THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVELS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER CANDIDATES | Author : Neriman Hilal DOGAN Leyla SARAÇ | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The goal of this study was to compare the levels of physical activity during leisure time of physical
education teacher candidates by gender and grade level, and to see if the level of leisure time
physical activity differed before and after the COVID-19 outbreak. A total of 168 teacher
candidates, consisting of 100 females and 68 males, who were selected based on a convenient
sampling method, participated in the study. The Demographic Information Form, which was
prepared by researchers and included questions on gender, grade, and age variables, and the
Leisure-time Physical Activity Questionnaire, were used to collect data in the research. The MannWhitney U, Kruskal-Wallis, and Wilcoxon Signed-Rank tests were used to analyze the data. As a
result of the research, it was found that there was no statistically significant difference between
the scores of the first, second, third, and fourth grade female and male teacher candidates with
respect to the level of physical activity in their leisure time physical activity level before and during
the COVID-19 outbreak. However, there is a statistically significant difference between the levels
of physical activity in the leisure time of the physical education teacher candidates before and
during the COVID-19 outbreak, and the levels of physical activity of the teacher candidates’
declined during the COVID-19 outbreak. Research findings revealed a negative impact of the
COVID-19 outbreak on physical activity, and various suggestions were presented to policymakers
in this direction |
| USE OF URBAN AIR MOBILITY TECHNOLOGY IN THE FIELD OF TOURISM AND RECREATION | Author : Özge YAVAS TEZ Pinar GÜZEL GÜRBÜZ Melike ESENTAS DEVECI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :UAM technologies, also known as the flying car, which is shown as the future of aviation, are
planned to be used in the field of recreation and tourism in the near future. Therefore, in this study,
the attitudes of leisure participants towards the acceptance and use of urban air mobility (UAM)
technologies in the field of tourism and recreation were examined in terms of socio-demographic
variables. 270 leisure participants participated in the research. Data were collected with the Urban
Air Mobility Acceptance and Use Model Scale. As a result, a statistically significant difference was
found between the variables of gender, age and education level and the sub-dimensions of the
UAM scale. There was no statistically significant difference between the monthly total income,
flight purpose and flight frequency variables and the sub-dimensions of the UAM scale. In addition,
the study is one of the few examples in the literature. |
| THE EFFECT OF RECREATIVE ACTIVITIES ON LEVELS OF THE SELF-ESTEEM AND TRAIT ANXIETY OF THE CONVICTS | Author : Zekiye BASARAN, Adem TOPAKSU, Seher Büsra ALTUNTAS | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Prison life is a difficult process for inmates. It is thought-provoking for his life during and after this process.
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of various recreational activities made in the prison
environment on the self-esteem and trait anxiety levels of the convicts. The sample of the study consisted of
30 male prisoners. The program consisting of sportive and cultural activities for twelve weeks, two days a
week, 90 minutes a day was implemented. Personal information questionnaire, self-esteem and trait anxiety
scale were used as data collection tools. Pre-tests were given at the beginning of the study, and post-tests
were given at the end. The data obtained from the questionnaire/scales were analyzed with the SPSS 25.0
package program. Descriptive statistical operations, frequency and percentage calculations were performed
on the data. Wilcoxon test was used to determine the difference between two dependent variables.
Significance level was accepted as p<0.05. As a result of the analysis, no significant difference was found
between the pre-test and post-test data of self-esteem and trait anxiety. However, when the averages are
examined, it has been determined that there is a decrease in the level of anxiety and an increase in selfesteem. It can be said that the applied recreational activities had a positive effect on the self-esteem and trait
anxiety levels of the prisoners.
Hapishane yasami mahkûmlar için zor bir süreçtir. Bu süreçteki ve sonrasindaki hayati için düsündürücüdür.
Bu çalismanin amaci, hapishane ortaminda yaptirilan çesitli rekreatif etkinliklerin, hükümlülerin benlik saygisi
ve sürekli kaygi düzeylerine etkisini arastirmaktir. Çalismanin örneklemini 30 erkek mahkûm olusturmustur.
On iki hafta, haftada iki gün, günde 90 dakika sportif ve kültürel etkinliklerden olusan program uygulanmistir.
Veri toplama araci olarak kisisel bilgiler anketi, benlik saygisi ve sürekli kaygi ölçegi kullanilmistir. Çalismanin
baslangicinda ön testler, bitiminde son testler verilmistir. Anket/ölçeklerden elde edilen veriler SPSS 25.0
paket programiyla analiz edilmistir. Verilere tanimlayici istatistiksel islemler, frekans ve yüzdelik hesaplamalari
yapilmistir. Bagimli iki degisken arasindaki farki belirlemek için Wilcoxon testi uygulanmistir. Anlamlilik düzeyi
p<0.05 olarak kabul edilmistir. Analizlerin sonucunda, benlik saygisi ve sürekli kaygi ön ve son test verileri
arasinda anlamli fark bulunmamistir. Ancak ortalamalara bakildiginda kaygi düzeyinde düsme, benlik
saygisinda artis oldugu belirlenmistir. Uygulanan rekreatif etkinliklerin mahkûmlarin benlik saygisi ve sürekli
kaygi düzeyleri için olumlu etkisi olmustur denilebilir.