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Distance Education in times of COVID-19 at the Technical University of Machala Basic Education major

Author : Eudaldo Enrique Espinoza Freire; Diana María Granda-Ayabaca; Gloria Estefany Villacres Arias
Abstract | Full Text

The practicum component in the Foreign Language Teacher Education Program in Villa Clara, Cuba: achievements and affordances for improvement

Author : Alfredo Andrés Camacho Delgado
Abstract | Full Text

Corporeality Education in Latin America and the Global South: The body as a socio-educational strategy for the well-being of the human being

Author : Marco Antonio Navarrete Ávila
Abstract | Full Text

The psycho-educational counseling training in the practice teaching

Author : Neris Imbert Stable; Regla Allicia Sierra Salcedo
Abstract | Full Text

Reflection on integrating task: a product of the pre-service training of foreign language professional

Author : Deyse Matilde Fernández González; Paula Esther Camacho Delgado; Víctor Manuel Alonso Surí
Abstract | Full Text

Competency-based education for school conflict resolution among Primary education teachers’ trainees

Author : Yailen Padilla Hidalgo; Modesta López Mejías
Abstract | Full Text

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