Knowing the students own efficacy (self-efficacy) in the school environment |
Author : Mgr. Lucia Foglová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper focuses on the concept of self-efficacy called self-efficacy and translated from English self-efficacy. In the paper, we link the psychological notion to educational reality. At the theoretical level, we are discussing this concept and presenting a few researches from abroad. In the research part we deal with the study of the relationship between the self-efficacy and school success of students. |
Words for every day |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In the paper, we define the responsibility of an adult person for his/her life. We point the value system of man. We distinguish the cultural from civilized person and the qualitative difference in human behaviour. |
Bratislava school of social andragogy |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article was written with an intention to point out to the main sources of conception and system of social andragogy that resulted from the activities of the Department of Andragogy of the Faculty of Philosophy at Comenius University in Bratislava. The study emphasizes the fact that Mr. Perhács, Mrs. Machalová and Mrs. Szabová-Šírová made an important contribution to the development of social andragogy. It recapitulates the results of scientific and research efforts of the Department of Andragogy in Bratislava. The study also deals with the steps that were taken by the Department to create the study field of social andragogy that set the tendencies of social andragogy development also at other working places in Slovakia and Czech republic. |
Truancy as a form of risky behavior among Czech adolescents: selected research results |
Author : Mgr. et Mgr. Stanislava Hoferková, Ph.D., PhDr. Václav Belík, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper describes the problems of truancy in the context of behavioral research affecting health in adolescence, which is being implemented since 2015 in Department of Social Pathology and Sociology, Faculty of Education, University of Hradec Králové. The Risk Behaviour in Adolescence questionnaire is mapping risk and protective behaviors in relation to psychological and social characteristics of an individual. Truancy is defined there as one of the forms of risky behavior. Research seeks link between truancy and other phenomena that can be described as risky. Researched results correspond to the theoretical definition of the truancy and its causes. From the perspective of multi-causal etiology we found a statistically significant association between truancy and other risk phenomena (eg. with substance abuse – alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and dance drugs, as well as with aggressive behavior towards people, animals and property, with risk behaviors associated with using information and communication technologies). Truancy can be perceived as a risk, multicausal and multifactorial phenomenon, which is among other important risk phenomenom, that occurs in this age. |
Volunteering motivation issues in the framework of family support |
Author : Bc. Petra Boštíková, Mgr. Lucie Smutková, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : This text deals with volunteering issues in the context of family support. Text focuses especially on volunteers motivations and contains qualitative research aimed at detection of motivation of volunteers needed for their volunteer activities. Research is also focused on the motives that volunteers perceived as risk. Interviews are conducted with volunteers from an concrete organization in Pardubice region, which offers services to families with children and cooperates with volunteers for a long time. |
School counselling center as a professional instrument for provention in the school |
Author : PhDr. Václav Belík, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper focuses on the issue of the school counseling center as a possible tool for professionalization of prevention in the school environment. The paper presents the pilot results of the mapping of the environment of primary schools and the experience of teachers both in the field of prevention of risk behavior and in the practical implementation of the school counseling center at Czech schools. It further maps the need for this workplace, the competencies and tasks of the school prevention methodology, the educational counselor, the school psychologist and the school special pedagogue. |
Development of prevalence of risk behavior among children and youth in the Czech Republic |
Author : Mgr. et Mgr. Stanislava Hoferková, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The risky behavior among children and youth is now the central issue of many research across disciplines. Not only in the Czech Republic, extensive research is being carried out to determine the prevalence of risky behaviors that examine this behavior in relation to other psychological or social factors. These include, for example, the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs, the Institute for Criminology and Social Prevention studies, International Self-Report Deliquency Study, research conducted by the Centre for Prevention of Risky Virtual Communication, or universities research (eg Palacký University Olomouc or University of Hradec Králové). The results of these studies consistently point to a decrease in the prevalence of risky behavior among Czech children and youth - especially in regular consumption of addictive substances, but also in other forms of risky behavior, including criminality and delinquency. An aggravating fact can be the balance of experience between the sexes. The reasons for these changes are multifactorial, so there is need to pay increased attention and continue to strengthen the protective factors of the lifestyle of children and youth. |
Childhood and parenthood with ADHD in the post-modern |
