The impact of the corona crisis on un / employment of young people |
Author : PhDr. Mgr. Eva Dirgová PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :One of the most significant problems of the current market economy is unemployment. An effort to create new job opportunities as well as to lower the heaviness of unemployment is the serious economic, social and political issue. Unemployment as a factor of the serious change is the event that requires a lot of adaptation effort aimed at the newly created situation. The features of the unemployment are the negatives in forms of the lowering the standards of living, exclusion from the social relationships and disrupted life certainties. |
Human rights and their application in helping poor families |
Author : PhDr. Michaela Šulová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article approaches poverty and human rights of families in need. Then it presents the application of human rights in helping families in material and social need in the civic association Lighthouse of Hope. |
Direct democracy as a concept |
Author : JUDr. Samuel Csóka |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper focuses on Direct democracy as a concept. It is divided into two relatively separate parts. The paper aims to acquaint the reader with the very concept of direct democracy, especially with the emphasis on forms of direct democracy prevailing in territorial conditions of countries with a democratic system of government. |
Membership in youth subcultures |
Author : PhDr. Peter Papšo, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The contribution deals with a specific group of young people - members of different youth subcultures. Its aim is not to focus on concrete subcultures, but to look at them as a whole, at their definition, and in its second part on membership in youth subcultures and its types. We consider it important to know the types of membership in subcultures and how they manifest themselves, as the correct setting of risk prevention that may be associated with subcultures often also depends on this. |
Gamification evolution in education in the period of Covid-19 |
Author : PhDr. Martin Kursch, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article deals with the development of gamification in education during the Covid-19 pandemic. It explains the concept of gamification as the use of game elements in education. It presents partial results of research by the team of Charles University, Department of Andragogy and Education Management, Faculty of Education, examining the use of game elements during a pandemic. It points to the relatively low use of gamification and summarizes the barriers that are still involved in deciding whether to apply gamification. |
Registered social enterprise as one of the forms of employment of people with disabilities |
Author : Mgr. Jana Kamanová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :A registered social enterprise is one of the active instruments of employment policy in Slovak Republic. It is one of the forms of employability of people with disabilities. Social entrepreneurship in Slovakia is regulated by the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 112/2018 Coll. on the social economy and social enterprises and on the amendment of certain laws as amended. A registered social enterprise fulfills the provision of any socially beneficial service, which is defined in several legislative norms. |
A life struggle without alcohol |
Author : Mgr. JUDr. PhDr. Stanislav Bujda, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Alcohol is one of the most widespread and easily available addictive substances. In small quantities, it increases a persons self-confidence for a while, removes internal tension and banishes grief. Larger doses of alcohol are later required for such short pleasures, leading to addiction. Innocent drinking can become a mental illness and turn human life into a pathological one. Alcohol dependence not only affects the addict, but is a burden for his family and surroundings. Getting out of this addiction is often a long and complicated process. With the onset of abstinence, the addicts life becomes better and more beautiful. Case reports point to the importance of abstinence and its importance in improving alcohol-free life. |
The status of women and social-cultural specifications in an intercultural partnership with a man professing the islamic religion |
Author : PhDr. Tomáš Cvrcek |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article describes results of the research that has been focused on the the survey of problematics related to role of Czech women in intercultural relationship / partnership with man professing Islamic religion and also on socio - cultural specification related to these relationship. 6 female respondents that has had personal experience with intercultural relationships of this specific kind and their testimonies have been used in the survey. Specific behaviour that has been characteristic for intercultural relatioships where one of the partners has been professing Islamic religion has been identified from the testimonies of the Czech female respondents. In accordance to our survey and findings, this specific behaviour probably originates in the social and religious habits of these islamic male partners that have been taken, carried over from their country of origin. The results of the survey were discussed with available sources focused on the researched issues.The results can be used as a help of social workers, policemen and related professionals in the possible intervention in the field and environment of multicultural families and partnerships. |
Theoretical background of the importance of education of social workers in the issue of diseases of civilization |
