Prevention of Cyberaggression by strengthening Self-image and Self-esteem in Screenagers? |
Author : doc. PaedDr. Katarína Hollá, PhD. Mgr. Kristína Bielciková |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Screenagers are the teenagers who have an aptitude for computers, smartphones, etc., and spend time browsing the internet, playing games or chatting via social media. They consider social media platforms the key tool for building and keeping relationships, creativity and discovering other cultures and nations. |
Trends of woman the educational |
Author : Mgr. Iva Seifertová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This publication talks about further education of women on maternity or parental leave and after. The publication is divided into two parts, theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part generally deals with the overall concept of lifelong learning from an early age and its forms. The empirical part describes in detail the methodology of the research and interprets the analyzed data. These are quantitive research surveys. In the final discussion the findings are compared with the already existing knowledge and suggestions for further examination or new discussion are presented. |
Crisis in achieving goals and social expectations for people in their twenties - is giving up on a goal adaptive? |
Author : MSc Natália Sabolová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper focuses on people in their twenties - in young adulthood, for whom goals play an important role in shaping their identity. Young adults face significant social pressures and expectations to meet specific developmental milestones. Achieving these goals can be problematic or even impossible. Therefore, the aim of this article is to theoretically introduce the concept of action crisis in the context of achieving the goals of young adults and to point out that giving up on a goal can sometimes be adaptive. |
Formation of social work students for work with dying people and survivors |
Author : PhDr. Michaela Šulová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :One of the target groups of social work is people in palliative and hospice care and survivors. However, no matter what social facility the social worker works in and with any target group, he may contact a client who has lost a loved one and is going through grief. Therefore, no matter how difficult death is, students of social work as a helping profession working with clients who have lost a loved one must manage this topic thoroughly. |
Right to Human Dignity - educational context |
Author : Prof. PhDr. Mária Machalová, CSc. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this paper we highlight the educational social help, which is to be effective procedure and instrument of raising and development of systemic capability of people to live.
Justify the need for a strong entry practical social help in the interest of the spiritual, psychological and social active adaptation and socialization and rehabilitation of living forces people today. |
Concept good-enough mother in postmodern society |
Author : Mgr. Zuzana Ulicná |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article discusses the attitude of mothers towards raising children and their need for perfection in todays postmodern society. In todays world, many people idealize themselves and therefore try to be perfect - and some mothers who raise their children are no exception and have been seduced by this phenomenon or ideal of "being perfect". However, many mothers do not realize that they are a mirror for their children and thus unknowingly shift and reflect their ideal behaviour to their children. |
Analysis of selected online platforms in terms of inclusion of modern performance methods |
Author : Mgr. Zuzana Svobodová, Ph.D., DBA a Mgr. Karolína Kubícková |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The study focuses on the comparison of selected online educational platforms with regard to the possibility of incorporating modern teaching methods in adult education. The first part of the text presents modern methods and trends in adult education as well as an overview of online learning platforms. Subsequently, four selected online learning platforms are described in detail by means of content analysis and their possibilities in the educational process are analysed in detail. |
Factors increasing the risk of violence against women |
Author : PhDr. Ludmila Húsková, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The post deals with the issue of domestic violence against women. It has many shapes and forms, both in public and private life. The aim of the post is to point out the factors increasing the risk towards women. |
Analysis of color changes in composite materials during polymerization |
Author : MDDr. Svetlana Šelianová, MDDr. Alexander Šelian, Dr.h.c. prof. MUDr. Andrej Jenca, CSc., MPH |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The development of knowledge in the field of dentistry, technical equipment of workplaces, continuous research, discussions and studies have brought with them a wide range of work procedures and materials, the goal of which is to achieve the best possible aesthetics and functionality. |
School nurse as a part of community care in the system of schools: narrative literary review |
Author : doc. PhDr. Viera Hulková, PhD., MPH, prof. PhDr. Mária Kilíková, PhD., MPH |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In the school and health care system in the Slovak Republic lacked an expert in the field of community nursing care with a focus on caring for the health of students, schoolchildren and the school environment. An amendment to the Education Act and Act 576/2004 introduces the possibility to employ a school nurse in the school from September 2022. |