Author : PhDr.Helena Kalábová, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The text is oriented to the field of ADHD in context of onticit and ontological. The importance of equivalent view to the diagnostical and following pedagogic-therapeutical thinking in terms of cartesian conception of methodology and phenomenological temporality of human thought as the theory of internal perception of time is supported by presented cases. Man existing as an individual in society and the whole world is in claim of bio-psycho-social-spiritual transgenerational transmissions, but not having only onticital, but also significantly existential ontological existencial dimension. |
Education - the path to quality of life in senior age |
Author : PhDr. Mgr. Eva Dirgová PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The aim of the company is not to be segregation of older and elderly, but their integration into society. This integration will ensure correct social relationships, interaction between generations. There is no need, therefore, to exclude the elderly or the learning process, which has ceased to be the exclusive training; but becomes a means of personal development. The training positively affects self-image, self-esteem and personal value older person. Students of the University of the Third Age were becoming increasingly broadened outlook can very positively affect the mindset of your surroundings. |
Perspective of the preventive educational social work (interdisciplinary aproach and innovation) |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In the paper we highlight the importance of innovation and interdisciplinary approach and specializing in the theory and practice of social work and also on professional training at the university studies of social workers in the area of preventive educational social work. We define the educational prospects of preventive educational social work and we propose an innovative approach to social clients and to social helping by educational social counseling. We formulate the perspective of the implementation of preventive educational social work in social practice. |
Influence of home nursing service on life quality of disabled seniors in Bratislava and Vienna |
Author : PhDr. Zuzana Kurkinová, Mgr. Veronika Reháková, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Presented article is focused on influence of home nursing service on life quality of disabled seniors in Bratislava and Vienna. From the methodological point of view, we decided for compare studios, we decided for qualitative research. The research was applied on providers of social services and recipients of social services in Bratislava and Vienna. Findings of summed estimates by Likers scale showed, that the best predictor of life satisfaction of disabled seniors in Vienna is their high standard of living and their family cohesiveness. |
The role of a social counselor to assist victims of CAN syndrome |
Author : Mgr. Katarína Halkovicová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :There has been extended research considering the impact of helping professions onto both mental and physical health of the helping individual. This study explores current situation of social workers, specifically, perceived stress, burnout and secondary trauma. Additionally, it analyses relationship between years of practice and negative aspects of helping. Results reveal increased perceived stress of social workers. Social workers are more vulnerable to secondary trauma with increasing years of practice. On the other hand, mild correlation shows that with increasing years of practice and age of social worker, there is higher perceived personal accomplishment, what can suggest possible resilience to burnout. |
Social housing in Slovakia |
Author : PhDr. Martin Brnak, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Social housing is one of the more important issues facing social and housing policy in western EU countries. In the context of the Slovak Republic it is a long-standing issue that is regressed to the background in academic and political circles. However, social rental housing is undoubtadly an integral part of the state social policy especially in the field of family support, vulnerable groups of population and employment, and many other key areas of state support. Post captures issues of social rental housing in selected areas of the EU and the Slovak Republic. |
Negative consequences of helping profession by social workers |
Author : Mgr. Monika Hricová, PhD. , Mgr. Jana NEZKUSILOVÁ, Doc. PhDr. Margita MESÁROŠOVÁ, CSc. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :There has been extended research considering the impact of helping professions onto both mental and physical health of the helping individual. This study explores current situation of social workers, specifically, perceived stress, burnout and secondary trauma. Additionally, it analyses relationship between years of practice and negative aspects of helping. Results reveal increased perceived stress of social workers. Social workers are more vulnerable to secondary trauma with increasing years of practice. On the other hand, mild correlation shows that with increasing years of practice and age of social worker, there is higher perceived personal accomplishment, what can suggest possible resilience to burnout. |
Activation of clients of higher age in facilities for seniors focused on cognitive skills through education |
