Aquisições públicas pelas pequenas empresas: um estudo sobre o tratamento diferenciado constitucional | Author : Saulo Bichara Mendonça; Mayra Lima Custódio | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study is based on the analysis of the differential treatment granted to microenterprises, small businesses and individual microentrepreneurs, treated as small businesses,in the acquisition of direct, indirect, autarchic and foundational Public Administration. The constitutional principle of isonomy, which guarantees this treatment, and the ways its effectiveness is sought through the 7 (seven) existing mechanisms that privilege small companies in the bidding process are analyzed. Furthermore, this study shows the situationswhere the benefit ratio shall not apply. In order to facilitate the understanding of the subject, a brief introduction of the bidding procedure is given, exposing its guiding principles, fundamentals and concepts. The study is based on the actual normshomelandson the subject, and the changes that have been happening through the Complementary Law 123/2006 since its institution are presented on this work. The significant changes it has had through the Complementary Law No. 147/2014, and the Complementary Law Project No. 269/2016, which aims to further improve the favoring of small businesses in general, are also discussed. At the end, an approach is taken on the role of the Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small Businesses (SEBRAE), which aims to guarantee the broad knowledge and access of small entrepreneurs to the rights that are guaranteed to them. |
| Interferência de um protocolo anestésico sobre parâmetros bioquímicos em cadelas | Author : Thayassan Costa dos Santos, Mariana Gonçalves de Andrade Paiva, Thereza Christina de Vasconcelos, Sylvia Cristina Silva de Azevedo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: The number of errant dogs found on public roads and in the deprived populations has increased significantly. Thus, castration of males and females is considered the main technique to reduce the number of animals. Projects aimed at castration of animals from the lower class or wandering population is an efficient solution to solve or reduce the problem. There are several obstacles to choosing the best anesthetic protocol for effectiveness, safety and cost reduction. Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the interference of the use of an anesthetic protocol on serum biochemical parameters of urea, creatinine, ALT (alanine aminotransferase), AST (aspartate aminotransferase), total proteins and albumin in dams submitted to ovariosalpingohysterectomy (OSH) by the Project Castração Itinerante of the College of Veterinary Medicine of Valença. Materials and Methods: Blood samples will be collected at two moments, before and after the anesthetic procedure of 17 healthy, adult and non-specific dams. Theanimals will receive acepromazine and pethidine as preanesthetic medication (MPA). They will be induced with ketamine, fentanyl and propofol, and maintenance will be performed with propofol. Lidocaine without vasoconstrictor, morphine and fentanyl will beadministered via the epidural route. The samples were sent and analyzed in the Laboratory of Clinical Pathology. The determinations were performed using commercial kits and the evaluation, if there is a significant difference, generated by the student T test. Results: The mean values of the serum biochemical parameters evaluated remained within normal limits.Conclusion: It is concluded that the anesthetic protocol studied is safe for the hepatic and renal systems. |
| Cisto epidérmico gigante de nádega direita: relato de caso | Author : Ana Beatriz Esteves Batista, Richard Raphael Borges Tavares Vieira, André Batista João, Joaquim Ferreira De Paula, Carlos Augusto Marques Batista | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Epidermal cysts, also called epidermal, epithelial or epidermoid cysts, are the most common cysts in the skin. In many cases there is a family tendency and the treatment is always surgical, with the excision of the lesion. Objective:To report a case of giant epidermal cyst of rare location (gluteal region), discussing its symptomatology, means of diagnosis and the surgical treatment adopted. Case report:Middle-aged man with large painless history in long-standing right-handed, who 2 months ago began to bother him in usual activities. Physical examination, surgical and anatomopathological examinationcorroborated the diagnosis of giant epidermal cyst. Conclusion:Epidermal cysts are the most common cysts of the skin and although they often appear in places such as the face, scalp, frontal and temporal region, neck and trunk, they can sometimes appear in atypical topographies. In the case presented here, surgical treatment was used, as described in the literature, with a favorable case evolution and no relapses. |
