Detection of Porn on World Wide Web in order to Prevent Abuse against Kids in India |
Author : Dr. Patrick Tsang and Mohammad Zainuddin |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : This paper explores the sensitive issue of pornography and discusses an automated system for detection of nude content in the video which is browsed on internet. Pornography issue is neglected in our country (India) due to its sensitive topic and due to this problem it has now become the reason for crimes against children in huge numbers. Hence, to decrease the impact of porn among kids, this research paper carries out discussion on a computer system which has the ability to detect adult content in a video browsed on net and prevent child abuse to some extent. |
Techniques in Cloud Computing for Mobile Streaming of Video - Review |
Author : Raj Kumar Maloth |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : Reasoning processing is changing the landscape of the electronic digital multi-media market by moving the end customers concentrate from possession of video to buying entry to them in the form of on-demand delivery solutions. At the same time, the cloud is also being used to store possessed video paths and create solutions that help audience to discover a whole new range of multi-media. Cellular devices are a key car owner of this change, due to their natural mobility and exclusively high transmission rate among end customers. This document investigates cloud centered video streaming methods particularly from the mobile viewpoint. The qualitative part of the research contains explanations of current video development methods, streaming methods and third celebration cloud centered streaming solutions for different mobile which shows my realistic work relevant to streaming methods with RTMP protocols family and solutions for iPhone, Android, Smart mobile phones, Window and BlackBerry phones etc. |
Importance of Software Re-Engineering Process and Program Based Analysis in Reverse Engineering Process |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The object oriented software developers now admit that thinking about object-oriented program understanding and comprehension to be relatively easier is not that easy. Programs are even more complex and difficult to comprehend, unless rigorously documented. What if the documentation is improper? To affect change management, even a simpler upgrade may become cumbersome then. This is the reason why eminent development houses now focusing on advanced documentation support. Re-engineering code environment thence largely affect the problem issues regarding program comprehension when the software size grows enormously. Reverse Engineering is a methodology that greatly reduces the time, effort and complexity involved in solving these issues providing efficient program understanding as an integral constituent of re-engineering paradigm. This paper discusses about reverse engineering of java code. It also infers about the efficiency of some java reverse engineering tools and sufficiency of static analysis over runtime dynamic analysis for revelation of code structure from byte code. |
Fuzzy Indexing Method to Recognize the Ancient Documents |
Author : Kushal S. Patel |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : There are many ancient documents which are becoming blur & difficult to understand day by day. Reasons for this are:-The paper & printing quality is often poor. So the words in the documents are not readable.-Faded & misprinted characters, irregular character & word spacing, speckles & smudges are some of the reasons why the words in the ancient documents are not understood. Ancient spelling can also be significantly different from modern spelling, thus making it harder for the users to understand it well. Ancient typesets themselves include characters different from those in modern print & can have different visual aspect. Such ancient documents should be made understandable so that we will be able to access our ancient & historic documents without any interruption & difficulty. Word indexing using Fuzzy Classification method is used as an effective search mechanism for this purpose. |
Serviceable Reactive Programming on Vulnerable Data type |
Author : J. Praveen Kumar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : Serviceable Reactive Programming (SRP) is an approach to reactive programming where systems are structured as networks of functions operating on signals. SRP is based on the synchronous data-flow paradigm and supports both continuous time and discrete-time signals (hybrid systems). SRP apart from most other languages for similar applications it support for systems with dynamic structure and for higher-order reactive constructs. Statically guaranteeing correctness properties of programs is an attractive proposition. This is true in particular for typical application domains for reactive programming such as embedded systems and animating applications. To that end, many existing reactive languages have type systems or other static checks that guarantee domain-specific properties. We have presented confined types allow this concern to be addressed. Implementation of SRP embedded in the confined typed language Agda, leveraging the type system of the host language to craft a confined type system for SRP. The implementation constitutes a discrete, operational semantics of SRP, and as it passes the Agda type, coverage, and termination checks. |
Use of Zimmermann Multi Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming model to identify best areas of rice growing in the Dry and Intermediate zones in Sri Lanka |
Author : S.M.N.S.K Seneviratne and W.B. Daundasekera |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : Use of Zimmermann Multi Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming (MOFLP) model to develop recommendations to increase rice production in Sri Lanka has been studied. Low country Dry zone and Intermediate zones of Sri Lanka are the most favorable Agro-ecological zones of Sri Lanka for rice production. Study locations were centered in these areas. Average yield, Gross income, Total cost, Average quantity of fertilizer, Land area cultivated by the farmer, Requirement of labour, Labour availability, Requirement of machinery and Machinery availability were used as the input data for the model. The model had identified that further increase in yield can be achieved with the use of optimum fertilizer, labour and machinery, in areas which already use high yielding varieties. The Zimmermann MOFLP model had been used in this study. The study had shown that this model can be successfully used in the management of Tropical Agricultural Systems, where vagueness is extremely high. |
A Secure and Robust Authentication Scheme against Pollution Attacks |
Author : B. Ramulu and CH. Ravinder Reddy |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The pollution attacks are amplified by the network coding process, resulting in a greater damage than under traditional routing. In this paper, this issue is handled by designing an unconditionally secure authentication code suitable for multicast network coding, where the keying material is initially computed and distributed by a trusted authority to the destinations and intermediate nodes. The proposed scheme allows not only destinations, but also intermediate nodes, to verify the integrity and origin of the packets received without having to decode, and thus detect and discard the malicious messages in transit that fail the verification. This way, the pollution is canceled out before reaching the destinations. Systems exploiting network coding to increase their throughput suffer greatly from pollution attacks, which consist of injecting malicious packets in the network. The proposed scheme is robust against pollution attacks from outsiders, as well as coalitions of malicious insider nodes, which have the ability to perform the integrity check, but instead get corrupted and use their knowledge to themselves attack the network. We analyze the performance of the scheme in terms of both throughput and good put. |
Discrete Walsh-Hadamard Transform in Signal Processing |
Author : A.A.C.A.Jayathilake , A.A.I.Perera and M.A.P.Chamikara |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The Walsh-Hadamard transform (WHT) is an orthogonal transformation that decomposes a signal into a set of orthogonal, rectangular waveforms called Walsh functions. The transformation has no multipliers and is real because the amplitude of Walsh (or Hadamard) functions has only two values, +1 or -1.Therefore WHT can be used in many different applications, such as power spectrum analysis, filtering, processing speech and medical signals, multiplexing and coding in communications, characterizing non-linear signals, solving non-linear differential equations, and logical design and analysis. An orientation on the use of Hadamard matrix and Walsh matrix for the computer assisted signal processing of a particular signal is proposed here. The structure of the Walsh matrices and Hadamard matrices are briefly discussed. |