Knowledge construction and regulation of learning in asynchronous collaborative tasks |
Author : Shamaly Alhelí Niño Carrasco, Juan Carlos Castellanos Ramírez, Esperanza Viloria Hernandez |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article presents the results of a research developed with students of bachelors degree in education from Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico. In six small groups of students, collaborative learning processes in asynchronous communication technology environments were analyzed. Through a multiple case study methodology, the discourse displayed by the students during their collaboration was analyzed with a double focus: the cognitive discourse oriented to the knowledge construction and the discourse aimed to regulate the task. The results highlights that the establishment of goals, the formulation of positive expectations about the task, the monitoring of progress and the socio-emotional support are regulatory mechanisms that contribute strongly to the development of rich and profound processes of shared knowledge construction. A positive effect of the regulatory discourse on the cognitive activity of students is concluded. |
Information management and digital content creation in the prosumer of the millennial generation |
Author : Berenice Castillejos López |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This research analyze the processes of management of information and digital content creation in university students of a public institution in the state of Oaxaca, México. The design of this study was mixed ethnographic and the methods of data collection were: a survey, group interview and participant observation. In classes, the participants designed his electronic portfolioes in Blogger. The results revealed emptinesses in the competences information and literacy data, principally in the means of searching, filtering data and evaluation of the quality of the content. Likewise, basic digital competences were identified in creation of contents to the moment to develop contents in different formats and platforms, problems like that with the skills of critical thought on having transformed information into knowledge. The principal deficiencies were located in the managing of the copyright and licenses, as well as in the functions of programming. It is accepted the supposition of investigation, indicating that the deficiencies in data literacy and digital competences of the students affects in the quality of the content that they produce in his environment of digital learning. As a conclusion, it was obtained that the lack in data literacy and digital competences places the individual in a position of digital oppressed. |
Research competences with ICT in PhD students |
Author : Carlos Enrique George Reyes, Lilian Ivetthe Salado Rodríguez |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The research processes are part of the activities of PhD students; regardless of the focus of training or the educational modality of the program, the students will need to obtain, select, organize and analyze relevant information of various media, mainly Internet, as well as collaborate with their peers and socialize their findings in virtual media. The objective of this research is to analyze the research competences related to the use of ICT in PhD students from three Mexican universities. This is an exploratory and descriptive research with a mixed approach, it was used as a tool to retrieve information a questionnaire with Likert type scale items, multiple choice questions and open questions. The main findings identify that students frequently use technologies for communicative purposes and information search; however, they have areas of opportunity to determine the accuracy of the information they consult from the Internet, using digital tools to analysis the information in addition to participating in the dissemination of their knowledge using Internet platforms. |
Classcraft: English and role play in the primary school classroom |
Author : Manuel Mora Márquez, Jesús Camacho Torralbo |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Classcraft, an online educational tool that allows the classroom to be gamified by giving a role-playing dimension to the learning experience, is the central axis of the educational proposal presented throughout this document. This, acting as a backdrop during the educational intervention, allows the students to immerse themselves in a reality of alternative learning, embodying different characters throughout an adventure while continuing their usual classroom rhythm. This proposal, although it could be applied to the set of areas, was focused on the foreign language subject English, with the aim of alleviating the disinterest andgeneral apathy before the challenge of learning the grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language. In addition, promotes teamwork and the use of information and communication technologies in situations that require the translation and interpretation of texts. |
Fidelity in the use of the app for solving differential equations |
Author : Alberto Camacho Ríos, Marisela Ivette Caldera Franco, Verónica Valenzuela González |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This report shows the results of using Computational Algebraic Applications (CAA) for mobile devices, intended as aid in college courses of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). The main purpose was for students to gain skills in such software so they could proficiently solve ODEs as well as to provide graphics from the solutions obtained. From the “fidelity” concept of the software, several applications were analyzed and evaluated such as: Differential Equations, Wolfram, Desmos, Photomath, among others. The given results proved than those applications were the most useful. With those results, a Didactic Situation was created in which students interacted with the app to solve equations and to graph results. The results shows some deficiencies in the interface evolution of the app that was used, this cause significant didactic phenomena. |
Structural equations in educational models: Characteristics and phases in their construction |