| Perfil nutricional de estudantes de uma escola estadual municipalizada de Paty do Alferes: um estudo epidemiológico | Author : Bianca L. D. dos Santos, Lilia Maria da S. Santos, Cíntia Valéria Galdino | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction:In Brazil what was prevalent a few years ago was malnutrition, nowadays what has been growing in an accelerated way, is overweight and obesity. In the municipality of Paty do Alferes, there are adolescents presenting risk factors that can trigger these disorders, this fact awoke us to the development of this study. Objectives:To know the nutritional profile of adolescent students in the municipality of Paty do Alferes. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive and exploratory quantitative approach. The data were obtained through the measurement of anthropometric measures and form filling. Being analyzed by means of the calculation of the frequency of the nutritional classification: accentuated thinness, leanness, eutrophy, overweight, obesity and severe obesity, the results presented in graphs and tables. Results:82 adolescents participated in the study, of which 91.5% were in the 10-15 year age group and 54.9% were female. It was observed that 56% of the participants of the research were eutrophic, 25% overweight and 15% obese. 61% reported eating more than 4 meals a day, with high fruit consumption (92% of respondents) and sweets (96% of respondents). As for the practice of physical activity 63% reported the practice 01 time per week. Conclusion: It is concluded that although most of the participants are eutrophic, there is a concern regarding the high consumption of sweets, insufficient practice of physical activity, and inadequate intake of vegetables, as it is known, that these bad habits are risk factors for the development of overweight and obesity. |
| A utilização do software Imagej no processamento de imagens tomográficas | Author : Marcus Vinícius Santos de Laffitte Alves, Douglas Machado Bordão, Ailton Bruno de Moura Gonçalves, Frederico Ferreira da Costa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study evaluates the applicability of digital image processing technology in face tomography. The evaluation is done with the help of ImageJ software with an approach in geometric calculations of images, measurements of pixel densities and volumetric analyzes in three dimensions. The study shows values imperceptible to the human eye, which in mathematical form were evidenced by the software. The accelerated evolution of information storage and processing technology corroborates and plays a major role in the medical sciences. |
| Afecções dermatológicas mais prevalentes nas internações hospitalares pediátricas do hospital Escola Luiz Gioseffi Jannuzzi | Author : Daniela de Souza Andrade, Letícia Távora Martins, Mariana Vilela Salgado, Mayra Valdier Batista, Verônica Aguiar Gomes Lopes, Carolina Lopes de Lima Reigada | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Dermatological diseases remain among the three main causes of demand for health services.Objective: To know the profile of dermatological conditions responsible for hospitalizations of patients in the pediatric age group at the Luiz Gioseffi Januzzi School Hospital (HELGJ). Material and Methods: Review of the medical records of patients admitted to thepediatric ward of the HELGJ, in the city of Valença-RJ, in the period between July 2016 and July 2017, selecting those whose reason for hospitalization was a dermatological condition. Results: Thirty-nine hospitalizations were identified in the period, the majority of infants (43.59%). The main causes of hospitalizations were skin infections, such as impetigo, cellulitis and abscess. Conclusion: It is pointed out the importance of qualifying care at and improvement of access to primary health care, since these conditions, when diagnosed and treated early, rarely constitute a reason for hospitalization. In addition, their early recognition and treatment reduces the chance of interpersonal contagion, preventing outbreaks in schools and day care centers, reducing the morbidity of these conditions and the costs to the health system. |
| Hérnia de Spiegel – relato de caso | Author : Breno Barros Alves, Ana Cláudia Aguiar Alves Araújo Neri, Jair Jonathan de Sá Silva, Joaquim Ferreira de Paula, Carlos Augusto Marques Batista | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Spiegel hernia is a rare and benign surgical entity, usually associated with physical exertion and with characteristic painful symptoms more commonly referred by the patient, being less common with swelling. They present a clinical case that is not very enlightening and has a real risk of becoming an emergency. It is a disease that is difficult to diagnose, and it is not uncommon to need supplementation with imaging. Because they have a narrow hernia ring in most cases and the high risk of strangulation, itis of an absolute surgical indication. It can be approached anteriorly, with or without tissue insertion, or laparoscopically.Objective: This article aims to describe the cynical case of a rare hernia with emphasis on its clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and postoperative results achieved.Case report:Case Report: A 77-year-old patient was diagnosed with Spiegel hernia with possible intestinal contents inside her and referred to the surgical center. He underwent surgery where a hernia was seen projecting through the Spiegel line. The hernial sac was reduced, the hernia ring was closed without tension, and the polypropylene mesh was used. The postoperative occurred without complications. Conclusion:We present a case of Spiegel hernia, a pathology considered uncommon in the medical society where the surgical approach was effective. |