Sexual interactions and infidelity on Tinder |
Author : Mgr. Boris Knažko |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this article, we consider some aspects of infidelity in relation to sexual activity and sexual interaction. The article asks what we already consider infidelity and what infidelity is not yet. Where are the boundaries of autoerotics via the Internet and how far does partner freedom go? Many people engage in sexual activities, either alone or with another person (or more people). If two or more people engage in sexual activity together, sexual interaction may occur. But how do we find out what is considered sexual interaction? The mention of dating applications will also help us to get a better picture of today. Does Tinder contribute to infidelity? |
Monogamy and moral constructions of sexual and couple exclusivity |
Author : Mgr. Boris Knažko |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The following article primarily deals with the definition of the term monogamy from different perspectives. We offer not only a brief historical survey of cohabitation, but also a reflection on current and historical ways of living together. We confront the current model of monogamy with different ways of coexistence across tribal customs and other ethnic and social ways of coexistence. We also explain the issue of sexual and couple exclusivity. Where are the current boundaries and problems of this exclusivity? Is it possible to be faithful throughout the relationship, and is it natural for people? In the last part, we mention polyamory as a relatively new phenomenon of partnerships, which can be a solution to various moral dilemmas for a certain percentage of the population. |
Development of conflict solving skills in andragogues undergraduate training |
Author : Bc. Justin Turzík |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Interpersonal conflicts in the context of ways of solving them can be considered as important determinants of the effectiveness of andragogical activity. In this paper we dealt with description of the thematic focus of key subjects in relation to the issue of the development of skills needed for solving conflicts in the process of undergraduate training of andragogues in conditions of our territory. We focused on semantic orientation of the subject, which the study programme andragogy offers, in connection with increasing the level of students´ interpersonal competencies by non-quantitative way of content analysis. In the conclusion we describe the nature of the training and its importance for future andragogues. |
Usage of project training at the chosen high school |
Author : Mgr. Zuzana Ulicná |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article focuses on an alternative form of teaching that is not as widely used in the 21st century as it could be. This teaching method is project teaching. It provides a brief description of the development of this teaching method, a comparison with frontal teaching, the implementation of this method, its positives, and negatives, as well as the results of research that was conducted in high school. |
Addiction to tobacco in nurses from a labor-legal aspect within nursing management |
Author : doc. PhDr. Viera Hulková, PhD., MPH, RNDr. Vladimír Meluš, PhD., MPH, prof. PhDr. Mária Kilíková, PhD., MPH |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Introduction: The law prohibits smoking in the workplace, including healthcare facilities. Smoking is still a problem that affects the lives of both smokers and non-smokers, including the profession of a nurse.
Aim: In this article we deal with the issue of smoking in connection with nursing management and labor law aspects. We want to point out the related time and economic loss caused by nurses smoking and compare the opinions of three groups of nurse respondents on smoking during working hours. |
Overview study on the professionalization of supervision, initiatives for Slovakia |
Author : prof. PaedDr. Milan Schavel, PhD., doc. PhDr. Bohuslav Kuzyšin, PhD. , doc. RNDr. Jaroslava Pavelková, PhD., PhDr. Eva Szabová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Supervision, especially in the social field, has become an essential part of increasing the professional competence of social workers as well as other professional employees in the social sector. Proof of this is also the legislative background and education of supervisors within the framework of accredited education. At present, however, professional supervision no ensured, nor is the necessity of further education of supervisors. This may endanger the quality of supervision performance and, consequently, the devaluation of this method itself. The article provides some stimulating information about the possibilities of professionalizing supervision based on an overview of the establishment of supervision abroad. |
Ethics of artificial intelligence as seen by respondents in Slovakia |