Author : Victor Manuel Samperio Pacheco |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this article, the characteristics and construction phases of the structural equation models are presented, a useful statistical methodology to study causal relationships through non-experimental information, specifically when the relations are of the linear type. We adopt the strategy of model development through the use of systems of structural equations, in which a model is proposed and the purpose is to improve it through the modification of its structure or its measurements. The maximum likelihood method was used to obtain the common factors. The proposal was made based on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model. The results obtained from the factorial analysis where user satisfaction was analyzed when they use a Learning Management System to support their face-to-face classes at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, indicate that there is a strong correlation between the parameters of the TPACK model and the satisfaction of the students, not with the socio-cultural factors. Nor is there a correlation between sociocultural factors and student satisfaction. The importance of this research is the contribution of a model that allows us to determine the satisfaction of students through the model of structural equations with the TPACK model. |
Comparative study between teachers and students on acceptance and use of technologies for educational purposes in the Chilean context |
Author : María Luisa Arancibia, Julio JC Cabero, Ismael Valdivia Valdivia |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Nowadays, it is expected that technologies be integrated in teaching and learning processes. To achieve this goal, it is also necessary to recognize a series ofpersonal, institutional and formation factors that influences in the integration of these technologies. This study explores chilean university teachers and students perceptions about technology valuation, uses and acceptation for educational matters. Main results shows a high level of access to technology, especially the computer and smartphones, this last one highly valuated for academic achievement. Teachers had higher expectations for the use of ICT in teaching, using more diversity of them with multiple purposes, unlike students that presented a reduction of use, although with a high valuation of technologies. It is highlighted the smartphone valuation as a means of ubiquitous, mobile and contextualized learning. Also, a positive correlation is showed between perception of facility and utility of use of the Moodle platform, and a positive perception about b-learning models. Finally, the implications of the study for the processes of integration of ICTs in higher education contexts are presented and future lines of research are enunciated. |
An inter-institutional development experience in a MOOCs for in-service teachers |
Author : María Guadalupe Tinajero Villavicencio, Jaqueline Mata Santel, Karla Monserrat Villaseñor Palma, Alma Cecilia Carrasco Altamirano |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article presents some of the conceptual and methodological aspects concerning the design of a MOOC for in-service primary school teachers. Upon receiving the Codaes-Descaes support, researchers and students from three public universities established a development program based on phases, which basically consisted in articulating a design approach, a management model and an organizational structure. The focus centers on the management strategy used to merge intra and inter-institutional work from specialists from different fields of knowledge. We also present the MOOC contents on Initial Literacy, and discuss the importance of summing up efforts to develop digital learning resources and maximizing the Open Educational Resources according to the affordances of the platform that will host the MOOC. |
Teaching teams in MOOC of Mexican universities: A first approach |
Author : Norma Isabel Medina Mayagoitia, Martín Alonso Mercado Varela |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article is a first approach to the study of teaching teams within the context of the MOOC courses of four higher education institutions of Mexico. Based on a broader qualitative study in which the communication practices, the profile and the training of such teaching teams were explored, online interviews were conducted with four teachers and an equal number of facilitators from two public and two private universities. The analysis of the information allowed to identify more similarities than differences in the profiles of the participants, who gather appropriate conditions to achieve in MOOC and also desirable features are listed for the teachers and facilitators of these courses. However, there are gaps in the training received to teach or support MOOC, hence the need to prepare teaching teams not only in the technical-operational dimension but in the political-economic and pedagogical aspects of these massive, open and online courses. |
The effect of using YouTube as a didactitc support on microeconomy’s grades José Alberto Pérez Gómez, Alfredo Cuec |
Author : José Alberto Pérez Gómez, Alfredo Cuecuecha Mendoza |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Recent research has shown that using YouTube videos as teaching material improves student’s grades in online master programs. This article shows that the use of videos for undergraduate students in face-to-face programs improves by 3.54% the average grade of students treated. A procedure based on Randomized Controlled Experiments (RCT) was followed, where the treatment is controlled by different observable characteristics about the high school education of the students, their scores university admission tests, their access to internet connection and their study habits. These results confirm the importance of the use of new technologies in face-to-face learning at undergraduate programs. |
Analysing knowledge building strategies in personal learning environments |
Author : Teresa Ordaz Guzmán, Juan González Martínez |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In a logic of transformation and reformulation of teaching processes in Universities, Personal Learning Environments (PLE) are proposed in order to integrate formal learning into a roader and customizable formative framework based on the resources, interactions and tools used to learn (Adell et al., 2018; Chatti et al., 2010; Halimi et al., 2014; Manso-Vázquez & Llamas-Nistal, 2015; Salinas, 2013). This study aims to analyze the learning strategies of higher education students in the conformation of a PLE. The results show that the formal educational processes of the student body are linked to traditional, face-to-face education with low use of Information and Communication Technologies to complement their training.
