LEVEL OF REALIZATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS EUROPEAN CHARTER OF LOCAL AUTONOMY BY THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA | Author : Anastasia ?TEFANI?A | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Being a signatory to the European Charter of Local Self-Government since its ratification in 1997, the Republic of Moldova has the duty to correctly apply and implement the provisions of this document. Until now the Committee on the Honouring of
Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the European Charter of Local
Self-Government issued 6 reports on local and regional democracy in Moldova, and
several Recommendations. The goal of the article is to analyse the level of compliance with the Charter’s provisions by the Republic of Moldova. |
| DISPUTES REGARDING THE REMUNERATION OF AUTHORIZED DIRECTORS IN INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS | Author : Andrian PALADII, Carolina CATAN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The authorized administrator, regardless of the way he is appointed, fulfills the
function of representative of justice, because he represents and defends not only the
interests of the debtor and creditors, but, together with the insolvency court, offers
the guarantee of compliance with legal provisions and coordinates, supervises and
acts in in order to carry out the procedure. |
| STRENGTHENING PARTNERSHIPS IN ORDER TO ENSURE A DECENT LIVING | Author : Angela BOGU? | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this article it is reported the strengthening of partnership relations in order to
ensure a decent living in the Republic of Moldova. It describes the forms of partnership in the social field is one of the most important principles of social assistance: social partnership as a means of implementing social assistance measures. |
| ANALYSIS OF THE NATIONAL REGULATORY FRAMEWORK THROUGH PRISM INTEGRATION OF THE GENDER DIMENSION INTO INSTITUTIONAL DOCUMENTS AT CENTRAL AND LOCAL LEVEL | Author : Angela POPOVICI, Aurelia ?EPORDEI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this article is to analyze the normative framework on the dimension
of gender equality in the Republic of Moldova in connection with international
commitments and to identify the degree of integration of the gender dimension in
institutional documents at central and local level.
Following the mentioned analysis, a set of recommendations was formulated meant to
integrate the principles of gender equality, but also the provisions of Law no.5 of 09.02.2021
on ensuring equal opportunities between women and men in the regulations on the organization
and functioning of the authorities central and local public administration. |
| LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS THAT DETERMINE THE DIALOG BETWEEN PUBLIC AUTHORITIES AND CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA (part I) | Author : Liliana PALIHOVICI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :CSOs are a key component of an open and democratic society as they play a key role
in the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law, their dialogue with the public
authorities being a precondition for this. By analyzing the development of dialogue
between Moldovan CSOs and Central and Local Public authorities (CPA / LPA), I found
that PA are not yet fully aware of the value of the dialogue, which is sporadic and guided by certain interests, that do not always coincide with the public interest.
The key objective pursued by this research was to review the environment underlying
activity and collaboration of the civil society from the standpoint of influence exerted
by the internal and external factors that determine the core essence of the social environment, while paving and setting conditions for carrying out activities and collaboration between the civil society and public authorities. The paper aims to prove that more
communication and collaboration between public authorities and civil society organizations, will likely result in a more inclusive, qualitative and focused act of governance.
The author analyses and presents the existing decision-making systems and its consultation mechanisms with the civil society organizations in the Republic of Moldova, the
existing opportunities for CSO’s involvement in the public policy making process and
the actual practices.
A number of research methods were used in the study, aimed at highlighting the
particularities of the dialogue and cooperation between the public authorities (PA) and
the CSOs, as part of the act of governance, studying the development over time and the influence of various social, economic and political factors on these processes. Thus, the
historical analysis method to research the origin and evolution of the legal framework
that regulates the dialogue and cooperation between PA and the CSOs was applied. It
included analysis of the relevant laws, regulations and policies, together with existing
reports and studies on the subject of research, in the Republic of Moldova. I found that
public authorities are not yet fully aware of the value of the dialogue and the political
factor is also of great influence, as in recent years there has been an increasing pressure
on the civil society. The paper reflects the current situation in Moldova, which can be
summarized as follows: a) there are no permanent mechanisms or platforms for cooperation and consultation, open to all. Civil society participation is limited to a small
number of CSOs, and there are no incentives for the growth of CSOs. b) LPAs, compared
to CPAs, enjoy a much higher level of ,,trust” from the society/community, but they rarely have the resources and skills to conduct a constructive dialogue with CSOs; c) there
is a proven reluctance of the LPA/CPA to deepen the dialogue and cooperation with the
civil society; d) The culture of participation is very weak as there is no perception that
participation is an instrument of change. A number of recommendations in order to
address the identified problems are listed. |
| INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF INDIVIDUALIST AND COLLECTIVIST CULTURES | Author : Stela SPÎNU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The process of globalization, which initially dominated only the economic sphere,
subsequently led to profound socio-political and cultural transformations, influencing interethnic and inter-confessional relations in multicultural and multilingual
environments. In the context of the new socio-political and cultural realities, the
need to raise awareness of the importance of intercultural communication is evident.
Intercultural communication contributes to overcoming the negative aspects of individualism and collectivism, changes the human perception of traditional values,
causes changes in the way people think and behave. |
| THE RIGHT TO BE FORGOTTEN – ONE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF INTERNET USERS | Author : Andrei SMOCHINA, Alexandru ?ARNA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Information technology changed the way we relate to information as any data
posted on the Internet can remain accessible indefinitely. This ease of access undoubtedly favored the freedom of information, but the fundamental right to privacy of natural persons seems to be under threat in the absence of adequate legal mechanisms.
