Examination of Zoning Plans on the Basis of Urbanism with an Exponential Function Approach within the Scope of Peer Ratios | Author : Selim TASKAYA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :After the 1/5000 scale master development plan is created, the relevant local governments create the 1/1000 implementation development plans based on the decision taken by the municipal councils. The aim is to provide the formation of areas that can meet all kinds of needs of the local people. Some islands have different features and notes. One of these featured lots is the zoning islands with only certain precedent values. It has been tried to investigate how and on what basis should be acted while giving building permits to the parcels on these lots with certain precedent values. In the study, it has been shown what should be given a zoning subbase status on these islands, where only the precedent values are given from various plan examples. While these draws are given, it is tried to find the sum of the zoning subbase and total upper areas by considering the definition and value set elements, which are an exponential function definition range, as a method. After the results of giving the zoning diameter on the ground were made in a comparative way against the precedents, how to place the value set on the ground as a subset exponentially from the main plot determined as the domain set was determined by the exponential approach method. The construction in the zoning islands has been made suitable for the building permit, and it has been approached with the exponential function method according to whether the zoning parcels are odd or even number of parcels. In line with the coefficient given by the peers, the approach distances on the ground and the total construction area were tried to be shown with examples. |
| Synthesis, Characterization, and Molecular Docking Analysis of A Novel NHC Salt and Its Palladium-PEPPSI Complex | Author : Neslihan SAHIN, Elvan ÜSTÜN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :PEPPSI type Pd complexes have wide applications in recent years. Serum albumin carries very important molecules such as oleic and linoleic acids, nitric oxide, vitamin B6, thyroid and so do many drugs. In this study, a novel NHC molecule and its Pd-PEPPSI complex were synthesized and characterized. Both the ligand and the complex were optimized by DFT-based calculation methods. The binding properties of the molecules with HSA were analyzed by molecular docking methods. Binding affinity of -8.04 kcal/mol and inhibition constant of 1.29 µM were determined for NHC salt while the binding affinity was calculated as -7.04 kcal/mol and the inhibition constant as 6.92 µM for Pd-PEPPSI complex. |
| HOMO-LUMO, ESP, NBO, and Lipophilic Character Analyses of Flutriafol and Its Trifluorinated Analogue | Author : Sümeyya SERIN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This current study focuses on the exploration of the impacts of OH/F isosteric replacement using computational chemistry methods. To this end, Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations at B3LYP/6-311++G (d, p) level of theory were carried out on flutriafol, a broad-spectrum fungicide, and its trifluorinated analogue. The reflections of OH/F isosteric replacement on frontier molecular orbital energies, reactivity behaviors, electrostatic surface properties, and intramolecular interactions were investigated. Also, one of the important consequences of isosteric and bioisosteric replacements is the modification in lipophilic character, which is a remarkable parameter in many respects. Therefore, lipophilic character evaluations were performed for mentioned molecules using SwissADME and Molinspiration software. |
| Bacterial Flora Analysis in Mud Nests of Alien Invasive Wasps (Sceliphron curvatum Smith, 1870) | Author : Ömer ERTÜRK, Beyhan TAS | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Sceliphron curvatum (Smith, 1870), a solitary, invasive wasp species, builds a mud nest. This species is a new record for Türkiye. This study was carried out to determine the bacterial flora in mud nests made by S. curvatum wasps. Bacterial isolations were made from mud nests made by adult bees collected from the town of Persembe in Ordu province. As a result of the study, five isolates were obtained and three of these isolates were identified. Isolate 1 was identified as Staphylococcus vitulinus, isolate 3 Aeromonas sobria and isolate 4 Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Identification percentages of the isolates were determined as 84% for S. vitulinus, 84% for A. sobria and 94% for P. aeruginosa, respectively. It has been determined that these bacterial species are important bacterial species that cause effective infections on humans and other living things. |