Author : PhDr. Jana Bartal, PhD., Mgr. Eva Eddy, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The aim of the paper is to provide the results of a survey conducted in 2020, which dealt with ethics of artificial intelligence. The opinions of 255 participants were obtained by means of a questionnaire and processed by chi-square (?2) statistics, studying how important a role gender played in viewing selected aspects of ethics of artificial intelligence. The basic paradigms of the survey were based on theories of social constructivism; concerning moral issues, Kohlberg and Gilligan’s theory was used; with respect to ethical education, Adlers understanding was referred to. Even though it was found that the influence of the participants’ gender did not play a significant role in all studied areas, differences were found in the awareness of machine learning, the ability to imagine people having a humanoid robot as their companion, entrusting artificial intelligence with peoples safety, and the level of comfort provided by artificial intelligence. |
Ethics and Ethical Dilemmas in the Supervisors work |
Author : prof. PaedDr. Milan Schavel, PhD., prof. PhDr. ThDr. Andrej Mátel, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Activities in helping professions require the need to follow certain rules. In most cases, these rules are contained in the codes of ethics of various professional associations, unions, chambers, and so on. Even an ethical code of supervision should be ensured in our case for a supervised supervisor, but also for customer of the supervisor security and protection under the professional status and organization itself. Ethical dilemmas in supervisors work relate particularly in mediating certain topics of client supervision thus management of social service facilities. |
Creativity and emotional foundations of personality |
Author : Mgr. Filip Jendrol |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The research of personality correlates of creativity was based mainly on the Big Five model or the Eysencks theory. Less attention was paid to the concept of affective neuroscience personality scales. The aim of the current study was to verify whether previous findings about the relationship between creativity and SEEKING can be generalized to the manifestations of creativity in real life. 200 participants were asked to fill out series of questionnaires online. Results showed positive relationships of SEEKING to both creative behaviour and creative achievement. Findings are further discussed. |
Ethical and moral issues in scientific work |
Author : Mgr. Barbora Kolárová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Submitted article analyses ethical and moral issues in scientific work as well as in research. Apart from short historical development, the article also concerns with publishing of research with special regard to situations when breaching of ethical and moral principles occurs. Through concrete, practical situations we are providing examples of behaviour that is ethically and morally contentious or immoral and unethical. The last part of the article clarifies the importance of moral and ethical principles. We emphasize how important is to follow them not only in scientific research but they are important for the society as such as well. |
The importance and the issues of cooperation of a family and a kindergarten |
Author : Mgr. Libuša Gužíková |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper draws attention to the mutual cooperation of the family and the kindergarten, especially in the field of the childs adaptation to the kindergarten environment. These educational factors must cooperate so that the child can successfully adapt to institutional education. Cooperation has certain shortcomings that affect the satisfaction of both parties, and therefore the paper analyses not only the importance but also the possible issues. The analysed research showed barriers in cooperation of family and kindergarten such as reluctance of parents to spend time in order to deepen mutual relations with the teacher, wrong beliefs of parents about the cooperation importance, different preferences of values in families, as well as constant new requirements for teaching role. Despite the difficulty of the current educational activities of parents, in the context of workload, it is possible to talk about the active efforts of parents to participate in cooperation with the kindergarten. |
Internet - a source of health information for the adult population |
Author : PhDr. Mgr. Mariana Magerciaková, PhD., MPH, MBA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is becoming more expansive and affects many areas of human life. People of all ages have ICT and often use virtual internet space to search for information in the context of health. |
Problems of parenting in postmodern society |
Author : Mgr. Zuzana Ulicná |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The family is the most important link between society and an individual. Over time, the family has formed, developed, and acquired its characteristics and functions. And just as all these attributes have changed, so have the problems that todays families and parents are most concerned with and which they are forced to face in postmodern society. These problems affect all families without distinction. |
Life in Roma settlements as a basic determinant of Roma social exclusion |
Author : Mgr. JUDr. PhDr. Stanislav Bujda, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Marginalized groups of Roma in Slovakia are accompanied by determinants that significantly reduce their quality of life. Poverty, which is the biggest accompanying phenomenon, is often associated with inappropriate housing. The individual housing units are connected in settlements, which are separated from the municipalities and towns where members of the majority live. This causes even greater social exclusion for the Roma. To survive often means to live in a settlement that represents a certain security, even though it is unsuitable housing for life. Contact with the majority sometimes takes place through community centers. |