| Atenção primária à saúde, diagnóstico precoce das doenças dermatológicas e seu impacto social | Author : Carolina Lopes de Lima Reigada, Letícia Távora Martins, Ingrid Piassá Malheiros Lavinas | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aimed to identify the prevalent dermatological diseases in the population served by UBS Jardim Valença, conducting a review about the topic. Between October and December 2017, all dermatological complaints that emerged during consultations at the health unit were recorded and analyzed using descriptive statistics. According to the data collected in this research, it was possible to carry out a more focused literature review and understand the epidemiological profile of dermatological diseases in the population, contributing to the improvement of care provided and optimizing consultations with the family health team. (...) |
| Gravidez no puerpério: conhecimento de mulheres quanto ao uso de métodos contraceptivos | Author : Isabel Cristina da Silva, Michele Esteves da Silva, Cíntia Valéria Galdino | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction:The puerperal period is considered propitious for the use of contraceptive methods, due to the proximity of the obstetrical event, in which the woman is sensitized and more receptive to discuss her reproductive future. Qualified care based scientifically is needed to help women recover as best they can. Objectives:To evaluate the knowledge of pregnant women and puerperal women about contraceptive methods in the puerperium. Materials and Methods: This is an exploratory, descriptive study of a qualitative approach, carried out in the outpatient clinic of a Teaching Hospital of the South Fluminense Region. A semi-structured interview was carried out, with the pregnant women and puerperal women who were undergoing prenatal consultation and the first puerperal visit, and the analysis was performed by categorization. Results:17 women were interviewed. The mean age was 28 years, among the interviewees, three were puerperal (17.6%) and fourteen were in the gestational period (82.3%). (...) |
| Modelos e articuladores virtuais | Author : Antônio Sérgio Netto Valladão, Bruna de Lima Ferreira, Patrícia Valéria Bastos Faria Pecoraro | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In most of the dental specialties, it is necessary to make models of plaster or virtual,either for study and planning, as for performing laboratory work or filing. During the history of dentistry, the materials and techniques for molding and constructing the model were evolving, making these steps more faithful and generating results withgreater precision. In some cases, there is a need to assemble the models in a semi-adjustable articulator, aiming the relationship of the models with anatomical positionsand movements performed by the mandible. This process has also evolved, and to-day we can find totally virtual systems that allow the execution of the whole process,from the acquisition of the digital model, to the virtual articulator assembly and pros-thetic restoration, if applicable. In this work, the authors carried out a review of the literature in order to show the options of scanning models and their uses. |
| TRANSTORNOS MUSCULARES RELACIONADOS AO DIABETES MELLITUS TIPO 2: REVISÃO SISTEMÁTICA | Author : Antônio Paulo André de Castro; Aline Aparecida de Souza Ribeiro; Natália Reis; Leandro Raider; Mônica Barros Costa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :O termo diabetes mellitusinclui um grupo de distúrbios metabólicos caracterizado por hiperglicemia consequente a defeito na secreção e/ou ação da insulina. Em consequência do precário controle metabólico, lesões e disfunções em diferentes tecidos, incluindo o tecido musculoesquelético, fazem parte da história natural da doença. O objetivo do presente estudo é apresentar, com base emrevisão da literatura disponível, os recentes avanços no conhecimento dos transtornos musculares relacionados ao diabetes mellitustipo 2 visando contribuir para a melhora da propedêutica e o adequado tratamento destes transtornos.Foi conduzida revisão sistemática qualitativa da literatura utilizando-se as bases de dados Medline, PubMed, Scielo e LILACS. Foram identificados 124 artigos, dos quais 58 foram selecionados para triagem. Finalmente, de acordo com os critérios adotados, 27 artigos se enquadraram no objetivo do presente estudo. |