| Karadeniz Bölgesi Meteoroloji Gözlem Istasyonlarinin Rüzgâr Hizi Degerleri Kullanilarak Kümelenmesi | Author : Gürkan KIR, Asli ÜLKE KESKIN, Utku ZEYBEKOGLU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Son yillarda küresel iklim degisikligi etkilerinden kaynaklanan afet sayilarinda hissedilebilir bir artis görülmektedir. Bu kapsamda iklim degisikligi etkilerini azaltmak amaciyla ülkemizde ve dünyada çesitli çalismalar yapilmaktadir. Iklim degisikliginden etkilenen bölgelerin iklim parametreleri bakimindan benzer siniflara ayrilmasi bu bölgelerde yapilacak olan çalismalarda benzer yöntemlerin uygulanmasi açisindan önemlidir. Böylece iklim degisikliginin etkilerini azaltmak amaciyla yapilacak olan çalismalarda dogru bir stratejinin belirlenmesi saglanacaktir. Çalisma kapsaminda degerlendirilen gözlem kayitlari Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlügüne ait Karadeniz Bölgesinde yer alan 31 istasyondan periyodu 1982-2020 yillari arasini kapsayacak sekilde yillik ortalama rüzgâr hizi gözlemleri kullanilmistir. Bulanik C-Ortalamalar ve K-Ortalamalar yöntemleri kullanilarak kümeleme analiz çalismasi gerçeklestirilmistir. Çalisma sonucunda optimum küme sayisi Siluet indeks analizi ile tespit edilmistir. Rüzgâr hizi serileri için en uygun siniflandirma, küme sayisi 5 seçilerek K-Ortalamalar yöntemi ile elde edilmistir. |
| Ordu Ili Fatsa Ilçesi Jeotermal Enerji Potansiyelinin Isitma Sistemlerinde Kullanimi | Author : Tuncay SAHIN, Mehmet Sami GÜLER, Ilhan Volkan ÖNER | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Türkiye yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarindan jeotermal enerji açisindan, jeopolitik ve cografi konumu itibari ile önemli bir potansiyele sahiptir. Bu çalismada, Ordu Ili Fatsa Ilçesi Ilica mahallesinde bulunan, bir Termal Otel için jeotermal kaynakli isi pompasi ile duslardan olan sicak su ihtiyacinin karsilanmasi için tesisat uygulama projeleri çizilerek sistemin tasarimi yapilmistir. Çalismamizin öncelikli amaci, düsük sicaklik ve debiye sahip jeotermal bir kaynak için uygun bir isi pompasi seçilerek kullanim sicak suyunun temin edilmesidir. Örnek alinan tesis için jeotermal kaynak suyu debisinin düsük olmasi sebebi ile jeotermal kaynagin dogrudan isi pompasinda kullanilamayacagi tespit edilmis olup, bu sebeple termal havuzlarda gün içerisinde kullanilan havuz suyunun kullanim saatleri disinda bosaltilip depolanmasi saglanmis ve böylelikle atik su isisindan faydalanilmasi amaçlanmistir. Ayrica, jeotermal tesise ait kullanim sicak su ihtiyacinin, jeotermal kaynakli atik su isi pompasi vasitasiyla karsilanabilmesi için bir uygulama projesi hazirlanmis, 2023 yili güncel ilk yatirim maliyeti, enerji tüketim giderleri ile beraber proje amortisman süreleri diger enerji kaynaklari ile karsilastirilmasi yapilarak ekonomik açidan degerlendirilmesi yapilmistir. Isi pompasinin kalorifer yakiti fuel-oil kullanimina göre % 59 avantajli oldugu görülmüstür. Ilk yatirim maliyeti açisindan bakildiginda ise hesaplama yapilan klasik sistemlere göre yüksek oldugu görülmektedir. Yakit ve enerji maliyetlerinin her ikisi beraber degerlendirildiginde amortisman süresinin yaklasik 4.69 yilda kendisini amorti edecegi, ilk yatirim maliyetinde öne çikan yüksek fiyatin yakit maliyeti ile beraber avantajli duruma geçecegi görülmektedir. |