The opportunities of virtual reality for individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
Author : Mgr. et Mgr. Annamária Antalová, Ing. Eugen Antal, PhD., doc. Mgr. Lenka Sokolová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The assessment of ADHD (both childhood and adult form) typically involves traditional tests and questionnaires, without the use of any technology. Increasingly, computer-based tests are being administered. Testing designed for the virtual environment can be considered as more technically advanced. The potential of virtual reality was recognized in the field of ADHD rehabilitation and assessment too. The aim is to improve cognitive and executive functions through the use of virtual environments, especially the use of special games and cognitive tests and exercises. In this study, we will outline how virtual reality is currently being used in the assessment and rehabilitation of individuals with ADHD, and we will present further possibilities of its use, which covers reducing myths and prejudices against people with ADHD. |
Screening measures of mental health levels of nursing homes clients during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Author : Mgr. Ivan Brezniak, Mgr. Zuzana Gredecká, doc. PaedDr. Lada Kaliská, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The restriction brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic have been relaxed and tightened at various stages. The quarantine caused by the pandemic often resulted in a worsened mental health. In our research, we focused on a sample of people who had the strictest restriction almost all the time since the outbreak of the pandemic N (159). The aim was to find out the levels of depression, loneliness, general health of clients living in nursing homes and at the same time to find out whether the levels change depending on age and frequency of contact with the family. We measured the levels of selected psychological parameters using the GHQ-12 (Goldberg, 1972) , BDI-6 (Blom, et al., 2012) a ULS-8 (Hays, DiMatteo, 1987). To achieve the goals, we used correlations that showed that the parameters increase with age and thus worsen. In terms of contact with the family, it can be said that people who showed higher contact had more favorable levels of psychological parameters. |
The influence of social-psychological training on the development of trait emotional intelligence factors |
Author : Mgr. Lucia Rapsová, PhD., Mgr. Radka Zimanová, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper presents partial results of our research, the aim of which was to design a training programme aimed at the development of the emotional intelligence of teachers and to verify its effectiveness. Our focus was to develop teachers emotional intelligence, which we consider crucial concerning the quality performance of the teaching profession. The research design took the form of an experiment with two experimental groups in which we implemented emotional intelligence training and two control groups that did not undergo any deliberate stimulation. |
What perception of individual psychology do students of psychology create? |
Author : Mgr. Andrea Zelienková, PhD., Mgr et. Mgr. Annamária Antalová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Understanding the ideas of fundamental psychological approaches is frequently involved in the teaching of key psychology courses. Only in a small number of cases are specific courses implemented and the evaluation of pedagogical outcomes is often based on the knowledge assessment solely. Individual psychology is one of the most well-known psychological / therapeutic approaches that operates with approach-specific terms. Proper interpretation of individual terms is therefore a prerequisite for understanding this theory. Students coming to university might have relatively stable misconceptions in the field of psychology. In our study, we assumed that certain inaccuracies may appear in the knowledge related to the individual psychology. We therefore decided, using the method of free associations, to examine what perception those students who completed general psychological courses formed about individual psychology compared to those students who completed a specific, on individual psychology-oriented course. Our results suggest that there are both qualitative and quantitative differences between graduates and non-graduates of the specific course. Theoretical concepts along with the practical aspects of individual psychology are more represented among the graduates of a specific course. Non-graduate students would need to raise awareness of key concepts such as belonging, lifestyle and holism (while teaching general psychology courses), while graduates should pay more attention to concepts whose meaning differs from that used in the common language. |
Volunteering for Ukrainian refugees before the war on the Slovak-Ukrainian border |
Author : Mgr. JUDr. PhDr. Stanislav Bujda, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Volunteering is a free activity performed in free time. It represents the development of social skills and the acquisition of new experiences. It provides the volunteer with personal, professional and general development, which is so beneficial for the whole society. The given activity is based on Act no. 406/2011 Coll. on volunteering. The occurrence of volunteering is in the social, health, church, cultural, public, etc. The 21st century is witnessing war conflicts that are causing an influx of refugees from home to abroad. The goal of the refugees is to survive and get to a safe place where they can live and live their lives with dignity. Volunteering also proves to be extremely helpful for this target group. It represents an extended arm of social work in the performance of its activities for suffering people. The article is based on the experience of an author volunteering for war-affected refugees from Ukraine. |