Author : PhDr. Katarína Šoková, MBA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The period of old age and aging is an inseparable part of ones life. With the transformation of the society the very fact of aging of the entire population is linked to, as the number of people in senior age is increasing. Although aging is accompanied by countless changes whether in the field of biological, psychological or social, this stage should not be for seniors grey period. Seniors should choose what direction their lives will set forth and one of the alternatives for active and meaningful spending of time and response to changes is joining the process of education. State should participate in providing sufficient educational contingency for people in senior age. Seniors should be encouraged in education, either by the family itself, as well as by social workers, as in participation in educational activities they must overcome a series of barriers. |
Factors influencing the interdisciplinary collaboration in health and social care |
Author : Mgr. Jana Gabrielova, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article deals with interdisciplinary collaboration in health and social care. It highlights the significance and contribution of interdisciplinary collaboration in the care of the patient/client. The aim of the paper is to describe factors influencing the process of interdisciplinary collaboration in health and social care. |
Social - psychological adaptation of adults in the social enviroment |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Society and person´s individuality are subject to many new influences. However, not everything new brought along by recent times is good for people´s lives. In this study we shall point significance of the social-affective adaptation of adults,which can be facilitated also through specialized activities of supporting professions. In the prevention of social patological specialists face the challenge of identifying people´s psychical and social potential. And also, to outline the level to which adults in the system of manifold groups are able to adapt.The purpose of the research and knowledge gained should be effort to develop and implement effective strategies for programmes and activities aimed at prevention, in order to prevent the occurence and possibly the spread of phenomena of social patological adaptation. It is important to sense the limits of individual´s social-affective ability to adapt with respect to deviation, as well as thein actual social and psychical compenence. With the aim of supporting adults´social and psychical defense mechanisms with respect to social and psychological adaptation. |
Womens safe house (domestic violence shelter) |
Author : PhDr. Ludmila Húsková |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper deals with the issue of domestic violence against women. The aim of this report is to highlight the first womens safe house (domestic violence shelter) in the region of Žilina. Civic association Brieždenie succeeded and won the project „Centrum POKOJ – skvalitnenie služieb ochrany a podpory pre obete násilia v rodinách“ (Center POKOJ – the improvement of protection and support services for the domestic violence victims). After the completion of this project, the shelter will become womens safe house that meets minimum required standards in Europe. |
Experience from bilateral cooperation with Norwegian experts on domestic violence |
Author : PhDr. Zuzana Barická, JUDR. Sylvia Gancárová, Mgr. Marta Korgová, Mgr. Mária Nagy Matová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The contribution focuses on the practical approach of protection and assistance to victims of violence in various forms in Norway, an expert on nonprofit organization The Sun centre non-profit organization. It brings the experience of working as well as some areas in comparison to assist victims of domestic and gender-based violence in Slovakia. It also provides a new perspective on the issue of gender equality from a male perspective |
Nursing Care for Seniors with Eye Diseases |
Author : Mgr. Zdenka Brziaková, PhDr. Katarína Zrubáková, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Multimorbidity is a characteristic feature in the seniors treatment. Frequent diseases are the diseases and disorders of the eye. These diseases often require long-term and interdisciplinary care. Important members of the team are nurses. The nurses carry out nursing care in a variety of settings - in the institution, the ambulance and senior’s home environment. In the contribution, we describe the most frequent nurses interventions as well as the content of education. Education is of great importance for the quality of senior co-operation and treatment effectiveness. |
Frailty Senior in Home and Institutional Nursing Care |
Author : Katarína Zrubáková, PhD., PhDr. Mária Novysedláková, PhD., Bc. Jana Kucíková |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The aging of the population and increasing number of very old seniors bring new terms with them which include the frail senior. Taking care of such a senior is difficult for a family member, caregivers, but also for health care workers in home care or institutional care. The aim of the paper is to present the specificities of nursing interventions in home care for the frail senior, but also in acute, subacute and long-term constitutional treatment. And compare the date from the analysis of available scientific and professional literature with the result of research carried out in constitutional health facilities and in the home environment. The research study is part of the KEGA project called Possibilities of interdisciplinary cooperation in the implementation of non-pharmacological treatment of seniors in constitutional institutions. The main empirical method was a questionnaire of its own construction and the complementary method was the analysis of the document. The research group consisted of nurses working in the home care agencies and in institutional facilities at the geriatric department and departments for the long-term ill. By research, we found how nurses assess the health and mental state of long-term seniors. We have identified what assessment tools are used by treating frailty senior, what preventive measures they apply, and how they evaluate interdisciplinary co-operation in home environment and in institutional health care facilities. |