| Tuzlu Kosullarda Bentonit Uygulamasinin Makarnalik ve Ekmeklik Bugdaylarin Kuru Madde Verimi ve Mineral Besin Elementleri Üzerine Etkisi | Author : Fatma Dilay AHA, Faruk ÖZKUTLU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Abiyotik stres etmenlerinden olan tuzluluk, bitki gelismesinde gerilemeye ve önemli oranda ürün kaybina neden olmaktadir. Deneme, sera kosullarinda tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre saksi denemesi seklinde yürütülmüstür. Denemede, tuzlu kosullarda (4000 mg NaCl kg-1 toprak) ve artan bentonit (%0, %5 ve %10) dozlari uygulanmistir. Denemede bir ekmeklik (Vittorio) ve bir makarnalik (Cesare) bugday çesitleri yetistirilmistir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, tuzlu kosullarda artan dozlarda bentonit uygulamalari sonucunda ekmeklik ve makarnalik bugdaylarin kuru madde verimlerinin arttigi belirlenmistir. Ekmeklik bugdaylarin makarnalik bugdaylara göre daha fazla kuru madde ürettigi saptanmistir. En fazla kuru madde verimi ekmeklik bugdayda %10 bentonit uygulamasindan 150 mg bitki-1 olarak belirlenmistir. Tuzlu kosullarda ve artan (%0, %5 ve %10 toprak) dozlarda bentonit uygulamalari sonucunda, ekmeklik ve makarnalik bugday çesitleri kontrol saksilariyla kiyaslandiginda; yesil aksam fosfor, potasyum, demir, bakir ve çinko konsantrasyonunda artis meydana gelirken kalsiyum, magnezyum, sodyum, mangan ve bor konsantrasyonlari ise azalmalar meydana gelmistir. Özellikle kumlu topraklarda orta derecede tuzluluk sorunu olan alanlara bentonit uygulamasinin bugdayda mineral beslenme problemlerinin bazilarinin giderilmesine katkisi olacagindan %5 düzeyinde bentonit uygulanmasini önerebiliriz. |
| Gemlik Zeytin Çesidinde Sulama ve Gübrelemenin Meyve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri | Author : Olcay ÇELIK, Mehmet Ali SARIDAS, Sevgi PAYDAS | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Bu çalismanin amaci; Gemlik zeytin çesidinde sulama ile çiçeklenme öncesi ve sonrasi dönemlerde yapraktan yapilan farkli gübre uygulamalarinin meyve agirligi, eni, boyu, indeksi (boy/en), et ve çekirdek agirliklari, et orani üzerine etkilerini incelemektir. Çalismada mineral (KNO3+H3BO3+ZnSO4 ve Üre+MgSO4) ve organomineral gübreler (Raykat Growth, Raykat Start ve Fitomare) kullanilmis, Kontrol agaçlara su püskürtülmüstür. Çalisma sonucunda, meyve agirligi bakimindan en yüksek deger çiçeklenme öncesi, sulama yapilan Fitomare uygulamasinda 6.0 g, en düsük deger ise çiçeklenme sonrasi sulama yapilmayan KNO3+H3BO3+ZnSO4 gübre uygulamasinda 1.7 g olarak elde edilmistir. Sulama ile birlikte Üre+MgSO4 gübre uygulamasinin meyve en degerini 24.3 mm’ye, meyve boy degerini 39.7 mm’ye, et agirligini ise 3.4 g’a ulastirdigi tespit edilmistir. Meyve et orani, sulama yapilan agaçlarda %77, sulama yapilmayan agaçlarda %65 olarak belirlenmistir. Çekirdek agirliklari 0.8 g olarak saptanmis olup, incelenen faktörlerin çekirdek agirligi üzerine etkisinin olmadigi görülmüstür. Arastirmada incelenen gübreler arasinda Raykat Growth ve Fitomare organomineral gübreler sulamali ve sulamasiz kosullarda ön plana çikarken, bunlari sulamali kosulda Üre+MgSO4 mineral gübre izlemistir. Özellikle meyve kalite kriterlerinden sofralik degerlendirme için önemli olan tane agirligi bakimindan sulama ile birlikte Üre+MgSO4 gübresi diger gübrelere göre daha etkin olmustur. |
| Experimental Investigation of Increasing the Liquefaction Velocity of Crystallized Flower Honey | Author : Mithat AKGÜN, Turgay SAHIN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :After the honey is harvested from the bee colony, it is removed from the honeycomb with mechanization and stored as a liquid in cans or barrels. Honey crystallizes depending on the chemical structure, type of its, and impurity or ambient temperature. In Turkey, liquid (wax) honey is generally not consumed as crystallized. For this reason, honey is liquefied and packaged again. When the honey crystallizes, which is stored in tin cans, an air oven or hot water pool is usually used as a liquefaction medium. The liquefaction time of honey depends on the type of its, melting medium, the ambient temperature, and the geometry of the honey container. As the ambient temperature and melting time increase, both chemical and color-taste changes occur in honey. In this experimental study, crystallized honey stored in tin cans (18 dm3) was liquefied in an air-type oven at 50oC using two different methods (conventional and mechanical vibratory). During liquefaction, time-dependent temperature changes were determined in honey’s x and y axes. Moisture, diastase, proline, and HMF (Hidroksimetilfurfural) changes in the heat-treated honey were measured. As a result of the obtained data, it was determined that the mechanical vibration liquefaction time was 35% shorter than the conventional liquefaction time. At the end of the heat treatment with both methods, the change of chemical values in honey was found to be in accordance with the Turkish Food Code. |