Insight and insight problems: Definition and approaches |
Author : Mgr. Filip Jendrol |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Insight problems are in contrast to well-defined problems often viewed as a test of creative thinking or as tasks that enable researchers to study ways of thinking that are more similar to solving real problems of everyday life. However, relevant empirical evidence is rather mixed and there are contradictions between major theoretical approaches. Our aim is to provide a review of research considering their phenomenology, abilities involved in solving them and corresponding neural determinants. Based on that we further attempt to outline possible answers on whether they are really distinctive from well-defined problems, ecologically valid and which theories might explain them most accurately. |
Online aggression as a modern phenomenon of human behaviour |
Author : Mgr. Monika Židová, Mgr. Kristína Bielciková, Mgr. et Mgr. Monika Janícek Pavelová |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper deals with online aggression, which represents a new form of human behaviour, including in cyberspace. Online aggression is widespread among minors and adults alike and is increasingly tolerated and taken for granted in interpersonal communication.
Therefore, the aim of this paper is to inform about online aggression, its variants, its risks and to highlight its negative impact and the importance of prevention. In the paper we also present our own typology of risky and online risk-taking behaviour and results from other research in which we reveal important areas for future research. We also focus on online aggression in individuals with activity and attention disorders. |
School bullying through the eyes of Czech school principals |
Author : Mgr. Zuzana Svobodová Ph.D., Mgr. Katerina Cížková |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The study focuses on the topic of school bullying, which it treats specifically in the environment of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and describes the approaches of their individual principals. Bullying is still a current problem in Czech education, its number is not decreasing and is constantly evolving. It is moving from the previously predominantly physical attacks to the virtual environment. The study relies on qualitative methodological approaches and analyses a total of eight in-depth interviews with school leaders. The results present a unique perspective on prevention, solutions, difficult areas and even the situation affected by covid-19 directly through the eyes of key actors in Czech schools |
Tracing of high school graduates |
Author : PhDr. Mgr. Roman Liška, Ph.D., MBA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :One of the helpful tools used in school quality management is the regular monitoring of graduates satisfaction with the quality of teaching and the school itself, along with ascertaining their professional preferences and professional application on the labor market. Targeted and long-term monitoring of graduates can reveal a mismatch between education and the labor market requirements. Through tracking statistics, school management can monitor the effectiveness and quality of the provided education. The aim of this survey was to carry out preliminary research on a sample of one secondary school and to verify whether the questionnaire used is satisfactory to determine the degree of satisfaction of graduates with their school and the quality of its teaching. The partial goal was to find out whether the graduates actually work in the field they studied whether their studies at secondary school brought them any benefits for future employment, whether they continue their studies at university, or what education they have already achieved and what they would recommend to improve in retrospect. |
The position of the supervisor in the supervision process |
Author : Mgr. JUDr. PhDr. Stanislav Bujda, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Supervision in the helping professions is essential for the efficiency of work and the functioning of organizations. It helps to develop the competence of the social worker profession. It verifies the correctness of work procedures at the workplace and it is a prevention against burnout syndrome. Supervision is also an effective tool for the elimination of the burnout syndrome that has already arisen. It leads to a more efficient performance of the profession. It is helpful in raising the status of the profession. It is not only a prevention against burnout syndrome, but can be a new impulse for regaining motivation in the performance of the profession. It is an extremely important and supportive tool in helping professions, for people in various difficult life situations, given the demands of the current modern era. The necessity of supervision is becoming increasingly evident in all professions and areas of life. |
Burnout in contemporary work culture |
