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Explain and evaluate Bauman’s thesis on the Holocaust and modernity

Author : lt. MSc. BA Jan Janek
Abstract | Full Text

Is social media ethical?

Author : lt. MSc. BA Jan Janek
Abstract | Full Text

Usability of latent finger prints

Author : Mgr. Anikó Bettesová
Abstract | Full Text

The concept of moral panic is no longer useful

Author : lt. MSc. BA Jan Janek
Abstract | Full Text

Critically evaluate the idea that imprisonment will ‘cure’ offending

Author : lt. MSc. BA Jan Janek
Abstract | Full Text

System of police-security forces in the Slovak republic

Author : JUDr. Miriam Odlerová, PhD.
Abstract | Full Text

The comparison of police and security forces´ permissions

Author : JUDr. Miriam Odlerová, PhD.
Abstract | Full Text

The definition of a ‘young person’ changed and this shapes our understanding of the ‘problem of youth’ today

Author : lt. MSc. BA Jan Janek
Abstract | Full Text

Na co sú policajti oprávnení v case pandémie Covid-19? 15 otázok a odpovedí

Author : Doc. Mgr. Ján Škrobák, PhD.
Abstract | Full Text

Development of the Department of Object Protection

Author : Mgr. Štefan Duben
Abstract | Full Text

Possibilities of using aircrafts and helicopters in the services of the Police Force and within the integrated rescue system

Author : por. JUDr. Dávid Varhol
Abstract | Full Text

The best interest of the child principle and the surrogacy motherhood

Author : Mgr. Lenka Dufalová PhD.
Abstract | Full Text

Marriage in articulo mortis

Author : Mgr. Lenka Dufalová PhD.
Abstract | Full Text

Application problems - possession of a narcotic or psychotropic substance for own consumption according to § 171 Par. 1 of The Slovak Criminal Code

Author : JUDr. Marika BRIATKOVÁ
Abstract | Full Text

Use of knowledge of criminalistic documentation in proceedings on administrative expulsion of an alien

Author : JUDr. Tomáš Škrinár
Abstract | Full Text

Historical genesis of the development of the legislation of individual circumstances excluding unlawfulness of an act

Author : JUDr. Samuel Csóka
Abstract | Full Text

Recommendations and measures of protection of the population during a terrorist attack

Author : PhDr. JUDr. Ondrej Blažek
Abstract | Full Text

Restorative justice within the legal framework of Slovak republic

Author : JUDr. Tomáš Horeháj
Abstract | Full Text

The position of Prosecutor in court proceedings

Author : JUDr. Maroš Celár
Abstract | Full Text

Interrogation of a child in criminal proceedings

Author : JUDr. Marika Briatková
Abstract | Full Text

Analysis, comparison and synthesis of knowledge to increase the quality of information systems for Fire and Rescue Corps of the Slovak republic

Author : Ing. Marian SUJA, PhD.
Abstract | Full Text

Legal nature of administrative expulsion of an alien

Author : JUDr. Tomáš Škrinár
Abstract | Full Text

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