Author : Mgr. Miroslava Weiss, doc. MUDr. Mária Belovicová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Civilization diseases have a great impact on our life quality, our health as well as our socio-economic situation. It is necessary for social workers to acquire a wide range of knowledge, skills and competences in the field of civilization diseases that will make them easier with clients who suffer from civilization disease. In this article, we will pay the importance of social workers education in civilization diseases. We are convinced that this issue concerns each of us, given the constant increase in civilization diseases and their need for comprehensive solutions. We can unequivocally point out that the education of social workers in this area is essential because it is largely affected by the expertise and professionalism of the social worker. The acquired knowledge of education helps social workers in practice when working with the client. Education should focus on individual kinds of civilization diseases, and their accompanying symptoms and phenomena, while remembered and to highlight the importance of prevention of civilization diseases, especially correct lifetime. Civilization diseases issues is a comprehensive worldwide problem. |
Experience of mountain rescuers – interpretive phenomenological analysis |
Author : Mgr. Katarína Števceková |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :We have tried to understood the experiences of mountain rescuers in this diploma work. Within the context of the work to clarify the fact, which can relate to the quotation of one of the participants such as: „to be a mountain rescuer“ we will introduce the theoretical starting point of experience phenomenon and analysis of research studies. Research questions were aimed at the experiences and profession path of the rescuer. Qualitative data collected by making interviews were analyzed by interpretive phenomenological analysis. By revealing the specific parts in a particular life story we have identified five main topics: Motivation, Risk, Learning, Mission and Teamwork. The results of qualitative study provide the knowledges from the insight of life experiences of mountain rescuers and provide recommendation for the potential research and practice. |
Counseling in citizenship education of adults |
Author : Mgr. Michaela Beran Sládkayová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The current social situation increasingly points to the need to build a civil society in which active citizens are a part. These citizens should adhere to democratic principles and need to build democratic values in them, such as: tolerance, respect, solidarity, partnership, cooperation, and others. Citizenship education for all target groups (children, youth, adults, seniors) can meet this need. In the context of the focus of this study, we will focus mainly on the target group - adults. Related to this is the area of andragogy counseling in citizenship education of adults, which, however, within the Slovak and Czech provenance, is not yet sufficiently developed and represents a relatively young area of interest in andragogy. In the presented study, we present a basic view of the issue of counseling in citizenship education of adults through the characterization of citizenship education and counseling and at the same time outline the possibilities of implementing counseling in citizenship education of adults. |
Analysis of the needs of social services by the citizens of the Zilina self-governing region |
Author : Doc. PhDr. Irena Kamanová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The provision of social services in the Slovak Republic is governed by a legislative standard valid since 2008. It clearly states the obligations of the provider and recipient of social services. In our research carried out for the needs of creating a concept for the development of social services, we were interested in the need to provide, establish social services for the inhabitants of the Zilina self-governing region. In this paper we process one research file. |
Value paradigms in literature |
Author : Mgr. Barbora Kolárová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Submitted article analyses the term “value“, its definition, history, its division and classes, and lastly its relationship towards literature. The aim is to examine how literature expresses and disseminates values and how literary work could impact reader´s hierarchy of values. Furthermore, the article also advises what is necessary to take into consideration before potentially starting a research of values. |
Roma pastoral care in the context of social work |
Author : PhDr. JUDr. Mgr. Stanislav Bujda, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The Roma belong to the largest national minorities occurring in the Slovak Republic. Their lives are accompanied by determinants that reduce their quality of life. They often struggle with poverty, unemployment, low education, etc. One of the most significant determinants of the minority population is segregation itself from the majority society. Isolation alone deepens these determinants. There is a widening gap between the majority and the minority. Over the decades of working with the Roma minority, they have not been able to fully adapt to society. These were rather small exceptions. Systematic work is required in order to continue to at least gradually adapt the Roma minority to the majority society. One of them is pastoral activity, which records successes in the field of social work with the Roma. The church uses pastoral centers for this work, which also have the status of community centers. The changes are aimed not only at the gradual integration of the Roma into society, but above all their uniqueness and originality are respected. The goal is a person as he is with his perception and needs. Everything is done in the spirit of the gospel. The community centers themselves provide pastoral care, which includes social work. They include clergy who have been assigned by the Catholic Church to work with this target group. The centers also include employees from the majority society and the Roma minority group, who participate in the performance of activities. |
Social servicies of crisis interventions in marginalized communities |
Author : Mgr. Lýdia Mirgová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The Slovak Republic is still going through a period of transformation, trying to understand community work as a benefit for local governance as well as for the development of civil society. In the Slovak environment, several basic strategies for working with communities can be observed in practice in order to solve their local problems, namely: the provision of social services (social work), advocacy and community development. Community organization (as a potential fourth strategy for working with communities or neighborhoods) is still very rarely used in this country, although it could be a very effective and inexpensive tool for achieving social change in a democratic society such as Slovakia (Korpesio, 2012). |