Author : MSc. Ján Janek |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Burnout syndrome is not a new phenomenon - it occurs in modern society and also in the last century. It is a self-evident, everyday phenomenon that is directly connected with cultural work and its development. Digitization and the development of material and technical security in the private and state sectors are also the same, which can largely contribute to the growth syndrome. Unrealistic expectations, narcissistic tendencies and incorrect assumptions in employment are also factors that occur significantly in this phenomenon. There are some simple recommendations that individuals can follow if they feel that burnout is setting in in their professional life. These include (not only) adjustments to already expected and realistically mentioned values. |
Why is it important to solve gender inequalities? |
Author : Mgr. Lívia Kanuková doc. MUDr. Kvetoslava Rimárová, CSc., mim. prof. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Gender inequalities exist in societies around the world, despite the fact that it is known what negative consequences they have on peoples health and lives. In the past and in the present, gender inequalities were and are being dealt with mainly by feminist organizations and researches. However, these inequalities have a non-negligible effect on public health, and therefore the primary interest in solving this issue should be on the part of public health. This paper sheds light on some fundamental links between gender inequalities and public health. |
Ethical milestones of social work and human rights |
Author : prof. PhDr. ThDr. Andrej Mátel, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The aim of the contribution is to identify human rights in the historical context of ethical milestones of social work, especially in deontological codes, which are an integral part of the process of its professionalization. The concept of human rights came to the attention of ethics experts in the 1960s. In the international and national ethical codes, it is explicitly stated that social workers respect the human rights of individuals since the 1990s. An important milestone was especially the international code of ethics for social work from 1994. The first national Slovak and Czech codes of ethics for social workers are also based on it. These state that social work is based on the values of human rights and social workers must ensure that they are respected. Respect for human rights in connection with the value of human dignity is still a central principle of social work. The current trend of ethics experts, as well as international and national codes of ethics, is drawing attention to the intersubjectivity of human dignity and human rights, rights "between" individuals and creating a balance against the subjective and one-sided interpretation of rights at the expense of others. |
Democratic local government as a space of social justice in Sweden |
Author : doc. PhDr. Ing. Stanislav Konecný, PhD. MPA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Sweden is for many sectors of social-scientific research and also for public policy practice a very interesting country - let us only mention the very popular Swedish model of social policy. At the same time, less attention is paid to some of the systemic causes of these attractive themes, which undoubtedly includes the relatively specific model of public administration and therein the special position of municipalities. Although the process of merging, so called amalgamation, which the local government in this country has undergone in the past, is sometimes mentioned, it less interest is devoted to some broader context. The study is therefore devoted to show a more comprehensive view of the status of municipalities in the system of public administration in Sweden and includes views of the functioning of the institutions of municipalities and on the issues municipal budgets and municipal finances. |
Reflections of Slovak academically active professionals in social work on selected moments of their own research - a partial descriptive study |
Author : doc. PhDr. Bohuslav Kuzyšin, PhD., PhDr. Peter Senko, MBA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The study presents descriptive research on the subjective experiences of Slovak academically active social work professionals on selected moments of their own research. It analyses the degree of scientific research performance on the basis of quantitative data and assesses the general context of application and perception of social work as a science in Slovakia, based on the subjective evaluation of the respondents. In the context of the analyses we have presented, we can conclude that there is a congruence between the theoretical concepts and conclusions of the above-mentioned research. On the other hand, a low success rate of academically active social work professionals in competing for international research grants was identified. |
A social worker as a recipient of social services resulting from war |
Author : Mgr. JUDr. PhDr. Stanislav Bujda, PhD. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :On February 24, 2022, the local war in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine spread territorially to other parts of the country. This war significantly changed the functioning of local charities, health and school facilities. A number of people, fighting to save their lives, left their homes and crossed the borders of the state. Growing poverty is one of the first pathological phenomena in these situations. Well-timed intervention of social work is irreplaceable here. However, war can change the position of social service providers themselves. They become the ones who need it themselves as refugees. In the post, we offer the testimony of a social worker who left her homeland for fear of losing her own life and her daughters life. |