Legal awareness and legal basis of life |
Author : Mgr. Karin Kupcová, PaedDr. Martina Ferri |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Article presents realized project and theoretical foundation of violence against women, the forms and the cycle of violence, as well as some more results acquired by questionnaires from training professionals. |
Malignant cults and sekts – addiction and prevention |
Author : PhDr. Peter Papšo, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article deals with the problem of malignant cults and sects. In his introduction it defines sects and highlights the difference between a sect and malignant sect. Then it defines the basic characteristics of malignant cults and sects and their species. It also addresses the risk of dependence on malignant cults and sects, with the end describes several methods of preventing such abuse. |
Concept of educational social work - the reasoning © |
Author : Prof. PhDr. Mária Machalová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this paper we present the reasoning of our our author´s innovative concept The educational social work, characterizes the social reality of people in the postmodern age which creates a new identity of social work and a new identity of social client. We based on the assumption that the most effective ways and means of social help is lifelong learning and social education of adults. Justifies the inclusion of the educational social work in the system of social work as the science and emphasize the practical necesity of educational social help to adults. |
Media culture and its impact on new forms of eating disorders |
Author : Mgr. Györgyi Janková, PhD. Bc. Katarína Runnová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Bigorexia is a form of eating disorders as non-substance addictions that fall under bio-psycho-social disorders and are characterized by solving problems and emotional situations in one´s life with food and eating. This paper focuses on analysis concerning marketing communication outputs perceptions of people demonstrating the symptoms of bigorexia. It defines bigorexia as such, basic aspects of its development and causes, its diagnostics and most common risks. |
Parental control over digital threats to children |
Author : Mgr. Györgyi Janková, PhD., Mgr. Tímea Tóthová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Presented paper is focusing on analysis of a current issue of Internet and its contents dangerous to the age group of minors. It calls attention to the necessity of preventing virtual attacks aimed at minors as well as the need for protective measures taken by parents, teachers and state, the importance of media literacy and prevention in both real and virtual world. Paper outlines online risks and aggressive content in videogames, it deals with commercial content and deceptive marketing practices in digital games. |
Anxiety of children in the context of the present time |
Author : PhDr. Helena Kalábová, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The text is devoted to childhood anxiety in the possibilities of psychotherapeutic approach from a phenomenological point of view. The ontic point of view does not allow to explain, to understand and then effectively treat the problem in temporal time of the child with anxiety. The main idea is to understand the emotional scheme of the family as a living organism, without the possibility of concretizing it by objective measurement. For the child who is born into this system, it is the founding possibility of experiencing security and acceptance with overlapping the importance of experience to adulthood. |
Effects of different types of attachment styles on children´s mental development |
Author : Mgr. Zuzana Gášparová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this paper we focus on Bowlby´s attachment theory which explains the impact of early mother - child relationship on a child´s mental development. We point out the conditions necessary for forming secure and insecure attachment. We also focus on the possible consequences of secure and insecure attachment on children´s cognitive, emotional and social development. The last part of our paper provides opportunities to prevent formation of insecure attachment and to eliminate it´s negative impact on a child´s mental development. |
Moderator and mediator in research |
Author : Mgr. Lucia Foglová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper is theoretical character. We deal with models of relationship (mediator) or influence (moderator) in pedagogical-psychological research. It offers theoretical bases projected into models that describe where the variable is entered, where the result and describes the mutual causal and predictive relations in the direction of the arrows. |
Teaching style of a teacher as a way to make more effective learning process of the pupils |
Author : Mgr. Zuzana Zajacová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article is focused on a teacher and his teaching style regarding to his ability to pay attention to the pupils understanding of the teaching material and to his possible influence. The main goal of this article is to present the teaching style of a teacher primary as a tool of increasing efficiency of learning process of the pupils, not just a tool of sharing the knowledge. |
The beginning of contemporary social work in Slovakia |
Author : Prof. PhDr. MÁRIA MACHALOVÁ, PhD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In the paper, we present an excursion to the period when the scientific area of social work and the university study of social work in the Slovak Republic were formed. We identify the initiators of the development of social work in Slovakia. We define scientific and professional initiatives and activities of university workplaces in the context of the development of social work. |