The emerging needs of children and youth |
Author : Mgr. Roland Sivok |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The aim of the article is to bring closer the current situation of children and youth in the field of emerging needs that they currently feel. In the article we describe the research that was carried out as part of the thesis. The research was carried out in the south of central Slovakia in the town of Rimavská Sobota, specifically with participants from the Secondary Vocational School of Technology and Agri-Food in Rimavská Sobota, the Rimavská Sobota Center for Children and Families, the Relax Leisure Center and the Dobšinský Primary School in Rimavská Sobota. The total number of participants was 89, with the age of participants ranging from 12 to 17 years. The purpose of this survey was to identify the needs of children and young people directly from children and young people through research, taking into account their comfort. As part of the qualitative strategy, we used the method of semi-structured interview within the focus group. Our findings can be used in the field of education in social work to orientate oneself in the situation of children and youth in Rimavská Sobota and as a basis for writing publications concerning the new generation of children and their needs. |
Trust as an important factor of patients mental well-being during hospitalization |
Author : PhDr. Gabriel Bálint PhDr., Dušan Selko, CSc., MPH |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Introduction: Trust can be defined as relying on others, a certain expectation of future situations, an authentic relationship with clear communication. During patient care, it does not make sense to look for a focus of cooperation unless a sufficiently confidential and open relationship is established. A good relationship between the patient and the nurse has a great influence on the patients perception of the disease and treatment. Trust is a part of the emotional support, it is the basis of mutual productive communication in the relationship between nurse and patient.
Conclusion: Clinical practice in the acute ward and intensive care unit places increased demands on the nurse not only on professional skills, but also on the holistic perception of the patient. In clinical practice, it is necessary for the nurse to approach the patient holistically, to know and accept his needs in all areas. If healthcare professionals do not take a holistic approach, the patient may feel uninterested. This can greatly disrupt patient-nurse relationships and thus impair collaboration. By using psychosocial interventions, the nurse contributes to comprehensive nursing care, to a better relationship between the nurse and the patient, and thus to higher trust on the part of the patient. By gaining trust, it contributes to the optimization of the treatment process, easier solution of the patients problems by the nursing staff. |
A look at the definition of the terms of culture and cultural system |
Author : PhDr. Peter Papšo, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Defining the concept of culture seems at first glance a simple task. In reality there is no single view to define this term. All the more so as culture is actually a system and thus contains various subsystems. In this article, we try to bring one of the understandings of culture and the cultural system based on different perspectives and experiences. |
Emotional responses to the Covid-19 pandemic media reports: Comparisons based on media exposure and the phases of easing the anti-epidemic measures |
Author : PhDr. Petra Ferencíková Mgr. Eva Rajcániová, PaedDr. Robert Tomšik, PhD., PhDr. Alena Kopányiová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The present study analyses the relationship between exposure to media news on Covid-19 pandemic and the emotional experiences of individuals, as well as the extent to which they agree with the measures taken. Using a purposely designed questionnaire, the frequency of media use and its association with six primary and secondary emotions - fear, worry, anger, sadness, panic, frustration and curiosity, was examined. The secondary objectives were focused on the analysis of variables with respect to the phases of dismantling of restrictive measures in Slovakia. The research was conducted on a sample of N = 458 respondents (mean age = 40.6; 92.6% women). Based on statistical analysis, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference in the frequency of experiencing fear (H = 26.746; p <0.001), worry (H = 25.199; p <0.001), sadness (H = 15.264; p <0.001) and curiosity ( H = 56.324; p <0.001) with respect to the frequency of exposure to the media news about Covid-19 pandemic and there was also a significant difference in the frequency of experiencing worry (H = 7.575; p <0.023), sadness (H = 8.951; p <0.011) and frustration (H = 11.101; p <0.004) with respect to the phases of dismantling of the restrictive measures. The rate of research variables decreased with lower media exposure and with the dismantling of restrictive measures over time. A weak correlation was found between the frequency of exposure to media news and the level of agreement with anti-epidemic measures taken. |
Subjective versus objective obstacles in goal achievement |
Author : doc. Mgr. Monika HRICOVÁ, PhD PhDr. Radka COPKOVÁ, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The present study aimed to categorize and describe the specific obstacles that enter the process of goal achievement. The basic criterion for obstacles categorization was based on its cause, what divided the obstacles into objective and subjective. Data were obtained from a sample of 542 respondents aged 18 to 34 years. Content analysis of 1507 responses was conducted. Of the objective interfering variables, current situational barriers, such as excessive administrative burdens, dominated. In the case of subjective obstacles, those that reflected the current mental and physical condition of the individual were the most represented, for example in the form of stress or current mental discomfort. |