| ANÁLISE DA EVOLUÇÃO FUNCIONAL DO MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO APÓS OS 25 ANOS DE PROMULGAÇÃO DA CONSTITUIÇÃO DA REPÚBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL DE 1988 | Author : Luciana Machado Oliveira, Ludmilla Santos Menezes | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study sought to analyze the functional evolution suffered by prosecutors throughout its history, with special focus to the ministerial performance in Brazilian lands, especially after the proclamation of the Federal Constitution of 1988. In addition, a critical analysis of their functional activity as well as the points that still must be enhanced so that the action of the Prosecutor is fully compatible with the dictates of the brasilian Constitution. |
| Experiência de alunos e profissionais no programa de educação pelo trabalho para a saúde no acolhimento aos portadores de Doenças Crônicas não transmissíveis | Author : Helito de Abreu Silva, Mayara Aparecida Braga da Silva, Joice Lopes Werneck, Antônio Paulo André de Castro, Ana Beatriz dos Reis Rodrigues | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introdução: A Educação Interprofissional se apresenta como um novo conceito em saúde pela adoção de elementos capazes de inverter a lógica da educação verticalizada, promovendo o aprendizado compartilhado e colaborativo, contribuindo para a formação e qualificação dos profissionais de saúde, possuindo uma abordagem mais integrada e multidimensional das doenças crônicas. Objetivos: O estudo teve como objetivos analisar e descrever a contribuição do PET-Saúde/Interprofissionalidade a partir da Educação Interprofissional para a formação de alunos e a visão dos preceptores da área da saúde inseridos nesse programa e criar uma ferramenta interprofissional de acolhimento e estratificação de risco para o atendimento de pacientes diabéticos e/ou hipertensos em uma Estratégia de Saúde da Família. Materiais e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório e descritivo com abordagem quali- quantitativa realizado durante o Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para a Saúde - PET-Saúde Interprofissionalidade do município de Valença nos anos de 2020 e 2021. A coleta de dados foi realizada em uma Estratégia de Saúde da Família desse município. Resultados e Discussão: O presente estudo evidenciou a importância do trabalho interprofissional, bem como a integração entre ensino-serviço-comunidade, além de ratificar a importância do PET-Saúde/Interprofissionalidade enquanto estratégia para a formação profissional e aperfeiçoamento do modelo de atendimento ao usuário no SUS. Conclusão: A EIP é um modo de formação em saúde que promove o trabalho em equipe colaborativo e integrado entre profissionais de diferentes áreas de saúde da população, com a finalidade de melhorar as respostas dos serviços a essas necessidades e a qualidade da atenção à saúde. |
| Saúde: principal significado da qualidade de vida entre pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids | Author : Rômulo Frutuoso Antunes, Sérgio Correa Marques, Denize Cristina Oliveira, Juliana Pereira Domingues, Hellen Pollyanna Mantelo Cecilio, Yndira Yta Machado, Danielle Pinheiro Elias Silva, Gabriel Fonseca de Souza | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Objetivo: Analisar a qualidade de vida de pessoas vivendo com HIV atendidas em duas unidades de saúde na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Material e Método: Estudo descritivo, fundamentado na Teoria das Representações Sociais. O estudo foi desenvolvido com 120 pessoas que vivem com HIV que fazem acompanhamento nos Serviços de Assistência Especializada em HIV/Aids. Foi aplicado um questionário de caracterização dos participantes e outro para a coleta das evocações livres ao termo indutor “Qualidade de vida”. Os dados sociodemográficos foram analisados com o auxílio do software SPSS e os conteúdos da representação pelo EVOC 2005 e pela análise de similitude. Resultados: Houve predomínio do sexo masculino (83,3%), e da faixa etária de 30-39 anos (30%). A maioria (94,2%) relatou fazer uso regular da TARV e não sentir sintomas decorrentes do HIV (95%). Na análise da estrutura da representação foi possível identificar, no possível núcleo central, os elementos positivos boa, boa-alimentação e saúde. A análise de similitude aponta os léxicos saúde, atividade-física, lazer com maiores conexões, sendo saúde com maior número de ligações indicando sua possível centralidade. Discussão: Defende-se a hipótese que para o grupo QV significa saúde. Esta exerce forte influência na QV dos participantes e os demais conteúdos (boa-alimentação, lazer, atividade-física, trabalho, família e cuidado-saúde) refletem as condições para a manutenção e a melhora da saúde, colaborando, assim, para a qualidade de vida. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que todos os conteúdos representacionais possuem convergência com a manutenção da saúde na busca pela qualidade de vida. |