Peer feedback in virtual workshop of postgraduate thesis writing |
Author : Guadalupe Álvarez, Hilda Emilia Difabio de Anglat |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The aim of this paper is to analyze the interventions that different students share in the peer thesis chapter and in their own chapter in the framework of experts and peer feedback activities proposed in a virtual thesis writing workshop. Different students were selected from working groups of two students and a teacher of a 90-hour virtual workshop aimed at teaching thesis writing. This workshop was held in 2017 in National University of Cuyo, Argentina. Within this workshop, each student with an expert had to analyze their own chapter and their peers chapter taking into account three phases. Firstly, the focus was the communicative situation model and the event model; secondly, the focus was the textual model, particularly movements and steps; finally, the focus was also the textual model, but focused on the linguistic strategies. In these phases, two types of feedback are promoted: in-text and global feedback. Both are analyzed according to four categories: chaining, focus, function and type of analysis. The results show differences with statistical significance between the comments of the own chapter and the peers chapter based on the feedback modalities (in-text and global), and between the feedback modalities themselves. |
Tutoring implementation in the Psychology bachelor degree program, based on e-learning |
Author : Maribel Castillo Díaz, María Luisa Zorrilla Abascal, Jessica Adanary Acosta Uscanga |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article is part of the results obtained from the tutoring strategy implemented in the Psychology bachelor degree program, based on e-learning, offered by the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM), Mexico. The experience of the first generation of the mentioned program is analyzed (2014-2018). The purpose of this research project is to document and evaluate the implementation process of tutoring in this program. The research question was: How effective have been de virtual cubicles for tutoring implemented in the UAEM Psychology bachelor degree program, based on e-learning? The methodological approach has been action research, with data gathered for the first phase based on e-observation in seven tutoring virtual cubicles, in order to document and evaluate the experience throughout a specific generation. Based on the results, changes and improvements are proposed for the tutoring spaces, resources and process. |
Use of learning analytics in the flipped classroom: a systematic review |
Author : Alexandro Escudero-Nahón, Emma Patricia Mercado López |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Learning analytics is a method of measuring, collecting, analyzing and reporting large volumes of data on apprentices in their learning contexts. The purpose is to predict the potential educational problems that could arise anticipate effective solutions and, in this way, improve academic performance. Learning analytics opens new opportunities to adequately evaluate new didactic strategies that incorporate digital technology, such as the flipped classroom. A systematic review was performed to identify the state of knowledge about the Learning Analytics within the lipped classroom. The results suggest: a) the use of Learning analytics within the flipped classroom in the last year has increased; b) its use has been addressed, indeed, to identify the learning behaviors of the students and to evaluate the academic achievement; c) in the cases in which the learning analytics was correctly applied, an improvement was obtained in academic achievement, self-regulated learning, motivation for study, collaboration and participation among students. However, the use of learning analytics has not yet been extended as much as other traditional methods that have also evaluated academic achievement within the flipped classroom. |
The education of the future: the students’ perspective. Validation of a scale |
Author : Sara Conde Vélez, Ángel Boza Carreño |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article presents a study which aims to validate and optimize a scale of evaluation of the education of the future from the perspective of the students. To this end, we took a sample of 431 students on different degree courses at the University of Huelva (Spain). An ad hoc scale designated ‘Future education’ was drawn up for data collection, designed to assess the beliefs of students on the education of the future. Then the instrument was validated by Cronbach’s alpha and the unidimensionality of the different subscales conducting a factorial analysis of principal components was assessed. The results corroborate that the proposed dimensions (context, teachers, methodology, students and competences) are unifactorial. The skills to be acquired in the future are strongly linked to life in virtual environments. |
Validity and reliability of an online test on the phenomena of reflection and refraction of sound |
Author : Jhonny Alexis Medina Paredes, Mario Humberto Ramírez Díaz, Isaías Miranda |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This work presents the results of a validation and reliability process of a conceptual test on reflection and refraction phenomena of sound waves, a process that was carried out online using Knowledge Applied Technologies (TAC). The development of this process was done by using the Classical Test Theory as a theoretical framework and the use of a website for remote implementation. The use of TAC allowed the validation process to be more agile and extended to a larger sample, allowing application in several universities in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, and Chile. The obtaining and analysis of data to achieve the validation and reliability of the instrument was given by means of a system designed specifically for this work, which allowed the realization of the necessary statistics to obtain indicators such as difficulty, discrimination and reliability. Obtaining a test that can be applied and resolve online is a novelty in grounds of the Educational Physics. |
Academic procrastination among online students. Validation of a questionnaire |
Author : Verónica García Martínez, Martha Patricia Silva Payró |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The objective of this study was to validate a questionnaire based on the Academic Procrastination Scale (EPA), consisting of 16 items, to which six more were added related to internet interactions during the development of academic activities. The research was quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental and cross-sectional; using a questionnaire with a Likert-type scale it was applied to 746 students from all the undergraduate education programs who study online courses at a public university in Tabasco, Mexico. The statistical analysis revealed that in the context of the study, the bifactorial structure of EPA (academic self-regulation and procrastination) was confirmed, nine items of the EPA scale were discarded and five procrasting and internet items, which were designed for research, were validated. |
The learning management system: Variables that determine its use |
Author : Annachiara Del Prete, Julio Cabero Almenara |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Teachers consider the Virtual Learning Environment a technological tool with strong didactic potential. This perception is validated by the frequency of its use both in technical and didactic spheres, which frequently interweave with each other. The main assumption of our research is that those technical and pedagogical competences of the digital tools have promoted the use of the Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) in class causing a change of the methodology used as a result. The study is a non-experimental one but an ex post facto with non-probabilistic sampling. The survey was carried out on a population of 640 teachers of a professional technical higher education institution in Chile. The results showed that, in order to incorporate digital tools into their educational practice, teachers should emphasize the didactic domain of those device over the technical one. In conclusion, it has been highlighted that the teaching staff uses AVA mainly to accomplish administrative tasks to the detriment of the didactic use. |