants attitudes towards meaningfulness of their existence. |
Diagnostics of Dementia from the Perspective of Nurse |
Author : Mgr. Marcel Konarík, prof. MUDr. Hana Matejovská Kubešová, CSc. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The problems of cognitive deficits, that´s dementia, is becoming more and more topical theme for not only professional, but also the general public. The growing prevalence and incidence of the disease, along with the aging population brings with it enormous partial and social problems, which must be solved adequately and especially quickly. One of them is well – timed, respectively early diagnosis of dementia |
Opportunities for the development of palliative care and its impact on quality of life |
Author : Mgr. Katarína Kotradyová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Author in this article is reflects on palliative care and in the context of its broader definition. She also points out on meaning of palliative care in paradigm model of early palliative care. The basis of this article was scientific research, which were in last years realized in USA and west Europe. Author describe positive of determinants of early palliative care in oncology patients, but also significant positive factors of introduction palliative care on intensive care unit and suggests to use this model in Slovakia practice. |
Diseases of the colon, the stoma and the quality of life |
Author : PhDr. Helena Kalábová, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The text focuses on the issues of diseases of the colon, ending in the therapeutic process the colostomy. The increasing numbers of cancer increases as the number of patients with stoma supply a wide range of subsequent problems within the field of psychosomatic disorders. |
Biodromal psychology - New concept of the university study subject and educational practice |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :We present the author´s innovative concept Biodromal psychology for social worker, social pedagogue, social andragogue. |
Social Protection Floors as an Investment (in Central and Eastern Europe) |
Author : Miloslav Hettes, Asst. Prof. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Europe has a challenge how to avoid decreasing of humanity, to keep sustainable decent life in time of asking for economic growth. Europe does not use all international social rights instruments. Social justice is not fully guaranteed for majority of Europeans. Central and Eastern Europe show many times the worst social conditions. Social cohesion is not fully applied. Social protection is a universal right which is now completed with right of guaranteed minimum. ICSW Europe with cooperation with all main stakeholders has to struggle for better life. |
Residential segregation of Roma households in Žilina region |
Author : PhDr. Mgr. Martin Brnak, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This contribution deals with the issue of residential segregation of households in the Žilina region , whose members according the last census were regarded as Roma nationality. The subject of analysis were households on the level of basic residential units in Zilina, Ruzomberok Liptovsky Mikulas. |
Parental alienation syndrome - dysaretace in transmission |
Author : PhDr. Helena Kalábová, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The text deals with the problem of the growing cases of parental alienation syndrome and alienated parents and consequences totalling existential plane of the child. Explains princit noncartesian-based emotional recipe of family and accentuates the phenomenon of home as the basis for the possibility of an authentic human life movement. |
Safe Womans house – experiences from bilateral cooperation |
Author : Martina Ferri, PaedDr., PhD., Mgr. Mariana Kovácová, Olaug RØNNINGSDALEN, Halvor Ravn HØLOEYEN |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Article presents the Safe womans house, which implements Slniecko Center, N. P. O. and positive experience of bilateral cooperation with partners from Norway. At the same article reports the study outcomes of the working visit in Norway, as well as some institutions that work in favor of women, who are victims of violence and promote their right to live free of violence. |
Internet - a source of health information for the adult population |
Author : PhDr. Mgr. Mariana Magerciaková, PhD., MPH, MBA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Introduction: The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is becoming more expansive and affects many areas of human life. People of all ages have ICT and often use virtual internet space to search for information in the context of health. |
Problems, tasks and issues of the civic adult education in the context of „fake news“ and the COVID-19 pandemic |
Author : Mgr. Martin Schubert, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In the introduction to his article, the author briefly acquaints readers with the adult civic education’s basic definitions and target categories. The he emphasises that despite its importance, Slovak andragogical research does not pay due attention either to it, or to problems (namely "fake news" and the COVID-19 pandemic), socio-political implications of which are currently fundamentally threatening democratic societies. In the context of these two current problems, the author suggests areas of tasks and questions. Besides strengthening the importance of civic adult education itself, their andragogical research solutions would potentially contribute to consolidating and developing media literacy, critical and democratic thinking of adults and thus to the development and consolidation of democracy. |
Volunteering for Ukrainian refugees before the war on the Slovak-Ukrainian border |
Author : Mgr. JUDr. PhDr. Stanislav Bujda, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Volunteering is a free activity performed in free time. It represents the development of social skills and the acquisition of new experiences. It provides the volunteer with personal, professional and general development, which is so beneficial for the whole society. The given activity is based on Act no. 406/2011 Coll. on volunteering. The occurrence of volunteering is in the social, health, church, cultural, public, etc. The 21st century is witnessing war conflicts that are causing an influx of refugees from home to abroad. The goal of the refugees is to survive and get to a safe place where they can live and live their lives with dignity. Volunteering also proves to be extremely helpful for this target group. It represents an extended arm of social work in the performance of its activities for suffering people. The article is based on the experience of an author volunteering for war-affected refugees from Ukraine. |
Formation of social work students for work with dying people and survivors |
Author : PhDr. Michaela Šulová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Background: One of the target groups of social work is people in palliative and hospice care and survivors. However, no matter what social facility the social worker works in and with any target group, he may contact a client who has lost a loved one and is going through grief. Therefore, no matter how difficult death is, students of social work as a helping profession working with clients who have lost a loved one must manage this topic thoroughly. |
Insight and insight problems: Definition and approaches |
Author : Mgr. Filip Jendrol |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Insight problems are in contrast to well-defined problems often viewed as a test of creative thinking or as tasks that enable researchers to study ways of thinking that are more similar to solving real problems of everyday life. However, relevant empirical evidence is rather mixed and there are contradictions between major theoretical approaches. Our aim is to provide a review of research considering their phenomenology, abilities involved in solving them and corresponding neural determinants. Based on that we further attempt to outline possible answers on whether they are really distinctive from well-defined problems, ecologically valid and which theories might explain them most accurately. |