Since recently the Court of Justice of the European Union (,,CJEU”) ruled in two cases (C136/17 and C-507/17) on a series of questions concerning the implementation of the right
to de-referencing (digital right to be forgotten) and its territorial scope, this paper analyses
the impact of those two judgments on the effectiveness of the right to be forgotten.
On the one hand, we are witnessing its strengthening, especially as a result of the
clarification that, in principle, the operator of a search engine is required to admit a
request for de-referencing where the information relates to an earlier stage of a legal
proceeding and no longer corresponds to the current situation. On the other hand, we
find a limitation of its effectiveness, since, by default, the links removal by the operator
of the search engine will only be done on the versions of that search engine corresponding to all member states. However, we must not forget that CJEU emphasized that, in
the light of national standards of protection of fundamental rights, a supervisory or judicial authority of a member state remains competent to order, where appropriate, the
operator of that search engine to carry out a de-referencing concerning all its versions. |
| THE MAIN STAGES OF THE PROCESS OF IMPROVEMENT OF THE MEDICAL SERVICES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA | Author : Lilia DRAGOMIR | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The health system of the Republic of Moldova is organized according to the principles of universal access to basic medical services, equity and solidarity in financing
medical services both by the state and by citizens through AOAM mechanisms.
Compulsory health care means that every person can benefit from quality medical
services in order to prevent disease, treatment itself, but also rehabilitation and palliative care. The year 2019 continued to be a challenge for the compulsory health insurance system, both in order to increase access to health services and to improve their
quality, having as benchmarks demographic trends, expectations of society and the
rapid development of information technologies. |
| THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES TO THE ROLE OF NATIONAL AND REGIONAL SECURITY ON ENSURING STABILITY IN EASTERN EUROPE | Author : Carolina BUDURINA-GOREACII, Svetlana CEBOTARI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Events in Europe in the last decades of the twentieth century (the fall of the
Berlin Wall, the unification of Germany, the abolition of the Warsaw Pact, the
collapse of the communist bloc and the USSR) led to a reconsideration of Eastern
European security. After the abolition of the Warsaw Pact, the ,,balance of power"
strategy in achieving security no longer works and, as such, the Eastern European
security system must be rebuilt in accordance with the new realities.
The tendencies regarding the reorganization of the European security system
are diverse and contradictory, each actor (state, group of states, organization)
wanting to occupy a more advantageous place in order to be able to promote
and, if necessary, to defend its own interests.
This article aims to determine the main definitions and theories of national and regional security in the context of Eastern European stability. Also the
authors are willing to identify some problems and trends in the region and to list
the main actors who are responsible for dealing with challenging issues and how
to avoid them. |
| TYPOLOGY AND EFFECTS OF ECONOMIC SANCTIONS ON FOREIGN TRADE | Author : Nicolae TÂU, Natalia ANTOCI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Economic sanctions are defined in the dictionary of economics, in general, as ,,prohibitive economic measures applied by the international community on the export and/
or import of material goods, services, resources, etc. to or from a particular country”.
The types of sanctions range from personal restrictions to almost total bans on international trade with one or more countries, which can be extended even to restrictions on legal rights such as trademark protection and other intellectual property.
Sometimes sanctions can be included as part of protectionist measures representing
behaviors designed to increase wealth without creating wealth, the most famous
cases being attempts to force a country s authorities into desirable political action.
Usually, these attempts target political and economic leaders, businesses and assets
that are considered vulnerable to external pressures. Although some doubt the effectiveness of sanctions, the prevailing opinion is slightly in their favor. |
| MODERN PARADIGMS FOR EVALUATION AND MEASUREMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PERFORMANCE | Author : Tatiana FURCULI?A | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Performance measurement is a concept whose definition cannot be made precisely because it goes beyond the scope of a particular scientific field. In the public
sector, performance is extremely difficult to identify, as no clear and concrete criteria are set to accurately reflect the purpose of the work of public institutions. The
concern for measuring performance in public institutions has arisen as a result of
the increasing difficulty of solving the increasingly complex problems that citizens
face. The relevance of measuring performance in PA is provided by the way in which
this process influences the entire activity of an organization, in all internal managerial directions. |
| POSSIBLE PRIORITIES DIRECTIONS FOR THE INNOVATION OF THE PUBLIC INTEREST RELATION - DECISIONAL PROCESS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MODERNIZATION OF THE LOCAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION | Author : Tatiana BOGOS, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : In the present article, proposed for publication, the author analyzes the priority direction in the perspective of the innovation of the public interest relations versus the
decisional process transparency in the process of modernisation of the local public
administration. The efficiency of the public administration depends on the successful
innovation process which ensures the development of better solutions for meeting the
needs of the society, solving the social issues and using technologies, and resources.
Thus, innovation becomes one of the main parts which ensure the modernization,
economic growth, improvement of the provided services, identification of solutions for
overcoming the problems and challenges the society faces or the innovation constantly
establishes new rules in direction and stimulation of decision making. |
| STAGES AND ACTIONS FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVETERRITORIAL REORGANIZATION REFORM | Author : Andrei RUSSU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article addresses the process of implementing a territorial reform, as well as its
importance for the reorganization of the territorial-administrative structure of the state.
Regardless of the administrative-territorial organization of the state, this process involves
planning, carrying out and monitoring the reform of territorial reorganization. Each step of
the reform is the subject of a successive order, which will be set out in a chronological order,
according to the recommendation of the committee of Ministers of the Member States of
the Council of Europe Rec (2004) 12. According to the experience of other states, the postponement of territorial-administrative reform is influenced by a lack of political will, insufficient communication between CPA with LPA, inaction of civil society and others. |