The Use of Art Therapy Templates for Children with Behavioral Disorders |
Author : Mgr. Barbora Sender, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The presented article describes the importance of art therapy for children with behavioral disorders, referring to the research. The author describes the technique of art therapeutic templates, which she created herself. Art therapy templates are a series of 25 cards with redrawn templates and thematically diverse exercises (instructions) designed for children and adolescents. The mentioned technique is also suitable for working with children with behavioral disorders based on the above research studies aimed at determining the effectiveness of art therapy in reducing these disorders. |
Methods of assessing scientific works |
Author : JUDr. Branislav Benkovic |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :According to the approach, the evaluation of scientific works can be divided into qualitative and quantitative. In the article, the author deals with the topic of assessing scientific papers in terms of scientometric indicators which are citation index, hirsch index and impact factor of the journal, as well as in terms of review process and position of the reviewer. the author deals with Scientific work is usually cited more often if it is important and interesting. Scientometric indicators are not a complete guarantee of the quality of scientific work, contribution, importance or originality. Indicators can be distorted by negative citations, self-citations, or citations of colleagues works. Some authors focus mainly on publishing in journals with a large impact factor, another part of the authors leaves the evaluation of the quality of their works to the content itself and to the opinion of experts from the same field. |
Hidden potential of virtual co-teaching |
Author : PhDr. Martin Kursch, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article deals with a new method of virtual co-teaching. It places the method of virtual co-teaching in the context of didactic methods. It presents various categories of the classical co-teaching concept and explains a similar use of the new method of co-teaching with a virtual component. It summarizes the potential of the virtual co-teaching method, which is a promise for the future. It informs about the research of the efficiency of the virtual co-teaching method, which is carried out by the team of Charles University, Department of Andragogy and Management of the Faculty of Education. |
The main factors negatively affecting the development and support of talented individuals in organizations - TM2 solutions. |
Author : PhDr. Martin Kursch, Ph.D. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper points out the main factors negatively influencing the development and support of talent in organizations. It builds on a previous article on this issue published in ProManager magazine in 2014 and introduces a new concept of talent management based on the theory of Tailor Made Talent Management. This theory is based on three main factors that an organization must provide for a talented individual - freedom, resources, and feedback. The article also outlines the framework of the methodology for implementing a talent management program according to the concept. |
Deportation of Ruthenians from Poland to the unknown |
Author : PhDr. JUDr. Mgr. Stanislav Bujda, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Ruthenians are a national minority that is scattered around the world. It has its largest representation in countries such as Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia and Romania. Settlement of the areas of todays Poland and Slovakia began in the middle of the 15th century. It is a national minority that has its own culture, language, traditions, symbols and Byzantine rite. 1Lemkos live in Poland. This term is a designation for the Ruthenian national minority there. They were often called and referred to in Poland as Lemkos or Ruthenians. In this case study, we will refer to them by both names. During their history, there have been three displaced deportations of Ruthenians. The Visla event is one of the most famous deportations. It accelerated the assimilation of this minority in an undemocratic and inhuman way. The aim of this event was also the liquidation of the local Greek Catholic Church. This deportation into the "unknown" caused many existential problems in the lives of the Ruthenians themselves and their families. |
Education as a part of nursing documentation of surgical patients |
Author : PhDr. Mgr. Mariana Magerciaková, PhD., MPH |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Introduction: Surgical patient education is an essential part of the provided nursing care. The nurses educational activities with the patient are documented in the patient education plan, which is part of the patients nursing documentation.
Aim: The article is focused on the legislative aspects of medical and nursing documentation and the need to keep educational records. The article presents the results of a survey, the aim of which was to find out what is the level of data that relate to the education of surgical patients recorded in the nursing documentation.
Material and methods: Retrospective content analysis of documents with a focus on nursing documentation in hospitalized patients was used for data collection. 74 patients nursing documentation records were analyzed.
Results: A separate educational record contained 58 nursing documentation of patients. Deficiencies were found in the formulation of educational diagnoses and recording the content focus of education. The fact that the management of data on education was in accordance with the valid legislation can be assessed positively.
Conclusion: Documentation of educational activities of nurses can be improved by using forms for educational record. It should be clear from each educational record what and to what extent the patient was instructed. A particularly important aspect of educational records is the legal protection of nurses. |